My Funny Consort

Chapter 162: Mu Yexiao left


Hearing Xiaoman's words, Qian Jiujiu smiled: "Yes, maybe we were destined to meet in our previous lives! Okay, go to the kitchen and make something delicious. I'll ask someone to invite a fortune teller."

Xiao Man naturally knew why they asked a fortune teller to do this: "Okay, sister, when the servants come, remember to call me. It's still early."

"I'm going to go see my stepmother first."

Qian Jiujiu was immediately helpless. You've already called her stepmother. Don't you think about it? She called me sister before, but now you call me stepmother. Have you ever thought about Hongyue's feelings, you naughty kid

Thinking of this, Qian Jiujiu smiled and shook her head: "Hongling, has Qinglian invited the people back? By the way, how is Qingyu's injury?"

"My princess, Qinglian has already gone to get him. As for Qingyu, he only had superficial injuries, but now he can get out of bed normally. It's just..."

Hong Ling hesitated a little when she said this. Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment: "Is there anything else?"

Hong Ling thought about it and finally said, "Does the princess still remember that Li Bing?"

"Li Bing, is he the third shopkeeper under the prince? Oh, now I remember, wasn't he looking for Qingyu to take responsibility? How is this matter developing now?"

Hong Ling sighed, "I don't know what's wrong with Qingyu, she just doesn't agree. I noticed that the two of them had a quarrel recently, and Li Bing hasn't come for a few days."

"And Qingyu seems a little dazed, so I thought of letting her rest for two more days and adjust her mentality before coming back."

Qian Jiujiu didn't think there was anything wrong with this, so she nodded and agreed: "Okay, then you can make the arrangements."

Seeing that the entire afternoon had passed and Mu Yexiao had not returned yet, Qian Jiujiu couldn't help but feel a little worried, and dinner was soon prepared.

It was prepared by Xiaoman herself. After she met Hongyue, Qinglian came with the fortune teller. Qian Jiujiu sent someone directly to Xiaoman, and Xiaoman and Hongyue discussed and set the date.

Someone was sent to tell Chen Da, and then Xiaoman went straight into the kitchen and started cooking tonight's chili dinner, which was the dish that satisfied her the most.

That was the spicy meal. Soon all the dishes were ready. Xiaoman and Qian Jiujiu sat together in front of the dining table. Xiaoman looked at Qian Jiujiu in front of him, and his eyes drifted towards the door from time to time.

Xiaoman couldn't help but curl her lips: "Sister, are you worried about your brother-in-law?"

Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment: "Yes, I was suddenly called into the palace, how can I not worry."

As soon as he finished speaking, Mu Yexiao had already walked in from outside and looked at Qian Jiujiu: "Jiuer, I'm back."

Xiaoman burst out laughing immediately: "Hello, Prince and brother-in-law, this man is really not one to nag. My sister and the child just nag you, and you come back."

Mu Yexiao also smiled: "Xiao Man came in the afternoon. Wow, it smells so good. Who made all this?"

Qian Jiujiu glanced at Xiaoman and said, "They were all caught by Xiaoman. There's also a new thing! See? It's spicy hot pot. Today's is the authentic one!"

Mu Yexiao was a little puzzled as to what the word "authentic" meant, but seeing Hongling had already brought up the bowl and chopsticks, he ate a piece of eel without hesitation.

Suddenly, his mouth was filled with a spicy taste and Mu Yexiao opened his mouth immediately. Fortunately, Qian Jiujiu was quick to give Mu Yexiao a glass of water and looked at him with a smile.

Because of this piece of rice, her cheeks were red from the spiciness, and she couldn't help but burst out laughing. She laughed twice: "Hurry up and drink some water. You should eat this slowly just now."

"You just need to adapt well."

Mu Yexiao frowned and glanced at Qian Jiujiu worriedly: "This thing is so spicy, do you want to eat it too? How does it feel?"

Qian Jiujiu smiled and said, "I am used to eating this thing, and I like it. Come on and eat it."

As he spoke, Qian Jiujiu also picked up a piece of rice cake and started eating it. The taste made Qian Jiujiu take a breath. He really missed it. As he spoke, he ate another one.

Xiaoman was just like Qian Jiujiu, eating quickly without stopping. The whole courtyard was filled with the smell, which was so pungent that Mu Yexiao could smell it.

After finally finishing dinner, Mu Yexiao asked someone to dispel the smell, and then he sat down to chat with Qian Jiujiu. As they started chatting, Qian Jiujiu's question was actually very simple.

"What happened that made the emperor ask you to come to the palace today?"

Mu Yexiao was stunned for a moment, then he thought that this matter would never be fulfilled, so he pondered for a moment, then spoke, looking at Qian Jiujiu: "Jiuer, I originally wanted to tell you about this matter in a few days."

"You know that our Great Zhou is adjacent to Ning State, and Ning State is strong in military and military power, and is also ambitious, and is determined to invade our Great Zhou."

Qian Jiujiu didn't say anything but just looked at Mu Yexiao quietly and listened to what Mu Yexiao said. Of course, when Mu Yexiao opened his mouth, Qian Jiujiu understood that she was afraid that Mu Yexiao was going to leave.

Looking at Mu Yexiao: "You are going to the border, right? Can you come back when I give birth? When are you leaving?"

A series of question marks made Mu Yexiao a little confused. Wouldn't she be reluctant to part with her? He immediately looked at Qian Jiujiu with resentment: "I don't know yet."

Now it was Qian Jiujiu's turn to be confused: "What do you mean you don't know?"

Mu Yexiao coughed twice and said, "Because I haven't received any solid news yet, I only heard that there is unrest in Ningguo on the border again. I have to be ready to go to the battlefield."

"I'm sorry Jiuer, I don't want to leave at this time."

Qian Jiujiu pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled: "I will protect myself, you have to believe me, when you go to the battlefield, remember to kill the enemy without leaving a single piece of armor."

Mu Yexiao suddenly felt depressed: "I'm leaving, won't you be reluctant to let me go?"

Qian Jiujiu also said, "You are just going to fight. If you win, you will come back. What can I do if I am reluctant to let you go? Can I go with you with a big belly?"

"I want to go, but you have to let me go! And I am crying and telling you, oh, my lord, I can't bear to let you go, will you feel at ease to go?"

Mu Yexiao's mouth twitched and he coughed twice. His wife's expression changing speed was too fast. But it seemed to be true.

"So, my wife is more sensible. Don't worry, I will take good care of myself and win the battle. You have to take care of yourself and the baby in your belly, okay?"

Qian Jiujiu nodded: "Are you still not confident in me? I can definitely take care of myself, so don't worry."

Three days later, the news that Mu Yexiao had been waiting for was soon confirmed. That was that General Hada of Ningguo was building up his troops and preparing to attack Da Zhou.

Soon, Mu Yexiao's appointment was announced, and he was appointed as the general to go to the border to fight. Fortunately, during these three days, Qian Jiujiu knew that Mu Yexiao might go to the battlefield.

He had been preparing medicine for injuries, life-saving medicine and other things. By the time Mu Yexiao set out, Qian Jiujiu was almost ready and was standing at the city gate.

Qian Jiujiu looked at Mu Yexiao and his army leaving, feeling a little reluctant. She couldn't help but spit on herself in her heart. Everything was going well, but at this moment, she still had the urge to cry.

Xiaoman stood beside Qian Jiujiu: "Sister, don't worry, brother-in-law is very powerful, nothing will happen."

Qian Jiujiu nodded: "I think so too, then I will wait for the news of your brother-in-law's triumphant return."

As they talked, the two prepared to take their people back to the palace. Now that Mu Yexiao was not in Kyoto, she should be quiet. After all, her belly was not small.

But her thinking this way did not mean that everyone thought the same, because as soon as she walked down the city wall, she met the third prince Mu Yesheng, and next to Mu Yesheng stood a woman in yellow.

The woman had a pretty face, and the most eye-catching thing about her was the red whip around her waist. Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, as this woman had never appeared before.

Hong Ling and others nearby had subconsciously protected Qian Jiujiu in the middle. Mu Yesheng looked at Qian Jiujiu and her belly, and the viciousness in his eyes became even more intense.

This made Qian Jiujiu frown. Qian Jiujiu, who was not like Mu Yesheng at first, looked at Mu Yesheng blocking the entrance to the stairs, not letting anyone go, not moving, and not saying a word.

The two parties were confronting each other like this. However, the woman in yellow couldn't help but look at Qian Jiujiu and his group: "Who are you? How dare you block our way? Get out of here if you don't want to die."

The woman in yellow looked at this group of people. Apart from the women, there were pregnant women and a child. They looked like people who were easy to bully.

Qian Jiujiu frowned and looked at Mu Yesheng: "Why, Third Brother, Mu Yexiao just left and you can't wait to bring people to bully a weak woman like me?"

There were quite a few people here. When they heard Qian Jiujiu's voice, some people quickly looked over and recognized that it was Qian Jiujiu. You know, Mu Yexiao had left.

He was going to defend the country, but the third prince who was hiding in Kyoto and enjoying peace suddenly came to bully the princess, which immediately aroused public anger.

Mu Yesheng frowned and glanced at the woman in yellow next to him: "Xiao Qian, why don't you apologize to Princess Xiao quickly."

Princess Xiao? These three words made Liu Qian stunned for a moment, and she looked at Qian Jiujiu: "So you are the Princess Xiao, my name is Liu Qian, and I am the cousin of the Third Prince."

"I admire you so much. When I was studying outside, I heard about what Princess Xiao did for the people today and what Princess Xiao did for the people tomorrow."

"You don't know that in some places in the side courtyards, some people worship you more than they worship the emperor."

Qian Jiujiu's lips curled up. Liu Qian in front of her looked powerful. She actually wanted to set a trap for her: "Cousin of the Third Prince, have I offended you in any way?"