My Funny Consort

Chapter 140: Stereoscopic effect


Xiaoman listened to Qian Jiujiu's words and smiled happily: "Thank you, sister. Don't worry, I will study hard."

As they were talking, they had already arrived at Qian Jiujiu's yard. Dong Chen just happened to push Mu Yexiao out and said, "Jiu'er, where did you go just now?"

"I just happened to need you for something, but I can't find you. Come over here quickly. The masters I invited have arrived. They heard that you want to build a manor on the mountain, and they all want to go to the mountain to take a look!"

Qian Jiujiu was full of admiration. She had never thought that people in ancient times had the idea of conducting field investigations. She looked at Mu Yexiao and said, "Mu Yexiao, you came at the right time."

"I also happen to have something to discuss with you..."

Then Qian Jiujiu told Xiaoman what he meant, and then looked at Qian Jiujiu: "What do you think? Will those skilled craftsmen you invited bully Xiaoman?"

Mu Yexiao was at a loss for words and looked at Qian Jiujiu: "What are you thinking? They are all masters, why would they bother with a child?"

"But Xiaoman, you really surprised me that you like this kind of thing. You can learn from those masters this time. How about this, when we go up the mountain to see it this time, you will lead the way."

Xiaoman immediately cheered: "Thank you, brother-in-law. Xiaoman will go now."

Mu Yexiao was amused and looked at Xiaoman: "Then you go first. Remember to lead the way tomorrow. The masters are all in a hurry today. They need to have a good rest in the afternoon. Don't disturb them."

Xiaoman was delighted when she heard this: "Okay, brother-in-law, I have something to do too, so I'll go back first."

Having said this, she skipped back home, got back to her room, got paper and pen, and began to draw the design. However, she was not used to using a brush, so she made a feather pen.

She started drawing the design on paper. Fortunately, this cut of rice paper was large enough for her to draw on. It would take her an entire afternoon to finish it, and she had to finish it before tomorrow.

By the evening, the drawing was finally finished. Then, she happily took her design to the gate of Qian Jiujiu's yard. Hongling saw Xiaoman coming again.

I couldn't help but find it funny: "Miss Xiaoman, are you here to see the princess?"

Hongling was still looking at the big paper roll in her hand while she was talking. I don't know what good things she brought over. Xiaoman nodded: "Yes, where is the princess sister?"

Qian Jiujiu had just finished listening to Mu Yexiao playing the piano and was eating dinner: "The princess is having dinner..."

When she mentioned the word "meal", Hongling suddenly heard Xiaoman's stomach growl. She was obviously hungry. Hongling was immediately surprised and looked at Xiaoman: "Miss Xiaoman, you haven't eaten yet?"

Speaking of this, Hongling suddenly remembered that for all these days, although everyone knew that Xiaoman was the princess's sister, it seemed that no one had assigned her a maid.

No one took care of it, and dinner hadn't even started yet. Xiaoman listened to Hongling's words and nodded a little embarrassedly: "I was busy painting and forgot about that."

Qian Jiujiu had already heard the voice over here: "Xiao Man is here outside, come in quickly."

In fact, Qian Jiujiu was still wondering why Xiaoman hadn't come in for so long this time, and immediately called out curiously. Xiaoman heard Qian Jiujiu's call.

Then he looked at Hongling and said, "Then Hongling, I'll go in first."

Hong Ling followed Xiao Man in, and looking at Qian Jiu Jiu, she said, "Princess, Miss Xiao Man hasn't had dinner yet."

Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment: "But the servants were negligent?"

Xiaoman shook her head: "No, sister, it's because I'm in a hurry to draw the picture, and I'll show it to you after I finish it! It has nothing to do with the servants, look, my design drawing."

"When my sister first said she wanted to build a hot spring resort, I had already thought about it in my mind. I just spent an afternoon drawing it. Take a look at it and see if it looks good."

When Qian Jiujiu heard that the design drawings were ready, she suddenly didn't want to eat dinner. However, she thought that Xiaoman hadn't eaten yet, and Mu Yexiao had also put down his chopsticks, obviously he had finished eating.

Then he looked at Hongling: "Hongling, go get another set of bowls and chopsticks. If Xiaoman doesn't mind, we can eat here."

Xiaoman laughed dryly: "Don't mind, don't mind. Now that I realize how hungry I am."

Seeing the little girl putting the dishes and chopsticks on the table, Xiaoman went to eat. Hongling on the other side had already opened the rice paper and looked at the image on it.

Everyone was stunned. The design drawing in front of them should be a three-dimensional rendering of the entire manor. It looked grand and majestic, and the layout was exquisite.

Even Mu Yexiao, who was used to seeing the royal palace, was surprised. He even glanced at Xiaoman and looked at Qian Jiujiu: "This girl is really talented."

"Based on this painting alone, I'm afraid no one in the world can rival him."

Xiaoman also heard this and couldn't help but burst out laughing: "That's definitely not the case. Princess Sister will be able to do that, too."

When seeing this painting, Qian Jiujiu suddenly understood one thing. The little girl Xiaoman in front of her was really the same as her. She felt a mixture of emotions in her heart.

But now is not the time to talk about this. Looking at the design in front of him, he said, "Mu Yexiao, what do you think of this? If this manor can really be built."

"That's definitely one of the highlights of Kyoto, don't you think?"

Mu Yexiao pursed his lips and looked at Qian Jiujiu: "It looks good, but I don't know if it can impress those masters. It will depend on Xiaoman herself at that time."

Xiaoman had already quickly finished her dinner at this time. After listening to Mu Yexiao's words, she immediately replied: "Don't worry about this, brother-in-law. Xiaoman knows it."

"If there is someone who can draw better than Xiaoman and build better, Xiaoman will definitely learn from him with an open mind."

Qian Jiujiu couldn't help but roll her eyes, but after thinking about it, it made sense that if they were not as good as her, then there was no need to learn from them.

"Okay, we've looked at the design drawings, you should go back and rest. You must be tired after a whole afternoon. You still have to climb mountains and other things tomorrow, so go back and rest early."

After Xiaoman left their room, Qian Jiujiu realized that dinner had almost been prepared, and Mu Yexiao was looking at her with a strange look.

Qian Jiujiu couldn't help but ask: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Mu Yexiao smiled: "Actually, I've always been curious about why you care so much about Xiaoman. Today I found out that you and she actually know the same thing."

"So, the princess can also draw designs?"

Qian Jiujiu shook his head: "I can't draw pictures, but I can draw people. Do you want to see it?"

Drawing people? Mu Yexiao immediately became interested and looked at Qian Jiujiu: "Yes."

Qian Jiujiu came to Hong Ling and asked her to prepare a feather, grind the ink, spread it on the Jiang Xuan paper, and glanced at Mu Yexiao: "What kind of person do you want me to draw?"

Mu Yexiao naturally pushed his wheelchair to Qian Jiujiu's front and said, "Of course you're going to draw me. What do you want me to do?"

Qian Jiujiu chuckled and looked at Mu Yexiao: "What action do you think is the coolest? Then just do that action and I will draw it."

This was a good idea, so Mu Yexiao stood up and pretended to be in deep thought. Qian Jiujiu couldn't help but feel confused. Mu Yexiao looked handsome like this.

But he is not the most handsome one. However, that’s fine for now. Qian Jiujiu quickly started to draw and directly drew Mu Yexiao. He finished the drawing in half an hour.

Then he called to Mu Yexiao: "My Lord, it's done, come over and take a look."

When Mu Yexiao heard that the painting was finished, he came over excitedly. Looking at the three-dimensional self on the screen, as if he was standing there, he couldn't help but give Qian Jiujiu a thumbs up.

"Jiu'er, I didn't know you were so powerful before. You really are. If Xiaoman hadn't let it slip this time, how long did you plan to keep it a secret from me?"

Qian Jiujiu laughed dryly: "This is an accident. I really didn't expect this to happen. But I didn't hide it from you. Wasn't it me who drew your wheelchair?"

"You should have known I could draw by then."

When Mu Yexiao heard this, it seemed to be true. He was about to say something else, but Qian Jiujiu stretched out her hand in front of Mu Yexiao and said, "My wrist is so sore."

"I have drawn this much, rub it for me."

Mu Yexiao naturally had no problem with this. Thinking that Qian Jiujiu was pregnant and had to stand for so long, he suddenly felt guilty.

He immediately hugged Qian Jiujiu and sat her on his lap: "I'm sorry, Jiuer, it's all my fault. I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble."

As he spoke, he rubbed Qian Jiujiu's wrist. Qian Jiujiu didn't care at all: "I'm not really tired, it's just that my wrist is a little sore. Just rub it and it will be fine."

At first, Mu Yexiao just held Qian Jiujiu and rubbed her wrist obediently, then he smelled the fragrance on Qian Jiujiu and his body naturally reacted.

Qian Jiujiu felt Mu Yexiao's reaction at the first moment and couldn't help but look at him in surprise. She had been pregnant for several months, but Mu Yexiao had been enduring it.

She didn't care and thought that Mu Yexiao didn't think much about it. Who would have thought that today's action, which was not even considered teasing, actually caused Mu Yexiao to react.

She found it somewhat funny and a bit pitiful for Mu Yexiao. A man had been holding back for 20 years and finally got his wish come true, and now he had a baby. But she thought that she could do it.

Qian Jiujiu suddenly realized what she was thinking about. Her face flushed, which made Mu Yexiao even more confused.


Mu Yexiao's murmurs rang in Qian Jiujiu's ears. Qian Jiujiu suddenly stood up from Mu Yexiao's body and looked at Mu Yexiao standing there with a disappointed look on his face.