My Funny Consort

Chapter 182: Deliver the message


When the Queen heard that someone from Prince Xiao's Mansion had arrived, she was a little surprised, but she quickly asked the eunuch to invite the person in, and also asked Concubine Qing to come over.

The two looked at Qingyu who was kneeling below. Concubine Qing was still very excited, because as soon as Qingyu entered the palace, it meant that Mu Yexiao and Qian Jiujiu had sent news.

Looking at Qingyu: "Qingyu, get up first, why are you here today?"

Qingyu looked at Concubine Qing and said, "I am the Queen, thank you, Concubine Qing. This is the cake from the palace. I thought you liked it very much when you were at the palace."

"It just so happens that I succeeded again this time, so I sent it to you."

Concubine Qing looked at Qingyu with a smile: "You are thoughtful girl."

Concubine Qing looked at the maids around her and said, "Go to the imperial kitchen and bring some bowls and dishes over."

The queen took a look and called the maids around her: "You all go, and help by the way, take a few more."

Several maids looked at each other and realized that the queen also wanted to send them away, so they turned around and followed her, and saw that there were only three people left in the room.

Qingyu took out Qian Jiujiu's letter somewhat embarrassedly and handed it to Concubine Qing. Concubine Qing looked at Qingyu's actions and her face turned a little red.

"I was worried about being searched when entering the palace, so I hid myself in a more secretive way."

The corner of Concubine Qing's mouth twitched, but she didn't say anything else. Instead, she opened the letter and started reading it. She was surprised at the first glance, and then looked at the Queen happily.

"Sister, Jiuer gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl."

Just after reading the letter, Concubine Qing and the Queen were wondering whether they should show the letter to the Emperor as well, when they heard the eunuch outside shout, "Empress Xiang."

Xiangpin came, and Concubine Qing subconsciously imitated Qingyu and stuffed the letter in her hand directly into her underwear. The emperor's mouth twitched.

Just as I hid myself, Xiangpin came in and said, "Oh, Queen, it's so lively here, what the hell is this?"

As she spoke, she looked at the cake, and from time to time her eyes wandered over Qingyu's body. It went without saying that this girl must have brought in some message.

Everyone who entered the palace would be searched, and if nothing was found, that meant it must still be in the food, so he just sat down and said, "This thing looks delicious."

"I think the Queen and Concubine Qing wouldn't mind if I stayed and had a taste of the food."

Imperial Concubine Qing snorted coldly and rolled her eyes at Concubine Xiang: "Have you never eaten anything good? When something is delicious, you can smell the flavor and rush over."

"I'm not afraid of losing face."

Xiangpin's face looked very unhappy, but the queen looked at her with a smile and said, "Well, since sister Xiangpin wants to eat something, then give her some."

Hearing this, Xiangpin's face turned ugly. They really treated her like a beggar. The queen continued, "If sister Xiangpin wants to eat, I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while."

"I am having someone prepare the dishes."

Xiangpin twitched her lips and said reluctantly, "If that's the case, it's new stuff, and I'll have to eat some no matter what."

Soon, several palace maids who had gone to carry the bowls and dishes came back, and quickly arranged the bowls and dishes brought from the imperial kitchen. Then Concubine Qing glanced at Qingyu.

"Come and share the cake."

Qingyu stood up and was about to go over to divide the cake when she saw Xiangpin also stood up: "Go away."

Qingyu's face looked very unhappy, but she was Concubine Xiang, so she could only walk away. Concubine Xiang smiled at the Queen and Concubine Qing and said, "Sister Queen."

"Sister Qing Guifei, please share the food with me. At least I can do something for you. Let me share the cake."

As he spoke, he quickly cut the cake in half, gave one piece to Concubine Qing, one piece to the Queen, and then scooped one piece for himself and put it in the bowl.

Although only three pieces of cake were cut, the entire cake seemed to have been searched by Concubine Xiang, making it a mess. The Queen and Concubine Qing looked at each other.

So I knew that he thought Qingyu's letter was hidden inside the cake. If it was really hidden inside the cake, he would have cut the cake in half at the first opportunity.

Still waiting for you to come up, the two of them looked at Xiangpin sarcastically, and then they heard the voice of a eunuch outside: "The emperor has arrived."

The emperor walked in with a smile: "I heard that someone from Prince Xiao's Mansion came to the palace and sent a fresh snack. Is this the one on the table?"

Qingyu knelt on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, yes, this is a cake. It was Miss Xiaoman's idea."

The emperor said "oh", and the queen's maid was tactful enough to give him a piece of cake. The emperor sat down and started eating. After finishing the meal, he was still very satisfied.

And he glanced at Xiangpin, as if he had just seen her: "Oh, Xiangpin is here too, how come you two are so close?"

Imperial Concubine Qing burst out laughing: "What kind of friendship do you mean? A concubine in the palace actually has the audacity to come to my house and ask for food. It's not shameful at all."

The emperor looked at Xiangpin with a somewhat unpleasant expression. Xiangpin knew that these people were all trying to make her leave! It was not that easy, and she just didn't want to leave.

She glanced at Imperial Concubine Qing and said sarcastically, "Oh, Imperial Concubine Qing, why are you so stingy? Besides, I just ate a piece of the Queen's cake."

"Why are you so unhappy? Or do you think that everything sent by Xiaowang Mansion should be yours?"

Qingyu glanced at Concubine Qing, then knelt down and said, "My lady, it's time for me to go back."

Concubine Qing hummed and said, "You can go back first. Next time, if there are any new gadgets like this, send more to the palace."

Qingyu immediately replied: "I understand. I will take my leave."

Qingyu left. Xiangpin looked unhappy as she watched Qingyu leave. Could it be that the message had been delivered successfully? That's why the girl left

After Qingyu left, the emperor and the empress were talking, and Concubine Qing was also talking from time to time. The three of them even made an appointment to play mahjong, leaving Concubine Xiang aside.

After playing a round of mahjong with several people, Xiangpin said goodbye and left. After Xiangpin left, the emperor looked at the palace maids and eunuchs around him and said, "All of you, go out."

"Don't stand here, you're blocking my view. Go wait outside."

"I'll take my leave."

The palace maids, eunuchs and others turned around and left. Only the emperor, the empress and Concubine Qing were left in the room. The emperor played the cards in his hand and looked at the two of them.

"What message did you send?"

Concubine Qing pursed her lips and said, "Jiu'er gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl."

The emperor paused for a moment, then smiled brightly: "Haha, this is a good thing. It's a pity that we can't see the child now. It would be great if the war could end smoothly."

Concubine Qing glanced at the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, Xiao'er has won another victory this time. If nothing unexpected happens, we will probably be able to negotiate peace soon."

Peace talks? The emperor looked at Concubine Qing in a daze. Concubine Qing coughed and said, "Xiao'er got help from a capable person this time. He directly burned down the other party's granary."

"And when Jiuer arrived at the battlefield, he drew a new weapon, the trebuchet. This victory depended on it. He defeated the enemy and ran out of food."

"Ningguo is either waiting to be destroyed or waiting to send people to negotiate peace."

The emperor's mood suddenly improved: "It seems that I have to prepare myself. Princess Xiao has given birth to a child. She will definitely set out and return in a month."

"Besides, the memorial will probably be back in seven or eight days. By then, I'm afraid the Liu family will take action."

The emperor thought of this and pushed the mahjong away: "No more playing, I'll go get ready now."

Concubine Qing and the Queen watched the Emperor leave like this, feeling helpless. Looking at the mahjong in front of them, Concubine Qing curled her lips and said, "I'm about to win."

The queen coughed twice and said, "Why don't we find two concubines to continue playing? We are bored anyway."

Concubine Qing pursed her lips and said, "But I want to make some clothes for my grandchildren. I'm bored now, so I'll do it myself."

When the Queen heard this, she immediately became interested. She threw the mahjong aside and looked at Concubine Qing: "I will come and help as well. You will be the boy and I will be the girl."

Imperial Concubine Qing hummed, "Sister, you are thoughtful. Jiuer will name the boy Nan Nan and the girl Bei Bei."

The queen was stunned for a moment: "Then won't the next child be named Dongdong or Xixi?"

Concubine Qing was stunned for a moment. She had not thought about this question. But when she heard what the Queen said, she suddenly felt that it made sense and smiled.

"Having many children and grandchildren is a blessing."

The queen immediately smiled and said, "Yes, let me think about what kind of cloth to use to make clothes for my grandson and granddaughter."

When they thought that they would be able to see their grandchildren in at most a month, the two women were in great spirits and went happily to make clothes for the little ones.

Qian Jiujiu on the other side said that she was very depressed. She had just woken up from a nap and smelled the fragrance of food, but it did not taste good at all when she ate it.

Because there was no taste at all, it was all bland. Qian Jiujiu looked at Xiaoman and said, "Xiaoman, have your cooking skills declined? Why is there only fragrance but no taste?"

Xiaoman chuckled and said, "You can't add salt! You still need to produce milk and feed your baby, so of course you can't eat salt. Just bear with it, it will be fine in a few days."

"At least until you have enough milk."

The maids around her looked at each other in bewilderment. Xiaoman was only ten years old, but she seemed to know more than them, and she even talked to the princess about increasing her milk supply.

They all looked calm and collected, and their faces turned red after hearing this. How could they know that this was common sense in the 21st century

She has said even more obscene things, so of course she won't blush when talking about these issues.