My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 95: The hospital was horrified


The feeling of this narrow corridor is really not good, so Zhou Jiayu reached out and knocked on the door without thinking much after seeing it.

There was no response from the other side of the door, Zhou Jiayu knocked again, just when he thought no one would answer, a dull male voice came from the other side of the door: "Come in."

Zhou Jiayu heard the sound, reached out to hold the door handle, and turned it gently. After a crackling sound, the wooden door in front of him was opened by a gap, and everyone saw the scene in the house.

The walls inside the house were all painted black, and the lights that were not bright at all seemed dim in such a room. Zhou Jiayu saw a huge wooden table in the center of the room, and behind the wooden table sat a man in white. The man wore a white mask on his face and glasses on the bridge of his nose. Because of the dim light, even Zhou Jiayu's eyesight couldn't see his face too clearly.

"Hello." The man said, "What's the matter with you?"

Everyone walked from the corridor to the room, thinking that after leaving the narrow tunnel, the feeling of depression would be relieved, but what people didn't expect was that the dean's office actually made people feel more breathless. Zhou Jiayu was very uncomfortable just staying here for a while. He really couldn't imagine a normal person sitting here for a long time and still maintaining rational thinking.

"Hello." Zhou Jiayu said, "Are you the dean here?"

The man nodded and said, "Yes, I am, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Jiayu repeated what he said to Li Yihao just now, expressing their wishes to investigate the patient.

"Sit down." The dean spread his hands to them and motioned them to sit down. He said, "I can fully cooperate with the police investigation. May I ask which patient you want to ask about."

Everyone looked at the chairs and didn't move, and Zhou Jiayu didn't want to sit down opposite him. Although it seemed impolite, the dean made him feel very bad.

"Jiang Zhu." Zhou Jiayu said the name cautiously, while carefully observing the dean's expression.

But Naihe's reflective eyes and the mask on his face covered most of the dean's face, and it was difficult for Zhou Jiayu to get any useful information from his expression.

Because of Li Yihao's previous reaction, Zhou Jiayu was a little worried that after he said Jiang Zhu's name, the dean would have an overreaction, but the dean's tone was very cold: "Sorry, I don't remember anymore. If you want to know about this patient, you may have to go to the archives to find it yourself."

"Don't remember?" Zhou Jiayu didn't believe it, "Are you sure you don't remember the name Jiang Zhu?"

"Yes." The dean said with great certainty.

Zhou Jiayu looked at him suspiciously: "But Dr. Li outside remembers it very clearly. If you don't mind, could you please accompany us to the archives?"

The dean did not speak, but fell into silence.

At this time, Xu Ruizang stretched out his hand and patted the table heavily, and said, "Mr. Dean, you must think clearly."

There was another brief silence, and I don't know if it was the Dean who wanted to understand, or whether Xu Ruizang's threat played a role, the Dean nodded slightly, and reluctantly agreed to Zhou Jiayu's proposal.

"Let's go," said the dean, "I'll take you there."

Everyone followed him out of the office. Zhou Jiayu noticed that the office was very strange when he was leaving. There was nothing else except the desk and chair. There are no bookcases next to the walls, they are all empty, and there are no documents or items on the table. It seems that apart from the table and chairs, there is only a person like the dean, sitting quietly in the room composed of black walls.

Everyone bypassed the long and narrow corridor, and when they walked out of it, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of structure inside is really not for human beings. After a long time, I am afraid that normal people will have problems with their spirits.

"The archives room is on the fifth floor, and you have to pass by the inpatient department." The dean said, "Please slow down, don't run and make trouble, otherwise it will irritate the patient."

After coming out, Zhou Jiayu finally saw the Dean's appearance clearly through the light outside. His eyes were long and narrow, drooping indifferently, and the corners of his eyes were drooping and looked very uninspired. When a normal person talks, he will face the person who is talking. But he lowered his eyes from beginning to end, and his eyes drifted from time to time, as if he was looking for something.

"Let's go." Zhou Jiayu said.

The dean moved towards the fourth floor along the stairs. The paintings they saw downstairs gradually increased, and the content became more and more strange. In the end, there was no specific pattern but a mess of graffiti, with red and black as the main colors.

Shen Yiqiong couldn't hold back and asked, "Mr. Dean, what's going on with these paintings?"

The dean turned his head and glanced at Shen Yiqiong, and said slowly: "These are the works of our hospital. They are very beautiful and have a sense of art. We exchange feelings with each other in it."

Shen Yiqiong muttered that your relationship is really complicated enough.

The dean glared at him.

Shen Yiqiong glared back rudely.

When Zhou Jiayu was a little suspicious that the two would quarrel, the dean withdrew his gaze and continued to walk with his head down. They soon arrived at the inpatient department on the fifth floor-according to the dean, the archives room was at the end of the inpatient department. , just pass it on. As to why the important archives and the hospitalization of the patients were placed on one floor... that is not known.

Zhou Jiayu thought that the inpatient department was all wards, but when he arrived on the fifth floor, he realized that it was more like a place for patients to move freely than an inpatient department. The corridors and halls are full of patients wearing special hospital gowns. Some of these are sitting on chairs, some are sitting on the ground, some are talking to people, and some are playing some simple games.

Zhou Jiayu saw three patients playing poker together. If they weren't wearing hospital gowns, they would look a little more normal than the dean who was leading the way in front of him.

"Be quiet," the dean said softly, walking slowly and gently, as if he was afraid of disturbing something.

Everyone slowed down involuntarily. When Zhou Jiayu was passing by a patient, he heard him counting fifty-three, fifty-four, fifty-five...

Zhou Jiayu frowned and whispered, "What is he counting?"

The dean turned his head and glanced at Zhou Jiayu: "You can ask him yourself."

Zhou Jiayu pursed his lips, turned to the patient and asked, "What are you counting?"

The patient raised his head and did not answer Zhou Jiayu's question, but said, "Shh, be quiet, if you speak too loudly, they will find you."

them? Zhou Jiayu's brows furrowed even more.

The patients in the inpatient department did not have any overreaction when they saw the outsider. At most, they cast a few glances, and then they calmed down in their own world again.

Zhou Jiayu looked around and found that most of the patients were male, and only one or two female patients were seen in the corner. The age of male patients is mostly in the middle-aged category, and there is no such thing as too young or too big.

It was as if the patient had been selected - such a thought popped into Zhou Jiayu's mind.

"What's wrong?" The dean noticed that Zhou Jiayu had been looking around, suddenly stopped and asked him.

"It's okay." Zhou Jiayu said, "It's just strange that I didn't see the doctor."

"Oh," said the dean, "they are doing other things at this point."

"Doing something else? Wouldn't it be safe to just leave the patient here?" Lin Jue said.

"What can happen." The dean murmured, "They can't escape, what can happen." After he said this, he actually laughed loudly. This laughter sounded like he was happy for something. It's almost impossible to suppress the joy in my heart.

Everyone didn't speak, but looked at each other. Obviously, this director is very abnormal. No, to be precise, this hospital is very abnormal.

Finally passed the inpatient department and arrived at the archives. The dean took out the key and opened the door to the archives.

As soon as the door was opened, a smell of dust rushed to the face. The house was covered with gray marks, and the corners were densely covered with cobwebs. It seemed that no one had cleaned it for a long time.

"Is there no one here to look after it?" Lin Jue asked.

"No, there aren't that many people." The dean said, "Where do you get so many people? Every year, we can't recruit people. If we can't recruit people, it would be good to have someone."

Zhou Jiayu listened to his words and found that the dean seemed to like to repeat a sentence more than once when he spoke.

After the dean opened the door for them, he planned to leave, but Xu Jian stretched out his hand and directly blocked his way: "Mr. Dean, you don't mind taking off the mask and showing us what it looks like."

The air suddenly froze, and the dean's eyes shot a cold gaze. He whispered something, as if he was cursing. Just when Zhou Jiayu thought he would refuse, he saw that he really stretched out his hand. mask, and then remove the mask.

When Zhou Jiayu saw the dean's appearance clearly, he couldn't help taking a breath.

The face behind the mask was traversed by several huge wounds. The wounds were long and wide, and the shape of the lips could not even be seen.

"Did you see it?" the dean asked.

Xu Jian was very calm, without showing any surprised expression, but asked, "What kind of injury did you suffer?"

"I was attacked," the dean said. "Someone attacked me and slashed my face, but it's okay, it's healed now." His face was also twisted, revealing an extremely weird smile.

"Who attacked you?" Lin Jue asked, "Wouldn't it be a patient in this hospital?"

The dean did not speak when he heard the words, but just stretched out his hand and put on the mask again, seemingly unwilling to answer their questions.

"We're not familiar with this place, so please accompany us to find it." Not sure if he noticed something, Lin Zhushui suddenly spoke up, and the words he said were quite rude.

The dean seemed to want to refuse, and Lin Zhushui said again, "Could it be that the dean is busy with something?"

The dean said: "Yes, I'm very busy, and I don't have time to accompany you." He repeated in a low voice, "I don't have time to accompany you." He wanted to turn around and leave, but was directly stopped by Xu Ruinhuang: "Sorry, Mr. Dean, we are not familiar with this place, please give us more time."

The dean looked at Xu Ruizang resentfully, but judging from his physique, he was obviously not Xu Ruizang's opponent, so after weighing it, he stayed.

A few people walked into the archives, and Zhou Jiayu started coughing as soon as he entered. He thought he was allergic to dust at first, but after standing in it for a while, he felt that he was about to cough up his lungs. He couldn't take it anymore. Neng staggered out of the archives and ran out again, taking a breath of the outside air before he recovered.

"What's the matter?" Lin Jue said, "Can you cough so badly?"

Zhou Jiayu shook his head to indicate that he didn't understand either. He took out a tissue, covered his mouth and nose, and shrugged his shoulders outside. It took a while to force the oxygen in his throat out.

"Maybe it's an allergy to what's inside." Xu Jinxuan said, "Just wait outside, we'll just find it."

As if that was the only way, Zhou Jiayu found a place outside the archives and watched them rummage inside.

Although he was forcibly left behind, the dean had no intention of helping at all. He stood in the corner and looked at several people with vigilant eyes, as if he was ready to escape at any time.

Zhou Jiayu planned to find a trash can to throw the paper he used to cover his nose and mouth, but when he looked carefully at the paper towel in his hand, he found that there was some black powder on the paper towel.

"What is this?" Zhou Jiayu was a little stunned, reached out and wiped it, and found that the powder was a bit like ashes. He looked up at the archive room in front of him, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"What?" Shen Yiqiong was the closest to the door and ran to Zhou Jiayu's side.

"Didn't I keep coughing just now? I feel like I coughed up something strange." Zhou Jiayu handed the tissue to Shen Yiqiong to see.

Shen Yiqiong glanced at the tissue in Zhou Jiayu's hand, but his eyes were inexplicable: "No."

Zhou Jiayu looked again and found that the black ashes he saw just now had disappeared: "Why, I really coughed up some black ashes just now."

When the people in the room heard the conversation between the two of them, they all planned to come out and have a look. Lin Zhushui also walked in the direction of Zhou Jiayu. However, just after he left the archives, there was an angry shout from Xu Jinwang in the room. :"Where are you going??"

Then there was the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Zhou Jiayu was taken aback and looked into the room. He found that the window of the archives room was opened, and the dean who was standing by the window just now disappeared. No doubt he jumped out of the window.

This is on the fifth floor, and if one gets it right, someone will die. Xu Jinxuan quickly ran to the window, watching the dean get up from the ground, turn around and run away.

Xu Ruizang: "Fuck, he really ran away!"

Zhou Jiayu said, "This is the fifth floor. It's okay for him to jump off?"

Xu Ruizang said, "Damn, he's fine, he can run faster than a rabbit."

"Is this dean a human or a ghost?" Lin Jue said, "Zhushui, what do you think?"

"Nature is a human." Lin Zhushui said, "But the charred corpses surrounding us at the Mengshi site are also living people."

Everyone fell into silence, apparently remembering what happened at the Mengshi site that night. Obviously, the abnormal situation in this mental hospital has an inseparable relationship with Meng Yangtian and his group, strange doctors, strange patients, and the extremely suppressed atmosphere in the entire hospital.

"Let's continue to search the files, other people go out to find other doctors to check the situation?" Xu Jian suggested.

"Okay, Zhushui, you can go with Can'er and the others, I'll just stay here and look for Lulu Xu Jian." Although Lin Jue disliked these dusty files, she still decided to stay.

Zhou Jiayu was allergic to the house, and Lin Zhushui couldn't see it, so he could just go out to find someone.

"Okay." Lin Zhushui agreed.

So the two left the archives, preparing to go downstairs to the floor that looked a bit like a doctor's office area. When I passed by the inpatient department this time, there was no director to lead the way. Those patients who were friendly just now suddenly developed strong hostility towards them. At first Zhou Jiayu thought it was his misunderstanding, but when a patient threw a hard object in his hand towards him, Zhou Jiayu was sure that it was not his misunderstanding.

Being stared at by more than 100 people, Zhou Jiayu quickly dragged Lin Zhushui downstairs.

But what he didn't expect was that the patient's range of activities was not limited to the fifth floor. When he reached the office area on the fourth floor, he could still see some people in hospital gowns wandering in the corridor, although the number was much smaller.

However, the doctor who was supposed to be sitting on the fourth floor disappeared. Zhou Jiayu wandered around the fourth floor, and finally saw a person wearing a white doctor's uniform in an office near the corner of the fourth floor.

The man was sitting in the office with a computer in front of him. He seemed to be sorting out information. From his expression, he seemed very serious. Even Zhou Jiayu and Lin Zhushui didn't notice when they entered the room.

"Hello." Zhou Jiayu greeted him.

The man did not look up and continued to look at the computer in front of him.

"Hello." Zhou Jiayu greeted again, he glanced at the nameplate on the man's chest, "Doctor Chen."

Hearing the three words of Dr. Chen, the movements of his hands finally stopped, he raised his hand and pushed the glasses, and said, "Hello, what's the matter?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "We want to know about the dean."

Dr. Chen slowly raised his head and smiled: "What do you want to know?" When he said this, he started typing on the keyboard again and continued to enter the content.

Zhou Jiayu said, "I can take the liberty of asking, what caused the scar on the Dean's face?" He didn't quite believe the Dean's statement, so he wanted to confirm it again.

"He was attacked," said Dr. Chen, "by those damn patients."

Zhou Jiayu felt a little cold when he heard this, but he didn't expect that the Dean's injury was related to the patients here.

When Dr. Chen said these words, he was almost gnashing his teeth, with a ferocious expression on his face: "Those wastes, they should all die—"

Listening to what he said, Zhou Jiayu suddenly felt that something was wrong. He suddenly turned sideways and looked at the computer screen where Dr. Chen was typing on the keyboard - it was pitch black and there was nothing there.

Zhou Jiayu's expression was slightly stiff, but he didn't show it, and said, "Okay, thank you." He stood up and grabbed Lin Zhushui's and was about to go out, but Dr. Chen suddenly stopped them. Said, "Who are you, are you also a doctor?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "No."

Dr. Chen stood up instantly, he opened the drawer and took out something resembling an electric stun stick, and said furiously: "Why don't the doctor wear the patient's clothes, what do you want to do, do you want to rebel? It's all Because of you, it's all because of you!" He growled, rushing towards Zhou Jiayu and the others.

Zhou Jiayu was startled, and quickly took out a small piece of paper from his arms. After the small piece of paper fell on the ground, he quickly unfolded his body, rushed towards Dr. Chen, and slapped the stun stick into the air. .

Normal people would definitely be startled when they saw Xiao Zhi, but instead of being afraid, Dr. Chen in front of him was even more excited. He was talking about something and he was about to go back to find the murder weapon. His expression was even more frightening than the patients upstairs.

After Zhou Jiayu entered the hospital, he felt that something was wrong. After meeting several doctors, he even began to suspect that there was no normal person in this hospital at all.

Seeing that Dr. Chen seemed to be looking for another murder weapon, Zhou Jiayu didn't hesitate this time, and directly let Xiao Zhi stun the man.

Xiao Zhi's actions were very crisp, and he didn't give him another chance to commit murder.

After the man fainted, Zhou Jiayu went to the back of the desk to check and found that the computer that Dr. Chen was hitting just now not only had a black screen, but also didn't even have a host computer, so he was just typing on the keyboard indiscriminately against the black screen. .

Zhou Jiayu: "...Sir, why does this person seem to have mental problems."

Lin Zhushui was not surprised at all: "There are normal people in this hospital?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "What the hell is going on? Why is the doctor like this, and what does it have to do with that Jiang Zhu?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Look for the location of the monitoring room, let's go over and take a look."

After being reminded by Lin Zhushui, Zhou Jiayu remembered that hospitals usually have such a place. He raised his head and looked at the office, and he did see a surveillance camera in the corner of the ceiling, "Okay, I'll look for it. ."

Fortunately, there was a map of the hospital on each floor up and down the stairs. Zhou Jiayu quickly found the place where the monitoring room was located—it was on the corner of the first floor, connected to the guard room.

After determining the location, the two went to the second floor.

Along the way, Zhou Jiayu saw the figures of the patients. They were distributed on every floor, some were standing, some were sitting, but they were doing all sorts of strange things. Among them, there are those who talk to the air, and those who knock on the wall with a spoon.

At this time, Zhou Jiayu even gave birth to the idea that these people in front of him are more scary than those dirty things. After facing these neurotic eyes for a long time, it seems that his spirit has also been polluted.

The door of the monitoring room was closed, and the lock-picker Lin Jue was not there, but it was not a big problem. Zhou Jiayu directly asked Xiao Zhi to unscrew the lock, and walked into the monitoring room with Lin Zhushui.

The monitors of all the cameras in the hospital are in this room. Zhou Jiayu saw the director's room, Lin Jue and the others who were rummaging through the files, and the patients in the corridor.

"Look where the doctors are." Lin Zhushui said.

Zhou Jiayu said hello after hearing the words, and started to look for the doctor's figure. However, when he carefully glanced over the monitor, a cold sweat broke out on his back involuntarily. In the more than 100 screens in front of him, he could not see a person wearing a doctor's uniform. Whether it was an office, a corridor, or an inpatient department, the white doctor's uniform seemed to completely disappear into the building.

The author has something to say: Zhou Jiayu expressed that his spirit was polluted and decided to take Lin Zhushui's hand to go out for a rest and stop performing in the small theater for a day.

When it comes to mental hospitals or something, I feel that the most classic game is the escape game. The atmosphere is really great. I tried playing for more than half an hour and my body was scared to death. Those who like horror games can try it out.