My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 55: Of course adults want them all


The whip speed is so fast, how did it reach such a long distance

Also, can't you imitate those villains and call out the name of a move before releasing it

Even if you ask a crow to fly, it would be better to give him some reaction time.

Such a sudden attack is simply scary to skr.

After finishing complaining, Ronan sat in the dark space and touched his chin, and discovered a suspicious point.

After learning that no one could get the parchment after he died, the woman started to take action.

Could it be that her purpose was not parchment

Let’s load the files and go back first.

Opening his eyes, Ronan looked at the three of them: "I don't want to get involved in your fight. How about this? I'll trade with whoever offers the higher price. How about that?"

The mysterious woman took a few steps in his direction. Ronan was very wary and kept distance from her.

"Trade? Haha, unless we can give you what you want, these guys from the Holy Association have no intention of trading." Lina sneered. Seeing Ronan keeping a distance from the mysterious woman, she whispered to Ye to respond.

"What do you mean?"

"The purpose of buying the parchment is to destroy it. If I kill you now, I can destroy three of them, so what's the deal?" After saying that, Lina walked over and spread her hands to show that she had no ill intentions.


Ronan frowned. No wonder the mysterious woman wanted to kill him after hearing those words.

So, the parchment fragment (15) in Lina's house was also a new version of the ship that was destroyed and remade, so it was judged by the system as a mission item

Ronan rolled his eyes, the current situation was not good for him.

If both parties want parchment paper, they can raise the price and negotiate for some benefits.

But this mysterious woman from the 'Holy Assembly' wanted to kill him, so the only option became the only one.

A holy congregation, an old congregation, just like their names, they are sworn enemies.

Pursing his lips, Ronan read the file again and returned to the moment when he distanced himself.

He looked at the three of them and considered his words: "I don't care if you want the parchment or if you want to destroy it. If I die, the parchment will appear at the set location so that none of you can get it. I really want to I'm in a hurry, I don't mind giving the parchment away, or destroying it."

After saying this, Ronan began to observe the reactions on both sides.

The mysterious woman seemed to be thinking and did not move in his direction.

If Ronan said it was true, his death would make the parchment fall into the hands of others, which would be a bad outcome for her who was tasked with destroying it.

Once the clues to the parchment are lost, there will naturally be no way to destroy them.

For Lina and Ye, the situation is also bad.

If Ronan is pushed into a hurry, the parchment will be destroyed.

Without reading the content, they cannot use the curse seal to reproduce it.

Now, after slightly adjusting his words, Ronan finally had the capital to raise the price.

Lina and Ye discussed in a low voice and looked over: "If you are willing to hand over the parchment to me, you can become one of the Eight Gods and enjoy the favor of the Lord."

"What's so good about the Eight Gods?" The mysterious woman mocked contemptuously and said, "If you destroy the three pieces of parchment, I can guarantee that you will join the Holy Assembly, rank among the seven deadly sins, and enjoy the blessings of Allah. Fukuzawa.”

Both sides made bids at the same time, which was exactly the result Ronan wanted to see.

He looked around and considered what both parties had just said.

The Old Association is a mysterious organization. According to Lina, there are eight divine envoys.

The four known ones are Ye, Du, Xiaoye and Mosui, who are probably in positions like elders.

The Holy Association is an organization that I have not come into contact with yet.

According to the mysterious woman, there are seven deadly sins, which should be arrogance, extremeness, anger, laziness, greed, lust and gluttony. Their status is similar to that of the Yagami.

The Pot of Greed used by Lena in the club seems to be collecting these emotions as well.

This shows that there is a certain internal connection between the two churches.

Now comes the problem!

Where should I choose to invest


Only children make choices, of course adults want them all!

Ronan saved the file and covered the distance.

After depositing, he walked towards Lina and the two of them.

The strategy manual is now occupied by Catherine and Lena, both members of the old society.

Let’s conquer this side first, and then go to the mysterious woman’s side.

Seeing Ronan walking towards the opposite side, the mysterious woman suddenly took action, exploding a sonic boom like thunder from her whip.

After the whip was swung, it seemed to be related to space magic, and it suddenly appeared ten meters away.


A blue light curtain protected Ronan in front of him, blocking this fatal attack.

Water-like ripples appeared on the light curtain, and then returned to normal after dispersing.

The mysterious woman's whip cannot break the light barrier.

No wonder the two sides didn't fight each other, Lina actually has the skill of protecting the shield.

An assassin, a tank, no one can do anything to anyone.


Lina shouted, holding the blue light in her hands, and led Ronan to a pit that looked like a well twenty meters away.

Jump into a well

Could it be that he was going to die for love

The shouts of the island staff came from the distance, and they should be searching soon.

Lina and Ye looked at each other, hugged Ronan and jumped down together.

The mysterious woman wanted to jump down, but was blocked by the blue light curtain. He had no choice but to roll up a stone with a whip, throw it down, and leave angrily.


Protected by a blue light curtain, the three were not harmed by falls from heights or falling rocks.

Ronan was caught between two women and couldn't move.

His head was squeezed by two soft things, causing him to reach out and grab it subconsciously.

One is d, the other is... b or c

"Is it enjoyable?"

Hearing Lina's words, Ronan retracted his hand in embarrassment, but was forcefully grabbed and put back in place.

"Why are you shy? Keep going."

In this timeline, Lina and Ronan only met in the financial company, but their favorability score was still as high as 77 points.

There was a mysterious woman here before, but she couldn't reveal her identity. There were no outsiders at this time, and the conversation became frivolous.

He was lying on his back on a very hard wooden board, probably a small boat.

Ronan asked: "What are you doing lying here? Aren't you leaving?"

"Don't worry." Lina's hand touched his cheek, feeling a little cold: "Since you join us, you will receive benefits for the new envoy." big Naozi are so bad!

Obviously you want to eat my tofu!

"No, no, no, no, no, no." Ronan laughed and withdrew his hand: "Let's go quickly."

Lina let out a soft hum, and the blue light came back: "Hold me tight."


Before Ronan could recover, Lina hit someone with the ball, and the obscene big water ball nearly suffocated him.

"Hold me tight, or your body won't be able to bear the teleportation later."

Blue light enveloped the three of them, and it was unclear whether what Lina said was true or false.

Ronan's breathing became more rapid anyway, trying not to faint.


When the blue light curtain tightened, it enveloped the three people.

Yellow light appeared in Ye's hands and the teleportation array was activated.

The casting time this time is longer than the teleportation array in the backstage of the black market.

After about two or three minutes, the three people were drowned in yellow light.

Opening his eyes and looking at the scene in front of him, Ronan's eyes widened in surprise...