My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 28: She wants you



The humming sound of the fan could not drown out the rapid breathing.

Annie gasped and pulled the middle-aged man away who was still twitching.

Like the body of a dead dog, it slumped down in the turbid liquid.

Anna was leaning on the wooden table, her right waist was bright red, her left shoulder was also pricked by scissors, and blood was gushing out.

"Ana, I... I... I didn't mean it... I'll take you to the hospital right away."

"I'm hopeless." Anna covered her right waist, shook her head, her voice trembling: "It's too... too far, too late. Sister, go change into a coat... Look, it's all blood."

"No, Anna, let's go to the hospital, let's go!"

"Listen to me." Anna seemed to suddenly come back to her senses, and her face returned to a little rosy. She held Annie's hand tightly, her eyes firm: "He is dead, I shouldn't drag you into the water. Hurry... hurry up, and live well." "

Annie burst into tears and her vision became blurred: "Anna, don't be like this, don't leave me, okay?"

Anna's face darkened, and her lips turned pale due to blood loss. She stared at Annie fiercely: "If there is no surveillance, leave quickly."

"No… "

"Let's go!" Blood spilled from the corner of Anna's mouth. She opened her mouth, revealing her teeth stained red with blood, and let out an almost roaring voice: "Let's go!"

Annie was stunned for a long time. Under the glare and push from her sister, she silently put on her coat and left the room.

As the elevator descends, the vision continues to blur, be wiped out, blur again, and so on...

When she rushed to the corridor outside the apartment building, a fire broke out on the twenty-fourth floor.

It is particularly conspicuous in the building that looks like a patio.

The scene changed again. Ronan looked familiar. This was the orphanage in Brooklyn.

The scene is not much different, Anne is sitting in the corner of the courtyard.

Perhaps her position was in a blind spot, and the police officer and the old dean at the pillar did not notice her nearby when they were talking about the case.

The general content of the discussion was that the beast's father wanted to rape his daughter Anna, and the two stabbed each other, causing a fire during the fight.

Several neighbors who were stationed on the 24th floor together testified that Annie was not present at the time, clearing her suspicion.

The neighbors knew what kind of person Sister Anne’s father was.

Some people die when they die. You should think carefully about those who survive.

A middle-aged woman walked over, and Ronan vaguely recognized it as the old woman from before.

She came to her side and knelt down, thinking about her words: "There are some relics left, I will put them in your room."

"Okay." Anne's answer was cold.

The middle-aged woman looked a little embarrassed. She stood up and touched Annie's head: "Today is your birthday. Wash your hands quickly and cut the cake."

"Okay." Annie nodded.

Suddenly, Ronan's pupils shrank.

This woman wore a necklace on her chest, and the monk-like pattern was very similar to the pattern on the ceiling of Catherine's boudoir!

Before Ronan could think about it, the screen changed again.

Annie took out a group photo from the carton and tore off her father's portrait.

He rubbed his sister's smile in the photo, and his vision began to blur: "Sister, we want to be together forever."

A tear fell on it, making a soft pattering sound.

The surroundings turned dark, and consciousness returned to its original state.

The simulation is over.

Ronan smacked his lips, but he still hadn't come back to his senses.

After learning about Anibelle's sin and experiencing it all firsthand.

Like the neighbor who testified, he did not expose all this.

It's already very difficult for some people to live, so why bother to add another knife to their hearts that are riddled with holes

Ronan's thoughts were not greatly disturbed. His attention was now focused on the necklace of the old woman in the orphanage.

That pattern…

Could it be an important clue to defeating Catherine

Just do it.

Ronan read the shopping mall stalls and took a taxi to the orphanage in Brooklyn.

Entering the courtyard, he called the old woman aside.

Seeing that she didn't have the necklace around her neck, Ronan gestured with his hand and asked, "You used to have a necklace in the shape of a human, right?"

"Yes." The old woman's eyes were full of vigilance and doubt, but after carefully examining the handsome face in front of her, her hostility dissipated a lot: "I carried it with me for several years, but lost it later. What, you found it?"

"No. I just want to ask, did you buy it or was it given by someone?" Ronan continued to ask.

"This..." The old woman smiled bitterly and hesitated.

, the old woman's mental power was low, Ronan didn't panic at all and just used charm.

"look into my eyes!"

The old woman was startled for a moment, then a flash of pink light flashed in her eyes.

Ronan pressed his restless shoulders and asked, "Who gave you the human-shaped necklace?"

"A child from here." The old woman said... She crossed out and opened her mouth to answer.

The two people's pulling movements were a bit like performing an avi, which attracted the attention of the old dean.

Ronan glanced sideways and took the time to ask for information: "What's that person's name?"

"Her name was Angelina. She stayed for three months and then was adopted."

Lina, a female name, sounds a bit familiar.

"Then where is she now?"

"I don't know." The old woman shook her head and looked a little struggling: "She wrote a letter half a year ago and said she worked in a financial company on Doyle Street."

After saying that, the restless hand stretched out.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

Seeing the gay man approaching, Ronan directly read the file in the financial company's bathroom.

He was in this financial building, right on Doyle Street.

After going around and around, this clue has returned to its starting point

Ronan touched his chin, lost in thought.

After a while, he decided to pay attention.

However, before leaving the bathroom, there was an exclusive treasure box that was left unopened.

The exclusive treasure chest has been opened

Item Obtained: Annie's Scissors

Effect: Scissors stained with blood and resentment. When held, you can see things invisible to ordinary people, and will cause slight damage when attacking.

What is the invisible thing


Ronan weighed the black-stained scissors in his hand and frowned.

Does this mean that Anne does not have a split personality, but is possessed by her sister’s soul

Ronan read the file and returned to the time when he and Annie were doing math exercises and communicating.

After putting Annie's scissors in his pocket, Ronan did see a thick black smoke outside Annie's body.

He tried touching it with his hands, but couldn't catch anything.

Ronan read the file and returned to the financial company. He came to the blond female colleague who was interested in him, crossed his fingers and said, "Come out with me."

"Me?" The blonde female colleague looked in disbelief, and her red face looked like she was lucky: "Okay."

The two came to the emergency escape tunnel.

When Ronan tested the effect of his charm skill for the first time, he chose this location and looked for this person.

A month ago, the company had a large loss on a project.

The blond colleague who fell under the spell admitted that she threw the blame to another woman named Lena.

"Do you know Angelina?"

"Why do you ask?"

Seeing the other party pretending to be dumbfounded, Ronan lost his patience: "Look into my eyes."

The female colleague was startled, her eyes turned pink, and she began to breathe heavily and came up to take off her clothes.

Ronan grabbed the other person's hands and asked again: "Do you know Angelina?"


"Is he the colleague you framed before?"

The female colleague's expression was a little painful, but she still replied: "Yes."

"Do you know where she lives?"

"have no idea."

"Do you know her contact number?"

"have no idea."

"Then what else do you know about her."

The female colleague licked her lips angrily and stared at the handsome face in front of her: "Like me, she wants you."

Ronan: "???"