My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 120: Luo Huyou (please order first!)



No, the picture in the strategy manual clearly shows a mature royal sister!

After swallowing, Ronan asked the doubts in his heart: "I remember, Tamamo-mae isn't like you, right?"

"Is that what you said?" The tails behind her gradually turned into three.

As the number of tails increases, the appearance becomes more mature and attractive.

"Cough" Tamamo Mae gave a dry cough, as if he had been seriously injured.

Her tail also quickly changed back to one, and her appearance returned to that of a lolita.

Can Yukoluo



Through Tamamo Mae's words, Ronan came to a conclusion.

She had been lurking in the back room just now, eavesdropping on his conversation with Kunsha Mentian, and wanted the extra Yujin Pills.

Ronan lay on the ground with a somewhat inelegant posture: "I can give you this medicine, but I'm curious about your secret. Can you tell me?"

Tamamo-mae bit her lip, stared at the handsome face strangely, and responded with action: "I'm offended."

Stepping forward, she began to search him.

The porcelain bottle had already been put into the system backpack by Ronan and was not found.

"Don't you want to give it to me?" Tamamo Mae had a look of regret in his eyes, sighed softly, shook his head, turned and left.

Only Ronan, whose side A turned into side B, was left lying on the wooden board.

There was a reason why he didn't take out the Tamatsumaru.

He was currently suffering from a broken leg, so if he gave Tamamo Mae a pill, even if he couldn't get information, he could gain favor.

But correspondingly, in order to maintain this archive, he must take another pill to recover his broken leg.

If he did this, the two precious Yujin Pills would be gone.

What a waste!

If you can load the file and go back to avoid being crushed by the wooden beam, wait until Kunsha Menten leaves and give another one to Tamamo Mae.

In this way, you can save one Yujin pill.

I’m such a clever little SKR guy!

After integrating everything that just happened, Ronan began to analyze.

If Kunshamonten was not lying, Tamamo Mae was responsible for the collapse of the wooden beam.

Judging from the reaction just now, her attitude towards strange humans is to be polite first and then to fight, without strong aggression.

In addition, he was being chased by Kunsha Mentian and was in urgent need of recovery medicine. When he learned that there was an extra pill, it was reasonable to take the initiative to search him.

Before the search, he did not forget to say politely that he was offended, which shows that he is a fox demon who knows etiquette.

After the porcelain bottle was not found, she did not vent her anger and kill anyone, but left directly.

Ronan and Tamamozen were strangers to each other and had no grudges.

If she collapses the wooden beam, is she not targeting herself, then is she targeting Yuya Sanka

One is a fox and the other is a raccoon. Could it be that there is some kind of antagonistic relationship

After thinking about it this way, Ronan felt that his thoughts were clearer.

But now there is another trouble.

After beating Yua three times and before coming into contact with Tamamo, these two things conflict with each other.

There seems to be a species conflict between foxes and raccoons, let’s not talk about it for now.

If he had been warned in advance, he would not have met Tamamo Mae before returning to Yua's house three times.

For her who is hiding from the God of Fortune and is being hunted by her, the probability of meeting him again is not high.

Even if the system decides on the heroine of the strategy and there is a possibility of meeting her again, Ronan does not count on such a probability event.

But if I return to Yua's house three times, before I can complete the guide, Tamamo Mae appears.

Because of Kunsha Menten, Sanxia Yua will run away.

This cabin is being targeted by the God of Fortune, and the chance of her returning is extremely slim.

You can't have both fish and bear's paws, and the ancients will not deceive me.


Ronan's eyes lit up and he showed a mean smile.

There is a way to have both!

The success rate may not be high, but it's definitely worth a try.

After formulating a plan, Ronan first read the archives of Biao Che while he was waiting.

At this time, Feng Zi had just arrived, and the five modified cars had not yet crossed the starting line.

Looking at Yua Sange next to him, Ronan raised his hand and pressed her hand on the steering wheel: "When you climb over the mountain ahead, you will meet the God of Fortune of Sensoji Temple, so don't compare."

Her face darkened.

"I mean no harm, really." Ronan's eyes were gentle: "Let's go home and talk."

Three times, Yuya took out the chewing gum and stuffed it into his mouth: "You are the first person who can make your family and my Ru family look so fresh and refined."

After that, he said, "Let's compare it another day" and the car drove away.

Ronan took the opportunity to use the desire seal on Sanxia Yuya, which increased his desire and reduced his mental power.

After a few minutes, he saw that the time was almost up, and he was ready to use his charm: "Look into my eyes."

The pink light in Yuya's eyes disappeared in a flash.

Charm, failure.

When she stretched out her claws and prepared to attack violently, Ronan quickly read the file.

It seems that in front of an expert like Tanuki who is good at enchantment, combo skills are useless.

Ronan read the archive in front of Biao Che.

After he mentioned the Sensoji Fukujin, Yua Sange gave up the game and drove home.

Along the way, the two kept talking dirty words and talking about the train.

Soon, the car stopped outside the wooden house.

After getting out of the car, Ronan saved a file and quickly entered the room.

Yuya closed the wooden door three times and said with a smile: "Tonight, I'm going to make you meow!"

Ronan responded with a smile, took out his book, cited scriptures, and started explaining equestrian skills seriously.

When the mare rocker finished speaking, he estimated that the time was almost up, and he and Yua Sanxia stood in the previous position.

Outside the house, a vague figure with a tail suddenly flashed across.

Immediately afterwards, there was a shaking sound.

Ronan and Sanxia Yuya were trapped beneath the collapsed wooden beams, unable to move.


A strong man appeared in front of the two of them: "I am Kunsha Menten, and I have been ordered to trace the whereabouts of Tamamo Mae. Do you know where she went?"

After being questioned three times, Yuya looked horrified and shook his head desperately.

Kunshamentian snorted, looked around, dropped a sealing talisman, and teleported away.

The sealing talisman can only restrain the demonic power and magic, but is ineffective against the incarnation of the demonic form.

But the amulet does.

Ronan took advantage of the fact that Yuya's attention was focused on the sealing talisman, secretly took out the holding talisman, put it on the ground, and covered it with his body.

This talisman is of a range nature and does not have to be applied to the forehead to be effective.

"It's over, it's over. If I had known it, I would have been invisible and avoided it." Yuya stared at the sealing talisman three times and closed his eyes in pain: "I'm afraid I won't be able to escape if Kunsha Mentian sees it now."

Ronan showed a panicked look and concerned eyes: "What should I do? Can you get away?"

Yuya looked serious three times: "I'll give it a try."

After that, she prepared to transform into a monster, but found that it didn't work.

"Huh?" Yuya noticed something was wrong three times, and tried again, but it still had no effect.

She couldn't use magic or change her body. Her way of survival was completely cut off.

Three times, Yuya knew that there was no hope of escape, and suddenly cried: "It's over, it's completely over now."

Ronan touched her hair gently: "Don't cry, it won't look good if your eyes are red from crying."

"I want you to take care of it!" Sanxia Yuya squeaked in a sad tone: "I haven't lived enough yet, and I'm going to die here..."

"Don't be afraid, am I not with you?" Ronan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and said seriously: "It is fate that we are trapped here today. This is our fate!"

"Life?" Sanxia Yuya was startled and looked over.

"Yes, you and I were buried together just after we met. This is God's arrangement."

"Burial?" Sanxia Yuya noticed something was wrong and corrected: "The God of Fortune will not embarrass human beings."

"No, no, no, don't worry about these details." Ronan shook his head: "You said that I am so handsome but my leg is broken, should I be raised by a woman for the rest of my life? I might as well stay here with you and be a pair of miserable mandarin ducks."

Yuya's eyes were full of tears and she was very moved: "Luosang, you are so kind."

Ronan continued to bring back the previous topic: "Since God arranged for us to be buried here, it means that we are destined in this life and will be a family after death."

"Family?" Ronan controlled the tempo of the topic, leaving Sanxia Yuya a little confused.

"Yes, a family. From now on, we are husband and wife. When we get to the underworld, I will love you very much."

Yuya was moved to tears three times, and tears ran down her cheeks.

Such a handsome human being could be so devoted to her not long after they met her.

Even if you die here, you should be content.

Suddenly, Ronan changed the subject: "Since we are both husband and wife, we should be honest with each other and can no longer hide secrets. What do you think?"

After three times, Yuya didn't come back to his senses: "It seems... it makes sense."

Looking at the limp raccoon demon in front of him, Ronan smiled charmingly: "Then... what is your secret?"