My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 30: No more sitting around doing it?


Lina came over from the sofa and took the initiative to hold Ronan's hand: "We will organize an event next Friday. If you want to participate, just contact me before Wednesday."

Her hands were slippery and her eyes were slippery: "Don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

The two boxes in the strategy manual are occupied by Catherine and Britney.

Angela Lina is currently not a strategy target, and it is not possible to check the affinity with her.

Through her series of actions, Ronan estimated that it was at least seventy points.

Women are all pickled chicken feet, especially this kind of suspected heroine, I can't believe it.

"Okay, I'll think about it again." Ronan stood up.

"Are you leaving now and not doing it again?"

Whether to sit or do it, Ronan didn't hear clearly.

He just came to inquire about information and understand why she was looking for him. He had no other ideas.

Anyway, the part-time job is for next week, so there is no rush for this moment.

Seeing Ronan getting up and walking towards the door, Lina rolled her eyes and smiled: "You must be contacting me, there must be something wrong, right?"

"Obviously." Ronan smiled and easily put it off: "I solved it on the way, so I don't need to trouble you."

"Okay, then you should consider calling."

"Okay, goodbye." After saying goodbye to the other party, Ronan left the residential building.

You can put Lina's matter aside for now, and then talk about it after you conquer Britney and improve her strength level.

It's not far from Washington Square. He walked all the way there and the concert wasn't over yet.

"Oh, baby, I shouldn't have let you go..."

"Now that you've left, tell me what you want..."

"Tell me, baby, because my loneliness is killing me, I have to confess, I have to believe that without you I'm lost..."

Along with the music, Britney sang and danced on the stage with passion.

Ronan randomly asked a fan who was dancing provocatively. It was said that the open-air concert would not end until seven o'clock.

Approaching the stage, Ronan frowned when he saw many muscular bodyguards standing below.

As a singer, it's not unusual to have bodyguards by your side.

The question is, how can he get close to Britney

this is a problem.

After overwriting the save file in the park, Ronan read the file in the financial company's bathroom.

He came to the computer at his work station and looked up Britney's information and preferences.

Since she is a singer, there should be a lot of information about her hobbies and preferences online.

Only if you like him will you have a chance to get close.

"Like shopping, movies, novels, swimming and painting... "

Ronan touched his chin and fixed his eyes on the word painting.

I previously opened a treasure chest from Lillian Joan to get Painting Level 2, but I thought it was of no use at the time.

I never thought it could be used to tease girls.

Just do it.

Ronan read the files in Washington Park and bought A4 white paper and pencil erasers from a nearby store.

After choosing a spot, he began to concentrate, ignoring the interference of the music, and sketched Britney on the stage.

At seven o'clock, the outdoor scene will end.

As fans cheered, Britney took a bow and left the stage.

Ronan stood where she stepped down from the stage with a finished sketch.

"You sing so well, sweetie, I love you."

"Britney, I like you so much."

Seeing Britney walk off the stage, fans kept cheering and screaming, trying to squeeze in to get closer to their idol.

This scene is comparable to meeting a fanatical female fan of Xiaoxianrou.

Ronan underestimated their enthusiasm and was constantly pushed, with a somewhat unhappy expression on his face.

Britney looked over and saw a handsome guy among the fans, who came over and said, "Hello."

This move triggered cheers from enthusiastic fans.

The noise drove Ronan a little crazy, and he handed the painting to Britney.

There are too many fans here, so it’s not appropriate to criticize Britney.

Let's get familiar with each other first and gain a certain degree of favorability.

You have to eat the meal one bite at a time, and you have to tease the girl step by step.

Britney took the sketch and saw that it was herself. She smiled, lifted her hair from her ears and looked at the handsome stranger in front of her: "Thank you."

Ronan nodded and didn't stay long.

Such a scene of inciting hatred naturally aroused the jealousy of a group of male fans and started to engage in small actions.

Sensing that some people were working under the cover of the crowd, Ronan was a little annoyed and activated his skill: Power.

With three points of strength added at once, Ronan easily caught those plotters and taught him a lesson.

By the time he squeezed out of the crowd, Britney had already left in a car under the escort of security personnel.

Ronan looked at the Audi car carrying Britney, waved to stop the taxi, and followed.

Opening the strategy manual, the two people's favorability rose to 55 points.

It only increased by 5 points, so little.


Ronan suddenly remembered that Britney's initial favorability was only 40 points.

This is slightly lower than Anibelle's initial favorability of 50 points. This gap is somewhat concerning.

Is it because you usually have too many fans and are not very keen on interpersonal communication

There was too little information at his disposal, and Ronan couldn't figure it out.

"Here we are, sir."

After being reminded by the driver, the two came to the Med Hotel in midtown Manhattan.

Ronan paid and got out of the car and entered the lobby.

The decoration of the star-rated hotel is very grand and magnificent.

At present, his friendship with Britney is only 55 points, which is almost the level of ordinary friends.

If you want to get to the point of extracting information, you still have some time to go.

He must seize the opportunity to pursue the victory, increase his favorability as soon as possible, and find out Britney's secret.

When the lady at the front desk of the hotel saw Ronan coming over, she was amazed at his good looks and seemed very enthusiastic: "Sir, how can I help you?"

"Excuse me, which room does Miss Britney live in?"

"Sorry, sir." The front desk lady smiled awkwardly: "We cannot disclose other customers' information."

"I have an urgent matter with her. Can you tell her the room number?"

Ronan knew that the hotel had regulations and could not disclose the customer's room number information.

He wanted to try to see if he could get information from a handsome face with a charm value of 15, just by swiping his face, so that he didn't have to load files.

"Sorry, sir." The front desk lady looked very embarrassed: "If you have any other needs, I will do my best to help. But regarding the guest's room number, I'm sorry that I can't provide it to you."

Seeing that facial recognition failed, Ronan shrugged helplessly: "Okay."

Looking up at the clock on the wall in the hall, the hands pointed to seven thirty-two.

He read the stall at the door of the lottery shop where he had just bought a suit.

It's half past five in the afternoon and the concert isn't over yet.

He hailed a taxi and headed straight to the Med Hotel, where Britney was staying.

It doesn't matter if the front desk lady doesn't say anything, just wait.

At 7:25 pm, the familiar Audi sedan drove outside the hotel.

The doorman opened the car door and a fully armed woman walked in.

Sunglasses, masks, hats, scarves, and thick clothes were all covered up, making it impossible to recognize who it was.

Ronan smiled slightly. Do celebrities nowadays have to be so tightly wrapped when going out

He got up from the sofa in the lobby and followed the woman into the elevator.

In this timeline, Ronan did not go to the concert.

This was his first encounter with Britney, so he didn't have to worry about being recognized.


The elevator door opened and the two entered the elevator.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion, Ronan pressed the button for the 24th floor, while Britney pressed the button for the 16th floor.

A man and a woman alone, living together... The elevator is very quiet.

Seeing that Britney seemed to be peeking at him, Ronan straightened his chest.

When the elevator reached the 14th floor, Britney behind him suddenly took off her sunglasses and mask and patted his back: "Handsome guy, I see you have a beautiful appearance and handsome appearance. I wonder if you are interested in the entertainment industry. Development? I can help you recommend it.”

Ronan turned around, looked at the strange woman in front of him, and twitched the corner of his mouth.

Isn't this Britney

How to become a woman in her thirties