My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 24: Special hobbies


The old dean led him towards the office.

Along the way, pass a corridor with many rooms.

Unlike the orphanage Ronan imagined, the children here rarely cried.

A child of four or five years old, bare buttocks, scooping water for a bath alone.

There was also a child about two years old, sitting in a crib, holding a red ball and smiling happily.

Beside the nursery, two children of the same age were sitting, their big eyes revealing innocence.

They were quiet and didn't cry.

It hurts to be independent.

Some of these children were abandoned shortly after birth, some were left here after their parents died, and some were secretly lost because of illnesses that could not be treated, or because they ate forbidden fruits too early and could not be raised.

Walking through the corridor, the two came to the office.

The old dean took out a pair of reading glasses from the table, sighed, wiped the lenses with the corner of his clothes, and looked back at Ronan: "Sir, who are you?"

"I'm her good friend." Ronan considered the words: "She's not in a good condition. I want to know what she went through before."

"Then what do you want to know?" The old dean smiled with an incomprehensible meaning.

Ronan raised his eyes and said, "I want to know if there was anything strange about her while she was in the orphanage?"

"Strange? Probably nothing." The old dean had a kind face, but his smile was a little weird.

Ronan heard a hint of resistance in his two answers.

Could it be...

"are you sure?"

The old dean's polite words were spotless, and there was no benefit in continuing the stalemate.

Ronan simply stated his words clearly, wanting to see the other party's reaction.

The old dean put on his glasses and looked back and forth with unclear eyes: "I'm sorry, sir, I can't provide you with her relevant information. Besides, she has passed the age of adoption."

"Okay, let's not tell him, right?" Ronan saw that he looked indifferent, turned around and left, trying to deceive him.

The old dean rolled his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then chased after him: "Sir, please wait a moment."

"Oh?" Ronan stopped and thought secretly: "Did you remember anything?"

The old dean smiled slightly: "Be gentle when passing by the corridor and don't disturb the children's rest. If you have time, you can come and visit often."

Ronan pursed his lips, his mouth was really strict.

If you don't want to say forget it, there will always be someone who will.

He lowered his steps, left the corridor, and returned to the courtyard.

An old woman in her fifties was playing with several children. Ronan walked over, exchanged greetings, and asked, "Can you come with me?"

Seeing the hesitation on the other side's face, Ronan took out the US dollars from his pocket and shook them.

The old woman was a little moved, and touched the child's head with her rough palm: "You can play by yourself first, and I will give you sweets later."

"Really, okay, okay." When they heard that there was candy to eat, the two children played with the ball obediently.

Arriving at the steps at the edge of the courtyard, Ronan asked: "Do you know Annebell?"

"Annie..." The old woman looked up at the sky, as if she was lost in memories: "I have some impression."

"Okay." Ronan handed the old woman a hundred dollars and continued to ask: "Tell me what you know about her."

Holding a hundred dollars, the old woman rubbed it with her hands and put it in her pocket: "Anne is a poor child. Her mother died early, her father and sister died in the fire, and she was probably brought here when she was about thirteen years old. "

Hearing the word sister, Ronan's heart skipped a beat and he handed over two hundred dollars: "She has a sister?"

The old woman did not refuse and reached out to take it: "Yes, they are said to be twins, they look exactly the same."

Exactly the same

Ronan felt that he had a vague clue, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Has there been anything unusual since she came to the orphanage?" Ronan originally wanted to drop a hint to see if there was any relationship between Annie and the old dean. But to say it directly is a bit explicit, so I can only make innuendoes.

Seeing her staring at the money in her hand, Ronan smiled and handed over three hundred dollars.

Just like a coin machine, the old woman who took the money said: "Yes, her family is gone, how can she not be withdrawn? She rarely contacts people and has few friends. However, at the age of fourteen On my birthday..."

Ronan had a headache when he suddenly stopped talking about the key point.

Who did you learn this ability to break up sentences from

Get away, or are you big-eyed

Ronan handed over the only four hundred dollars he had in his hand.

The old woman smiled sheepishly, showing her somewhat scarce teeth, and took the money and continued: "We don't know what happened. After her fourteenth birthday, she seemed to suddenly change her temper. She was lively for a while, and then turned violent again. cold."

At this point, the old woman suddenly stopped talking.

Ronan's eyelids twitched, thinking that she was breaking off her sentence again and wanted to extort more money.

However, following his gaze, he turned around and saw the old dean standing at the edge of the corridor with a kind face.


Something weird!

After reading the schedule at the commercial center at noon today, Ronan took a taxi and headed to the orphanage in the suburbs of Brooklyn again.

In the taxi, he was conducting a complete reasoning based on the information provided by the old woman.

Anne's mother died early when she was a child. Due to a fire, her father and sister died, and she was the only one who survived.

It is conceivable that when a young mind encounters this, the mental pressure is great.

Subsequently, Anne was overwhelmed and developed a split personality.

One is lively, the other is cold.

This also explains why Anne was very shy the first day she saw her, and then very cold the next day and didn't even recognize herself.

And one likes mango drinks and the other doesn't.

This shows that the habits and preferences of the two personalities are different, and the memories are not shared.

The cold personality is probably her fictional sister personality, which resists all negative emotions.

The lively one is the Annebell who retains her innocence after the split personality.

As for the changes that occurred on the fourteenth birthday, most of them had something to do with the dean.

Ronan felt that he was getting closer to the truth.

It seems that the level of difficulty is not beyond the level.

Everything is under control!

The taxi stopped in front of the orphanage, and Ronan, who set the flag, got out of the car.

Entering the courtyard of the orphanage, Ronan did not find the director. Instead, he made an excuse and called the old woman away.

Taking out three hundred dollars and shaking it in his hand, Ronan asked: "You should know Annebell, right? What happened on her fourteenth birthday?"

The old woman's pupils shrank, her neck was a little stiff and she shook her head: "I'm sorry, sir, I don't know."

Recalling the previous point in time, the old woman also said that she was not sure, so Ronan said in a different way: "How do you know the dean? Does he... have any special hobbies?"

"This..." The old woman glanced in the direction of the old dean guiltily, but hesitated: "I don't know."

Do you want to play this game with me

Ronan snorted in his heart and stared at the old woman: "Look into my eyes."

The old woman's eyes struggled for a while, and then were covered in pink.

Ronan put his hands on the old woman's shoulders to prevent her from taking off his clothes. The entanglement between the two had attracted the attention of the old dean not far away.

Time was running out, so he took the opportunity to ask: "Tell me, what special hobbies does the dean have?"

"He... he..." The old woman looked a little painful, and suddenly said: "He... he is a gay."

Ronan's face was full of black question marks: "???"