My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 40: Have it while it's hot


As the chanting rhythm intensified, the bodies of the three men in black robes glowed simultaneously.

Anyone who can use mind control will have a faint blue light similar to her eyes appear on their body.

A late night snack with unknown abilities, green light appeared on the top of his head, no, his whole body.

The last man in black robe, who did not distinguish between male and female, emerged with yellow light.

Blue, green, yellow.

The three colors of light gathered together and gradually illuminated the entire pit...

Britney's field of vision did not change, and she did not even close her eyes when facing the bright light.

The light quickly faded away, and Ronan saw the three of them stopped chanting and sat on the rocks to rest.

"I'm so exhausted. Who's going to deal with him?" Sitting on the rocks at midnight, his eyes drifted to Britney: "Who is that girl?"

"The person I met at the target's home is probably someone who wants to be in power..." At this point, everyone paused and understood the other party's intention.

Xiaoxiao laughed playfully, put the hammer in his hand on the stone platform, rubbed his hands and sat back.

The vision moved.

As if she had received some kind of instruction, Britney moved forward and came to the stone platform.

Passing over the six old wooden barrels, Ronan was able to see the entire scene near the stone platform.

A circle is formed with candles around the stone platform.

The ground was painted with strange and difficult-to-read runes with white powder, and it was also stained with a lot of blood.

This is somewhat similar to the fiery red pattern on Catherine's ceiling, but different.

Blood and free tap water gurgled down Woody's legs.

This man who thought with his lower body paid the price he deserved.

They all took off their masks, revealing a pair of eyes glowing with blue light.

Britney paused for two seconds, picked up the hammer beside the stone platform, and raised it high.

One hammer, another hammer.

Along with the muffled sound of broken bones, the blood seemed to have completely leaked out, dyeing the white patterns around the stone platform red.

The three people sat on the rocks to rest, and seemed not surprised by this bloody scene.


"This girl was quite beautiful. It's such a pity that she died here." Xiao Ye sighed, looking at the silent man in black robe: "Ye, why not erase her memory?"

"Hey, I can't tell, but you still know how to show mercy to women." They all said sarcastically: "Want to tie her up and take advantage of the heat?"

"I'm not as dirty as you. This is appreciation of beauty. Do you understand? Forget it, I can't explain it to you."

"Okay, okay, I'm in a good mood today, so I won't argue with you. Ye, do me a favor and I'll send her away later." They all took off their masks, fanned them like cattail fans, and complained: "Wearing this mask for a long time may affect your vision a bit."

Ye, the silent man in black robe, came to Britney.

The mask moved down slightly, revealing a pair of almond-shaped eyes with eyeliner, emitting a yellow light.

The picture stopped abruptly.

Ronan was breathing heavily, holding his hands on the bathroom door, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Only by experiencing it personally can you understand the deep-seated feeling of depression.

Turning on the faucet, the cold tap water slapped on his face, which made him feel much better.

This time, it seemed that something extraordinary had been discovered.

There was too much information just now, so I need to sort it out carefully.

Ronan didn't know why, but every time he took a shower or sat on the toilet, his thoughts were always much clearer than usual.

In other quiet situations, this effect cannot be achieved.

The amount of information obtained in the last section of the simulation needs to be digested carefully.

First of all, the three men in black robes and Catherine are all affiliated with a mysterious organization. This has been confirmed.

The titles between them should be code names, not like positions.

There was a person named 'Sui' who was not present. It was highly suspected that this person was Catherine, but it could also be someone else.

Since they only mentioned it once, there was no more evidence to prove Mosui's identity.

The man in black robe who remained silent throughout the whole process was codenamed 'Ying (Tongying)', and his ability was to erase memories.

I saw that she had put on eyeliner and her eyes were sure to be that of a woman.

There are no wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, so he should be very young, probably in his twenties.

The man codenamed 'Supper' did not show his face throughout the whole process, and his abilities are unknown.

Judging from the fact that he took out items like the hammer, it should be more of a combat-type ability.

His voice is relatively mature, not youthful, and he is probably around thirty years old. It doesn't sound greasy, so he probably isn't fat.

The last person, codenamed 'Du', has the ability of mind control.

After convincing Ye to erase his memory, he relaxed his vigilance and took off his mask.

This is also the only one among the three whose identity has been exposed.

Ronan heard her voice before and felt it sounded familiar.

Of course they are familiar, they just met not long ago.

After all, it’s Angela Lina.

The woman who wanted to sleep with his ex-colleague and invited him to a special part-time job a week later.

Ronan touched his chin and felt...


Thinking about his own strength, his face quickly fell.

A buff that increases strength by 3 points for a short time, plus a pair of scissors that damage souls or ghosts.

Other than that, there are no other practical combat skills.

What about painting, eloquence, and other secret skills of old guys? These are all used to seduce girls.

With Ronan's current strength, it is more than enough to face ordinary people.

But when it comes to people with special abilities like Catherine and Lina, he is a complete weakling.

Fortunately, the cheat for unlimited save and load files is too buggy, so even a weak chicken still has a chance to counterattack.

Ronan opened his personal attributes and narrowed his eyes.

It’s time to strengthen (chong) and change (qian)!

Seeing that there were two unallocated free attribute points on his personal attributes, Ronan was a little embarrassed.

Only then did he remember that after conquering Annie, he was so absorbed in deciphering and learning that he forgot about adding points.

The current charm value is 15 points, which is enough.

Besides, once the skill is activated, there is no need to add more for now.

After thinking about it, Ronan added two attribute points to his spirit.

The level of mental value directly affects the success rate of charm, which is of great help in gathering information.

Currently, his personal attributes are as follows.

Name: Ronan

Level 3 (0/40)

Mall points: 400

Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 8

Spirit: 8

Charm: 15 - 'Charm' activated

Active skills: Power lv1, Purification lv1

Passive skills: Eloquence lv1, Painting lv2

Backpack: Old Siji's Secret Technique, Master Key, Fragments of Parchment (14) (15), Annie's Scissors, Invisible Camera (Broken), Britney's Exclusive Treasure Box

Looking at his personal attributes, Ronan shook his head.

If you want to strengthen the fourth dimension to 15 points and activate the skills, there is a long way to go.

He paused his gaze on Britney's exclusive treasure box.

The exclusive treasure chest has been opened

Item Obtained: Cursed Hammer

Function: The cursed hammer cannot be destroyed and has certain lethality to spirits.

Looking at the hammer that suddenly appeared in his hand, Ronan's mouth twitched.


Use a hammer!