My Formidable Beast-Controlling Consort Rules

Chapter 80: Test medicine


Yun Qingyan felt her forehead twitching, "Why am I so jealous?"

"Get out of the way and let me see his injuries."

Throwing aside the suddenly stiff hair ball, Yun Qingyan began to examine the boy's wounds.

There was a wound across the entire chest, with bones visible deep inside, the skin and flesh turned out, and the blood and flesh were blurred, which was really terrifying.

The gaping wound was healing on its own in a slow and unstoppable trend. It could be guessed that he was more seriously injured before she met him.

However, the most serious injury was not his external injuries, but his internal injuries.

If he were a cultivator, he would have died long ago after suffering such a serious injury, but he was actually still breathing.

There are only two possibilities for this. One is that he is powerful, and the other is that he carries some treasure. However, no matter which one it is, it shows that the identity of the other party is not simple.

It seems that I have gotten myself into trouble!

But Yun Qingyan will never regret his decision!

If you have that time to regret, it’s better to think of a solution.

Moreover, trouble sometimes represents an opportunity

Tapping her thigh with the back of her fingers, Yun Qingyan squatted down and began to take out the healing medicine from the space ring.

I originally thought that the master was going to apply medicine to the beautiful young man who loved him, but when I saw that Yun Qingyan did not take the medicine, but mixed various wound medicines and auxiliary herbs, the entire spirit of Xuanjie was stunned.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Preparing the medicine." Meticulously mixing the medicinal powder and water, Yun Qingyan's fingers flew very fast. If she didn't know the truth, she would probably think that she was a master of medicine who has been steeped in herbal medicine for many years.

"General Jinchuang medicine has little effect. There is an improved formula in the Hunyuan Medical Classic, which can increase the therapeutic effect tenfold. I happen to have the herbal medicine with me, so I just want to try it."

The gleaming red lips made an arc, which looked a bit evil.

Xiao Xuan looked pitifully at the beautiful young man lying on the ground. Alas, it would be fine if he was thrown away so roughly by his master, and he was also used by his master to test the medicine. What a pitiful little pitiful person.

Xiaoxuan will definitely take good care of him and make his pitiful life a little less pitiful~

Ignoring the rich inner activities of his own weapon spirit, Yun Qingyan smeared the prepared paste on the young man's wound, and took a look at the sky.

It was getting late at night and the stars and moon were out. It was a good time to practice the Seven Stars Body Refining Art.

"Xiao Xuan, keep an eye on him, I'm going to practice!"

Even if the curative effect is increased tenfold, with his injuries, he will definitely not recover within a week. In addition to his internal injuries, whether he can survive depends on chance. He should not wake up in the short term. It is just right to leave it to Xiaoxuan to take care of him. !

"Oh, okay, okay!" When he heard that he could stay with the beautiful boy, the black-haired ball trembled all over and became energetic and vowed, "Don't worry, Master, Xiaoxuan will fulfill his mission!"

Just looking at one person, what kind of mission is this

This lustful person gets excited when he sees a beautiful boy!

Yun Qingyan shook her head helplessly, ignoring the ball of black hair that was rolling around Gong Moxi's body excitedly. She walked straight to the entrance of the cave, sat cross-legged and began to recall the formula of the Seven-Star Body Refining Technique.

Wave after wave of heat surged from the Dantian. If you looked from the outside, you would definitely be able to see bunches of bright silver light that seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force and submerged into Yun Qingyan's body.

Yun Qingyan was slightly shocked when he saw a silver ball of air suddenly appearing in his veins. Is that the power of the stars and the moon

Unlike the star power, although this power is powerful, it is very gentle, like being in the mother's amniotic fluid, gentle, kind and comfortable.

Yun Qingyan's tense muscles relaxed.

As violent as brilliant flames, he actually has such gentle power

But soon, Yun Qingyan realized that she was too naive!

(End of chapter)