My Girlfriend Archive

Chapter 97: The dusty diary (Part 2)


Thursday, January 4, 1944, light rain.

Time flies so fast, two years have passed in a flash.

Eight female relatives came yesterday. It was not easy to find them during the war.

Now, there are 74 people on the island.

These bastards were throwing a rave and they wanted me to be a part of it, it was crazy.

I'm not interested in women who are too voluptuous.

My fiancée, Anna Roberts, is much prettier than them.

I haven’t seen her for several years, and I don’t know whether she is alive or dead. There has been no news about her.

According to the news brought by the female relatives, good news from the front line came frequently.

I guess Farbes is going to perish.

Do you want to stay here or return to your country

God, forgive me.

I've had such a good time here that I don't want to go back.

Friday, March 10, 1944 was sunny.

At dusk, a ship ran aground on the shore.

The people on board were wearing French uniforms, and there were a large number of them, at least a hundred people.

Peter has also confirmed that it is indeed Farbes's ship, and it is most likely a deserter who was defeated.

We sent a telegram to the military headquarters to report back, and the order we received was to destroy the enemy at all costs. Reinforcements arrived three days later.

Three days

Seeing as none of them were cutting down wood to build houses, they were probably leaving after resting.

The flames of war have devoured everyone's loved ones, and now that they have a chance for revenge, they can't wait for reinforcements.

These bastards who started the war must pay the price they deserve!

To be honest, it was a bit difficult to attack the enemy head-on. There were too many of them.

Fortunately, the Farbes haven't discovered us yet.

That’s all for today.

Hope everyone can come back alive, God bless.

Saturday, March 11, 1944, sunny.

The deserters from Farbes were beaten to a pulp by us on the beach on the south coast. It was so enjoyable and they deserved it!

Without cover, they were perfect targets.

A guy who looked like an officer swam into the dense forest on the west bank with more than ten soldiers.

We really couldn't spare our manpower, so we had no choice but to let them go.

At the cost of twenty people, more than a hundred people were annihilated, which completely exceeded our expectations.

There are quite a lot of things on the ship, including drinks, food, weapons, and gold bars.

But these are not the most important.

I found a woman locked in an iron cage. She had black hair and green eyes. She was very beautiful.

From the first moment, I knew that I had completely fallen in love with her.

On the back of her right hand, there is a beautiful circular snake-shaped tattoo.

ah! Ayuya!

What a beautiful name.

We can't take it lightly now. The Farbes in the dense forest on the west bank are a big hidden danger.

We have the advantage in numbers, so we can deal with what they are talking about first.

Ronan saw the word snake tattoo and his fingers froze slightly.

His brows were furrowed and he was biting his lip, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he turned to the next page.

Monday, March 13, 1944, light rain.

These damn Farbes!

They actually went around to the main island and attacked the castle.

The castle was so high up that the brothers couldn't attack it and suffered heavy casualties. The life or death of the female family members inside was uncertain.

I heard from Robert that he knew a secret passage leading to the castle.

Just tonight, kill these bastards!

Tuesday, March 14, 1944 was sunny.

These damn Farbes are so insane that they even used women and children to take bullets!

All the female family members in the castle died and suffered inhuman abuse before their death.

Fortunately, we succeeded in wiping out these bastards.

Pete is leading people. Vent your anger on these evil guys.

Of the fifty brothers who came together, there are now only eight left.

The promised reinforcements have yet to show up, and we don't know what happened.

None of us knew how to use Clark's telegraph machine, so no one knew what was going on outside.

It feels like this place has become an isolated island.

Wednesday, March 15, 1944, sunny

In the early morning, I was woken up by Pete.

Jackson, who was guarding her last night, was bitten to death by a poisonous snake that came from nowhere.

Everyone said that Ayuya is an unknown daughter and will bring about unknown things.


The snake nests on the island have long been wiped out. Most of the snakes came from the boat.

A big living person was bitten to death by a poisonous snake, which can only be blamed on his poor supervision.

Pete was a little unhappy with my attitude. His right ear was shot through by a stray bullet, but it was nothing serious.

The brothers who lived and died together in the past are all gone.

Ayuya will not give up easily.

no way!

Thursday, March 16, 1944, was cloudy.

We buried the bodies of our brothers on the south bank, and buried our female relatives beside them.

Because of Jackson's death, everyone was very unfriendly to Ayuya.

Pete told me that there was an abandoned air raid shelter on the main island where Ayuya could be kept.

I was curious as to why no one informed me about the air-raid shelter for more than two years.

Pete said that was their former gun room.

Oh, these sneaky bastards.

From today on, I am responsible for Ayuya’s diet.

It took a lot of effort to move the iron cages and chains, and there was not enough manpower to do anything.

She wanted to go on a hunger strike, but it was useless. I had a way to pry her mouth open.

Sunday, March 19, 1944, sunny.

Reinforcement submarines finally arrived, and it was said that the front line began to counterattack and was short of manpower.

After confiscating the spoils of war, these vicious dogs who ate people without spitting out their bones also forcibly 'borrowed' a large amount of fine wine on the Farbes ship.

Fortunately, we hid the gold bars in advance.

After they left, the seven of us started dividing it equally.

Money is such a terrible thing.

Maguire and Hank actually planned to steal my and Pete's share.

As a commander, what's wrong with getting two copies

These greedy guys were killed by Pete and I ourselves.

I can’t believe that I used to call them brothers and sisters. It’s really disgusting.

Monday, August 21, 1944 was sunny.

The ship's canned meat is gone.

I am going to go back to the United States with the money and some servants.

Ayuya's attitude towards me has improved, but she can't communicate more deeply because of the language barrier.

Winter is coming soon and I want to buy her some warm clothes.

Everything on the island is left to Pete.

Wednesday, November 8, 1944, light rain.

Today is my third trip back to the United States.

The country's economy is in depression, businesses are waiting for prosperity, and people are displaced and hungry.

As a member of America, I must do more.

The gold bars on the island, as well as the White family's former fortune, add up to a huge fortune.

Anyway, help if you can, you can't watch the country collapse.

Sunday, February 11, 1945, sunny.

This is my seventh trip back to the United States.

Perhaps out of gratitude for my contribution to the economic recovery, the sergeant slipped me a document before I left.

The unnamed island is specially approved as my private property, but it is still nominally under the jurisdiction of the country.

Not only that, but Anna Roberts’ uncle contacted me and told me that she had moved to Chicago.

God, I have almost forgotten what this fiancée looks like.

Saturday, April 28, 1945, heavy rain.

When the news of Roosevelt's death was broadcast on the radio, I didn't believe it at all.

Why did a great man who led the country out of the quagmire suddenly pass away

Without his arrangements, I would not be where I am today.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is the most respected person in my life, bar none.

Now, I feel really uncomfortable. I really want to go to Haide Village where he was buried and pay my respects with my own hands.

As I write this, an idea suddenly occurs to me.

If my brothers were still alive, they would definitely curse me.

Anyway, the White family has become a thing of the past, and I am the only one in the family, so I don’t need to ask for other people’s opinions.

Let the name Bruce White sink into the sea of history.

Starting today, I will be using a brand new name.

Why not just call it...Roosevelt Blues