My Funny Consort

Chapter 240: Calling mother


Qian Jiujiu glanced at the emperor and nodded: "It can be said that even if Mingyue Island wants to support, it will support Da Zhou."

"Father, don't worry about this. It's just that everything that happens outside of Mingyue Island is kept secret. Since those two are willing to be sitting ducks, my daughter-in-law is happy to see it happen."

The emperor's eyes lit up instantly: "I understand, the reason you didn't expose them is that you wanted them to attract the attention of other countries."

"And with the support of Mingyue Island, Ningguo will become a thorn in the eyes of other countries, and will help us avoid disaster without knowing it."

"It's still Jiujiu Gao, let's do it this way, but as for Xing'er, let Xing'er come to the palace tomorrow, and you can start to detoxify Xing'er."

"Let's train Xing'er. As for the future, we can only take it one step at a time."

This made the emperor very helpless. He now had limited energy and could not help Qian Jiujiu at all. Qian Jiujiu received the emperor's reply.

I felt relieved and looked at the emperor: "Father, I will go back and prepare first. As for the south, north, and north, I..."

Before Qian Jiujiu finished speaking, she heard the queen say, "Don't worry about Nanbeibei. I will take good care of them."

"You can go about your business with peace of mind."

In fact, Qian Jiujiu wanted to take the two children back with her, but now that the queen had said so, Qian Jiujiu just glanced at the queen and nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I'll trouble you during this time. I will go back to prepare now and will enter the palace again tomorrow."

After saying that, Qian Jiujiu left the palace. The queen was stunned for a moment and looked at the emperor: "Your Majesty, do you think Jiujiu has misunderstood something?"

"Why did you leave without even checking on the two children?"

The emperor frowned and glanced at the queen: "Take good care of the two children. It's getting late. Maybe Jiujiu has gone back to prepare the herbs."

"By the way, prepare the Tianshan Snow Lotus for Jiujiu tomorrow."

The queen nodded, and the emperor left after he finished speaking. In fact, the queen was definitely overthinking it, as Qian Jiujiu had not thought about this problem at all.

Knowing that the Queen loved the two children sincerely, she never thought that the Queen would do anything bad to the two children, so she was in a hurry to leave.

It was because she hadn't expected that the detoxification of Mu Yexing would be arranged until tomorrow. You know, it's already dark now, and it will take a whole night.

She still had to make pills, so she quickly returned to the palace and locked herself in the pharmacy again, waiting until Qian Jiujiu confirmed that there was no one else in the pharmacy.

Qian Jiujiu flashed into the space. After entering, Qian Jiujiu discovered that the infinite food in this space was actually grown by rabbits.

Because when Qian Jiujiu came in, he found that the rabbits were still concentrating on planting things. Seeing this, Qian Jiujiu felt lucky, because rabbits all like carrots.

Fortunately, the rabbit did not plant carrots in the space. In fact, Qian Jiujiu had no idea that the rabbit was not a rabbit in the beginning.

There is another story, but it is a sad story for the rabbit, so let’s not mention it!

Qian Jiujiu came to the rabbit, stretched out his hand and grabbed the rabbit's ears: "Rabbit, where is the thousand-year-old ginseng!"

The rabbit didn't realize it was Qian Jiujiu who came in until his ears were grabbed by Qian Jiujiu. "Master Jiujiu, you came in. I, I missed you so much."

"Thousand-year-old ginseng, let me go and I'll get it for you."

Qian Jiujiu raised his eyebrows: "Are you sure you are going to get it for me instead of trying to run away?"

The rabbit rolled his eyes redly: "I can't leave the space. You are the master of the space now. Where can I run to?"

"Master, how can you not trust me? I will not fail to give you what I promised. I am very trustworthy."

Qian Jiujiu thought about it and realized that it was true. He let go of the rabbit and said, "Then give me the herbs quickly. I want to make advanced detoxification pills. I don't know who poisoned Mu Yexing? It's so cruel!"

The rabbit just glanced at Qian Jiujiu without saying anything, and quickly went towards the place where the thousand-year-old ginseng was. Qian Jiujiu naturally followed.

Only then did I see that there was an area in this space specifically for growing medicinal herbs, and that this area was planted with some rare medicinal herbs.

He glanced at the rabbit and said, "Rabbit, I think you are a treasure now."

The rabbit always felt that Qian Jiujiu's eyes were shining when he looked at it, as if he wanted to eat it. This look reminded it of its previous owner Qiqi.

Staring at it like this and drooling every day, it makes its life very uncomfortable. Thinking of this, the rabbit subconsciously took a few steps back: "You, what do you want to do?"

"I'm telling you, I can't eat it!"

Qian Jiujiu rolled his eyes and said, "Who wants to eat you? Why are you thinking so much? I just want a few more medicinal herbs. Rabbit, will you give them to me?"

The rabbit nodded; "You can take anything in the space at will. If you have taken it, get out quickly. Those who came here in your era are not good people."

After saying that, the rabbit suddenly disappeared. Qian Jiujiu touched her cheek. In fact, she should look like a good person, right

Forget it, it is more important to make medicine first, so Qian Jiujiu began to collect the medicinal materials he needed, including the thousand-year-old ginseng! Then Qian Jiujiu discovered.

The ginseng here is at least a thousand years old. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Those produced in this space should all be top quality.

Qian Jiujiu came out of the space and started to take action directly. After a night, Qian Jiujiu successfully got the pill in his hand this time.

When he opened the door, he found that A'er and A'da had been guarding the door. Qian Jiujiu ignored them and went straight back into the room to look at Hongling.

"Hongling, I have to go to the palace at noon. Remember to wake me up."

After saying that, Qian Jiujiu fell asleep. At noon, Hongling called Qian Jiujiu to get up. Qian Jiujiu got up quickly and went into the palace after lunch.

When he arrived at the palace, Qian Jiujiu went straight to the queen's palace and saw Mu Yexing sitting on a chair playing. Seeing Qian Jiujiu coming, Mu Yexing stood up suddenly.

Coming in front of Qian Jiujiu, she said, "You are Qian Jiujiu, my sixth brother's wife, right? I even stole your veil."

Qian Jiujiu's mouth twitched. Why did this naughty kid have such a good memory? He glanced at Mu Yexing and said, "Yeah, it's rare that you still remember me."

Mu Yexing laughed and said, "I have a good memory."

Qian Jiujiu smiled at Mu Yexing, then walked towards the Queen: "Greetings to the Queen Mother, can we start now? Have you told the fifth brother?"

The Queen shook her head directly: "I haven't said it yet, but can't we just start?"

Qian Jiujiu frowned and said, "The process may be painful, so we need his cooperation. Mother, Fifth Brother is smart, he must know it, you should talk to him."

The queen nodded. "Okay, then I'll talk to him. Do you want to wait here or go see Nanbeibeibei?"

Qian Jiujiu naturally chose to go see Nannanbeibei: "Then I'll go see Nannanbeibei. You can ask someone to call me later."

After saying that, the queen asked the palace maid to take Qian Jiujiu to see Nannanbeibei. Qian Jiujiu came in front of Nannanbeibei and looked at the two children.

"My dear sons and daughters, you have all grown up, come and call me mother!"

Madam Ping coughed and said, "Princess, you should call the two young masters your mother."

Qian Jiujiu rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, it's just a simple word. It won't be too late to correct it later."

Qian Jiujiu lowered his head again and looked at Nanbeibei: "Come on, Beibei, come first and say mother."


A very clear sound of "mother" came out from Beibei's mouth, and then Nannan followed suit and shouted: "Mother..."

Qian Jiujiu was stunned at the time and looked at Aunt Ping: "Aunt Ping, you heard it, my child really called me mother, really called me mother, I am so happy."

Qian Jiujiu was happily spinning around in the yard, holding Beibei in her arms. Nanny Ping was startled: "Oh, my princess, put the young master down quickly."

"You can't turn like this."

When Qian Jiujiu heard Nanny Ping's cry, she realized that she had lost her composure. She put Bei Bei down, but couldn't help but kiss Bei's little face.

"My dear daughter, give me a kiss. I love you so much."

After kissing Beibei, Qian Jiujiu hugged Nannan and kissed her again. Only then did she feel satisfied. She looked at the maids who were serving her and said, "You guys remember this."

"Don't teach your child to call you dad anymore. Such a meaningful thing should be done by the child's father himself."

Just as he finished speaking, he heard the maid calling Qian Jiujiu: "Greetings to Princess Xiao. The Queen invites Princess Xiao to come over."

Qian Jiujiu touched her son's cheek reluctantly: "Mom will go and be busy first, and then she will come to accompany you, dear!"

After he finished speaking, he stood up and said, "Okay, let's go."

In fact, Qian Jiujiu was very curious. She didn't know what the Queen and the Fifth Prince had said to each other. However, this was a secret between mother and son, and they would definitely not tell her.

When she arrived at the hall, she saw that the way Mu Yexing looked at her had become a little different. She looked at Mu Yexing, then at the Queen, and Qian Jiujiu raised her eyebrows.

"Mother, have you guys finished talking? Shall we begin?"

Mu Yexing looked at Qian Jiujiu and asked directly, and his expression was very serious: "Can you remove the toxins in my body?"

Qian Jiujiu blinked and looked at Mu Yexing with some confusion. Perhaps there was no problem with Mu Yexing's IQ from the beginning