My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 133: Be careful! There are hidden weapons!


With the continuous influx of zombies into the mall, countless shelves were immediately knocked over, and muffled noises continued to come from the mall, but the sound was much smaller than the explosion, and it would not attract zombies in the distance.

However, the door is only so wide, and in order to prevent these zombies from rushing in, the group of survivors piled up many shelves at the door, slowing down the speed of these zombies... But it is only a matter of time before they are completely broken through.

The corpse puppet controlled by Ling Mo had already reached the side door at this time, and as expected, the side door had been closed.

Shouldn't this group of survivors have been using this place as a stronghold before? Through the sight of the corpse puppet, Ling Mo noticed something unusual about the door handle.

It's very clean, as if people often come and go from here...

This side door is located in an alley, not far from the entrance to the underground parking lot. If this group of survivors really stayed here for a period of time, although they could not move freely, but looking at the environment, it is estimated that there is no problem in coming and going around here.

However, this is basically an island. Without enough strength, it is difficult to break through the natural blockade formed by so many zombies.

This mall is not a supermarket, but sells all kinds of electrical appliances, and can't find any food reserves at all.

However, there was a small supermarket next to the alley. Ling Mo inadvertently glanced at the corpse puppet as it passed by. It had long been turned over in a mess, and some sundries were even thrown at the door. You don't have to look to know that everything that can be entered inside is estimated to have been found.

Just when Ling Mo was controlling the corpse puppet and grasping the door handle, he was about to twist it open. Suddenly there was a whistling in the ear.

In the corner of the eye. Ling Mo caught a glimpse of a cold light coming in his direction.

A strong sense of crisis immediately came to my mind. He yanked the door open almost instantly.


A crisp sound came immediately, and the door blocked the "hidden weapon" at the critical moment!

"Almost finished..."

Although it could only be a corpse puppet, Ling Mo didn't want to find a way to find a zombie to control. At this moment, there were no zombies under the building he was in, and they were all crowded to the entrance of the mall.

He slowly pushed the door open again, and a steel bar about the size of a little finger and about the length of a palm appeared in front of him.

"What is this?" Ling Mo originally thought it would be something like a bow and arrow, but he didn't expect it to be steel.

Was it thrown by someone? How strong arm strength and how precise the head is to be able to do it...

If Ling Mo himself was here, he would definitely not go out to take risks. But there are only corpse puppets on the left and right, in order to see what the survivors are so powerful, even if they are injured a little bit.

Therefore, after Ling Mo picked up the small steel bar, he stuck his head out from behind the door without hesitation.

Sure enough, on the roof of a building not far away, a figure was standing there.

Seeing that a zombie actually knew how to open the door, and just blocked his own attack, this young man who looked only twenty-five or six was very shocked.

But what he didn't expect was that the zombie actually stretched its head out to look at him again, and was stunned for a while.

"It doesn't look like a muscular man, is it a superhuman?"

This young man was shaped like a monkey. Looking thin, he didn't have much strength. Ling Mo couldn't believe that with his body, he could shoot rebars with his bare hands.

Seeing that the young man has not responded yet. Ling Mo hurriedly manipulated the corpse into the door, turned and walked towards the mall.

But just a second after the corpse entered the door, the young man suddenly let out a suppressed scream, and a young girl came out behind him.

"Ding Yu, are you nervous?"

The girl's tone of voice was very rude, but the young man just frowned, and then said in a somewhat hoarse voice: "Wang Rin, just now... I seem to have had an illusion."

If Ling Mo saw this girl who appeared on the roof, he would definitely recognize it at a glance!

She is Shana's cousin, Wang Rin!

But at this time, she looked very different from before. She looked very energetic in casual clothes, with a long steel bar behind her back, like a javelin. The hair is cut short, and it even looks like a tomboy at first glance.

Although her appearance was somewhat hilarious, her sickly face looked much darker at this time, and her eyes also showed an indifference.

It seems that after separating from Ling Mo, she has also gone through a lot of...

"What illusion?" Wang Rin frowned in dissatisfaction and asked.

She seems to be very dissatisfied with Ding Yu. Not only is this man usually slow to respond, but he is also a little taciturn.

A person like this can even live in the apocalypse to the present, and he is still a power user. In terms of combat power, he is even similar to himself... Wang Rin really doesn't like this kind of person!

Ding Yu hesitated for a moment, and then answered slowly: "I seem to... see a zombie opening the side door over there, and also dodging my attack, and finally... looks at me?"

"Ha? Are you stupid..." Wang Rin sneered, and was about to sneer, but his expression suddenly changed!

For some reason, hearing Ding Yu's description, a very bad memory immediately popped into Wang Rin's mind!

And at the same time, two familiar figures also emerged...

"I want to go, you are here, waiting to pick up Luo Heng and the others."

After Wang Rin suddenly came back to his senses, he suddenly said.

When Ding Yu opened his mouth to stop her, Wang Rin had already run into the stairs and quickly went downstairs.

After ten seconds, she appeared in the alley, and then got into the side door.

Ding Yu stared blankly at Wang Rin's figure disappearing at the door. After a while, he sighed, frowning and whispering to himself, "Ah... Why doesn't this girl always listen to the arrangements? I hope not to mess things up." Damn... So women are just a drag... "

After complaining a few words, his expressionless face turned to the roof of the commercial building, then bent down and lifted a ladder. Start to send slowly towards the commercial building.

The floors of both buildings are the same. The distance between them is only about three meters. If someone with excellent jumping ability might be able to jump directly over it...

At the same time, the corpse puppet controlled by Ling Mo had already penetrated into the mall, but considering that he might bump into the survivors at any time, he acted very cautiously.

He thought to himself that the young man's concept of zombies just now had been subverted, but there was a high possibility that he would regard this incident as an accident, or regard him as an advanced zombie...

In fact, if no one knows Ling Mo's puppet skills and has seen advanced zombies. It is estimated that the corpse he controls will be regarded as this type of advanced zombie.

So Ling Mo no longer had some of the previous concerns, plus the distance he could control is getting longer and longer, the other party can't see his body at all, let alone any worries.

It's just that there is only one corpse puppet now, and it can't be easily killed, so Ling Mo is so cautious.

Sure enough, as he walked cautiously through the stairwell, he heard a voice at once.

"Zhang Ning, you go up first, and I'll prepare the fire."

"I...then you have to be careful!"

"Don't worry. You don't know my marksmanship yet, as long as those zombies rush to that position. I'll shoot and detonate!"

The man's voice sounded a little trembling, and he seemed to be nervous, but it showed a sense of determination.

Ling Mo quietly hid at the door and glanced inside, and immediately saw a young woman turning her head nervously and walking upstairs, and beside the door leading to the shopping mall, there stood a woman wearing a windbreaker. , man with rifle in hand.

This man was the one Li Yalin had seen before. When he was on the second floor, Ling Mo was amazed at the accuracy of his shooting. He didn't expect to see him so quickly.

Looking at the man up close, Ling Mo found that he was indeed an armed police officer. Although the uniform he wore inside the windbreaker was already dirty, he could still see it.

No wonder you can get a gun and stay behind the door so calmly...

Despite some fears, Ling Mo can still bravely insist on executing the plan, which makes Ling Mo feel his sincere admiration.

The armed policeman did not notice that a zombie was staring at him from behind. At this time, he was sweating profusely with his rifle, staring at the mall from the crack of the door.

The feeling of being separated from thousands of crazy zombies by only one door can be said to be quite exciting, and quite bad!

This is completely dancing on the tip of a knife, as long as there is a single mistake, he will immediately die without a whole corpse.

gun? In the face of absolute numbers, it is useless for him to carry a rocket launcher.

Ling Mo originally wanted to get some cheap money from them, but seeing this man's firm back at this time, Ling Mo couldn't help but feel a little ashamed for his previous thoughts.

In fact, after so many things, his mind has indeed changed. In the face of those who want to be detrimental to him, Ling Mo will never show any mercy.

But this does not mean that he will be like those people, robbing others without bottom line.

This armed policeman and his companions took such a big risk, nothing more than trying to find a way to survive for themselves. This is a great effort, and this courage is also worthy of admiration!

In fact, Ling Mo has roughly seen their plan now. They should have gotten some gasoline or alcohol, etc., and piled them up in the shopping mall. After the zombies were almost all caught, the armed police shot and detonated them, and then staged a scene of burning the zombies. Once successful, the supplies on the street are left to their search.

Although the fire will spread quickly, it is estimated that it will soon attract the attention of zombies on the nearby streets, but this blank period is enough.

However, the danger of this plan is also very strong, no matter which step is wrong, it may lead to the death of someone...

Just when Ling Mo was thinking to himself, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

At the critical moment, Ling Mo suddenly turned to his side, almost letting go of a steel bar.

Why is it steel again? Did the young man come after him? !

Ling Mo was suddenly startled, but he still reacted very quickly. Before the steel bar was retracted, he suddenly reached out and grabbed it.

However, the person who did it obviously had martial arts skills. The steel bar slammed into Ling Mo's arm when he picked it up, and then followed his arm and swung it directly towards his neck.


Although Ling Mo doesn't know martial arts, he still has a lot of experience in life-and-death fights.

The steel bar swung over his head, and he rolled on the spot, pounced directly in the direction of the attacker, and then grabbed the opponent's ankle!

He grabbed the other's trousers, and in order to avoid being stabbed by the steel bars, he grabbed the other's trousers and pulled it down, intending to push the man directly to the ground.

As long as the balance is lost, no matter how good the martial arts are, it will not be able to perform.

With the huge power of the zombie, although one hand of the corpse was smashed, the strength of one hand should not be underestimated.

The man immediately fell down following Ling Mo's movements, and at the same time his pants were pulled down by Ling Mo in the process...

When one person and one corpse fell together, Ling Mo was about to jump up and completely suppress the other party, but he didn't expect to look up and saw a pair of white and tender thighs, and the blue and white striped underwear in the middle...