My Funny Consort

Chapter 187: A woman with a curvy figure


When Mu Yexiao returned to the military camp, Qian Jiujiu and her son and daughter had already fallen asleep. He came into Qian Jiujiu's tent and looked at the three sleeping faces.

His heart was filled with happiness. He just looked at these three people silently and swore in his heart that he would protect the most important people in his life no matter what.

His wife and children couldn't help but raise the corners of their lips as they looked at Qian Jiujiu who had fallen asleep. They even smacked their lips, apparently dreaming about something delicious.

I couldn't help but find it funny, and the maids standing here didn't even dare to say a word. It was quiet, but the atmosphere was particularly warm.

Mu Yexiao glanced at the girls and said, "All of you go down."

The maids looked at each other, then walked out of the inner room and waited outside the tent. After all, the prince would definitely not take care of two children.

Mu Yexiao lay down on the edge of the bed and fell asleep immediately. Now the bed was occupied by one adult and two children, and there was no place for him at all.

In the middle of the night, Nannanbeibei started crying. Mu Yexiao was suddenly startled when he heard the cry of a child and stood up with a start.

Then they saw the two little guys crying with their lips pouted. Qian Jiujiu also opened his eyes at this time and saw Mu Yexiao, but ignored him.

Instead, she picked up Nannan and fed her first, then fed Beibei. After feeding them, she put the two children back on the bed. Only then did Qian Jiujiu look at Mu Yexiao.

But she found that Mu Yexiao was actually staring at her with his mouth open. Qian Jiujiu burst out laughing and looked at Mu Yexiao: "Mu Yexiao, what do you want to do?"

"You're drooling, are you trying to steal your son and daughter's food?"

Mu Yexiao subconsciously touched the corner of his mouth, only to realize that he had been tricked by Qian Jiujiu again. He looked at Qian Jiujiu with resentment: "Jiuer, you tricked me again."

"You've changed. You've changed since you had Nannanbeibei. You don't care about me at all."

Qian Jiujiu looked at Mu Yexiao and thought about it. It seemed that this was really the case these days. Qian Jiujiu discovered that she still cared about Mu Yexiao very much.

At least what I thought before was that I would find my mother and take her around the world. Now that I have a child, I want to take Mu Yexiao with me while taking my mother and child with me.

She coughed twice and said, "Mu Yexiao, you think too much. I'm in confinement after giving birth, and you have something to do. Then we can each do our own things. How great is that."

"Besides, you're already so busy, and I don't want to cause you any more trouble. I feel bad for you because I let you suffer so much."

This sentence immediately made Mu Yexiao's eyes brighten up: "I'm not tired. There are so many people managing the affairs of the military camp. Besides, I can't let go of your business."

"Besides, it's really not my fault that someone sent a woman to me during the day. I just didn't think it through at the moment. This kind of thing will never happen again."

Qian Jiujiu thought that Mu Yexiao was apologizing for what happened during the day. After all, he was a prince, and it was not easy for him to be so humble.

Thinking of this, Qian Jiujiu touched Mu Yexiao and said, "I know. I don't blame you. Go back and have a rest. I haven't showered or washed my hair for many days. I stink."

Mu Yexiao just curled his lips: "I don't dislike you, I will stay here with you to rest."

Qian Jiujiu rolled her eyes and said, "It's up to you then. I'm really doing this for your own good. It doesn't seem like I dislike you. If you want to stay, then stay."

When Mu Yexiao saw that Qian Jiujiu agreed to let him stay, he was extremely happy. He continued to lie on the bed, watching the big and two small ones dozing off, and then he began to sleep too.

But after a while, the baby's crying was heard again. The child had urinated. Then Qian Jiujiu began to deal with Nan Nan's diaper with the help of Qingyue.

Mu Yexiao could be said to have hardly slept that night, except for a short nap at the beginning, after which he would always hear the child crying again.

After a while, he heard the child crying again, and sometimes it was just his hallucination, which made Mu Yexiao feel Qian Jiujiu's hard work. Qian Jiujiu had to get up to feed the baby almost every one or two hours.

The next day, Mu Yexiao looked at Qian Jiujiu and said, "Jiu'er, you've worked hard. Why don't you find a wet nurse? I think you'll get thinner if you keep going like this."

Qian Jiujiu rolled her eyes and said, "It's great to be thinner. I don't have to go on a diet. Besides, look at me now, my lips are red and my teeth are white. How can I be thinner?"

"I will feed my son and daughter myself. You don't need to look for a wet nurse. Who knows if she is reliable."

When Mu Yexiao heard Qian Jiujiu say this, he looked at Qian Jiujiu again. It was just as Qian Jiujiu said, she didn't see any difference from usual during the confinement period.

Of course there is a difference, that is, Qian Jiujiu's internal strength has been improving by leaps and bounds recently due to Xiaoman's delicious food, but Mu Yexiao just doesn't know it.

As the two were talking, Xiaoman came in with the meal. Qian Jiujiu hadn't seen Xiaoman for a long time, and seeing her today was a bit fresh: "Xiaoman, I haven't seen you for a few days."

"Your master is finally willing to let you go back?"

Although Qian Jiujiu was very puzzled as to why Xiaoman wanted to worship Gu Xiangning as her master, after knowing Xiaoman's true identity, Qian Jiujiu no longer cared about her affairs.

After all, Xiaoman would think about her own affairs. Xiaoman listened to Qian Jiujiu's voice and giggled twice; "Brother-in-law is here too."

"I have finished the homework my master assigned to me. So I have time today to come and see you. How about you? How are you feeling?"

Qian Jiujiu also smiled: "Do you think there is anything wrong with me now? Eating the delicious food you cook every day is definitely the greatest enjoyment in life."

Xiaoman listened to this and looked at her with amusement. She said no more. After the meal was served, Xiaoman looked at Mu Yexiao again and said, "Brother-in-law, I heard that someone sent a beauty to you yesterday."

"Where is the beauty? Please come out so that I can see her."

Mu Yexiao's body suddenly stiffened. He had finally managed to appease Qian Jiujiu with this matter, but now another sister-in-law came to make trouble. Mu Yexiao was suddenly speechless.

After coughing twice, before he could speak, Xiaoman continued, "I heard that those two beauties are really pretty, with willow-like waists."

"And the front and back are curvy..."

Qian Jiujiu coughed twice to remind Xiaoman. Mu Yexiao's face had completely darkened. He looked at Xiaoman and said, "Xiaoman, I think you need to leave Gu Xiangning. Look at what you have learned from him."

Xiaoman gave him a cold look and said, "Brother-in-law, do you think changing the subject will work?"

Mu Yexiao paused for a moment: "What beauty? I don't know. I'm full and I have to go take care of military affairs."

After saying that, Mu Yexiao stood up and left. Qian Jiujiu looked at Xiaoman with a smile and said, "You dare to say anything, and you are so arrogant. I think your master is going to be in trouble."

Xiaoman hadn't reacted yet to what this meant, and Mu Yexiao had already gone outside to find Gu Xiangning, who was also having breakfast at the time.

I'm going to look for Xiaoman after I finish eating. I've finally developed the internal strength I wanted to acquire recently, so it's a good time for me to practice concealed weapons. At Xiaoman's age now, he should learn both concealed weapons and medical skills.

While I was still thinking about how to teach Xiaoman later, I saw Mu Yexiao walked into the tent and sat directly in front of Gu Xiangning. He didn't say anything, but just looked at me with a sullen face.

Gu Xiangning was a little surprised, wondering what was going on? Seeing Mu Yexiao not saying anything, Gu Xiangning took the initiative to speak: "Does the prince want to see me for something?"

Mu Yexiao coughed twice and said, "I want to ask Mr. Gu if he likes women with curvy figure?"

Gu Xiangning almost choked, blinked twice, and looked at Mu Yexiao: "Did Your Majesty learn a new trick yesterday? Someone gave him a woman."

"Just want to give the woman to someone else?"

Gu Xiangning's tone was a bit aggressive, and Mu Yexiao heard it immediately. Before he could say anything, he heard Gu Xiangning continue: "Gu has always heard that the prince is a man of great talent."

"It's better not to indulge in women. After all, your Princess Xiao is a rare woman in the world. What else is there to be dissatisfied about?"

Mu Yexiao was immediately furious. This was not the woman he wanted, but someone else had given her to him. Everyone was warning him not to let Qian Jiujiu down. Well, even if there was no need to warn him, he wouldn't do that.

But this feeling is really not very good. Mu Yexiao snorted coldly: "Mr. Gu doesn't need to remind you of this. Besides, as my woman, the princess is enough."

Gu Xiangning felt better after hearing this, so he stopped talking. However, Mu Yexiao stood up and looked at Gu Xiangning: "Mr. Gu, I have one more thing to remind you."

"You like women with curvy figure, you don't need to tell anyone, especially since Xiaoman is only ten years old. Do you understand?"

Gu Xiangning was stunned for a moment. What did this have to do with Xiaoman? And how could Xiaoman understand such a beautiful woman

He looked at Mu Yexiao, but Mu Yexiao had already left. Gu Xiangning wanted to ask what happened, but forget it and go ask Xiaoman, since Xiaoman would be here soon anyway.

People don't learn to talk easily. Just as Gu Xiangning was thinking this, he saw Xiaoman walking in. He asked in a deep voice, "Xiaoman, what did you say to the prince today?"

How bad, no reserve at all: "Xiao Man, originally the master was going to let you learn hidden weapons today, but now, the master has changed his mind, you should learn the female ring first."