My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 127: Chicken taste, crunchy and crisp



Li Yalin's sudden words made Ling Mo stunned. what's going on

In fact, the first time he saw Li Yalin, Ling Mo had already tightened his muscles and was mentally prepared. He planned to do his best to fight this advanced zombie.

But he never expected that in such a tense atmosphere, Li Yalin suddenly spoke up!

And looking at her appearance, it seems that she does not intend to rush up to attack Ling Mo immediately.

The previous contact with her was in a dark office. At this time, when the light was brighter, Ling Mo also saw Li Yalin thoroughly.

She was wearing sports clothes, but she was so dirty that she could no longer see the original color, and her hair was stuck together with blood, covering most of her face.

However, the three-dimensional facial features and tall figure, coupled with the unique temperament of advanced zombies, make Li Yalin not look very scary, but not much different from ordinary survivor girls.

If it wasn't for the fact that she almost became the ghost of her mouth before, Ling Mo might still have an illusion.

For example, the zombie in front of me is actually harmless...

"Bah! It's harmless, and she almost ate it as a chicken leg before. Maybe after eating it, I will still think that I taste like chicken!"

Ling Mo's previous experience of being attacked made Ling Mo quickly come to his senses. While scolding in his heart, he looked at Li Yalin suspiciously.

Although Li Yalin doesn't seem to be attacking him now. But once the advanced zombies move. The attack speed is quite fast. Had to be careful.

Indeed, he and Li Yalin are also acquaintances, but this kind of "acquaintance" can basically be regarded as one-sided.

Li Yalin was an influential figure in the school at the beginning, Ling Mo thought she was not unusual, but on the other hand, Li Yalin did not necessarily know Ling Mo.

Although this is not really sad, it is often the case.

In fact, I suddenly heard Li Yalin say such a sentence at this time. The first thought that popped into Ling Mo's mind was: Isn't this nonsense

But on second thought, Li Yalin was a famous top three back then, with tall stature, high IQ, and high vision.

Maybe she just saw her a few times by chance, so she remembered her appearance, which is not impossible.

And looking at Li Yalin's appearance, although she recognized Ling Mo's appearance, she didn't know Ling Mo's name, and she couldn't even remember what connection she had with Ling Mo.

In other words, she only had a little impression of Ling Mo.

It's a pity that no matter how high your IQ was in the past, you have to start from scratch after mutation.

If I use an unreliable metaphor to describe it. Ordinary zombies are basically equivalent to unconscious embryos, but the lethality of these "embryos" is too strong. It can almost completely destroy normal humans. Of course, this only refers to pure physical quality, strength, speed, etc. In fact, there are still many ways for human beings to survive. Any survivor with a slightly normal brain can find some ways to survive.

You can't fight recklessly, but you can always use terrain or various tools to fight, right

As for mutant zombies, the germs of consciousness have already begun to appear, and only after they are upgraded to advanced zombies can they truly have the ability to think independently.

It is not quite appropriate to say that advanced zombies are truly out of the unconscious "embryo" form.

Judging from the current situation, after Li Yalin was promoted to an advanced zombie, she obviously recovered some of her memories as a human being.

Probably when she attacked Ling Mo, some vague memories hidden in her mind were awakened.

Ling Mo thought to herself that the reason why she persevered with herself was probably because of this reason, not because of her own flesh.

After all, he is just an ordinary person. In terms of the deliciousness of the flesh, it is estimated that he is not as good as the ordinary mutant zombies.

My taste is not very tasty, at least not yet to the point where an advanced zombie would even try to eat it... Ling Mo thought seriously.

Therefore, it is more likely that Li Yalin had some impressions of Ling Mo, which aroused her curiosity, so she held on to Ling Mo and even followed him here from X City University.

But this time, she learned to be smart, instead of attacking immediately when the two sides met, she took a defensive posture.

The reason why she waited until Ling Mo was alone before showing up was obviously because she was afraid of Ye Lian and Shana.

In terms of individual strength, Li Yalin, as an advanced zombie, is naturally stronger than Ling Mo, but if confronted head-on, Ling Mo has two female zombies to assist him, and he himself hides beside him and keeps stalking people. It is not difficult to kill Li Yalin. .

During the process of talking to Ling Mo, Li Yalin kept standing at the door and placed the stick in front of her at the same time.

Her eyes swept over the short knife in Ling Mo's hand as if inadvertently, and immediately frowned subconsciously.

This knife almost killed her, and seeing it again at this time made her a little nervous.

"I... I... remember you..." Li Yalin looked at Ling Mo vigilantly, and slowly squeezed out another sentence.

Maybe it was because she never spoke after the mutation, or because her memory recovered too little. In short, it was very difficult for her to speak, and even Ling Mo felt a little anxious listening to it.

Ling Mo's tense nerves also slowly relaxed. Since Li Yalin didn't plan to kill him immediately for dinner, he didn't need to be too nervous.

"Do you still remember who you are?" Ling Mo asked after thinking for a while.

A dazed look flashed in Li Yalin's eyes. After a while, she shook her head and reached out to grab her long hair: "Li..."

"Yalin, Li Yalin. Remember?" Ling Mo sighed secretly and then asked.

After getting Ling Mo's prompt, Li Yalin finally showed a look of sudden realization: "Well, I remember... Li Yalin, it's me..." Then she glanced at Ling Mo with some doubts, "But I don't remember... your... "

"Okay, don't force it, I know what you're going to say. It's normal not to remember my name. We didn't know each other well before."

Li Yalin's language barrier made Ling Mo feel extremely helpless. She thought to herself that if she could communicate more with people, she would probably be able to straighten her tongue slowly.

It's a pity that as an advanced zombie, she has no chance to communicate with humans. Even if she encounters a survivor, it is estimated that she will kill her in minutes.

At this time, the reason why she was able to stand there and talk to Ling Mo was partly because she had some impression of Ling Mo, and partly because she was a little jealous of Ling Mo's strength.

Hearing what Ling Mo said, Li Yalin couldn't help being silent for a while. However, it can be seen from the strange color in her eyes that after recovering some memories, and having the ability to think, she developed a strong curiosity about herself.

Of course, Li Yalin was also very interested in Ling Mo's acquaintance.

"I… "

But at this moment, she suddenly turned her head and looked behind her!

The instant appearance of the two figures caught Li Yalin by surprise!

Although she immediately reacted at the moment of being attacked, and even raised the wooden stick in her hand to resist it, but she was delusional to use the wooden stick to block the knife, isn't this killing it

Lack of certain common sense, this is probably the biggest flaw of the advanced zombies. Only hearing a crisp "click", the wooden pipe in Li Yalin's hand snapped, and the two cold lights crossed and slashed directly at the top of her head.

But the strength of advanced zombies is indeed extraordinary. Although the "weapon" is so vulnerable, Li Yalin immediately fell into crisis, but at the moment when she was about to be beheaded, she slammed into the wall around her. , the fingernails deeply grabbed into the wall, and with this brute force, he slammed into the wall and flipped against the wall, which was able to escape the joint blow of Shana and Ye Lian!


As a large piece of the wall was dragged down by Li Yalin, a choking white mist suddenly filled the warehouse.

Ling Mo was stunned by this scene. Originally, he dragged Li Yalin to buy time for Ye Lian and Shana's sneak attack, but he didn't expect Li Yalin's strength to be so powerful.

From this point of view alone, her level of evolution is definitely higher than Ye Lian!

"It's too sturdy..." Ling Mo glanced at the wall that was scratched by Li Yalin, and couldn't help but stunned to himself.

The five clear finger holes made Ling Mo deeply realize Li Yalin's tyrannical strength. In terms of strength, only the brute-force advanced zombie in the Peace Theater can compare to her.

More importantly, her reaction speed is also amazingly fast, and her intelligence level is not low. Otherwise, even if ordinary advanced zombies are at the juncture of life and death, it is estimated that they will not be able to think of such a way to escape.

Li Yalin, who had escaped for a while, was obviously provoked, but Ye Lian and Shana had already reacted to the failure of their attacks, and blocked her in the corner.

And Ling Mo stood in the distance holding a short knife, his invisible mental tentacles were already ready.

Although she was a senior, but Li Yalin pursued him relentlessly, and when she came to the door the second time, Ling Mo would not let her go so easily.

Talking to her just now had a bit of reminiscence and curiosity, but it was more of a procrastination.

However, although Li Yalin's dodge was fast, after all, her fists were invincible with four hands. She was about to rush over like a madman when she was affected by Ling Mo's mental tentacles, and there was a momentary sluggishness.

Although it only lasted for less than a second, it was enough for Ye Lian and Shana.


As Shana quickly circled behind her, the handle of the knife slammed into the back of her head, and Li Yalin's eyes turned white, and she immediately froze.

A powerful advanced zombie was captured just like that!