My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1357: Preparation before negotiation


"Ling Mo, you... are you crazy?" Su Qianrou asked with wide eyes.

Create a perfect zombie body? It's hard to imagine such words coming out of a human mouth.

However, Ling Mo calmly turned his head to look at her: "No, in fact, I've been thinking about this for a long time. It's been a long, long time... "

After a long time, it started from the day Ye Lian was found.

What he should have done all along is not to make Ye Lian turn back into a human being.

Instead, let her take the identity of a zombie and re-evolve into a perfect organism.

Facts have proved that what Ling Mo said was right. The new virus spread through the air and quickly enveloped the entire Miracle Base at an extremely alarming speed.

It was all red outside the window, and hiding in the building just bought a little time difference for them. Five minutes after evacuating into the laboratory building, some survivors who had not been infected before also suddenly showed symptoms of howling, struggling, and coma.

Those who were not unconscious were also knocked unconscious by Shana and the others.

At this time, it showed the wisdom of Ling Mo's decision to withdraw before... The first batch of infected survivors began to wake up one after another.

Before Wu Pengfei had time to stand up, another infected person woke up.

Some of them had similar reactions to Wu Pengfei... At first they were a little panicked, then they were a little dazed, and then they found that they didn't seem to have any abnormality due to the infection, but became stronger.

But there are exceptions.

After an infected person with supernatural powers woke up, he suddenly let out a low growl from his throat, and then his muscles bulged suddenly.

Wu Pengfei knew him. This person was originally a power user of the reinforcement system. When he uses his powers with all his strength, he can turn his arms into the thickness of an ordinary person's thighs. With his strength alone, he can drag the car with his bare hands, and it is not a problem to carry a bazooka on his shoulder and constantly launch it.

But now his condition seems a little wrong... He kept roaring, the muscles on his body became more and more terrifying, and soon in the entire hall, he became an unusually striking presence.

More than two meters tall, the body is like a monster, and the red eyes flash with crazy light.

He glanced left and right, and suddenly shouted. He rushed towards Ling Mo.


A blood hole appeared between his eyebrows, and he fell to the ground before he could reach Ling Mo.

"Sure enough, the instinct is to clear the odd number first." Ling Mo felt that he finally knew why those zombies were always interested in him before... They said it was because of special, but in fact it was the virus that drove them to clean up his odd number.

But after the zombies reach the advanced level, they have the ability to think for themselves, so some of them will do it, and some will choose not to do it. And now with these new virus infections, they won't.

"Ah!" Xu Shuhan immediately exclaimed, "Why didn't you say there would be such a possibility!"

"Does it need to be said?" Ling Mo said solemnly, "Under the infection of the virus, this will always happen."

Just like those who mutated into zombies and those who became supernatural beings. virus infection. is risky.

"You already knew that." Lucy gave him a deep look and said.

Ling Mo didn't speak... He didn't need to speak either.

When Xiaobai was infected. Ling Mo had already "personally" experienced this virus. It is indeed risky, but humanity has no choice.

The rest of the people also understood this truth, and when they saw that companion was killed, everyone still maintained a calm attitude.

"You should know what your situation is now... You have also seen what the virus may bring to us." Ling Mo looked at them and said loudly, "Now you know what you should do?"

The infected people looked at each other, and at this time, Wu Pengfei finally took a deep breath and took the words: "We are still alive! What we have done before, we will do it now! Anyone who is aggressive after sobering up , kill them. For the rest, let them figure out the current situation."

"We survived the first time under the infection of the virus, and we can also survive the second time." Wu Pengfei said.

After speaking, he finally felt that he had the confidence to face Ling Mo directly. But at this time, he no longer has those entanglements about friends, or the other party is far stronger than himself. All he knew was that Ling Mo made him recognize himself.

Humanity is human... No matter how many times of evolution, human beings still exist and have not perished.

"Don't you think that what you said is a bit idealistic?" Shana walked in front of Ling Mo and said slyly.

Ling Mo blinked: "When did I say that?"

Shana looked at him for a while, then smiled slightly and pointed to her head: "You didn't say it, but you thought about it."

beep beep...

The contactor rang, but Ling Mo seemed to have been waiting and picked it up immediately.

"How?" Ling Mo asked.

Yuwenxuan's voice came from over there: "Ahahaha, it's done, that spider is willing to negotiate with you. I think this also disrupted her deployment."

Ling Mo pondered for a while, then shook his head: "No, she didn't. She was waiting for me to negotiate with her, so she deliberately waited until those monsters entered our field of vision before starting to act. That was the signal she gave me. ."

"Uh... how did you know?" Yuwenxuan asked.

Ling Mo smiled: "Because she already knew it."

The Perfect Body, the Spider Queen, and Canterlot, there must be a connection between the three.

The Spider Queen made preparations in advance, must be because she knew that the virus was escalating.

And what Ling Mo wanted was the key to truly pass the perfect body. This thing, the Spider Queen must know where, or...what.

"Also, did Chu Chu take it?" Ling Mo suddenly asked again.

Yuwenxuan also laughed: "It's not that easy, I'll leave it to you to deal with it?"

"Yes." After Ling Mo finished speaking, the topic changed, "Are you ready to meet your old acquaintances?"

To negotiate with zombies, you must meet them. This thing that was inconceivable and even extremely resistant to human beings in the past, after the second infection of the virus, I believe that their attitude will be loosened a little.

Ling Mo's purpose for letting them retreat is this.

Let some humans watch the infected people wake up, and then let these infected people watch this part of the human mutate.

Only such a simple and rude method can make them realize more quickly that human beings themselves are no longer the human beings they used to be...