My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 70: Transparent world


If you can't beat Lao Guangyang, then attack him.

This simple and crude way is really her style.

Ronan sighed and read the file at Catherine's door.

He didn't ring the doorbell, but turned and walked towards the small hotel.

On the way, he also called Lina.

After ringing for more than ten seconds, the call was connected.

"What's the matter, Bruce?" Lena's voice came from the phone.

"Nothing, just asking what are you doing?"

"Hahaha, just say it if you want, there's nothing to be shy about." Lina still acted like she was not shy, paused, and said: "Auntie came just now, the quantity was a bit big. What can I do? Call me again and go out to buy sanitary napkins first, mua~"

"Okay." Ronan hung up the phone and walked downstairs to the small hotel.

It seemed that after Lao Guangyin spied on the two of them in the secret room, he didn't do anything to her.

After entering this small hotel where no ID was required, Ronan checked into a room and entered the bathroom to take a shower.

Now, in addition to squatting on the toilet, I can think more clearly when taking a bath.

Old time said that Catherine died young and lived with her father.

Her father secretly prepared birthday gifts, and there must have been some misunderstanding that led to her murder.

So Catherine's secret is that she accidentally killed her biological father due to a misunderstanding

Success Strategy for C+ Class Actress Catherine Oliver

Get exclusive treasure chest

Gain 1 attribute point

Gain 45 experience points

Earn 450 points


Current level 4, experience value 40/50

The upgrade gift package has been obtained and will be automatically opened.

Active skill extracted: Stealth lv1

Function: Enter the invisibility state for 20 seconds. It will be released after touching an object or reaching the time. The cooling time is 10 minutes.

Entering a virtual world


Hot water from the bathroom poured on his head. Ronan's mouth twitched when he heard the system's beep.

Invisible? !

Isn't this one of the abilities most male compatriots wish to have

As if feeling the void's gaze, Ronan shook his head.

I don’t know anything about the transparent world and invisible play.

The hot water in the bathroom caused mist, and he felt the warm touch of the hot water on his body. He was not in a hurry to enter the simulation.

By the way, how did Lao Guangyang know Catherine's secret

Was she also involved

After completing the game, if you think about it carefully, the difficulty of Catherine's Secret shouldn't be that high.

Maybe it's because of her special abilities and her harsh tone that her rating is particularly high

In addition, there was one thing that Ronan was a little concerned about.

It seems that only heroines with special abilities like Catherine and Lena are + level

Whether this is specifically the case requires more heroines to prove it.

After wiping the water off his body with a towel, Ronan lay comfortably on the bed.

"Enter the simulated realm."

Familiar recipe, familiar taste.

As her eyes fell into boundless darkness, when she opened her eyes again, it was Catherine's first perspective.

His vision gradually became clearer, and Ronan was able to see clearly his surroundings.

The first thing you see is an ordinary house.

The walls looked as if they had experienced an earthquake. They were peeling off in many places and looked very old.

As your eyes move, you can see that there are not many furnitures in the house.

Two-meter-high wardrobe, wooden desk, two chairs and one-meter-high dressing table.

Compared with the decoration of Lina's home, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as shabby.

I really don’t know where she got the money to decorate her current residence so well.

Catherine's perspective looks towards the desk, where there is a picture frame in the upper right corner.

The photo in the frame is of a beautiful young woman, who should be her mother.

After a minute, Catherine left the room and began to look outside the house.

The door is a very ordinary wooden door. The wood grain is clearly visible, and a palm-sized piece is missing in the lower left corner.

Walking into the living room, there were more than ten brown wine bottles scattered on the floor.

Some bottles tipped over, their contents leaving yellowish traces on the rough floor.

A middle-aged man with thinning hair fell on the sofa, sleeping deeply without snoring.

Catherine looked at the middle-aged man and was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Dong dong!" A man's voice came from outside the door: "Bobby, open the door!"

She looked outside the door and then at the man on the sofa, standing still without moving.


This time the slam on the door was stronger: "Bobby, open the door, I know you are inside!"

Catherine tiptoed over, and through the narrow crack in the wooden door, she could see a middle-aged man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks standing outside.

Seeing no answer when he knocked on the door, the man looked in through the light yellow window next to him and happened to see her: "Hey, Catherine, where's Poppy?"

Catherine shook her head: "He's not here."

"Not there? Okay." The man shrugged his shoulders and muttered: "Is this guy sleeping on the street again..."

After that, he glanced at Catherine with his triangular eyes: "If you see your father, tell him that it's almost time to pay back the money."

Catherine responded very obediently: "Okay."

After the man left, she returned to the sofa and stared at the unshaven man with drooling water.

The scene changes.

Ronan could tell with only one glance that this was not Catherine's home.

Red flames were dancing in the fireplace, and in front of him was a kind-looking middle-aged woman.

She looked to be in her thirties or forties, and the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes could no longer hide the signs of age erosion.

A pair of reading glasses with gold frames indicates that your eyesight may not be very good.

Her legs were covered with a blanket, and her hand reached out to touch Catherine's head.

"Aunt Olive, are you leaving?"

"Yeah, your Uncle Oliver and I are moving to Manhattan."

Due to the prevalence of male chauvinism, this custom exists in many places in the United States.

After marriage, the wife will add her husband's surname to the end of her name.

Therefore, this title is not brother and sister, but husband and wife.

Wait, Oliver

Ronan remembered Catherine's last name and seemed to understand something.

"Okay." Catherine stared at her toes, looking very well-behaved.

At this moment, a man in his forties walked in.

He was a little thin and had a weak face, and he smiled back at Catherine.

Aunt Olive winked at the man, who shook his head.

After squirming with each other for a while, the man looked embarrassed, turned around and left the room.

Aunt Olive glanced at the man's back, somewhat complaining.

Catherine looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Aunt Oliver smiled a little reluctantly, held Catherine's shoulders with both hands, and looked into her eyes: "That's it, Catherine, we all know the situation in your family. If you are allowed to live with that rotten drunkard Bobby, next time Half your life will be ruined. Just in time, we are moving to New York next week, do you want to come with us?"

"Aunt Oliver, you... what do you mean?"

"Hey." The middle-aged woman sighed: "Well... Well, your uncle has some health problems, and we have never had children. If you are willing, we can take you to live in New York and treat you as our biological daughter. . Of course, you don’t have to worry about your identity, Oliver still has some connections in the bureau and can give you a brand new identity."

Catherine's vision was locked on the face of the woman in front of her, and she was speechless.