My Funny Consort

Chapter 227: Martial arts competition to recruit a bride


Ah Er and Ah San thought so, but took a step back. Ah Da took action directly, which made Ah Er and Ah San very depressed.

Looking at Ah Da, Ah Er said directly: "Ah Da, the three of us have similar martial arts skills. You can't beat the two of us alone, so you'd better not do it."

Ah San also laughed and said, "That's right, by then we won't know who will be beaten down."

Ah Da just raised his eyes, glanced at the two men, and then continued to attack. The result was beyond Ah Er and Ah San's expectations, and the two men were quickly beaten up.

"Ah Da, how come your martial arts skills have improved so quickly?"

When Qian Jiujiu heard this, he glanced at Ada with a half-smile: "Ada, come in, I have something to talk to you about."

Ada then turned around and walked in. Qian Jiujiu closed the door, leaving only Ada and Qian Jiujiu in the room. Qian Jiujiu looked at Ada and said, "Ada, can you also participate in this martial arts competition to find a bride?"

Ah Da nodded: "Sure, as long as they are residents of the island, they can come."

Qian Jiujiu said, "Are you going to participate? If you win, I will marry you and we will live on the island. What do you think?"

After saying this, Ada's eyes looked at Qian Jiujiu motionlessly, and a faint light flashed in Ada's eyes, obviously judging whether what Qian Jiujiu said was true.

Qian Jiujiu did not chase after Ada, but waited slowly for Ada's answer. After a long while, Ada looked up at Qian Jiujiu and said, "Miss, don't you want to go to King Xiao's side?"

Hearing this, Qian Jiujiu raised her eyebrows, then sighed pitifully: "I want to, but I'm a weak woman, there's no way I can leave the island."

"Besides, Mu Yexiao must have forgotten me a long time ago. Otherwise, how could he not come to see me for so long?"

As Qian Jiujiu said this, she glanced at A Da with some resentment in her eyes. A Da's body stiffened. What else could he not understand at this time? He tore off his face scarf.

Then, under Qian Jiujiu's gaze, he removed his disguise and looked at Qian Jiujiu helplessly: "Jiuer, who else do you want to marry besides me?"

There was no surprise in Qian Jiujiu's eyes. In fact, she had suspected it for a long time. After all, she had hardly communicated with A Da, but A Da was so obedient.

Plus, Mu Yexiao's martial arts just now were completely exposed, okay? That's why I said those words in front of Mu Yexiao, wanting Mu Yexiao to show up, and sighed.

"You showed up just like that. It's really annoying! I haven't even said anything yet!"

After hearing this, Mu Yexiao looked at Qian Jiujiu with a somewhat amused look: "You haven't said anything yet, what else do you want to say?"

Qian Jiujiu curled her lips and said, "What should we do now? How about you go and make trouble in three days? What do you think?"

Mu Yexiao looked at Qian Jiujiu speechlessly: "I will win the competition, and then I will marry you openly. After I win first place, you will reveal my identity in public."

"What do you think? As the lord of an island, your father will definitely not go back on his word."

Qian Jiujiu rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, let's do this for now. I'm actually looking forward to slapping him in the face in front of the whole island."

Thinking of this, Qian Jiujiu suddenly felt like she was alive again. Then her eyes rolled around Mu Yexiao's body, and she suddenly jumped up and pounced on Mu Yexiao.

"Mu Yexiao, you are really too much. You have been here for so many days and you didn't recognize me. Do you know how worried I am about you? I am afraid that you will turn the entire Great Zhou Kingdom upside down."

"By the way, aren't you the crown prince now? Why are you here?"

Mu Yexiao raised the corner of his mouth, hugged Qian Jiujiu and sat her on his lap. Although he wanted to be close to Qian Jiujiu, he still knew their current situation.

She needs to restrain herself, looking at Qian Jiujiu: "I am not a prince now, so you don't have to worry, just be my princess obediently."

"As for the Crown Prince's concubines and the like, they can be completely ignored."

Qian Jiujiu gave Mu Yexiao a big smile and said, "Domineering! I love you the most, so I'm not worried about anything at all. I came out to take Nannanbeibei home."

"But he was kidnapped by Gu Xiangning on the way. Gu Xiangning had no choice but to do so. After all, he wanted to clear his mother's name, so he could only ask me for help."

"Since he once saved me, I can't be so heartless. What's more, I have always planned to come back to see if my mother is doing well."

"If you live well, I can rest assured. Just like now, I feel at ease. Mom may not be able to stay with me in the future, but I am even happier."

"Mom has someone who understands her and can be by her side."

Mu Yexiao heard this and touched Qian Jiujiu's head: "I know, I support everything Jiuer does. Fortunately, she didn't take the child out first."

"They are safe there, so let's keep them there first. We will pick them up after we are ready here."

Qian Jiujiu blinked: "But don't you miss them?"

Mu Yexiao smiled and said, "Isn't their safety more important than our thoughts?"

Qian Jiujiu shook her head directly: "No, our thoughts and companionship are what are important to them. Besides, with us around, how can they be unsafe?"

Mu Yexiao did not comment on this: "Anyway, I only listen to my Jiuer."

Qian Jiujiu stuck out her tongue and said, "You are getting better and better at saying nice things, but I like to hear them. Hehe, let me go quickly and clean up."

"If you stay here too long, Ah Er and Ah San outside will definitely get suspicious."

Mu Yexiao nodded and put the stuff on his face directly. Then he walked out and saw Ah Er and Ah San applying medicine to each other and watched Ah Da come out.

The two people looked at him in confusion, but didn't say anything, because A Da had already sat down in the corridor to protect Qian Jiujiu.

Three days passed in a flash, and during these three days, almost the entire island knew that the eldest lady who had just returned was going to hold a martial arts competition on the island to find a husband.

Suddenly everyone became happy because they heard that this young lady had already married and had a child. But she was very beautiful.

The most important thing is the eldest daughter of the island owner's mansion, so there are so many people who signed up in the past three days. When the competition started today, there was a huge crowd of people under the arena.

Xiaoman couldn't help but look at Qian Jiujiu happily when she saw this situation: "Sister, I didn't expect you to be so attractive. Look at how many people are here."

"Tsk tsk... What do you think they are here for?"

At this time, Mu Yexiao, also known as Ada, had already walked in front of the island owner and looked at the island owner Gu Xiong: "Island owner, Ada also wants to sign up for the competition, is that ok?"

Gu Xiong was stunned for a moment, and then he thought that A Da seemed to obey Qian Jiujiu's words, and it seemed that he liked Qian Jiujiu, but this was also good.

At least this Ah Da is definitely a good candidate for a husband, so Gu Xiong said generously: "Okay, you go too."

So Ah Da also stood down there, and the housekeeper of the island owner's mansion stood on the stage with a smile on his face: "Okay, everyone please be quiet for a moment."

"Our eldest lady is holding a martial arts competition to recruit a husband this time, and she values martial arts. Of course, she has added another rule. No matter who wins, you still have to fight with the eldest lady outside."

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in surprise. The eldest lady looked weak and frail, but actually knew martial arts. Thinking of this, looking at Qian Jiujiu's eyes, everyone's reactions changed.

The housekeeper didn't care about this, but continued, "Okay, I won't say any more nonsense, let's get started now."

After he finished speaking, the butler left the ring, leaving the ring empty. A bearded man jumped up first: "I'll do it."

Xiaoman looked at the bearded man and burst into laughter. She laughed twice: "Sister, look at this guy, he is so ugly, and he wants to eat swan meat like a toad!"

This was definitely Xiaoman's truest feeling, but Gu Xiong glared at her. Xiaoman stuck out her tongue, but she didn't know whether she said it wrong or not, and the people below burst into laughter.

The bearded man saw so many people laughing at him, but he didn't care and waved his hand. "Don't look at me because I'm ugly. I'm actually very gentle. Miss, if you marry me, I will make you happy."

Qian Jiujiu coughed twice and said, "Wait until you can beat me and then I will tell you. Maybe if you shave your beard, you will be a rare handsome man."

The bearded man was stunned for a moment: "Young lady, you have a good eye."

As he was talking, another man in white, holding a fan, also ran up and looked at the bearded man: "This bearded man wants to marry the eldest lady."

"It's not as simple as just saying it. Bai is here to ask for your advice."

Xiaoman looked at the new person and whispered in Qian Jiujiu's ear: "The person who came up later is called Bai Yu. He is quite popular on the island. At least he is a handsome guy."

Others may not understand what the young handsome guy means, but Qian Jiujiu can understand the one called Bai Yu, who has a handsome face. He watched the two men fighting fiercely on the ring.

Qian Jiujiu glanced at Xiaoman and said, "Why do I feel that they are a better match?"

Xiaoman's eyes suddenly lit up. In her previous life, Xiaoman was also a fujoshi. She loved watching this kind of things as she looked at the two people on the stage.

I couldn't help but pout: "What you said is really true, the big bearded man is full of aggression, and the young handsome man is full of anger, wow, wow, wow, they are really a perfect match."