My Funny Consort

Chapter 129: If one of the three is missing, it is not called I


Standing at the door and listening to Concubine Qing's words, the emperor and the queen looked at each other in bewilderment. What nonsense? They couldn't understand it at all, and Concubine Qing's voice...

It sounded like he had never been so happy before. The emperor couldn't help but feel a little surprised. He strode in and saw Concubine Qing, her mother and her son sitting around the table.

No one knew what they were playing with in their hands, and Concubine Qing was smiling happily, but Qian Jiujiu had a conflicted look on her face. Only Mu Yexiao had a smile on his face and looked at the two women dotingly.

Several maids were standing beside them, looking at the three people on the table seriously, but no one noticed that the emperor and queen had arrived.

The two of them did not say anything, but stood silently by the side, watching Concubine Qing and the other two play a game. Qian Jiujiu lost again and sighed.

"Mother, it's getting late. We still have to attend the palace banquet."

When the palace banquet was mentioned, everyone was stunned. Concubine Qing stood up suddenly and said, "It's over, it's over. Someone, come, what time is it now?"

The emperor looked at the masters and servants in the room who began to panic, and couldn't help coughing twice: "My beloved concubine, you are only now thinking of getting anxious, isn't it too late?"

When Concubine Qing heard the emperor's voice, she was startled and blinked a few times, thinking she had seen it wrongly: "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

The emperor was very upset. "Humph, the palace banquet has already started, but some people are still missing, so I came to see for myself. You three are great."

"Have fun on your own."

As she spoke and saw the guilty looks on the three people's faces, Qian Jiujiu glanced at Mu Yexiao and signaled him to quickly speak nicely to the emperor. Mu Yexiao coughed twice.

He felt a little embarrassed. He was a rather cold person and didn't know how to act like a spoiled child. But he felt the pressure from his wife's eyes and his friends.

"Well, Father, my son and Jiu'er plan to teach Mother first, and then play with you."

The emperor obviously didn't believe what he said and snorted. He was so good to this son, but he didn't think about himself at all and only thought about his mother.

So our emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty was extremely jealous.

Qian Jiujiu had already decided that she would not speak at this time, because there were two big Buddhas blocking the way ahead! But things did not go as she wished, and Qian Jiujiu did not speak.

It doesn't mean that the emperor couldn't guess whose idea it was: "Jiu'er came up with this? Jiu'er is really smart."

Qian Jiujiu could only laugh dryly. What does that mean? The whole family is bullying her! Looking at the emperor, "Father, um, my daughter-in-law just had nothing to do recently, so she made some little things."

"When you have nothing to do, help your mother to relieve her boredom..."

Imperial Concubine Qing coughed twice and said, "Your Majesty, it was my fault today. I was too playful and forgot my sense of propriety. Please don't blame your daughter-in-law."

Qian Jiujiu kept nodding, indicating that she was innocent, which made Concubine Qing speechless, but she still had to protect her. Mu Yexiao also coughed twice.

"Please blame me, Father."

The Queen also spoke up: "Such a new thing, I'm afraid only the princess can come up with it. After the palace banquet, I wonder if I can join one?"

“How many people play this game?”

When Qian Jiujiu heard this, her eyes lit up immediately: "My mother, this game is usually played by four people. We are short of one person today, so there will only be three of us playing together."

The emperor was so angry that he was not called when there were three people missing. He snorted and said, "Forget it. For the overall situation, I'd better go to the palace banquet first." He snorted.

"Why don't you hurry up and attend the palace banquet? Do you need the Queen Mother to invite you later?"

As he said this, the emperor glared at Qian Jiujiu, then turned and left. The remaining people looked at each other. Qian Jiujiu moved his mouth. Why was the emperor so strange tonight

There was a sour tone in his voice. Could it be that the emperor was jealous? He blinked. The jealous emperor was quite cute.

But now is not the time to think about these things, let’s go to the palace banquet first. At this time at the palace banquet, all the ministers were looking at each other, wondering where the emperor and the queen had gone

Didn't he come just now? Without the emperor here, who would dare to call for the feast to begin? The empress dowager was already getting a little angry and was ready to ask someone to urge the emperor to come.

Fortunately, the Emperor arrived at this very moment, and he was followed by the Emperor, Concubine Qing and others. The Empress Dowager then breathed a sigh of relief.

The emperor and his men sat in their respective seats, and the ministers stood up: "Long live the emperor..."

After everyone called them out, Qian Jiujiu scoffed at it. He thought that they had to go through so many formalities every time, and his mouth was sore from calling out, so he quickly sat down.

Mu Yexiao glanced at Qian Jiujiu and said, "Jiu'er, are you hungry?"

The Queen Mother couldn't help but frown when she saw the behavior of Mu Yexiao and Qian Jiujiu. She thought that it was really a good deal for Qian Jiujiu, a concubine's daughter, to become the Princess of Prince Xiao, if it weren't for the Prince Xiao's inhumanity.

She would definitely send a concubine over, at least to annoy Qian Jiujiu, and she would be happy. Of course, Qian Jiujiu didn't know what the old woman was thinking.

Otherwise, let alone giving her a gift, it would be good enough if she didn't poison her directly. The dinner was boring and watching those performances, Qian Jiujiu had no interest at all.

It would be better to go back and play mahjong. In fact, not only Qian Jiujiu thought so, but Concubine Qing also thought so. However, she couldn't say it out loud and could only watch the performance in front of her listlessly.

The others were watching with great interest. The Emperor kept looking at Concubine Qing. From the look on Concubine Qing's face, he knew that she was still thinking about the game just now.

He looked at Qian Jiujiu again and found that Mu Yexiao was picking up some food for Qian Jiujiu, but Qian Jiujiu had not moved her chopsticks the entire night and just ate what was in front of her.

These were all put on the plate in front of Qian Jiujiu by Mu Yexiao. The emperor couldn't help but frown. Qian Jiujiu was sensitive enough to sense that someone was looking at her.

She couldn't help but look around, but didn't find anyone looking at her. She glanced at Mu Yexiao and said, "Mu Yexiao, don't pick up food for me. It's not tasty at all."

When Mu Yexiao heard this, he stopped and looked at Qian Jiujiu: "Are you bored?"

Qian Jiujiu nodded, and Mu Yexiao miraculously took out a deck of cards from his robe. They were all made of cardboard and were much better than the one he had in the sky prison last time.

Mu Yexiao did have good intentions, but given the current situation, how could they play cards secretly

But he saw Mu Yexiao put the poker directly on the table: "Let's play by ourselves. Look, those people are just watching the show, no one is paying attention to us."

"Don't put yourself in a difficult position, dear."

Qian Jiujiu rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, you have to handle it if something happens later. Don't count on me. You forced me to do it."

Mu Yexiao was speechless for a moment, but he still nodded: "Okay, it's all because of me."

After getting Mu Yexiao's answer, Qian Jiujiu looked at Mu Yexiao contentedly: "Then let's try another way of playing."

Qian Jiujiu took out the poker cards and divided them into two parts: "You have one, I have one, and we keep placing them down, and then there will be the same cards as the ones on top."

"Then these are all yours..."

Qian Jiujiu demonstrated to Mu Yexiao as she spoke. Mu Yexiao was so smart that he naturally understood it quickly. He then played with Qian Jiujiu, each of them taking one card.

The two of them did not hide their actions from anyone, they just played openly, and there were many people who were originally paying attention to them, and gradually more people were attracted by their actions.

Even later on, not many people were watching the dance on the field. Instead, their eyes were focused on the two people. Qian Jiujiu frowned and looked at Mu Yexiao.

He returned all the cards to Mu Yexiao. Actually, there weren't many left, only two or three. He was about to lose them all: "I don't want to play anymore. You see so many people watching, I don't feel like it anymore."

Mu Yexiao raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure it's not because you're going to lose? Jiuer, I find that you really have no luck with cards."

When Qian Jiujiu heard this, she immediately got furious: "What do you mean? If you don't explain yourself clearly to me today, I will get angry with you. What do you mean by having no luck in playing cards?"

Mu Yexiao laughed: "Isn't it? Look at you, whether it's mahjong or poker, you have never won once. In fact, playing with you, I feel very pressured."

These words almost pissed Qian Jiujiu off to death. She took a deep breath, turned around, snorted, and ignored Mu Yexiao.

Mu Yexiao finally came to his senses. He was too proud of himself, which must have made Qian Jiujiu angry. She coughed twice, and there were so many people watching.

Mu Yexiao really didn’t know how to comfort her, so he coughed twice and said, “Jiuer, I was just joking.”

Qian Jiujiu snorted coldly and ignored him. Mu Yexiao continued to coax her: "Okay, Jiuer, I was wrong. Jiuer will definitely win this time. Let's play again."

Qian Jiujiu widened her eyes and looked at Mu Yexiao: "No, who asked you to lie to me?"

Mu Yexiao looked depressed: "So what do you want?"

Qian Jiujiu snorted coldly, turned away and said nothing. Mu Yexiao was so depressed that he pulled Qian Jiujiu's sleeve, and Qian Jiujiu pulled his sleeve back.

Mu Yexiao tried to pull again, and the two began a sleeve-pulling fight. All the ministers stared in amazement, their great god of war, King Xiao, would actually do such a childish thing.

There were so many people watching that even the emperor and others were startled and looked towards the two people. The emperor suddenly slapped the table, scaring the people who were dancing to stop.

Then he knelt down. The whole banquet was silent. Even the ministers knelt down. When the emperor saw this, he felt a little embarrassed.

He just wanted to remind King Xiao, and couldn't help but cough twice: "My hand slipped!"