My Funny Consort

Chapter 51: Call me mother


"Princess, this is red ginseng."

The palace maid who was making the soup replied cautiously. Qian Jiujiu said "oh" and ignored it. However, she felt something was wrong in her mind.

The palace maid looked at Qian Jiujiu in some confusion, wondering why the princess suddenly became interested in red ginseng.

Qian Jiujiu thought for a while and finally remembered what the smell was. It was the smell of red ginseng, but the medicinal smell was a little light. Since it was red ginseng, Qian Jiujiu didn't care.

I originally wanted to go to the kitchen to cook something, but now I’m not in the mood. I went back to the gate of the yard and looked at the people inside. It was really difficult to see such a scene in the royal family.

Qian Jiujiu couldn't tell what her mood was at the moment. The meal was soon ready. Qian Jiujiu and Mu Yexiao accompanied the emperor, the queen, Concubine Qing and the other three to finish their meal.

The queen's eyes kept moving back and forth on Qian Jiujiu. No one knew what she was thinking. Qian Jiujiu guessed that the emperor told her that she might be able to cure the fifth prince.

Looking at the Queen and Imperial Concubine Qing, Qian Jiujiu smiled and said, "Mother, do you still have the facial mask that your daughter-in-law gave you some time ago?"

Concubine Qing was stunned for a moment, then looked at the maid beside her, who then stood up and said, "Princess, you asked at the right time!"

"I am still worried. This is the last bottle of the Imperial Concubine's facial mask."

Qian Jiujiu blinked and said, "So this is the last bottle. My daughter-in-law will make it and send it to you tomorrow."

Qian Jiujiu glanced at the queen and said, "If the queen likes it, your daughter-in-law will send some to you tomorrow."

The Queen Mother thought about it and realized that tomorrow is the 15th day of the month. On this day of every month, she would meet the Fifth Prince. Tomorrow would be a good opportunity for Qian Jiujiu to meet the Fifth Prince.

Thinking about what the emperor said, knowing that Qian Jiujiu did this on purpose, she felt grateful to Qian Jiujiu: "Since it is a kind gesture from the princess, I will accept it."

"The daughter-in-law will definitely be delivered tomorrow."

Seeing that everything was settled on Qian Jiujiu's side, Mu Yexiao took Qian Jiujiu out of the palace. The two of them sat in the carriage, and Qian Jiujiu glanced at Mu Yexiao from time to time.

In fact, she was still a little surprised by Mu Yexiao's words. That man did not aspire to the highest position in the world, but the man next to her was not like that.

It's just that she still has some doubts in her heart, but so far, she has suppressed these doubts in her heart. And Mu Yexiao entered the palace to make his presence felt.

It really pissed off a bunch of people, like the Third Prince. He was in a good mood at first, waiting for the news of Mu Yexiao's death, but he ended up waiting for a month.

After a month, I didn't receive the news of Mu Yexiao's death. Instead, I received the news that he was temporarily fine and had been detoxified, so he could continue to live.

He couldn't bear this news, so he flew into a rage in his own prince's palace that day and smashed several vases. After smashing them, he looked at the broken vases on the ground.

I feel so sad because this is all money.

Thinking of this, the Third Prince thought of Qian Jiujiu again. No, he couldn't let Mu Yexiao live. As long as Mu Yexiao was alive, he would be uneasy.

Mu Yexiao must die. The Third Prince frowned. Is it possible that he is going to send someone to assassinate him again? This is not acceptable. In the imperial city, directly assassinating someone like this would definitely violate the emperor's taboo.

What's more, his father, the emperor, never thought highly of him. If he got a chance, he might kill him. And the third prince didn't think of Minister Qian this time.

Instead, he went to see his grandfather, the mighty general, Liu Zhentian. That night, the two had a long secret conversation, and no one knew what they talked about in detail.

All he knew was that the next morning, after the morning court session, he went to Minister Qian's residence in high spirits. At this time, Qian Jiujiu was already carrying two facial masks that he had made overnight.

After going to Concubine Qing's palace, Concubine Qing put away the facial mask given by Qian Jiujiu, and then took Qian Jiujiu to pay her respects to the Queen's palace. In the Queen's palace.

Qian Jiujiu gave the mask she made to the Queen: "Queen, look, this is the mask your daughter-in-law made for you. It's different from your mother's. This is for whitening."

"My mother's facial mask can make her skin more delicate and tender, and yours can make your skin glow again and be as white as jade."

The queen was also happy when she heard Qian Jiujiu's words. She looked at the facial masks and smiled at Qian Jiujiu: "Jiu'er is thoughtful. You can call me mother from now on."

Qian Jiujiu glanced at Concubine Qing, who laughed and said, "Silly child, why don't you call me mother? The Empress is your mother."

Qian Jiujiu then called out, "Jiu'er greets the Queen Mother."

The Queen nodded in satisfaction and looked at Qian Jiujiu: "In that case, Jiuer, you can stay here today and have lunch in my palace. By the way, teach me how to use these facial masks."

Qian Jiujiu came to deliver the facial mask today with this intention in mind, so naturally she did not postpone it and bowed: "My daughter-in-law obeys your command."

The queen looked very happy and glanced at the concubines: "Okay, all the sisters, please go away. Princess Xiao, please stay. Come in and let's talk."

The concubines then stood up and looked at the queen: "I will take my leave."

After that, a group of people left. When they reached the door, Concubine Xian glanced at Concubine Qing and said, "Sister Concubine Qing is really generous. She even gave up her own daughter-in-law."

Imperial Concubine Qing snorted, "My Jiu'er is so lucky to be liked by the Empress. Others can't be jealous of her."

Concubine Xian was choked to death by Concubine Qing's words, but she couldn't find any words to reply to Concubine Qing, so she could only leave angrily.

This kind of situation can be seen almost every day. Sometimes it is Concubine Xian who is mad at Concubine Qing, and sometimes it is the other way around, with Concubine Qing mad at Concubine Xian.

Anyway, with these two people around, there will definitely be no peace in the harem, and Qian Jiujiu, who was left behind, has already followed the queen into the inner room.

Qian Jiujiu looked at the way the Queen looked at her, which was so kind that she immediately felt overwhelmed. She didn't know whether she could save the Fifth Prince.

He was looking at her so kindly. Could it be that he was putting all his hopes on her? If he couldn't save her, wouldn't he be offending others

The queen looked at Qian Jiujiu and had no idea what she was thinking. She just smiled and said, "Jiu'er, I heard from your mother that you can also do massage. Do you want to give it to your mother secretly?"

Qian Jiujiu suspected that she had seen it wrong. Why did the queen have some hope in her eyes? Did she want him to give her a massage? Was the queen not thinking straight

She coughed twice and said, "You are so familiar with each other, my mother will tell you all these things. Then, my queen, please find a reclining chair. Before the fifth prince comes, your daughter-in-law will make a facial mask for you."

The Queen thought about it and realized that her Fifth Prince would not be here until lunch time, so they still had time. The Queen immediately asked someone to bring a recliner.

She lay on it, letting Qian Jiujiu's hands move on her face. After applying the facial mask, Qian Jiujiu began to massage her, but the queen soon fell asleep.

Qian Jiujiu was embarrassed now. The maid next to the queen looked at Qian Jiujiu and said, "Princess, don't disturb the queen."

"Your Majesty has been unable to sleep these days. I haven't seen you sleep so soundly in a long time."

Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment, and then she said that she saw that the queen's skin was not good, and she probably thought that sleep was a big reason for it, and glanced at the palace maid.

The maid seemed to be very loyal to the queen, and couldn't help asking, "Does mother often suffer from insomnia?"

The maid nodded: "Yes, the Queen always has trouble sleeping at night and doesn't get enough sleep during the day, especially in the past month, and during the time when Prince Xiao had an accident."

Qian Jiujiu was stunned for a moment. Was the Queen worried about Mu Yexiao? She was so worried that she couldn't sleep? She coughed twice and said, "I have a little secret recipe here."

"When the Queen Mother can't sleep, you can make her some ginger tea and let her drink it. If the Queen Mother doesn't drink it, you can also put a few slices of ginger under her pillow."

"This will help the Queen Mother sleep better."

The maid immediately began to thank him: "Thank you, Princess."

Both of them spoke in low voices. It was only when Qian Jiujiu saw that the time for the facial mask was up that she carefully cleaned it and washed the Queen's face. However, the Queen still woke up.

Looking at the skin that had become somewhat moisturized, the queen nodded in satisfaction and glanced at the maid: "How was it done? Did you see it?"

The maid knelt down immediately and said, "Your Majesty, I have learned it."

This satisfied the queen: "Okay, go to the kitchen and take a look. Xing'er will be here soon. Jiu'er, you can stay here and have lunch with me."

Qian Jiujiu nodded: "My daughter-in-law knows."

Just as he finished speaking, he heard a eunuch outside shouting, "Prince Xiao is here."

The queen was stunned for a moment, then looked at Qian Jiujiu, and then she laughed: "I didn't know that leaving you here would actively attract King Xiao. It's just right, you two can stay here for lunch."

Qian Jiujiu smiled, looked at Mu Yexiao who was pushed in from outside, and walked over: "Why are you here?"

Mu Yexiao smiled and said, "I went to my mother's palace first. My mother said you were here, so I came to see you."

Qian Jiujiu rolled her eyes and said, "I'm here with the Queen Mother, nothing will happen to me. Who asked you to watch? Look, you've made the Queen Mother laugh at you."

When Mu Yexiao heard this, he grinned and said, "My mother is not an outsider, how could she laugh at me?"

As he was speaking, he heard another voice at the door: "The Fifth Prince has arrived."

Then the fifth prince came running in from outside, "Mother, mother, your son is here to see you."