My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 98: Red eggs


After returning home, everyone rested for a while. The shadow of the mental hospital was too heavy, and even though I left there, I still felt affected. Zhou Jiayu, on the other hand, has a more complete understanding of the sentence that human nature is more terrifying than ghosts and gods.

In order to appease everyone's emotions, Zhou Jiayu cooked a sumptuous meal for several days, and everyone was very satisfied, eating as if their jaws had become fat.

But just when Zhou Jiayu thought that Jiang Zhu was over, he received another call from Xu Jinghuo. On the phone, Xu Jinghuo went straight to the topic and asked what they had done to Jiang Zhu.

Zhou Jiayu was a little dazed when he heard Xu Jinghuo's tone, saying that Jiang Zhu had already run away, what did they do to Jiang Zhu

Xu Jinghuo thought about it for a while, and then said, "Oh, I should go and ask Lin Zhushui..."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." He really didn't know what Lin Zhushui did to Jiang Zhu, but after thinking about it carefully, he remembered that Lin Zhushui did release a thousand pieces of paper burning with flames after Jiang Zhu ran away crane.

"Qianzhihe?" Xu Jinghuo said, "I knew—Jiang Zhu is really unlucky." He said that Jiang Zhu was really unlucky, but he laughed, his tone full of gloating.

Now that Xu Jinghuo and Jiang Zhu are here for the holidays, he wouldn't provide Zhou Jiayu and the others with information about Jiang Zhu, and let them go directly to Jiang Zhu's nest.

When Zhou Jiayu was going to ask more carefully, Xu Jinghuo hung up the phone. Zhou Jiayu stared at the phone for a while, wondering if Xu Jinghuo was still hanging out with Meng Yangtian. Did the two of them continue to do any bad things

Just a few days later, Zhou Jiayu and the others were eating in the house. The little paper who was lying on Zhou Jiayu's shoulder and chatting with the weasel suddenly stood up and rushed to the door. At that time, everyone didn't react, so they just watched Xiao Zhi rush out.

Zhou Jiayu still had the marinated trotters in his mouth at that time, and vaguely called Xiao Zhi's name, and quickly followed.

Xiao Zhi ran directly to the gate of the yard, and slipped out of the gate along the gap of the iron fence. When Zhou Jiayu arrived, he saw it tightly hugging a large box placed at the gate.

Zhou Jiayu said, "Little paper?"

"Dad, Daddy, Xiaozhi likes this..." Xiaozhi hummed, rubbed his face against the box, and his two little feet were raised in joy, "Xiaozhi likes this."

I don't know who put this box here. It looks like it is about half a meter high. Zhou Jiayu dragged it with his hand and felt very heavy. He, an adult man, exhausted his strength, but he couldn't move.

"What's inside, little paper?" Zhou Jiayu asked.

"A good thing, a good thing." Xiao Zhi raised his head with a very happy expression, he took Zhou Jiayu's hand and acted like a spoiled child, "Dad, shall we take this back home?"

Lin Jue and the others followed, and when they saw this, they asked Zhou Jiayu what was in the box.

Zhou Jiayu said that he didn't know either, so he could open it first to see what exactly made Xiao Zhi like it so much. So he and Shen Yiqiong held one side of the box and lifted it forcefully to lift the lid of the box, revealing the contents inside.

The lid was opened, and Zhou Jiayu smelled a smell of soil. He looked into the box and found that there was actually a box of black soil inside.

"Is this mud?" Zhou Jiayu took a bit of mud in his hand and felt a refreshing coolness, which spread to his body along his hand, causing him to shiver involuntarily.

"It's strange." Lin Jue carefully observed the soil beside him, "This is Yin soil, right? Who sent it here?"

"Yin soil? What is it used for?" Zhou Jiayu asked.

Lin Jue said, "The ancestral tree of the Xu family needs to be planted in this kind of soil..." She also held a handful of soil in her hand, "I've only heard of this soil and never seen it before. It is said that it is very difficult to find."

Zhou Jiayu immediately thought of Xu Jinghuo.

Xiaozhi loves these soils so much that he volunteered to bring the soils home, without Zhou Jiayu and the others helping him.

So everyone saw the one-meter-two little paper man, dragging a box about as tall as it, and went home happily.

Zhou Jiayu looked at him and said that he had a sense of guilt for hiring child labor. Lin Jue said, don't make fun of the pot. Can be dragged.

Shen Yiqiong was aggrieved by the side and said, Master, why did you bring me with you

Lin Jue said it was because you were bullying.

Shen Yiqiong: "..."

Then, Xiao Jin, who was standing next to Lin Jue, said calmly that he could drag. Lin Jue wanted to pretend she didn't hear it, but when she saw that the originally bright sky began to drift dark clouds again, she quickly praised Xiao Jinlong and said that you are very good. Bangbang, do you want to hold up high and give you a kiss.

Xiao Jinlong said calmly, "I want it."

Lin Jue: "..." She didn't continue to answer, and silently took out the umbrella she was carrying.

Little Golden Dragon: "..."

Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong looked horrified, thinking that the uncle prepared this umbrella too much. Fortunately, Xiaojin still restrained his mood before he got home, and there was no rainstorm.

After Xiao Zhi dragged the mud to his house, Zhou Jiayu went to call Lin Zhushui and told him about it.

Lin Zhushui checked the soil and confirmed what Lin Jue said, this is indeed a box of precious Yin soil, and the Yin Qi is very strong.

Zhou Jiayu asked what is the use of this.

"Didn't Sheshan Elder Xu give you the stem of an ancestral tree before?" Lin Zhushui said, "You plant the stem in the soil."

Zhou Jiayu took out the trunk of the ancestral branch that he carried with him. The branch was tiny and seemed to have no trace of life. He carefully inserted the branch into the soil: "Is this okay?"

Lin Zhushui said, "I can't see it, just put it in the soil."

Zhou Jiayu sighed, and then stretched out his hand to pat the soil seriously, fearing that the branches would fall off.

Xiao Zhi was so happy that he circled around the box and saw that Zhou Jiayu was a little dizzy. He patted Xiao Zhi's head to soothe Xiao Zhi's emotions.

"I will set up a formation in two days, and put this soil in the formation." Lin Zhushui said.

"Can this branch germinate?" The branch was really too small, and Zhou Jiayu was a little worried when he saw its thin appearance.

Lin Zhushui shook his head, not sure about this matter: "There is only a 30% chance of germination."

Thirty percent is really too low. Zhou Jiayu touched the small branch with his hand, thinking that you have to cheer up.

After knowing the function of the soil, Zhou Jiayu guessed that the person who brought the soil was Xu Jinghuo. Sure enough, at night he received a confirmation message from Xu Jinghuo, asking him if he had received the box.

"Where did you get the soil?" Zhou Jiayu asked suspiciously.

Xu Jinghuo said that you don't care about this, and plant the branches of the ancestral tree well, maybe in the future, Xiaozhi will count on this thing to marry a wife.

It was just a conversation that was similar to usual, but Zhou Jiayu sensitively sensed that something was wrong with Xu Jinghuo. He said, "Xu Jinghuo, where are you? How did you get all this soil?"

Xu Jinghuo did not speak.

Zhou Jiayu said, "Hello?"

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a long time, just when Zhou Jiayu thought they would say goodbye with silence, Xu Jinghuo said the last sentence, he said: "Zhou Jiayu, I have done too many bad things and have to pay my debts. Now, you have to treat Xiao Zhi well, that is the last root of our Xu family - don't look for me again."

After he said this, he hung up the phone. Zhou Jiayu listened to the beeping on the phone and was a little dazed for a while. He had a bad premonition, but he vaguely knew that this day would come sooner or later.

Xu Jinghuo had dyed too many lives on his hands, and it was difficult for him to end well.

After that day, Xu Jinghuo disappeared. The original phone number was shut down and then became empty. Zhou Jiayu never heard about him again.

But at this time Zhou Jiayu didn't know what happened so long in the future. He held the mobile phone, silently looked at the hung up call, and sighed softly in his heart.

That night, Zhou Jiayu went to bed early, and he felt a little uncomfortable. At first, he thought it was his illusion, but after tossing and turning on the bed for a long time, he felt that his body was getting colder and colder, and then he realized that something was really wrong.

"Why am I so cold, Jiba." Zhou Jiayu shivered, already wrapped in two thick quilts.

Jiba said: "Cold? Why is it cold?"

Zhou Jiayu didn't know either. He stayed at home all day and didn't do anything. At most, he went to get a wooden box sent by Xu Jinghuo... Wait, could it be that the negative soil in the wooden box did something to him? influences

"Could it be that negative soil?" Zhou Jiayu found that he was beginning to be angry, "Damn it, it's so cold..."

"Go and look for Lin Zhushui!" Ji Ba was also anxious, "Go quickly, get up quickly, don't fucking freeze yourself to death!"

Hearing this, Zhou Jiayu went out the door wrapped in a quilt. He was so cold that he shivered while walking.

It was close to the early morning, everyone went to rest, Zhou Jiayu trotted out the door wrapped in the quilt, and quickly ran to Lin Zhushui's residence - he was afraid that if he ran slowly, he would freeze to death on the way.

"Dong dong." With his last strength, he knocked on the door of Lin Zhushui's residence. Zhou Jiayu couldn't hold on any longer, so he fell straight at the door.

Fortunately, Lin Zhushui opened the door quickly: "Jiayu?!"

"Sir..." Zhou Jiayu exhaled cold air from his mouth, "I, I'm so cold..." White frost appeared in front of his eyes, and he couldn't even see what was in front of him.

Lin Zhushui reached out and hugged Zhou Jiayu directly, lowered his head and kissed his lips.

The two lips met, and the heat poured into Zhou Jiayu's body from Lin Zhushui's body continuously, finally relieving the coldness that pierced into the bone marrow. Zhou Jiayu half-opened his eyes, with a hazy expression, reached out and gently hugged Lin Zhushui's shoulder.

Lin Zhushui hugged Zhou Jiayu, and after closing the door, he turned around and took him to the second floor.

Because of the cold, Zhou Jiayu's body has been stiff all the time, and now a little heat finally floated up and slowly softened.

"Zhou Jiayu?" Lin Zhushui was calling his name, his lips touching the corners of his lips, "Is it better?"

"Cold..." Zhou Jiayu opened his eyes, there was a hazy water vapor inside, he couldn't see what was in front of him, he could only know that Lin Zhushui was beside him, he trembled, "Sir, I'm so cold …”

Lin Zhushui pursed his lips.

Zhou Jiayu felt that the quilt covering him was lifted, and a warm body was attached to it. Just like someone who finally found a source of heat in the cold winter, Zhou Jiayu leaned on it hard.

"Zhou Jiayu." Lin Zhushui was still calling his name.

"Woo..." It was really cold, Zhou Jiayu whimpered in grievance, he said, "It's so cold, sir..."

Lin Zhushui stood up suddenly, as if he was going to get something.

Zhou Jiayu was already a little confused at this time. After realizing that Lin Zhushui was going to get up, he panicked immediately and hugged his waist tightly: "Don't go..."

Lin Zhushui's movements stopped: "Jiayu, don't be afraid, I'll get a knife and drink some blood for you."

Although Zhou Jiayu's mind was dazed, but when he heard the word blood, his heart tightened. He said, "Sir, don't drink your blood, don't drink your blood..."

"Then what should I do?" Lin Zhushui said in a low voice, gently rubbing Zhou Jiayu's back with his fingers.

Zhou Jiayu didn't know what to do, he put his forehead against Lin Zhushui's chest, gasped slightly, and shrugged his shoulders.

Lin Zhushui also seemed to have nothing to do with Zhou Jiayu. He kissed the tip of Zhou Jiayu's ear and felt that it was also cold there: "I have to try another method."

Zhou Jiayu was at a loss, not knowing what other methods Lin Zhushui said meant.

Lin Zhushui didn't speak, and slowly let Zhou Jiayu lie flat on the bed. He opened his eyes slowly, revealing those flaming red eyes, "Jiayu."

Zhou Jiayu stared blankly at Lin Zhushui and hummed.

"Be patient." Lin Zhushui said, leaning down.

Lin Zhushui kissed Zhou Jiayu, from the forehead to the tip of the nose, to the lips, inch by inch, savoring his taste carefully.

Zhou Jiayu groaned vaguely. He felt cold all over, he only knew that he tightly hugged the body in front of him to keep warm, his lips were quickly covered, and the burning sensation came continuously.

"Woo..." Zhou Jiayu whimpered, he felt his body being flattened, the sensitive parts of his body were constantly being kneaded, and a strange pleasure came from his body, his skin that had turned pale because of the cold Begin to gradually appear attractive crimson.

Lin Zhushui opened his eyes and saw the beautiful scenery under him. He saw Zhou Jiayu raised his head slightly, revealing his fair neck, his smooth shoulders were covered with red spots, his slender legs were straight, his toes were stretched out. Because of the pleasure involuntarily curled up. This is Zhou Jiayu he has never seen before, but it is so heartwarming.

Zhou Jiayu's body was like a shrunken clam, which gradually opened under Lin Zhushui's movements, revealing the soft tender meat inside. He spread his legs unconsciously, and his legs were on Lin Zhushui's waist. Gently rubbing, a cute weeping sound came out of his mouth, which made Lin Zhushui want to bully him even more.

Lin Zhushui pressed Zhou Jiayu's waist, kissed his lips, and slowly entered his body.

"Whimper..." Zhou Jiayu trembled and wanted to run away involuntarily. He suddenly understood what had happened, and his swollen lips opened to beg for mercy, "No, you can't get in, don't... "

"Good." Lin Zhushui's actions were very decisive, and he didn't give Zhou Jiayu a chance to escape. He pressed his body, and their bodies finally merged into one at this moment.

"Aha!" Zhou Jiayu burst into tears, completely unable to imagine how such a large organ entered his body, but before he could fully react, Lin Zhushui had already moved.

"Ugh..." Zhou Jiayu's body was slammed heavily, and the sturdy organs were squeezed and ground in his narrow corridor, forcing him to curl up involuntarily to avoid the deepest invasion. However, the gentle man on his body now firmly controls his body, forcing him to reveal the softest parts.

When the initial pain gradually dissipated, a very subtle pleasure began to spread from Zhou Jiayu's body. It was a feeling he had never tasted before. .

"Uh... uh..." Zhou Jiayu's body tightened, and Lin Zhushui understood something. He held Zhou Jiayu's waist, aimed at a certain place, and began to push more accurately.

"No, no, sir..." Zhou Jiayu began to cry uncontrollably, putting his hands on Lin Zhushui's chest, his lips trembling, "I can't take it anymore, woo..."

In the corridor, the most sensitive point was ruthlessly ground. The thick organs made the corridor soft and moist, and gently wrapped the invading hot organs. Zhou Jiayu shook his head weakly, feeling as if his body was about to be swept away. The pleasure of ending is ruined.

When the first shot came out, Zhou Jiayu's body couldn't stop twitching, his toes curled up, and his fingers left red marks one after another on Lin Zhushui's back.

"Hmm..." Zhou Jiayu gasped, feeling that Lin Zhushui's movements had slowed down a little in order to respond to him, but as soon as he eased over from the pleasure, he felt that Lin Zhushui started to push him again.

"Wow..." How could the sensitive body withstand such stimulation, Zhou Jiayu wept again involuntarily.

I don't know how long it took, and I don't know how many times he had leaked, until at a certain moment, Zhou Jiayu suddenly felt that the thick organ he was holding suddenly seemed to be bigger, he vaguely realized something, and felt something. Heat flowed into his body.

"Ah, it's so hot, it's so hot, woo..." The hot Zhou Jiayu shivered all over, his skin almost turned a delicious pink, he shook his head and wanted to beg for mercy, but Lin Zhushui kissed his lips , can't say a word.

The chill in his body was fading, Zhou Jiayu felt extremely comfortable, he felt that he was being held in Lin Zhushui's arms, and the man holding him kissed the top of his head gently.

"Sir..." Zhou Jiayu called out blankly.

"Well." Lin Zhushui said, "one more time."

Zhou Jiayu's eyes widened suddenly, and before he could react, Lin Zhushui entered again. He almost sat on Lin Zhushui's genitals, opened his lips slightly and let out a silent cry... No way, his body about to break...

"It won't be bad." The man licked his ear, "We still have a lot of time."

Zhou Jiayu stared at him, and let out a weeping sound of powerlessness against his body again, but involuntarily hugged Lin Zhushui's shoulder, and he was brought into a new wave of waves.

On that day, Zhou Jiayu was in an extremely chaotic state.

He seemed to be caught in a huge wave, turbulent with the current. The body and spirit have become the texture of water, and something floats up and sinks again and again.

A voice was calling his name, removing the cold in his body and bringing warmth.

In a trance, Zhou Jiayu seemed to have really turned into a swimming fish, walking through the water. There were ink-colored lotus flowers growing in the water. He kissed the rhizomes of the lotus and smelled the fragrance belonging to the lotus seeds.

"Zhou Jiayu." The voice was low and gentle, making Zhou Jiayu more addicted. If this is a dream, Zhou Jiayu is willing to indulge in it and never wake up again.

The tattoo on his waist was hot, Zhou Jiayu sobbed and felt something pulled out of his body, it seemed to be cold, pain, and something else.

He was exhausted and exhausted, and in the dim light, he seemed to see a pair of black eyes full of stars.

The eyes are like the Milky Way, the black is pure, but in the pure black, the red of the unique flame is hidden.

"Go to sleep." Someone said.

Zhou Jiayu relaxed, he closed his eyes, and his breathing became steady, as if he had returned to the fetus in his mother's body, and was held firmly in his arms.

Everything quieted down, the pain caused by the cold finally disappeared, and Zhou Jiayu fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Zhou Jiayu stayed for a long time when he woke up. He felt that he was lying in someone's arms. He turned his head and saw Lin Zhushui's sleeping face.

Zhou Jiayu was dumbfounded all of a sudden. The memory of last night was broken in the scene where he was wrapped in a quilt and struggled to find Lin Zhushui.

What happened next? Zhou Jiayu's mind was extremely confused, and he could only vaguely remember some fragmentary pictures.

"Sacrificial Eight." Zhou Jiayu asked with difficulty, "Mr. and I..."

"You're awake." Jiba said, "your child has already gone to college."

Zhou Jiayu: "… "

Lin Zhushui also seemed to be awake, but he couldn't open his eyes, so he leaned over slowly and kissed Zhou Jiayu's chin naturally with his lips: "Awake?"

Zhou Jiayu hummed, and found that his voice was hoarse.

"Is it still cold?" Lin Zhushui asked in a low voice.

Zhou Jiayu said, "It's not cold anymore..." He moved his body slightly, and felt a subtle pain in an indescribable part, but the body was more like being disassembled and reassembled, and all parts were extraordinarily different. sore.

"Yeah." Lin Zhushui sat up slowly, his black hair draped over his shoulders, and he looked exceptionally beautiful with his jade-like skin, but Zhou Jiayu's attention was elsewhere. I saw a lot of subtle red scratches on Lin Zhushui's back...

Zhou Jiayu lowered his head silently, glanced at the nails on his fingers, and not unexpectedly saw some red dried blood stains on his nails.

Zhou Jiayu: "… "Fuck.

Lin Zhushui said, "Are you hungry?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "I'm not hungry..." He huddled under the covers, feeling like a quiet quail, for a while he didn't know how to face Lin Zhushui. Although he asked Xu Ruwang for those films before, when the day really came, Zhou Jiayu found that he still felt a little too excited.

Lin Zhushui said, "Are you really hungry?" He sat on the edge of the bed and began to dress slowly. I have to say that Lin Zhushui is in great shape, and he doesn't mind showing it off in front of Zhou Jiayu at all. The straight back is down to the thin waist, and there are still red marks left by Zhou Jiayu on it.

Zhou Jiayu couldn't hold back, stretched out his fingers and poked lightly on his spine.

Lin Zhushui turned his head: "Huh?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "No, it's fine, I just think, I think Mr. is so good-looking." He felt a little shameless when he said what he said, but he still said it bravely.

Lin Zhushui laughed when he heard the words. He said, "You're also pretty." He paused for a moment and added, "It's delicious too."

Zhou Jiayu: "... "Fuck, sir, are you playing a hooligan to me

Zhou Jiayu was seduced by beauty at first, and did not have a clear understanding of his physical state. It was not until Lin Zhushui got dressed and tied his hair, and when he was about to get up from the bed, he realized that he seemed to be unable to move. .

His lower body seemed to be completely paralyzed, his legs were trembling, and it was extremely difficult to even get up. Zhou Jiayu was lying on the bed sluggishly, not understanding why it was so serious, he usually exercised a lot, how come one night Just got paralyzed here...

"Sir..." Zhou Jiayu said with difficulty, "Why, I can't move."

Hearing this, Lin Zhushui tilted his head slightly and said, "Sorry, what I did last night was a little too much." He touched Zhou Jiayu's forehead, "Is it hard?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "It's okay..."

He said it was okay, but his body was very shameless, completely out of his control, he could only lie on the bed, as if crippled. The body has been carefully cleaned, and there are no worse traces left.

Although Zhou Jiayu said he was not hungry, Lin Zhushui went to get some light food for Zhou Jiayu and fed him.

Zhou Jiayu just lay like this for a whole day. On the third day, he could only get out of bed and walk around, but his walking posture was still limping, and anyone with a discerning eye would know what was going on.

When Jean returned to his residence, Lin Jue and the others were eating takeaways together. When they saw him coming back, they greeted him enthusiastically, saying Zhou Jiayu, you are back.

Zhou Jiayu sat on the sofa and hummed.

Lin Jue said, "Tan'er, how are you feeling? Are you feeling better?" She seemed to notice something, with a slightly surprised expression on her face, "You..."

Zhou Jiayu lit a cigarette, put it in his mouth silently, and nodded.

Lin Jue said, "Congratulations, congratulations."

Others understood it, and smiled on their faces, just Shen Yiqiong, this idiot, what congratulations? Isn't Zhou Jiayu's yin entering the body? What's there to congratulate

Lin Jue said, "Shen Yiqiong, you are finished."

Shen Yiqiang was inexplicable.

Zhou Jiayu remembered that Shen Yiqiong had lied to him before that he was not a virgin at the age of fourteen.

It's not because of this, that the atmosphere in the house at night is very happy. When Lin Jue ordered takeout, he specially ordered a pot of soup stewed by an old hen, saying that he would nourish Zhou Jiayu.

What else can Zhou Jiayu say, he still has difficulty walking now, and it is indeed time to make up for it.

Lin Zhushui also came over during dinner in the evening, and then Zhou Jiayu noticed that Lin Zhushui's lips were also torn, apparently bitten by someone. As for who that person is... Zhou Jiayu lowered his head in shame.

Lin Jue was very happy, and brought back a few boxes of beer, saying that she would not return if she was not drunk.

Zhou Jiayu's alcohol intake was poor, and he still had pain in a certain part, so he didn't dare to drink too much. All the wine brought to him was brought by Lin Zhushui. Later, when several people saw Lin Zhushui's attitude, they didn't dare to continue to send, so they left Zhou Jiayu and played the game.

The little golden dragon and the weasel also participated, and the room was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Lin Zhushui also drank a lot, and there was a bit of crimson on his pale jade cheeks, and his thin lips showed a gorgeous red, which looked extraordinarily beautiful.

Zhou Jiayu sat next to him, regretting again that he didn't remember anything that night, he silently took a mouthful of food, put it in his mouth and chewed slowly.

Lin Zhushui's voice suddenly floated over, and he said, "Zhou Jiayu, are you upset?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "Ah, sir, I'm not unhappy."

Lin Zhushui said, "Really?"

Zhou Jiayu nodded honestly: "Really."

Lin Zhushui faced Zhou Jiayu, his eyes were closed, but Zhou Jiayu had the illusion of being stared at. He leaned over suddenly, his lips slid over Zhou Jiayu's auricle, and his voice was low. Speaking of what only the two of them could hear, he said, "I want to do it again seriously, while you're awake."

In an instant, Zhou Jiayu's heart was beating wildly, he pursed his lips, and hummed softly.

Lin Zhushui slightly hooked his lips and held Zhou Jiayu's hand under the table.