My Funny Consort

Chapter 195: The time to witness a miracle has come


As for the exam questions for this competition, Qian Jiujiu had already discussed it with Mu Yexiao. Seeing that the time was almost up, Mu Yexiao looked at everyone.

"Okay, now I will announce the exam questions. There are three topics: self-cultivation, family management, and governance. Everyone can choose one to explain."

"I will give you all an hour to write. This prince, the second prince of Ningguo, and several great scholars will be waiting here. Let's start now."

"Of course, for the top ten, I will announce the content of their exams."

After these words were spoken, everyone started writing. Qian Jiujiu looked at the people below who had started writing and glanced at Mu Yexiao, who smiled.

Looking at Qian Jiujiu: "Jiuer, if you have nothing to do, then take Princess Yu out for a walk. There is no need to wait here, just leave this to me."

Qian Jiujiu nodded: "Okay, then I will take the princess away first."

Qian Jiujiu glanced at Qin Yu and said, "Princess Yu, let's go. I'm sure Prince Qin Zheng will look after you."

Qin Yu nodded: "Princess, please go first."

Qian Jiujiu stood up and led the way, but the two of them walked into the pavilion on the other side. There was gauze hanging around the pavilion, and a breeze was blowing.

The figure inside was looming, which was quite interesting. Qian Jiujiu even took out the guqin and looked at Qin Yu: "Yugongzhi, I heard that you play the guqin very well."

"I wonder if you could play a song for this princess at this time?"

Qin Yu nodded: "If the princess wants to listen, Yu'er is willing to do so."

The maid beside Qin Yu took the guqin from Hongling's hand and began to play it, while Qian Jiujiu looked at the people in the field.

Some talented people in the field were concentrating on writing, but looking at Mu Yezhe, he actually stopped and listened carefully to Qin Yu's playing. Qian Jiujiu's mouth twitched.

What's the matter with this Mu Yezhe? This was used to confuse those people, but it just confused him, and Qin Yu's eyes were obviously looking at Mu Yezhe.

Seeing that Mu Yezhe was actually looking at her intently and listening to her playing the piano, Qian Jiujiu couldn't help but blush. She was stunned. Could it be that Qin Yu was using the sound of the piano to convey some message to Mu Yezhe

At this time, Qin Yu had already stopped, and Mu Yezhe lowered his head and continued to write. Qian Jiujiu was speechless. She didn't understand the way this literati communicated.

She coughed twice, but comforted herself in her heart that she was a rough person, and it was better to be a little rougher.

Poured a cup of tea for Qin Yu: "Yu'er's piano playing is very beautiful."

Listening to Qian Jiujiu's praise, Qin Yu smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment, Princess. Can you play the piano too?"

Qian Jiujiu shook his head: "No, I only know how to kill people."

This sentence made Qin Yu cough, but after thinking about it, it seemed to be true. Qian Jiujiu was really good at killing people. After laughing dryly twice, Qin Yu didn't know what topic to talk about.

But it was impossible to stay silent for more than an hour. Qin Yu thought about it and decided to find a topic. He looked at Qian Jiujiu and asked, "What does the princess like?"


Qian Jiujiu was not wrong. She usually liked to eat, especially the delicious food made by Xiaoman. However, this made Qin Yu speechless again.

Can we still have a pleasant chat? There was a moment of silence. Qian Jiujiu looked at Qin Yu and said in confusion: "Yu'er, what do you like to do in your daily life?"

Qin Yu heaved a sigh of relief: "Yu'er usually likes to draw, and..."

Following the topic, Qin Yu actually opened up and started chatting with Qian Jiujiu, because Qian Jiujiu's paintings were also good, and she was happy to listen to Qin Yu talk about painting.

Qian Jiujiu suddenly had another idea. She could draw. At the beginning, she had been thinking about how to record the growth records of Nannanbeibei in her family.

Isn't it there now? While she still has the memory, draw it first and then talk about it. So Qian Jiujiu took advantage of the time when there was still some time and looked at Hong Ling.

"Hongling, go get this princess a feather brush and some cut paper."

Qian Jiujiu's current habits are still the same as in her previous life. She likes to cut paper into the size of each piece of picture and is also used to using such paper.

Soon Hongling brought these things and looked at Qin Yu: "Yuer likes to draw, it's just right, do you still remember what my Beibei looks like?"

Qin Yu nodded. The child was very cute, so Qin Yu always remembered: "I remember it. What is the princess going to do?"

"Here is the paper. Draw a portrait of my Beibei, and I will draw a portrait of my Nannan."

Qin Yu looked at Qian Jiujiu's impetuous look, and realized that she was impatient. In fact, Qian Jiujiu didn't expect Qin Yu to be able to draw it. She was just looking for something to keep Qin Yu busy.

She started drawing on the paper with a chicken feather brush. With just a few strokes, she sketched out Nan Nan's appearance, a vivid three-dimensional picture.

It was as if Nan Nan was standing there at this moment, and Xiaoman had used this kind of painting method before, so the two maids Hongchou and Hongling were not surprised.

But Qin Yu's maid had never seen it before. When she looked at Qian Jiujiu's painting, she exclaimed, "Ah, it's so realistic."

Following the maid's exclamation, Qin Yu also looked over and was immediately shocked. Is this a painting

Qin Yu looked at Qian Jiujiu. Was this really a painting by Princess Xiao? How high must her painting skills be? Thinking of this, Qin Yu was shocked.

She really wanted to learn it, but she thought that she was a princess of another country, and if she had such a skill, it would definitely be taught to her descendants in the future, so how could he possibly teach it to her

It's better not to bring it up. If you do, it might only annoy people. Besides, since she came to Da Zhou, Qian Jiujiu has already taken good care of her.

It’s better not to be greedy. The maid’s exclamation here had already alarmed the people taking the exam over there. Mu Yexiao was the first to come over.

Of course, he had seen such three-dimensional paintings, but they were of the house. However, such a character was his son. Mu Yexiao was also surprised and knew that it was from Jiujiu's hand.

Looking at Qian Jiujiu, Mu Yexiao suddenly didn't know what to say. It was obvious that she was here to highlight the others, but in this way, the others would be crushed by her brilliance.

I couldn't help but glance at the others: "Continue with the exam, everything is fine here."

Although Mu Yexiao said this, Qin Zheng had already rushed over and saw all the paintings. He was immediately shocked. What kind of woman is Qian Jiujiu

She could even draw, and draw so well, which made him even more fascinated. He couldn't help but want to talk to Qian Jiujiu, but was suddenly blocked by Mu Yexiao in front of him.

"Second Prince, come with me."

Although the Second Prince didn't want to leave, he was still taken away by Mu Yexiao, and his reason was very fair. He looked at the Second Prince and said, "You also know that painting requires inspiration."

"The princess is feeling very inspired right now, so it's better not to disturb her."

After saying that, he and the second prince Qin Zheng sat back on the referee's seat, drinking tea and watching the people below lowering their heads and writing furiously. He was quite relaxed.

Qin Yu could only watch silently as Qian Jiujiu quickly finished one painting after another, while Hong Ling and Hong Chou put Qian Jiujiu's paintings on the other side to dry.

Qin Yu and Qin Yu's maid wanted to say something, but no one said a word, because Mu Yexiao just said that Qian Jiujiu was having some inspiration now, so it was better not to disturb her.

Qian Jiujiu felt his hands were a little sore, so he shook his arms and looked at himself. He had already painted a whole pavilion, with more than twenty pictures in total.

I couldn't help but smile contentedly: "I have drawn so much, I can make up for it by drawing for another day tomorrow."

Qin Yu was a little surprised when she heard this: "Make up for it? Princess, what are you doing?"

Qian Jiujiu smiled and said, "Thank you Princess Yu'er for this. I was originally thinking about how to record Nannanbeibei's growth."

"Now I have thought of it. I want to draw every bit of their growth. Look, this is a portrait of them growing up from birth to every day. Do you think they are getting prettier as they grow older?"

The corner of Qin Yu's mouth twitched. How could things change in just one day? But this is the heart of a mother. Suddenly, she had an even stronger fondness for Qian Jiujiu.

Because she felt that Qian Jiujiu was a great mother. She had such a strong painting ability, but she used it to record every detail of her son and daughter.

"Princess, you are so good to your children."

Qian Jiujiu pulled the corner of his mouth awkwardly: "Hongchou, come and see if it's done?"

Hong Chiu immediately came forward to answer: "Princess, as long as the last few are not done, the others are done."

Qian Jiujiu hummed: "Bring all the dried ones here."

After Hongchou took the painting, Qian Jiujiu looked at the words with a smile, and then quickly stacked the paintings together: "Now, it's time for us to witness a miracle."

As Qian Jiujiu spoke, everyone's eyes were on her palm. Qian Jiujiu slid the papers, turning them over one by one, and the children in the paintings seemed to come alive.

It started to move, and everyone could not help but stare in amazement: "It moved, it moved."

Qian Jiujiu was laughing, and it was very lively here. Mu Yexiao also came over and said, "Jiuer, put away all the paintings. It's time here."

Qian Jiujiu immediately asked Hong Chou to put away all the paintings, and then followed Mu Yexiao over. Now the talented people below had almost finished writing.

Of course, Qian Jiujiu did not see the answers to these exams, because Qian Jiujiu could not understand them. They were all collected and then sent to several invited scholars.

Please start ranking these people. Because today's people have been screened, there are not many people, only about 100.

It didn't take much time to finish reading 100 files.