My Funny Consort

Chapter 116: I will be responsible


Hongling and Dongchen were unaware of this and just followed the direction pointed by Hongyue towards the stone forest on the top of the mountain. With the help of moonlight, they could see something at the beginning.

As they slowly went up, the altitude became higher and higher, and the moonlight was gradually blocked by the woods. Of course, such an environment was nothing to Hongling and Dongchen.

The two people still headed towards the top of the mountain, but they moved so fast that the traps on the ground could not be seen clearly. Hongling did not care about it. Just when they were about to reach the stone forest.

Hong Ling looked at the stone forest that appeared in front of her: "Master Dongchen, look, we have arrived at the stone forest, ah..."

Just when Hongling was talking excitedly, the ground under her feet was not the ground, but a trap, and she fell straight into the trap.

Dongchen was startled by Hongling's scream, and then he landed and quickly pulled Hongling into his arms, but the two of them fell into the trap together.

There were rows of sharp wooden cones in the trap. If someone fell into it, it would be very painful. Fortunately, Dongchen hugged Hongling in time and stepped on the sharp cones.

He flew up directly, and when he stood next to the trap, Dongchen let go of Hongling: "Are you okay?"

Hong Ling watched all this in amazement, and only breathed a sigh of relief when everything was safe: "Thank you, Master Dongchen, let's set off."

But I still feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. The embrace of Lord Dongchen is really safe. Bah, Hongling, what are you thinking about? It's so shameless.

Because he was thinking about this question, he didn't see the road ahead clearly and sprained his ankle. He fell forward. Dongchen had been looking at the awkward Hongling since just now.

Seeing that Hongling was about to fall again, he quickly grabbed Hongling, but he ignored a wooden stake next to him and slipped. The two of them hugged each other and rolled backwards.

Fortunately, the two were lucky enough to be blocked by a tree in front of the trap so that they did not fall into the trap. Dongchen was so angry at this time, who dug this trap

Of course he had no answer to this question because no one would tell him. But he felt that Hongling in his arms was motionless. Could she have fainted

Dongchen called out softly, "Hongling, are you okay?"

Hong Ling hummed softly, feeling a little depressed. Why was she so strange tonight? She kept making mistakes. If this happened, would Master Dongchen be so eager to throw her back and train her all over again

In this case, wouldn't she be unable to stay with the princess? Thinking of this, Hongling was about to cry. Dongchen just sat up and pushed Hongling away a little in his arms.

Just seeing the tears in Hongling's eyes, he was stunned: "Hongling, what's wrong with you?"

As he said this, he actually reached out to touch Hongling's eyes, but when he touched the skin of Hongling's cheek, he suddenly came to his senses. Wasn't this action like that of a lecher

Thinking that he had just hugged Hongling again and again, Dongchen suddenly felt uncomfortable. He hesitated for a few seconds before turning to Hongling.

"Don't cry, I will take responsibility."

Now it was Hong Ling's turn to be dumbfounded: "Responsible? Responsible for what?"

Looking at Hongling's confused face, Dongchen's mouth twitched. How could he forget that this girl was so naive? He sighed and reached out to rub Hongling's head.

"Don't worry. When I get back, I will tell the prince and ask him to let me marry you."

Hongling finally understood what Dongchen was talking about. When she heard that Dongchen wanted to marry her, her face suddenly turned as red as an apple.

"Well, well this was an accident, sir, you don't have to take it seriously."

Dongchen frowned: "You don't like me?"

Hong Ling was speechless. How should she answer this question? She admired Dong Chen very much, but she knew who she was.

She used to be a secret guard, and her life depended on her master all her life. She thought that meeting such a good master like the princess was the best thing in her life, but did she still have to get married now

And she was marrying Lord Dongchen. Her heart beat faster. She wanted to say she liked him, but she was afraid that Dongchen would think she didn't love herself. But if she said she didn't like him, she would...

Hong Ling expressed her confusion, but Dong Chen stood up and said, "Okay, it's settled. I'll report this to the prince and princess when I get back."

"And the prince asked me today, asking me what kind of girl I thought you were. I guess the prince also had this idea."

Hongling watched Dongchen stand up, and listened to Dongchen's words. She didn't know what to say for a moment. She could only blush, and she felt a pain in her ankle.

"Well… "

Dongchen frowned and looked at her: "Are you hurt?"

As he said this, he looked at Hongling's feet without hesitation. Now that she was his chosen wife, so there should be no problem in looking at her feet or something, right

So Dongchen directly lifted up Hongling's skirt and pushed up her trouser legs to expose her ankles: "It's swollen, let me carry you. Now that we're here, we must take the green fruit back."

Hongling looked at Dongchen's broad back, thought for a while, smiled, and climbed up shyly. Dongchen carried Hongling on his back and soon they came to the lone green fruit tree in the stone forest.

In winter, trees are all bare, but this tree is a little different, it still bears fruit in winter. Dongchen found a big rock and put Hongling down.

"Wait here for me while I go pick the fruit from the tree."

Hong Ling nodded: "Okay."

Dongchen moved quickly. He handed the sack to Hongling and quickly picked all the fruits from the tree. Looking at the bag of fruits, Dongchen felt a little conflicted.

It looks like I have to do hard labor today. I looked at Hongling and said, "I'll carry you. Put this on my back. Hold it steady and don't drop it."

This is the princess' favorite food, so it definitely cannot be thrown away.

The two men came down the mountain in a messy state, carrying the fruits. Because there was a person on his back and a bag of fruits, Dongchen naturally could not use light skills and could only rely on his own two feet to go down the mountain.

By the time I reached the foot of the mountain, it was already getting light in the sky and the red moon had risen. I picked some fresh vegetables as usual. As soon as I opened the door, I saw someone walking towards me in a hazy manner.

At first glance, it looked a bit like a monster. Hongyue was alert until she saw it was Dongchen and the other man. She felt relieved, but he looked a bit embarrassed. She burst out laughing.

Hong Ling had fallen asleep on Dong Chen's back. When she heard Hong Yue's laughter, she opened her eyes this time: "Are we there yet?"

Then she thought of herself falling asleep, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Xiaoman came out under such circumstances: "Sister Hongling, what's wrong with you? Why did Brother Dongchen carry you on his back?"

Such an intimate action made Xiaoman, the little girl, look puzzled. Hongyue just smiled and quickly changed the subject: "Xiaoman, don't worry about them."

"Look at that fruit. If it is, I'll help you pickle the plums. By the way, this is the vegetable I just picked. Please send it to the palace."

Hongling looked at Hongyue with some gratitude, and Xiaoman looked at the green fruit: "It's this kind of fruit! Thank you Brother Dongchen for coming back Sister Hongling."

Dongchen took the basket from Hongyue's hand without saying a word, then blew a whistle, and his horse came. He put Hongling down, put her on the horse, and sat on it himself.

Then they went back to the palace. Hongyue looked very amused. This Hongling was really good. She knew how to seize the opportunity.

Hong Ling certainly didn't know what Hong Yue was thinking, but would it be bad to go back to the palace like this? However, after looking at Dong Chen, Hong Ling didn't dare to speak after all.

They soon arrived at the palace. Dongchen sent Hongling to the gate of the courtyard. Hongchou, who was inside, heard the noise and came out, looking at how miserable Hongling and Dongchen were.

He burst into laughter: "Where have you been? Why are you so embarrassed?"

Dongchen glanced at Hongling and said, "Go back and tell the princess about your injury. Rest for a few days and heal your wound. Leave the rest to me."

Hongling opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but Dongchen looked at Hongchou and said, "Hongchou, please help Hongling back to her room. She has sprained her foot."

After he finished speaking, he left. Hong Chiu was petrified and could no longer smile. He looked at Hong Ling and said, "You, you and Lord Dongchen, you..."

Looking at Hong Chou's appearance, Hong Ling burst out laughing: "What's your reaction? Help me go back and take a shower. I fell in the forest."

Hong Chiu looked helpless and looked at Hong Ling: "Don't try to evade the main point. Tell me clearly, when did you get together with Lord Dongchen?"

Even though Dongchen seemed to talk a lot in front of the prince, in the eyes of the secret guards and Hongchou, he was a very arrogant person and they usually didn't even look at him.

If they hadn't been beside the princess, Dongchen's eyes would have risen to the sky, so when he suddenly heard about Hongling and Dongchen, he was a little confused.

Hong Ling laughed: "Look at you, you don't know that our identities have changed. We are no longer secret guards. Why do you still act like a mouse seeing a cat when you see Dong Chen?"

"We are the princess's proud maids, and we are no worse than the guards around the prince."

As he spoke, Hongchou had already helped Hongling back to her room, feeling a little sad. He didn't know if Master Dongchen really wanted to take responsibility or if he just liked her.

Oh, she couldn’t understand it. Forget it. Even if she was responsible, she didn’t believe that she couldn’t win over a man like Dongchen in such a long time.

Having said that, the princess' idea is still the best. Lord Dongchen is indeed an upright man and willing to take responsibility. Should she go and report the good news to the princess

Do it as soon as you think of it. Hongling was in the room. After taking a shower, she went to find Qian Jiujiu.