My Funny Consort

Chapter 233: You cunning woman


When Qian Jiujiu heard this request, he coughed twice and laughed: "Didn't you see everything? What else do you want to know?"

"But I can tell you that in our world, men and women are equal, everyone is equal, and a man can only have one woman."

Hearing this, Gu Jinchen was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know these things, because what he just saw was only Qian Jiujiu's experience from childhood to adulthood.

What was seen most often was Qian Jiujiu studying various subjects and hardly having any rest. Mu Yexiao felt very distressed for her, and Qian Jiujiu also saw the distress in Mu Yexiao's eyes.

Then her eyes flickered. In fact, she felt that Mu Yexiao's experience was a thousand times more pitiful than hers. She coughed twice and said, "Don't look at me like that. I feel uncomfortable."

"And let's get out first. This cave is so narrow."

Mu Yexiao nodded, took Qian Jiujiu's hand and walked outside. At this time, Qian Jiujiu was communicating with the little rabbit in her body.

The little rabbit was very depressed because he felt that he had met Qian Jiujiu, which was really sad. Qian Jiujiu was a black-bellied person! And he was definitely the blackest person he had ever seen.

To enter a person's body, one must first recognize that person as the master, and Qian Jiujiu must know this, and she also said that neither she nor Mu Yexiao wanted her.

As a result, the little rabbit knew Qian Jiujiu's thought as soon as he entered. After all, Qian Jiujiu did not hide it and let the little rabbit make his own choice.

From the few riddles just now, Qian Jiujiu was able to roughly understand that this rabbit was definitely not a guy who was willing to be lonely, so now that he had this opportunity, he would definitely not give up easily.

But the little rabbit’s tactics of sowing discord were really bad. Qian Jiujiu and Mu Yexiao were both smart people and would not be fooled at all. Now the little rabbit is still depressed.

Qian Jiujiu's voice rang in the little rabbit's ears: "Little rabbit, are you not convinced?"

The little rabbit snorted twice: "You cunning woman, you are more cunning than a rabbit."

Qian Jiujiu couldn't help laughing: "Are you sure that Rabbit is cunning? Okay, I admit that I blew you up, but didn't I bring you out? You continue to be so arrogant."

"It is destined that you can only live in this space forever."

Ever since she felt that the rabbit had recognized its master, Qian Jiujiu knew that she could now fully control this portable space, and this portable space in front of her.

But it is many times more advanced than Xiaoman’s space. After all, people on Mingyue Island have been fighting for space for generations.

At the moment of recognizing the master, Qian Jiujiu realized that the so-called Mingyue Island was not on the sea at all, nor was it some formation. Instead, the entire Mingyue Island was within this space.

I just don't know if Gu Xiong and the others know this news, but I can ask them now. And the little rabbit is considering Qian Jiujiu's words.

After a long while of arrogant humming, she finally said, "Will you really let me out?"

Qian Jiujiu hummed: "Of course, after all, I still need your help. Okay, I have to go out to meet someone now, please don't bother me anymore."

After saying that, he cut off the conversation with the little rabbit and followed Mu Yexiao out of the cave. Outside the cave, everyone on the island was there.

After Qian Jiujiu and Mu Yexiao came out of the cave, they saw a sea of dark crowds. They looked at each other and then at Gu Xiong.

"Master Gu, what does this mean?"

Island Master Gu coughed twice, and looked at Qian Jiujiu with a hopeful look on his face: "Jiujiu, have you been recognized by the Holy Beast?"

Holy beast? Qian Jiujiu blinked, still a little confused, and the little rabbit spoke: "The holy beast they are talking about is me. You can tell them that you got it."

Hahaha! Qian Jiujiu suddenly started laughing. She never thought that a rabbit could be a so-called sacred beast. It was so funny.

Mu Yexiao looked at Qian Jiujiu with some surprise: "Jiuer, what are you laughing at?"

Qian Jiujiu immediately stopped talking: "Sorry, I thought of something funny and couldn't help laughing, but the holy beast, we have obtained its approval."

"What do you want to do?"

The latter words were spoken to Gu Xiong. When Island Master Gu heard this, he looked at Qian Jiujiu with even more fervor: "Did the holy beast tell us what it wants us to do?"

The little rabbit's voice suddenly appeared and was transmitted directly to the island: "People on the island should do what they should do. As for Qian Jiujiu and Mu Yexiao."

"Send someone to escort them off the island."

This made Gu Xiong a little confused. Does this mean that Mu Yexiao was selected? But if he was selected, why didn't the people on the island prepare to leave the island

Just when Gu Xiong was puzzled, he heard the voice of the little rabbit continue to say: "Let Gu Xiangning follow you out of the island and protect Qian Jiujiu. Let's all disperse."

Then the little rabbit became completely quiet, and Gu Xiangning looked at Qian Jiujiu and Mu Yexiao with some surprise. The holy beast actually knew her.

And following the little rabbit's words, everyone dispersed and left. Anyway, the holy beast's holy order had been given, so they should do whatever they should do.

Only Gu Xiong stayed. Qian Jiujiu glanced at Gu Xiong and Gu Xiangning and said, "Let's go back and talk about it first."

So the group returned to the island owner's mansion. Qian Jiujiu looked at Wan Yin who came out to greet them and sighed, "Mom, I'm leaving now. Xiao Man, go get ready. We'll be leaving soon."

Xiaoman was brought in by Qian Jiujiu, and of course she will leave with Qian Jiujiu. No one has any objection to this.

Meanwhile, Gu Xiangning looked at Qian Jiu and said, "Sister, if you want to go out, I will go and protect you. Do you need to bring someone with you?"

Qian Jiujiu thought that after going out, they would have to hurry along the way, so after thinking for a while, he hummed, "Don't bring too many people, just take Ah Er and Ah San with you."

Gu Xiangning went to prepare immediately. Wanyin looked at Qian Jiujiu reluctantly: "You're leaving now? I still feel a little reluctant to let you go."

Qian Jiujiu looked at Wan Yin and said, "Mom, I hope you know that I am doing well. I will miss you too. When I am stable, I will come to see you."

However, Qian Jiujiu and Wan Yin both knew what would await them this time. They were afraid that it would not be easy to achieve stability.

They all sighed, but they had to go. Thinking of this, Qian Jiujiu reached out and gave Wanyin a hug, while Xiaoman had already packed her luggage.

Gu Xiangning also brought A'er and A'san over. A'er and A'san looked at Mu Yexiao's expression, looking a little puzzled. Qian Jiujiu then remembered a question.

Turning his head to look at Mu Yexiao, Mu Yexiao also saw Ah Er and Ah San, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "A Da is in Dongchen's hands."

This was considered as an explanation of Ah Da's whereabouts. Ah Er and Ah San didn't say anything else, but just lowered their heads. The group was ready and planned to leave.

When Gu Xiong sent his group to the edge of the island, there was already a boat there again, but this boat was much more luxurious than the one that Zhang Qiqi and her daughter took last time.

After watching several people get on the boat, Gu Xiong spoke: "After you go outside, send back any news immediately. If you need us to do anything, just send us a message."

Gu Xiangning nodded: "Godfather, I understand."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boat started moving on its own, and the people of Mingyue Island could only watch the boat slowly leave. Just after the boat left, Gu Xiang walked out from the darkness.

Came to Gu Xiong's side: "Brother."

Gu Xiong didn't know what to say for a moment: "Next time there is a chance, let's mend the relationship between father and son."

The two men didn't say anything, they just watched silently as the boat went farther and farther away until it could no longer be seen. At this time, Qian Jiujiu was standing on the boat, talking to the little rabbit.

"Little Rabbit, what's going on with this boat?"

The little rabbit pouted: "That's exactly what happened. This boat is just a tool to send people out. Without this boat, they can't leave Mingyue Island."

"You can't enter Mingyue Island either. This is just a passage opened by my former master to let these people enter and exit freely."

This was the first time Qian Jiujiu heard the little rabbit talk about the previous owner. Although he had already guessed about it, he was still very curious: "What kind of person was your previous owner?"

The little rabbit immediately fell into memory: "My previous owner was a very funny person. You don't even know it. It would be very lively if you were around her."

"By the way, my previous master was called Qiqi. Her name is the same as yours, Jiujiu! And you two are from the same world, but my master was chosen by God."

"You are superfluous..."

The corner of Qian Jiujiu's mouth twitched. Why couldn't the little rabbit get around the fact that she was redundant

Watching the boat gradually sailing into the fog, this should be the edge of space. After passing through a fog, the familiar scenery came again.

It was a vast ocean. Fortunately, Gu Xiangning was very familiar with the ocean. He just asked Er and San to start driving the boat towards Da Zhou.

After drifting on the sea for seven or eight days, the group finally arrived at a place not far from the capital of Da Zhou. There happened to be a valley here. When Qian Jiujiu saw this valley.

His eyes flickered, and he looked at Xiaoman, then Qian Jiujiu spoke: "Wait for Xiaoman and me here, we have something to do."

As soon as Xiaoman heard Qian Jiujiu's words, she knew that Qian Jiujiu couldn't help it. It would be strange if she could bear it after being separated from her child for such a long time.