My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 118: Equestrian rocker


"Make it meow?" Ronan suddenly thought of something strange and asked, "How to do it?"

There were no lights on in the house, and it was dark all around.

Three times Yuya's soft voice came from the darkness: "Do you want to see cat ears or cat tail? Or... both?"

If an ordinary heroine said this, Ronan would probably think she was flirting.

But isn't Yua Sanka a raccoon demon? What the hell is a cat with cat ears and a cat tail

Could it be that he is regarded as a dead fat nerd from the Neon Country

After thinking for a moment, Ronan guessed that this was her test, and decisively refused: "No."


"Yeah." Ronan nodded in response.

"Wait me a moment."


After a few minutes, a light came from the back room.

Through the papered wooden windows, the figures under the light have a hazy beauty.

Yuya put on her kimono three times, carried a lantern, and walked over.

Oh, there are also lanterns, which are quite unique.

She put the lantern on the wooden table and sat on the floor.

Through the hazy light, you can see Yuya's red face and delicate collarbone three times.

This situation made Ronan feel a positive interest in learning and asked, "Do you want to learn new knowledge?"

Yuya Sanxia was startled: "Ah? What to study?"

"Let me think about it..."

Ronan touched his chin, lost in thought.

Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry, art, and geography have all been taught, but politics cannot be taught.

"Have you ever heard of the Six Arts of the Dragon Kingdom?"

"What are the Six Arts?" Sanxia Yuya blinked curiously.

"Etiquette, music, archery, horsemanship, calligraphy, and numeracy are collectively known as the six arts. What I teach you today is the equestrian skills in 'horsemanship'."

"In ancient times, horse riding and modern chariot racing, in a sense, both chariots and horses are mounts."

Hearing that it was related to racing cars, Yuya became interested three times and took the initiative to come over and sit down cross-legged.

She also took out a palm-sized sticky note, tore off the wrapping film and concentrated on studying.

"If you want to greatly improve your equestrian skills, you need to develop a good relationship with your horse first."

"For example, if you want to be... ah, want to eat grass, satisfying the horse's needs can quickly deepen the bond between the two."

"When riding a horse, your posture should be upright and your voice should be crisp."

"The whip must be swung rhythmically and with force!"

"There is a formula for whipping, which is nine shallow and one deep. Nine strokes are light and one stroke is hard, which can stimulate the horse to run faster."

"Horses are docile animals. As long as you show kindness, your intentions will be appreciated."

"It's your first time riding a horse. It's inevitable that you'll be nervous. Sometimes you'll panic and take off the pedals. An experienced horse will slow down its pace to cooperate with you getting on the pedal again."

"If it is a wild horse that has not been tamed, it is recommended not to control it easily, as it is prone to haemorrhage."

"Sometimes, the horse runs faster and faster on the grassland, so you must stop in time."

“Give the horse a feeling that it’s not done yet, looking forward to your next powerful crack of the whip.”

"Sometimes, the horse runs too fast and cannot be stopped. You can also crack the whip harder and use pain to stimulate the horse to stop."

"There are many skills in equestrian, such as breaking waves, beating waves, and attacking."

“You need to experience riding horses with different personalities before you can be called an experienced rider.”

"Reins, also known as water reins. It consists of three parts: water reins, mouth bits, and reins."

"Riding a horse on the grassland will bring the rider an incomparable sense of joy."

"After the horse slows down, you must remember to comfort it in time, pull the reins, touch the mane, and pet it more often."

"Don't be like the straight men who fall asleep after having sex."

"In the riding community, there is a rumor that is a very dangerous and exciting riding event."

Hearing these words of threats and stimulation, Sanxia Yuya's emotions were high. She pulled Ronan's clothes and asked: "Rosang, what project is it?"

Ronan smiled enigmatically: "The mare is rocking joy."

"It is said that a rider must first develop a deep relationship with a mare."

“Then sit on the mare and kick your legs into the saddle, keeping the connection the whole time.”

"When everything is ready, just lean down and call your ex's name in the horse's ear, and the horse will twist like crazy and try to knock the rider off, as if it's been cursed."

"The longer you can survive this crazy bump, the better the rider is."

After three clicks, Yuya's eyes lit up: "It sounds like this rocking music is the same as the cornering method without braking. It's a great knowledge!"

Ronan was also happy to see her enjoying learning.

Just as the two of them were immersed in the ocean of knowledge and couldn't extricate themselves, a vague figure with a tail suddenly flashed outside the house.

Immediately afterwards, there was another shaking sound.

The sound came from above the head, and the wooden beams broke with great force, and fell directly, trapping the two people inside.

The broken beams formed a triangle with the ground, and Ronan and Sanxia Yuya were trapped underneath, unable to move.


Suddenly, a muscular man without any clothes appeared in front of the two of them out of thin air.

He has gray hair, bright eyes, and golden ring pendants hanging from his ears.

Muscular, wearing white loose trousers with white satin hanging on the back.

This method of teleportation is exactly the same as that of Old Man Fushen.

"I am Kunsha Menten, and I have been ordered to track down Tamamo Mae's whereabouts. Do you know where she went?"

This was said to Yua Sanxia.

When she saw the face of the visitor clearly, her face was horrified and she kept shaking her head.

Kunsha Mentian snorted with a nasal tone, looked around, and dropped a piece of yellow talisman paper.

Then with a swish sound, he disappeared.

Ronan took a closer look and saw the word 'sealing' written on the yellow paper symbol, which was pasted on the floor.

"It's over, it's over. If I had known it, I would have been invisible first." Yuya stared at the talisman for three times and closed his eyes in pain: "If the God of Fortune sees it now, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape."

"The God of Fortune?" Ronan raised his eyebrows. Was that big man also the God of Fortune just now

"That's right." Seemingly realizing that Ronan was not from the Neon Kingdom, Sange Yua explained: "He is the head of the Seven Lucky Gods, a madman who likes to fight."

She tried to push aside the beam on her body, but unfortunately she didn't have that much strength.

"No, I have to leave right away! Otherwise, if he comes back, I will die!"

Ronan was pinned under the wooden beam and saw her transform into a raccoon that was smaller than the human body. She endured the pain and crawled out of the ruins.

"Kunsha Mentian will not embarrass humans. Please call an ambulance. See you soon!"

After that, Yuya ran away in the opposite direction three times.

Ronan's mouth twitched, this is so poisonous!

The broken beam just now was clearly the work of Kun Shamentian.

You smashed me, but you still have the nerve to say that you won’t embarrass human beings

Damn, I must give him a hard blow!

Did the God of Fortune just say that the target he was chasing was Tamamo Mae

Throw away Rem!

Isn’t that the SS-level target of my strategy

Ronan took a breath and stared at the blood stains next to him, suddenly thinking about it!


Got it!