My Funny Consort

Chapter 5: A penny can make a hero fall


Qian Jiujiu couldn't help but sigh. In fact, it was a good thing that there was that layer of flour just now. Otherwise, when Mu Yexiao saw this face, he would probably kill her directly.

However, there was still one thing on her face that satisfied Qian Jiujiu, and that was her eyes, which were bright and attractive.

Her facial features are pretty good, but her skin is a little bad. But if she takes care of herself, she will still be a beauty.

Qian Jiujiu finally felt relieved. She looked at Hongling and smiled at her: "Hongling, can you go buy something for me?"

After saying this, Qian Jiujiu remembered that she had no money. No! Didn't she still have some dowry

Then he looked at Hongling: "Hongling, can I go and see my dowry?"

Hongling watched Qian Jiujiu's hand touching her body, not taking it out, and then asking to see the dowry, and then she understood.

"Sure, I'll take you there now."

The dowry was naturally placed next to the bridal chamber, and Mu Yexiao also left the bridal chamber at this time and returned to his own room.

After all, he didn't really regard this marriage as marrying a wife. He just thought Qian Jiujiu was interesting, so he kept her for the time being.

Qian Jiujiu followed Hong Ling and found the room where the dowry was kept. There were more than a hundred of them, so there must be some good stuff in there.

Just opening the first box, seeing a few pieces of rags inside, Qian Jiujiu blinked her eyes.

"Damn it! Can that damn old man from the Qian family be any more stingy? This body is her little daughter's, after all, right?"

He looked for the other boxes in disbelief, but after searching for a long time, Qian Jiujiu realized that he was just wishful thinking.

There is nothing valuable inside! Qian Jiujiu's face turned blue with anger. Everyone in the Qian family, wait for her.

Don't do this. If you take advantage of someone, at least pay some interest.

Of these things, only the box is valuable! Qian Jiujiu was so frustrated.

She is a person who has never lacked money, but now she finally understands the feeling that a penny can make a hero fall.

He turned around and looked Hongling up and down. It seemed that Hongling didn't have much money. Where was she going to get the money

He blinked his eyes and thought of a solution. Several candidates flashed through his mind, but he finally set his sights on Mu Yexiao.

After all, Mu Yexiao is the richest person she knows so far.

She looked at the time and it was already dark. She guessed that Mu Yexiao would ignore her at this time. She had to go to the palace tomorrow. Qian Jiujiu felt so annoyed.

Hongling, who was standing by, watched Qian Jiujiu rummaging through the dowry box, and then standing there sad and angry. She couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for her.

In fact, if you think about it from another perspective, the princess in front of you is also pitiful. She was married off inexplicably and didn't even have a decent dowry.

But no matter how you look at it, she was marrying up, actually marrying Prince Xiao.

She wanted to go over and say something to comfort her, but Hongling didn't know what to say. She saw Qian Jiujiu suddenly stand up.

"Hongling, let's go back to sleep."

There was nothing she could do now, so she could just go back to sleep. Qian Jia, she remembered that. She knew from the original owner's memory that he was not a good person.

I didn't expect it to be so ruthless! Following Hongling back to the room, Qian Jiujiu lay on the bed and fell asleep immediately.

At this time, the nanny came and looked at Hongling: "Where is the princess?"

"The princess has fallen asleep? Is there anything the two maids can do for you?"

The two maids were sent by the palace. When they received the prince's order, they were a little puzzled. Qian Yuge was a celebrity in Kyoto. Did she still need a maid to teach her

When he told Hongling about his doubts, the corners of Hongling's mouth twitched. She was afraid that this princess really needed to be educated.

Looking into the room, Qian Jiujiu was inside, lying on the bed with her legs spread out, sound asleep without even taking off her wedding dress.

When the two governesses saw this, both had grim expressions on their faces, and one of them, Madam Lin, even said something loudly.

"It's just gross."

The noise was quite loud and directly woke up Qian Jiujiu who was inside. She sat up immediately and looked at the three people outside.

"Hongling, who are those two people?"

Hong Ling turned around and knelt down: "Princess, your foster nanny is here."

Qian Jiujiu blinked her eyes. She had completely forgotten about this matter and looked at the two governesses waving at Hongling.

"Hongling, come here. I want to go find your prince now. Is that okay?"

Hong Ling didn't know why Qian Jiujiu was looking for Mu Yexiao at this time, but she still shook her head mercilessly.

"No, the prince is resting now, you should study hard with the two maids."

When the two maids saw Qian Jiujiu, they understood that this person was not Qian Yuge at all, after all, she lacked so much in appearance.

One can tell at a glance, and it is obvious that this woman is just good-looking, not even a pretty girl.

Qian Jiujiu touched her nose. Does that mean she can only train? Poor her, she hates these rules the most.

They never thought that one day she would learn all these things. Although the two maids didn't understand, they still wondered why the princess had become a different person.

"Princess, since you will be entering the palace tomorrow, you should learn some simple and useful things about how to perform the salutes before the Emperor and Empress."

Salute? When I think of saluting, I think of kneeling. Is there any need to learn this

"My Lady Princess, please watch my movements. Stand up straight, raise your head and chest, and stretch your legs..."

Qian Jiujiu only felt that the nanny's voice was like the buzzing of a mosquito, but she also watched carefully.

It was just because he was a little sleepy that he kept making mistakes. Such a simple salute made Qian Jiujiu unable to sleep all night.

Who would have thought that the next day, just after dawn, someone from the palace came with a message.

Let the princess take good care of the prince and she doesn't need to go to the palace.

The corners of Qian Jiujiu's mouth twitched, which meant that all her efforts last night were in vain.

Looking at the two maids: "Mammy, there is no need to go to the palace. Can you let me sleep for a while?"

The two maids looked at each other helplessly, but saw that Qian Jiujiu had already spontaneously lay down on the bed and gone to sleep.

Hong Ling found the situation funny, but she still went to report to Mu Yexiao immediately.

"Your Majesty, after hearing the news from the palace, the princess went straight to sleep."

Mu Yexiao hummed: "She's awake, bring her here."

Hong Ling got the order and went down. Dong Chen looked at Mu Yexiao and said, "My Lord, do you really believe that she can cure you?"

In fact, Dongchen had been holding this sentence in his heart for a whole day.

Mu Yexiao shook his head: "I don't believe it, but like she said, I didn't lose anything by making a bet."

Dong Chen looked at Mu Yexiao with indignation: "Who said there was no loss?"

"Your Highness, if you tell the Emperor that the Qian family has replaced their legitimate daughter with a concubine's daughter, the Qian family will be guilty of deceiving the Emperor."

Mu Yexiao snorted coldly: "Do you think the Qian family has no corresponding strategy?"