My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 102: The secret of that year (Part 1)


Thursday, November 15, 1945, sunny.

I'm married to Anna Roberts.

The wedding was small and the only guests were her parents.

On my side, I only have a good brother named Pete.

After the banquet, Peter came to see me privately. He still felt that I should keep distance from Ayuya.

But I don't think so, she is so charming.

My marriage to Anna was decided when we were very young.

As long as she doesn't find out, everything is fine.

Okay, I'm afraid I'll drink a lot later, so I'll write here first.

Friday, November 16, 1945, sunny.

God, I praise you!

Anna has become my wife, and last night she taught me step by step what it is like to be an adult.

It was a little rough at first, but later on, I began to experience the indescribable and beautiful experience.

No wonder those bastards on the island were always keen on this kind of thing.

This is the first time I have felt wonderful in twenty-five years.

Ayuya, do you know

When I kissed Anna, all I could think about was you.

After these few days of work are over, I want to experience this happiness with you.

Monday, December 17, 1945, sunny.

Today is my twenty-sixth birthday.

When I came back from the air raid shelter in the afternoon, Anna was suspicious.

She asked me if I didn’t pay the public food, was there a woman outside

In order to stop her mouth, I had to work extra hard.

When I'm with her, it's like fulfilling a military order. It feels so boring.

I have to find a better excuse next time so she won't be suspicious.

Tuesday, February 5, 1946, light rain.

Anna was already three or four months pregnant, and Ayuya's belly also had a reaction.

I knew nothing about caring for pregnant women, but I learned a lot from the servants.

Anna was at home peacefully raising her baby, and I often used the excuse of patrol to take care of Ayuya.

There are too many uncertainties in our future.

Sometimes, I find myself wishing Anna wasn't pregnant.

When I realize I start thinking this way, I feel very guilty and blame myself.

I had to realize that this was a terrible idea.

I love Ayuya and I love Anna Roberts equally.

I feel incredibly privileged to have a family of my own right away.

It's just that I can't give Ayuya peace.

There were more and more people on the island, and they couldn't let them discover her.

I hope Ayuya and my children can grow up in peace.

July 28, 1946, Sunday, sunny.

Anna's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and she is about to give birth.

The same is true for Ayuya.

With the help of the Roberts family, Bruce's business grew and grew.

I am so busy every day that I really can’t muster the energy for trivial matters.

The birth of Ayuya's child is a big trouble.

I was thinking, should I deliver the baby, or should Michonne help

But, is she a reliable doctor

Saturday, August 17, 1946, sunny.

My son was born today.

And they are twins!

I named them Tom and Jerry.

The two little guys are 16 to 18 inches tall and weigh about 5 pounds.

Looking at them, I felt warm in my heart and had an indescribable strange feeling.

I feel a new sense of responsibility and full of yearning for the future life.

The two little guys can only cry, sleep, and drink milk.

Was my father always in such a hurry when he was taking care of me in the past

September 1, 1946, Sunday, sunny.

My daughter was born, my and Ayuya’s child.

I have been busy with work during this period, and I was afraid that I could not do it well, so I asked Michonne to help deliver the baby.

For this reason, I also paid her a large amount of hush money.

The little one has green eyes, as charming as her mother.

I haven't decided on a name yet, but she has always been called Ayuya, so I might as well call her that.

My lovely little Ayuya, being able to hold you in my arms every day is simply a gift from God.

You are my light, my hope.

Ayuya needs nutritional supplements after giving birth, so I have to transport more supplies.

This is likely to be noticed, so I'll try to be as careful as possible.

Little Ayuya, how I hope you can get through the predicament before you understand.

You are destined not to grow up in the sun, but I still hope that you will have a carefree childhood.

I pray to God that you will become a good girl.

A person who understands compassion, responsibility and gratitude.

Sunday, April 13, 1947, heavy rain.

Today is the most uncomfortable day in my life.

Ayuya and Anna Roberts, two of the loves of my life, have passed away.

Anna lost her footing and fell off the cliff. When the body was recovered, it was almost unrecognizable.

Rest in peace my love.

Your soul will last forever.

I thank you for giving me dreams and happy days.

We start here and end here.

I won't be afraid of you leaving.

Because your soul is with me.

Monday, April 28, 1947, sunny.

After the death of my beloved, my good brother Pete also left me.

All in all, we have known each other for more than twenty years.

During these years on the island, you are the person I trust most.

I never expected to say goodbye in this way.

May God bless you, my dear brother.

Friday, May 2, 1947 was sunny.

Anna's family got the news and hurried to the island.

Very sad about her passing.

I've been completely out of sorts recently, and all the company's chores have been left to my subordinates.

Little Ayuya has no one to take care of her now, so I go to breastfeed her on time every day.

I also thought about taking her out of the bomb shelter and growing up with Tom and Jerry.

But I can't.

The Roberts family would never agree.

If things get serious, everything I have worked so hard for will probably come to naught.

Little Ayuya, please forgive me for my cowardice as a father.

May 18, 1947, Sunday, sunny.

The number of servants on the island began to increase, and they would inevitably enter the air raid shelter area.

I have dispersed my manpower to develop the sub-island, and also included the area around the air raid shelter as a restricted area.

The separate divisions were too obvious, so I expanded the area of the restricted area quite a bit.

In this way, one or two offenders will be punished, and the others will behave honestly.

Thursday, January 3, 1952, sunny.

Tom and Jerry are old enough to go to school.

I have already found housing and schools for them in Los Angeles.

As for little Ayuya, going to school is indeed a trouble.

I will find time to go back to Hawaii and buy some more children's books and toys.

She is very obedient now, staying in the cave every day and not running around.

When you are thirsty or hungry, you will find food by yourself.

Thursday, December 17, 1959, sunny.

Today is my fortieth birthday.

Time flies so fast.

It’s been several years since I’ve written in a diary.

The children have grown up, the company's business is booming, and everything is on track.

The knowledge I learned will be taught to little Ayuya.

After many years of being together, she has become very dependent on me.

Like a well-cared-for flower in a greenhouse, it is so delicate and beautiful.

In the blink of an eye, little Ayuya is already thirteen years old.

To be honest, every time I see her, I always think of Ayuya.

The two people are exactly the same.