My Funny Consort

Chapter 188: The King is very busy


Hearing this, Xiaoman dug her ears, wondering if she had heard it wrongly. The master actually asked her to look at the female ring? Gu Xiangning watched Xiaoman digging her ears.

She was so angry that she almost vomited her knowledge: "I think you should not only learn the female rules, but also the etiquette. It's not elegant for a little girl to stick out her breasts and pick her ears all day long."

"From today on, you have to learn all these things well."

Xiaoman originally thought that Gu Xiangning was just joking, but in the end he was serious. Suddenly there was so much more to learn, and Xiaoman almost wanted to die.

Especially that damn female precept, Xiaoman was furious. Why should we be so harsh on women? But if she didn't learn it, Gu Xiangning would really hit her with a ruler.

The matter of the Second Prince sending a woman to Mu Yexiao was over, but the biggest victim was Xiaoman, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Qian Jiujiu looked at Xiaoman who was now learning the female ring and looked so miserable. Apart from sympathy, she didn't know how to comfort Xiaoman.

While Xiaoman was painfully learning the female rings, Mu Yexiao was also in pain and happy. He had to look at Qian Jiujiu every day, but could only look at her but not eat her, and he also had to watch his own children eat happily.

At night I had to endure the two kids' loud noises, and during the day I had to deal with so many military affairs. In the blink of an eye, half a month had passed like this.

In a few days, Qian Jiujiu will be out of confinement, but there is no news about the peace talks. Thinking of this, the Second Prince of Ningguo feels helpless.

For the past half month, both he and General Hada have been frowning every day. They know that Mu Yexiao has been accompanying the children for the past half month, but they don't know how to approach Mu Yexiao.

Finally, the Second Prince and General Hada held a meeting today: "Tell me, how can we get closer to Mu Yexiao?"

All the soldiers lowered their heads, looking at each other, and didn't know what to say for a moment. The two bosses had no idea, so what ideas could these little shrimps have

The second prince looked at everyone in silence and became extremely angry. He had been here for almost a month. If this matter was not resolved after a month, he would be dead.

Moreover, life in their Ningguo military camp is not easy now. Many soldiers have gone up the mountain to hunt and to dig wild grass to fill their stomachs. They can only barely survive.

If they were to fight, they would probably not be able to win, so the Second Prince became anxious and had been trying to find a solution every day for the past half month, but Mu Yexiao just wouldn't take the challenge.

"Speak up, are they all dead?"

Seeing the Second Prince getting angry, one of them stood up and said, "Second Prince, why don't we please him? Doesn't the Prince Xiao regard the Princess Xiao as a treasure?"

"How about we go find Princess Xiao and ask her to think of a solution?"

This idea really made the second prince's eyes light up. People in Ningguo generally don't take women seriously, even if they are particularly beautiful.

People like Linlang and Lincheng can be given to others at any time. Therefore, the Second Prince never thought of working hard on women.

Or maybe he knew that Qian Jiujiu had Fengming, but he never took Qian Jiujiu seriously. So he never thought about trying to please Qian Jiujiu.

Now that he has been reminded by this young general, his imagination immediately opened up: "Come here, go and find out what Qian Jiujiu likes."

But this person didn't think that Mu Yexiao kept Qian Jiujiu's affairs strictly secret, so no one could find out. Of course, the result would be nothing.

The second prince began to think again, women don’t care about things, they just like gold, silver, and jewelry, so there will be nothing wrong as long as he gives them some treasures.

But Qin Zheng did not expect that although he guessed the beginning this time, he did not do the right thing, because Qian Jiujiu only liked gold, medicinal herbs and food.

If he had given gold, things would have been much easier, but he gave some treasures instead. Qian Jiujiu was now looking at the pearls and gems in his hand.

The corner of his mouth twitched: "Mu Yexiao, how come the Second Prince suddenly remembered to give this princess a gift?"

Mu Yexiao's mouth corners also rose: "He must be anxious. There are only a few days left. He has been here for a month. If the peace talks are not completed, his position will be in danger."

"But I am quite curious. How did the Second Prince suddenly come to his senses and send you a gift? But I guess someone must have reminded him. Do you like these things?"

Qian Jiujiu shook his head: "What I like is gold, gold is trembling, and I can't take these things now, but put them aside, anyway, you can continue the negotiations."

"I will be out of confinement in a few days. Kyoto can no longer support so many people. Father has suffered heavy losses in manpower, and General Liu's mansion is also extremely restless."

Mu Yexiao smiled and said, "Okay, I get it, but you don't have to worry about Father. Father has been on the throne for so long, how could he not have any trump cards?"

Qian Jiujiu thought so too and didn't say anything more. She just waited peacefully for her confinement to be over. The ministers from Ningguo came to the gate of the camp again.

Requesting to see Prince Xiao to discuss the peace talks, Mu Yexiao did not directly refuse this time, but asked Dongchen to pass on the message: "Send the people of Ningguo to the county government office in Biancheng tomorrow to discuss the peace talks."

After learning that Mu Yexiao was finally willing to negotiate, the second prince Qin Zheng finally felt relieved. Early the next morning, he led the Ningguo peace negotiation team to the county government office in the border town.

On this side, Mu Yexiao also got up and led the Great Zhou Kingdom's peace negotiation team to the border town. Just after noon, the teams of the two countries gathered in front of the county government gate of the border town.

Mu Yexiao looked at the newcomer with a smile on his face. He didn't seem anxious at all. As a victorious nation, he didn't need to be anxious. "Second Prince of Ningguo, I have long heard of your great name."

"It's just that this habit is not very good. Not everyone is as lustful as you."

The first thing he talked about was the matter of sending the beauty, which made Qian Jiujiu angry. Although he had left the Second Prince Qin Zheng alone for almost a month, he was a little anxious.

But he didn't do anything to him. Mu Yexiao felt that he still hadn't gotten rid of his anger, so when he saw Qin Zheng, he suddenly felt a little bad.

Qin Zheng looked embarrassed, but he was a little angry in his heart. Although you are a prince, he is still a prince! Everyone's status is actually about the same, why should he be angry with him

But the current situation is that he needs help from others, so of course he has to lower his status, so he smiled bitterly and looked at Mu Yexiao: "Prince Xiao, this is all a misunderstanding."

Mu Yexiao did not say anything. The group walked in and then sat down on both sides of the county government hall. The people from the Great Zhou Kingdom sat on the right.

The people of Ningguo sat on the left. No one from the two countries spoke. After all, whoever spoke first at this time would suffer a loss.

Mu Yexiao frowned: "Don't you have anything to say? If not, I will go back to accompany the princess, you can do as you please."

When they heard that Mu Yexiao was leaving, Qin Zheng and General Hada froze. They couldn't let him go. They had finally agreed to negotiate and decided not to mess things up.

General Hada laughed and said, "Please stay, King Xiao. As a matter of fact, everyone knows that the purpose of sitting here today is to negotiate. Since it is a negotiation, it means that both sides are interested."

"Why don't we sit down and have a good talk to see what conditions both of us have."

Mu Yexiao raised the corner of his mouth and said, "I don't have much time. I am busy accompanying the princess and the children, so I will be brief. I will consider that your Ning Kingdom is really poor."

"You don't have to pay for any food, but in this war, our Great Zhou suffered heavy losses, so you, Ningguo, must pay compensation."

"As for the amount of compensation, you can discuss it, but I have one condition. General Hada must have evidence that some people in the Great Zhou Dynasty have treasoned against the enemy."

"General Hada, please return all the weapons. Of course, if General Hada is not sincere, then don't say anything more. Just fight when necessary."

Hearing Mu Yexiao's words without any room for negotiation, General Hada's face turned ugly. It turned out that Mu Yexiao knew everything

Thinking of this, Hada looked at Mu Yexiao with some uneasiness. Mu Yexiao was killed so badly last time, and this time they wanted to do the same thing again.

However, Mu Yexiao dodged it. Mu Yexiao must be extremely hateful in his heart. If he wanted to negotiate, he would not be able to keep these things.

General Hada sighed and said, "After the peace talks are successful, Hada will present all these things to us."

Mu Yexiao was a little satisfied after hearing this: "Okay, General Dongchen will be in charge of the peace talks. I will be very busy."

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched. Everyone knew what Prince Mu Yexiao was busy with. He was busy accompanying his wife and children! Such a grown man.

He is also a god of war general who is invincible on the battlefield. The fact that soldiers are henpecked makes them speechless.

It turned out that ever since the second prince Qin Zheng sent a beauty and Mu Yexiao was kicked out of the military camp, Mu Yexiao had been given the title of being henpecked for no reason.

However, Mu Yexiao did not explain. Instead, he seemed a little complacent about it. Under the gaze of everyone, he stood up and left. Qin Zheng was immediately furious.

He actually asked a general to receive him, and gave the matter to Dongchen to take full charge. What kind of person is Dongchen? Mu Yexiao actually dared to insult him like this.

But he still had to accept this insult, because he had to make the peace talks successful, so he had to endure it, thinking that a gentleman's revenge is never too late.

She would always find an opportunity to kill Mu Yexiao, and even take Qian Jiujiu away, leaving Mu Yexiao with nothing and dying without a burial place.

Dongchen kept looking at Qin Zheng's hateful eyes which he had no time to hide, and watched Mu Yexiao leave the county government office in Biancheng.