My Funny Consort

Chapter 365: Shoot it


The road construction process was stopped at the first line of the sky. At this time, the atmosphere in the Qianguo tent was even more tense than that of the people in Da Zhou. The eldest prince, second prince and others were also holding a meeting.

The eldest prince was the most upset and angry: "Second brother, what should we do now? Seeing that everyone from Dazhou is coming, the only thing we can rely on now is this one-line sky."

The second prince has always been a cruel person, so he nodded: "There is no other way now. The worst is to use people to block it, or to block the entrance to Yixiantian for me."

"Can't let them get through."

The eldest prince was feeling dizzy at this moment and felt that everything the second prince said made sense: "In that case, then this matter will be up to you and left to you."

The second prince nodded: "Okay, let me do this."

After saying that, the second prince went to mobilize his troops. Misu followed the second prince silently: "Second prince, Misu doesn't understand."

"Why do you want to take this matter on yourself? Wouldn't it be better for the eldest prince to come by himself? You must know that Dazhou has bombs. When the time comes, a few bombs will come."

"There are countless casualties on our side. If the people in the capital are to blame, they will only blame you. Is there really such a deep brotherhood between you and the eldest prince?"

The second prince glanced at Mi Su: "Mi Su, my prince, you are doing it for my own good, but in this situation, if this prince is not the one to give the order, who else?"

"So don't say any more. By the way, Misu, you are not a guard. If you want to leave, then leave."

Misu had an angry look on his face: "Second Prince, what are you talking about? Misu will not leave your side. Even if he does anything with you, Misu will do it willingly."

The second prince listened to Misu's words, sighed, and said no more. He just looked at Misu deeply, then turned and left, and Misu naturally followed behind him.

When he came to the military camp, he mobilized his troops and looked at the sent troops: "Do you know what you are going to do now?"

The soldiers were silent, and the second prince continued to speak: "It is possible that this time, he will never come back. Da Zhou, that is a jackal, a tiger, and an invader."

"They want our country, our people, and they want to occupy our land. Do you agree? Now is the time when we need everyone to defend our country."

"Guard the sky and prevent a single Da Zhou soldier from passing through, and we will win."

When all the soldiers heard what the second prince said, they all shouted: "Defend the country and don't let a single Zhou soldier pass."

The sound was loud, and then the second prince set off with a large army, and soon arrived at Yixiantian, a place called Yixiantian. Although it took more than a month.

But because the blood of more than a thousand people was buried here, I still feel that there is a faint smell of blood floating around. The second prince just waited here quietly with his people.

Misu also quietly guarded the second prince: "Second prince, why don't we send someone to look inside Da Zhou's camp, maybe we can steal some bombs."

The second prince just shook his head bitterly: "Do you think I didn't do this? No, within this month, I sent at least four or five waves of people to Dazhou to drop bombs."

"It's just that no one has ever come back. That's right. If you have such a good weapon, you will definitely hide it. How could it be so easy to steal?"

After Misu heard this, he stopped speaking and just watched silently. But in his heart, he was thinking that maybe he could help some time.

But it's definitely not now. Looking at the line of sky in front of her, Misu is actually very unsure whether they can hold on to the line of sky. Especially the other party, there is also a beast master.

At this time, Qian Jiujiu also remembered the ability of a beast master. Although she was a fake beast master, she had elves here. How about a psychological war

Thinking of this, Qian Jiujiu's eyes lit up instantly and he looked at Mu Yexiao: "Your Majesty, I have an idea. We can write some notes like this."

"Then send the birds to the other side of the canyon, ask them to surrender voluntarily, and tell them that if they don't surrender, we will use bombs."

When Mu Yexiao heard this, he looked at Qian Jiujiu with some surprise: "Didn't you say you don't need bombs to kill people?"

Qian Jiujiu curled her lips: "I don't use bombs to kill people. I always say that I don't need bombs to scare people. After all, this has to be decided according to the situation."

"Besides, in addition to bombs, we also have the power of ferocious beasts. It is difficult for us to cross the mountain, but it does not mean that it is difficult for those ferocious beasts to cross the mountain. In the worst case, we will use ferocious beasts to clear the way."

"Go directly from the mountain, and then fall from the sky to catch the opponent by surprise. What do you think?"

Mu Yexiao gave Qian Jiujiu a thumbs up: "Yes, it's very powerful, but we still need to improve it. Your idea is still good."

Qian Jiujiu nodded and said no more. Instead, he was silently thinking about what he should write this time to lower the opponent's morale.

Of course, it is not only to demoralize the other party, but also to induce the other party to feel that there is nothing wrong with surrendering to Da Zhou. The most important thing is that the sky must be conquered.

Even if it is for the smooth construction of the official road, it must be successfully conquered. Of course, these can be done slowly. After all, you must first conquer the sky before you can make the decision.

Soon Mu Yexiao's side had discussed it, and Qian Jiujiu's side had almost reached an agreement. The two looked at each other and smiled at the same time. Mu Yexiao stood up.

"Okay, Jiu'er, just take it with you and write a small note now. I will go and dispatch the troops. When it gets dark today, it will be time for the Beast Legion to set off."

Qian Jiujiu nodded: "Okay, let's do it."

The two of them divided their work. Qian Jiujiu led a group of people who could write, brought paper, and started writing. Of course, Qian Jiujiu had also thought about the content of his writing in advance.

"Submit to Dazhou, and you will not be treated as prisoners. You will become the people of Dazhou and be treated fairly."

"Give you one day to retreat. Otherwise, we will bring bombs to conquer the sky."

"Surrender! Qian Guo, surrender to our great Zhou."

After writing a lot of small notes like this, Qian Jiujiu asked someone to stack these notes one by one until enough was written.

Only then did the people stop, and then Qian Jiujiu took the note and set off. Of course, she also took her personal maid and several guards with her, and secretly released a few big birds from the space.

Let the claws of these big birds grasp the notes, and soon they flew across the sky and arrived at the land of Qian Country. Look at the Qianguo soldiers below.

Then he let go of the small piece of paper on his paw, and the small piece of paper slowly fell down with the wind. The soldiers of Qian State were waiting in full formation.

As a result, no one from Dazhou was seen, but some came out of the sky. I saw many small notes falling from above my head. Out of curiosity, I reached out and took them.

I saw the font on it, which was written in the font of Qian Guo: "Qian Guo surrender, you can't defeat Da Zhou."

Although most of the soldiers did not know how to read, there were always soldiers who knew how to read. Then they read out these notes and the contents of these notes were exposed.

Many Qianguo soldiers were angry, but some soldiers felt that this was the last chance that Zhou Dynasty would give them, if they did not leave here tomorrow morning.

Maybe the notes falling from the sky would not be notes, but bombs one by one. When the time comes, all the soldiers in the country shuddered at the thought.

Although they have never seen the power of bombs, they have heard about it, and they are afraid that they will all become a pile of rotten meat by then. Although everyone knows that this is a battle with no return.

But it's still a bit hard to accept that it's really going to happen. After all, everyone will have the emotion of fear, especially in this kind of battle, which is basically a battle to the death.

Many soldiers were waiting for the second prince's decision, because not only the soldiers saw this note, but the second prince also saw it.

Looking at these notes, the second prince clenched his hands and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "Da Zhou, you are going too far!"

This is simply a one-sided massacre! The most outrageous thing is that even though they are the executioners, they still have to be notified when they are going to commit the murder, so that people can feel the feeling of dying.

To be precise, it was the feeling of waiting to die. How could the second prince not be angry? But just trying to make him back down like this is impossible.

Misu looked at the second prince gnashing his teeth and shook his head with some heartbreak. He looked at the second prince and said, "Second prince, why don't we retreat."

"You can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood. Besides, look at the soldiers below. Aren't you worried about people's hearts changing? How many people are willing to passively wait for death like this?"

The second prince shook his head: "No, you must not leave. If you leave, you will definitely be laughed at by the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Misu frowned: "But you can't stay just for the sake of face."

"Shut up, I told you that you are not allowed to retreat, even if you are blown away beyond recognition here, you are not allowed to retreat."

Seeing that the second prince was obviously angry, Misu didn't say anything. He just frowned and said, "Well, second prince, are there any archery masters among our soldiers?"

Archery expert? The second prince looked at Misu with some confusion: "What do you want to do?"

Misu frowned: "Can we do this? Before the bomb falls, let people shoot it with arrows and let it explode in the air."

When the second prince heard this, his eyes immediately lit up, and he directly held Misu with both hands: "Misu, why are you so smart? That's it!"

"I, the prince, will go and give the orders now."