My Funny Consort

Chapter 201: Take 10,000 points of damage


Qian Jiujiu walked in with a smile. The queen looked at Qian Jiujiu and said, "Why did Jiuer come to the palace today? What's the matter?"

Hearing the queen's gentle voice, Qian Jiujiu did not hide anything and told the truth: "Mother, do you still remember that my daughter-in-law built a hot spring villa on the mountain last year?"

"Now that the hot spring villa has been completed, my daughter-in-law wants to take Nanbeibei and Beibei there to escape the summer heat. Mother, you and your mother can go with us."

The Queen glanced at Qian Jiujiu and said, "I'm afraid this matter will take another two days. Your father discussed it with me yesterday and picked a good time."

"Tomorrow, we will have the two children listed in the imperial royal book and have them named."

When Qian Jiujiu heard this, she immediately became interested: "Then does the Queen Mother know what name the Emperor gave to Nanbeibeibei?"

The Queen and Concubine Qing smiled and said, "Of course we know this. Nan Nan is called Mu Qiancheng and Bei Bei is called Mu Qiannuo."

Qian Jiujiu blinked her eyes. Qian Cheng and Qian Nuo, put together they mean promise. Does she want her children to be people who keep their promises

However, for Qian Jiujiu, who is incompetent at naming, both names are good. He smiled and talked about the matter of submitting to the royal jade edict tomorrow. On the other side, the emperor also raised this question in the hall.

Tomorrow, the names of Prince Xiao’s two children will be written on the royal jade butterfly. Generally speaking, children listed on the royal jade book will usually be granted the titles of prince and princess at the same time.

But the emperor did not even raise the issue, which made Mu Yesheng a little uneasy. Seeing the emperor still smiling, he said, "Speaking of which, my grandson is really cute..."

The emperor talked about this issue for a long time, and the ministers below listened carefully. Some of the ministers who liked to think about random things were thinking about it.

The emperor likes this child so much, he must be conveying something to them. He probably wants to make Prince Xiao Mu Yexiao the crown prince. Prime Minister Ren is also considering this issue.

Now that Ningguo is no longer a threat, the only threat to Da Zhou is the position of heir. In fact, he is very interested in his grandson, the fifth prince.

It’s a pity that everyone in the world knows that the Fifth Prince Mu Yexing is not very smart. Although there is treatment, the Ren Mansion is still looking for the medicinal herb thousand-year-old ginseng.

But the current situation has made Prime Minister Ren see clearly that he does not have time to wait for Mu Yexing's recovery, but fortunately, Mu Yexiao does not have any background.

So Prime Minister Ren was planning to move closer at this time. After all, in their eyes, the emperor's favorite person was definitely Mu Yexiao. Thinking of this, Prime Minister Ren stood up directly.

"Your Majesty, the world is peaceful now, and our Great Zhou is strong and prosperous. However, the matter of appointing a crown prince needs to be put on the agenda as soon as possible."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, but felt relieved. He glanced at the people in the court and laughed happily: "Lord Ren, you still understand my heart."

When the ministers heard this, they were immediately startled. It turned out that the emperor wanted to appoint a crown prince. Some time ago, Mu Yexiao was still fighting outside.

When the whole of Kyoto was in a panic, this matter was also mentioned, but in the end it was not decided. Now, is the emperor unable to wait any longer

The communication of this news shocked many people, but also excited many people. The emperor looked at the ministers below, some of whom stood still, while others were excited.

Some people were even more anxious. The emperor couldn't help but laugh and asked, "Who do you think is the best prince?"

Prime Minister Ren naturally supported Mu Yexiao. He had no other choice but to speak up: "Your Majesty, Prince Xiao, Mu Yexiao, has fought for the Great Zhou Kingdom over the years."

"This time he defeated Ningguo and facilitated the successful peace talks between the two countries. He is definitely the best candidate for the crown prince."

General Liu also spoke up when he heard this: "Your Majesty, although Prince Xiao is good at fighting, when it comes to governing a country, it is obvious that the Third Prince Mu Yesheng is better than Prince Xiao."

"Prince Xiao is suitable to be a general and assist the Crown Prince..."

The two people started arguing. The emperor looked at the ministers who started arguing, and did not say much. He just watched silently. The parties involved were Mu Yexiao and Mu Yesheng.

At this time, everyone fell into silence. After a long while, the eunuch beside the emperor, at the emperor's signal, shouted to adjourn the court.

Seeing that all the ministers had left, the emperor changed to Mu Yexiao: "Prince Xiao, please stay."

Mu Yexiao paused for a moment, then stopped. The emperor waved at Mu Yexiao, then took Mu Yexiao towards the harem.

"Let's go and see your mother, your mother, and your two children."

Mu Yexiao responded, "I obey your command."

The father and son walked towards the harem together, and Mu Yesheng, who was not far from the hall, turned around and looked at the father and son, with a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

His father, the emperor, never treated him as his son from the beginning to the end, and now he is openly giving up on him. This makes Mu Yesheng feel...

He felt that he had suffered ten thousand points of damage. Now was the time to do anything to stay alive. Thinking of this, Mu Yesheng snorted coldly.

Mu Yexiao and the emperor were no longer visible. Mu Yesheng turned around and saw General Liu standing in front of him: "Uncle, let's go to the general's mansion."

General Liu nodded, and the two people left.

In the Queen's palace, when everyone was talking excitedly, the eunuch's voice was suddenly heard: "The Emperor has arrived, Prince Xiao has arrived."

Qian Jiujiu and others turned their heads and saw the father and son walking in. The queen greeted the emperor with a smile. After the group of people greeted each other, Mu Yexiao looked at Qian Jiujiu.

"Jiu'er has also entered the palace today, but is there something wrong?"

Qian Jiujiu smiled and said, "I came to the palace to talk to my mother about going to the hot spring manor. I just found out that I have to give the two children Jade Butterfly tomorrow. You didn't even tell me such a big thing."

Mu Yexiao smiled and said, "I just found out about it during the morning court today, and I haven't had time to tell you yet. But the child's name is quite good."

Qian Jiujiu agreed with the name. The queen looked at the two of them and said, "Since both of you are in the palace, let's have lunch in Gong Palace tonight."

As they were talking, the Queen Mother also arrived. Qian Jiujiu saw the Queen Mother looking at the two children with a kind face, and suddenly she was a little confused. Didn't the Queen Mother always dislike Concubine Qing and Mu Yexiao

Why did his attitude seem to have changed, and even his attitude towards her, Qian Jiujiu, became much better? This left Qian Jiujiu puzzled.

After having lunch in the palace, Qian Jiujiu took the two children out of the palace. On the carriage on the way home, Mu Yexiao looked at Qian Jiujiu and spoke.

"Father intends to make me the crown prince, Jiuer, what do you think about this?"

Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Mu Yexiao: "That depends on you. If you want to be the crown prince, I will naturally support you."

Mu Yexiao frowned. He knew, he knew Qian Jiujiu very well, and Qian Jiujiu would not like living in this imperial city.

With a sigh, he reached out to hold Qian Jiujiu's hand: "Jiuer, don't worry, I will definitely fulfill your wish for you."

Qian Jiujiu just nodded and didn't say anything, but she was thinking about other questions in her heart. She was not sure at this time, would Mu Yexiao give up the throne for her

If Mu Yexiao gave up the throne, no, at this time, Mu Yexiao could not give up, because Mu Yesheng was still eyeing her covetously, she must get the thousand-year-old ginseng as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Qian Jiujiu looked at Mu Yexiao with a serious face: "Mu Yexiao, I have a question for you, if it is not necessary, would you be the emperor?"

Mu Yexiao immediately understood what Qian Jiujiu meant, and then looked at Qian Jiujiu very seriously: "No, I will choose you. Even if it is necessary, I still want you."

Qian Jiujiu was stunned, his eyes were rolling, but he didn't know what he was thinking, and suddenly he smiled: "But that's a position that everyone wants."

Mu Yexiao touched Qian Jiujiu's head and said, "Don't test me anymore. In my heart, I just want to protect you and the child, as well as my mother and family."

The carriage arrived at the palace. Today, the palace was unusually quiet. Mu Yexiao took Qian Jiujiu back to the room: "Jiuer, don't worry, although I will be the crown prince."

"But I believe there is a chance to find the thousand-year-old ginseng."

Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, and nodded: "Yes, I believe it too, but now, can you become the crown prince so safely? I guess Mu Yesheng is already thinking about how to deal with you."

Mu Yexiao nodded: "Yes, some people don't make mistakes, but it's very tiring to keep dragging it on like this."

When Qian Jiujiu heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up. The emperor had lost his patience. No wonder he suddenly thought of appointing a crown prince. It turned out that he wanted to force Mu Yesheng to take action.

But will Mu Yesheng be fooled? Qian Jiujiu was a little uncertain, but Mu Yexiao touched Qian Jiujiu's head and said, "When a person is forced into a desperate situation, he will always resist with all his strength."

"It's just right that you can go to the hot spring villa to hide for a while. But Jiuer, take good care of yourself when I'm not around."

Qian Jiujiu nodded: "Don't worry, I will take good care of myself. You can still see my ability."

Mu Yexiao was very relieved about Qian Jiujiu, but there was a saying that was true: worrying too much will lead to confusion. Thinking of this, Qian Jiujiu frowned.

Mu Yexiao reached out and stroked Qian Jiujiu's forehead: "Don't frown, since I have already thought of a way, I will definitely protect you."

"Don't worry, when things in Da Zhou are stable, we will do our best to find your mother."