My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 18: The guard, Uncle Qin


After entering the simulation, Ronan opened his eyes and entered Alice Carroll's first perspective.

The field of vision swayed slightly from left to right, and the tree trunks along the way were bare, with withered and yellow leaves scattered all over the ground, which had not been swept away.

As his vision progressed, Ronan gradually identified this road, the one he took Alice back.

At the three-way intersection ahead, a man stood under a tree.

He was about a little over 1.6 meters tall, slightly chubby, and had his shoulders hunched, as if he was waiting for someone.

He was wearing a white shirt and jeans, but they had a lot of stains on them, and they probably hadn't been washed for several days.


Alice's vision turned away, preparing to choose another path.

After walking a few steps, my vision suddenly froze.

A greasy voice came from behind: "Carol, I'm Big, your hair is also very beautiful today."

"Let go!" Alice opened Big's hand angrily as if her hair had been grabbed: "Let go, it's so dirty!"

"Dirty? Is my place dirty?"

At this time, the field of view turned to Bigger's face.

Some disheveled hair, triangular eyes, sparse eyebrows, and face full of acne.

The thick lips were wrapped around the braces, and a little saliva was about to flow out.

Alice raised her hand to cover her nose. She probably still smelled something.

"Wait a minute." Bigger held up the clean and neat packaging bag in his hand, which was in sharp contrast with his stained clothes: "I saved money from my part-time job to buy you this, a music box. Do you like it?"

After speaking, he took out a beautifully packaged square box from the packaging bag.

"No, thank you." Alice turned away and was grabbed by Bigg again, which made her a little annoyed. She threw her hand away and yelled: "What on earth do you want to do! If you do this again, I'll call someone else!"

"Well... can you..." Bigger's eyes were erratic, looking extremely unsure: "Can you date me? I... I fell in love with you at first sight, I... I want you, I think about you all the time. you… "

"Are you sick?" Alice looked very angry: "I told you a long time ago that there is no way between us!"

"Ah?" Big's mouth opened, saliva overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he was a little bit unconscious: "Aren't we... um... friends?"

"Tsk, it's so hard to talk to you, so we're no longer friends!" Vision took two steps back: "Please look in the mirror, I won't date a dirty and smelly man like you!"

After saying that, the vision left as if fleeing.

The scene changed and it looked like we were in a hotel room.

Through the reflection of the brown glass, Alice could be seen clearly sitting on the edge of the bed without any clothes on.

Cliff hugged you from behind: "My dear, I gave that fat man a good beating and he won't bother you again."

Alice didn't look back, her eyes moved downward: "Are you seriously injured?"

"Haha, don't worry." Cliff's voice was full of sarcasm and pride: "I know the severity of the attack. The guy will at least have to lie down for a while to recover."

"Oh." Alice responded and put out her cigarette in the ashtray.

"What's wrong? I feel like you're not in your best mood today?"

"It's nothing." Alice's voice was a little flat, and she showed a wry smile: "I want to be on top this time."

Rain, heavy rain.

The field of vision appeared on the stone road returning to the girls' dormitory building. The rain was so heavy that even holding an umbrella would get wet.

Her footsteps stepped on large and small pits, and there was the sound of splashing water. After a few minutes, Alice entered the girls' dormitory building.


A person suddenly jumped out of the shadows of the corridor, startling Alice and almost falling to the ground.

His vision moved, and he finally saw the face clearly, it was Big.

The pimples on his face made Ronan recognize him immediately.

But Bigger at this time was completely different from before.

Her disheveled hair was combed back, her sparse eyebrows were filled in with eyeliner, and she wore brown sunglasses to block her triangular eyes.

The dirty clothes were replaced by a clean black suit. As long as he didn't open his mouth to reveal his braces, he could barely see through it.

He and Shuai still have nothing to do with each other, but they are much better than before.

At this time, Big's right hand was in a plaster cast, with a gift bag hanging on it.

Seeing that Alice almost fell, he wanted to step forward to help her.

"Don't touch me!" Alice stabilized her body and pointed the end of her umbrella towards Big, keeping the distance between the two of them.

The brown sunglasses made it difficult to see Big's eyes. He raised his hand and smelled his armpit, pursed his lips and smiled, trying not to show his braces: "Carol, I don't stink anymore, don't you believe me?"

"I said, don't come over!" Alice still used her umbrella to keep her distance from him.

"Huh?" Bigger was a little confused, his voice trembling: "Carol, I... I'm not dirty or smelly anymore. I... can we... date?"

"No, I have a boyfriend." Alice refused righteously, and her vision moved up the stairs: "It's impossible for us."

"I... I..." Bigger lowered his head, stared at his trousers, and said in a low voice: "I can wait."

"Why don't you understand? Even if you learn how to dress up, I won't like you. You have none of your handsome looks, wealthy family, and interesting soul. I reiterate for the last time, we can never, ever !”

"Can… "

Seeing that Bigger still didn't understand, Alice's attitude suddenly changed: "Go away, go see your ugly appearance in the puddle outside, why don't you die, and don't come to me again!"

After saying that, Vision ran upstairs.

Pushing open the door to the dormitory, a girl was sitting on the bed, applying nail polish: "Alice, you were really loud just now. What, another suitor you can't get rid of?"

"Yeah, it's the one." Alice put the umbrella by the door and prepared to get some toiletries to take a shower: "It's really annoying."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, that ugly one is rubbing it." The girl spread her fingers and blew on her painted nails with satisfaction: "There are always people who regard licking a dog as affection, licking a dog, licking a dog, and licking until the end, leaving nothing."

Ronan was a little unhappy after hearing this, and seemed to be reminded of a bad relationship in the past.

Due to the limitations of the simulated spectator, he could not do anything.

Besides, this girl is right, there will be no good end for licking a dog.

"By the way, why did the dormitory aunt let him in when she wasn't here? Hey, I went to take a shower. Look, these clothes are all wet."

"Hahaha, don't you know? Recently, a janitor came from abroad, his surname is Qin. Aunt Helena seems to have lost her soul these days, running to him every now and then."

When her vision came to the door of the room, Alice looked at the girl sitting on the bed: "It's okay to fall in love with Sunset, but she has to do her job well. Next time I encounter someone sneaking in, I will report it truthfully."

After saying that, he walked towards the bathroom.

This kind of private school is equipped with special shower rooms in addition to bathrooms in the dormitories.

Turn on the showerhead and mist rises in the bathroom.

Suddenly, the scene changed...