My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 1365: The future is always unknown (5)


Well, zombies are absolutely obsessed with their prey, and we can't try to confine them... Ling Mo can only comfort himself like this while keeping up with it at full speed, but what makes Ling Mo feel a little unhappy is that Xiaobai is trying to please himself, On the other hand, he only took Yu Shiran to run forward, completely ignoring his real master... Xiaobai, who was running in front, seemed to feel something, and while running, he turned his head to look at Ling Mo, and said "woohoo" in his mouth. The voice seemed very aggrieved... Ling Mo was speechless, so he had no choice but to continue to be his own loner... Fortunately, within three minutes of running at full speed, they came to a place with a smelly smell. Judging from several large and small pools, the predecessor of this should be a water park. Although the water in the pool has not dried up, because it has been unwashed for a long time, and there are more than a dozen dead bodies floating on the water surface, the smell is great, and it is muddy, and it is impossible to see the underwater situation.

Ling Mo frowned, not because of the smell, but because of the weird atmosphere.

Before he came, although Ling Mo had already heard Li Yalin's introduction to the amusement park, but at this moment he stopped to take a good look at the place and felt a little numb behind him.

This place looks very calm on the surface, but Ling Mo always feels that someone is staring at him, and the feeling of being watched is really annoying.

Ye Lian and others on the side also noticed it. Although this feeling was erratic, they consciously told them that they could not enter here... After the group stood in a fighting posture for dozens of seconds, there was a sudden burst of "hiss" in the silent environment. ”, and then, the pool water, which had been calm as a mirror, began to bubble up… Yu Shiran sighed and said dissatisfiedly, “It’s boring…” Then, with a small hand, he wanted to let Xiaobai go in front of him. Go and slap the pool that is still "gugu" bubbling, trying to get the water out of the pool.

But Xiaobai didn't know if he was stunned by this weird atmosphere, or if he had a sad experience of shortness of breath underwater before, and he walked up reluctantly after dawdling for a long time.

Ling Mo feels that this big guy has more and more cute ingredients recently, and he should be trained, but he doesn't care.

Xiaobai's huge body was unable to move a little in the narrow aisle. He finally managed to stand firm. When he was about to raise his claws, the pool that had been bubbling finally moved... "Shuh-" Accompanied by the sound of breaking through the water, Countless suspicious creatures bounced from the water at such a fast speed that dozens of them were hanging on Xiaobai's body in the blink of an eye. Things, but fortunately, it has thick skin and thick flesh, and it doesn't hurt for a while... Almost at the same time that Xiaobai was entangled by these things, more of them went to Ling Mo and his party standing by the pool, and looked up. , densely packed, I don't know how many... Several female zombies were attracted when this thing rushed out... Shana was holding the giant sickle, but her movements were very fluent and fast. Within a few seconds, the ground was piled up. A pile of corpses.

Li Yalin also held the snake kiss and kept shuttle among these things, leaving only a trace of afterimage, but when the knife fell, the creatures still in the air kept falling... Yu Shiran took pity on Xiaobai and waved her arms angrily. I rushed in, and wherever I went, it was the bloody corpse of that thing, and I was angry when I thought about it.

With these zombies attacking, although there are many things, they do not pose a threat. Ling Mo took a slack and squatted on the ground to observe the mysterious creature. Ye Lian was concerned about the threat in the dark, and also raised the Tang Dao to look around carefully. For a while, everyone was at peace.

Ling Mo wrapped something in his hand and carefully picked up the mysterious creature that had lost any breath. This thing is as long as a thumb, black, like a fish, but it has no tail. The mouthparts are also very slender and disproportionate to its body, and the blood flowing out is also black with a strong fishy smell. If a person is bitten, it is estimated that they will only be killed immediately. What is even more terrifying is that this thing is endless, as if there is no end. If you continue with such a "fish sea tactics", I am afraid that I will still suffer a little loss on my side. Just as Ling Mo was thinking this way, the strange fish that had been attacking all of a sudden suddenly returned to the water. Of course, before leaving, these strange fish did not forget that the same kind of fish devoured them with lightning speed. There was no movement... A few zombies didn't kill them happily, and when they were about to complain, an invisible pressure suddenly came...

Extra series: Water Park (5)

Long before these "strange fish" dived into the water, Ling Mo had noticed something was wrong, and he didn't panic at this time. However, although this aura was terrifying, it was similar to Ye Lian and the others. I wonder how these "weird fish" sneaked away one after another, and even left their "prey" with a similar aura? After thinking about it, Ling Mo still didn't dare to be careless. Although his side had three overlords, whether they could win at the least price was the criterion to test their combat effectiveness... The atmosphere calmed down, and a few zombies were waiting. Don't dare to be careless, hide behind the building and be careful. I don't know if the zombies emitting that breath were deliberately posing. In short, Ling Mo and the others waited for about several minutes before a figure slowly walked out from the street. Ling Mo was a little speechless... The comers are not counted. The height is about one meter five.

He was hunched over, his hands behind his back, his face was covered with age spots, and he couldn't make out his expression. From a distance, this is an ordinary old man who is walking in the park after having a meal. The only thing that attracts attention is a big bird that cannot be seen standing on his shoulders that are not very broad. . This big bird is completely different from the old man who is about to die. It stands on the shoulders of the old man, standing proudly, with a look of contempt for the world in his eyes. The bird feels as if the body beneath it is nothing but its vehicle. Ling Mo and his group were dumbfounded, and Xiaobai was even more dumbfounded. Obviously, they didn't expect a guy of the same species to be so awesome. "Hmph, it's just a beast that can only fly, what kind of clothes are you pretending to be!" Yu Shiran on the side was a little embarrassed for Xiaobai. Although the bird's performance is extraordinary, but after a few more glances, Ling Mo still sees the doorway.

Although the bird looked like it was going to eat people, it stood on the shoulders of the old man and flapped its wings constantly, trying to fly towards itself, but it didn't move. Blocking it, it could only be the old man who had been silent... Thinking of this, Ling Mo had to be more vigilant. This old man doesn't seem to be very powerful, but it's not ordinary when he thinks about it. Taking rash actions can only bring danger to his side... The old man doesn't move, and Ling Mo's side is not willing to take risks, so the situation becomes a bit deadlocked. After being silent for a while, Li Yalin spoke first: "Ling Mo, this old guy is weird... Let's do it first, right?" Ling Mo didn't answer. As soon as he moved, with Ling Mo as the center, an invisible big net opened. Ye Lian also knew that the battle was about to start, so she retreated a few hundred meters and found a high ground to ambush. The spiritual body Nana also drilled out, ready to rush up with Shana at any time. However, just as Ling Mo was quietly preparing to start the fight, the old man who had been standing still, finally took the first step... Then, the strange bird, which had long been unable to hold back, moved with lightning speed. It rushed over, and its target was Xiaobai who was hiding behind... Xiaobai was not afraid when he saw that his peers actually found him, but he was limited by the terrain. , was pecked a few times, and the snow-white fur was suddenly pulled off a few pieces. Although Xiaobai has a thick skin and is not affected, but seeing Xiaobai being bullied, Yu Shiran quickly bullied him.

The bird was also cunning. After the sneak attack was successful, it didn't want to fight. It stood at a high place and made a strange "coo" sound, as if laughing at the corpse and pet under it. This bird actually has a certain intelligence, it should not be underestimated... Where did Yu Shiran get this kind of anger, he snorted coldly, and his figure flashed, and he appeared on the top of the big bird's head. Crush it into mashed meat... When Yu Shiran was fighting hard, the three of Ling Mo had already tried a few tricks with the old man. After opening the mental net, Ling Mo's speed was comparable to that of Shana and the two of them. The three of them jumped around the old man based on the principle of quickly solving the battle. They couldn't even see the afterimage. It's a killer move, and in a few seconds, this old zombie friend has a lot of colors on it. However, this old zombie looked miserable, but in fact it was not injured at all. Shana and Li Yalin are particularly aware that every attack of theirs really fell on the old zombie, but the old zombie seemed to be coated with a thick layer of grease. Unhappy... Ling Mo and Nana are in charge of the mental attack, but what makes them depressed is that no matter how they try to attack the mental light of the old zombie, they will be cut off by the unknown layer of grease on the old thing. Ling Mo's mental tentacles could only penetrate half a centimeter, and it was as if he was stuck in a quagmire, and there was no movement. The situation was at a stalemate, but when the three were worried, a gunshot suddenly sounded, and then, the old zombie, who had been as stable as Mount Tai, fell backwards. Ye Lian took action... Ling Mo and the others certainly didn't think that this difficult old zombie could be easily eliminated with this shot, but he did give them a chance. So the four of them came together and punched and kicked the old zombie who fell to the ground... However, the strange layer of grease on the old zombie was still playing its role. Ling Mo and others attacked, but it was only to kill him. His hands and feet were just broken, and it didn't hurt the vitals at all.

A few minutes later, the old zombie who was beaten on the ground finally couldn't help but said, "Young people today, why are you so rude... When you see your seniors, you don't say hello, but instead, they punch me as soon as they come over. Kick..." The old zombie spoke Mandarin with a heavy accent, and he spoke fluently, but when he heard this, Ling Mo shivered. Immediately afterwards, with a sound of "click", the old zombie stood up, swayed his body from side to side, then looked at Ling Mo and the others, swept away the appearance of dementia before, and smiled evilly: "But it's strong, It's not bad to use it as bait..." The old guy dared not to fight back on purpose... Ling Mo frowned, informed a few people through the spiritual connection, and immediately retreated a few hundred meters... The old zombie didn't chase after seeing it. Instead, he loosened his shoulders, his eyes were gradually replaced by turbid white, and a powerful momentum suddenly emerged from his body. This is actually a zombie that is only close to the king level! Ling Mo's body froze, thinking of the terrifying spider queen...

Extra series: Water Park (6)

When Ling Mo's side had not made any progress, Yu Shiran and Xiaobai had already fought that strange bird for 300 rounds.

Although that strange bird doesn't have much ability, it is very cunning, and when something goes wrong, it immediately smears oil on the soles of its feet and runs away.

It means that when Shi Ran and the others were impatient and planned to post it, they immediately rushed down, and after doing this several times, they caused a corpse and a pet to be extremely irritable.

Although Yu Shiran is a leader-level zombie, he still has a little childish temper in his bones, and he is at odds with this annoying strange bird.

Because of Xiaobai's size, the strange bird flew to narrow places, so it couldn't help.

But Xiaobai is not stupid, knowing that this bird relies on these buildings to hide its figure, so he launches brute force as he runs, destroying wherever he goes.

When Yu Shiran looked back and saw this scene, she couldn't help but praise her: "It's still my Xiaobai who is amazing, he's not like that stupid bird, he only knows how to hide..."

The strange bird, who was struggling to avoid Yu Shiran's attack, seemed to understand people's words.

Originally, relying on its racial advantage and its petite size, the strange bird could fly freely in this building, and Yu Shiran had nothing to do for a while.

But when it turned around, the speed was a lot slower. How could Yu Shiran and Xiaobai miss this opportunity, only to see Xiaobai speeding up, jumping up and appearing in the air, and they were already ready to go. Yu Shiran shot out immediately, stepped on Xiaobai, and appeared on top of the strange bird in the next second...

The strange bird was startled by this sudden change, and was about to flutter its wings to escape, when Yu Shiran grabbed both of its wings, and then a burst of unbearable pain passed from both wings...

The screams of "quack quack" sounded one after another on the silent street, but the perpetrator was unaware of it, and still ruthlessly plucked the feathers of a strange bird, while plucking, and scolding: "Let you fly again! Fly! What do sausage humans say? Oh... I remembered, let you pretend to force you to fly!"

Here, Zhenghe and the old zombie stared with big eyes and small eyes, and Ling Mo suddenly sneezed for no reason...

And the old zombie, after exaggerating a burst of laughter, began to move...

Unlike Shana and the others' stern attacks, the old guy walked forward slowly as before, his eyes full of disdain.

The opponent was a king, so Ling Mo and the others did not dare to slack off.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little weird. On the one hand, he was waiting for the battle, and on the other hand, he was as leisurely as taking a walk, but the old guy's footsteps were unusually slow, which caused the group of four to be particularly dissatisfied.

If you want to beat it, hurry up, so leisurely think of it as grocery shopping...

Not only did 10,000 divine beasts rush past Ling Mo's heart, but even a few zombies couldn't take it anymore.

I saw Shana shove the sickle across her chest, pointed at the old zombie's nose and scolded: "Old guy, hurry up if you want to fight, if your legs and feet are inconvenient, don't be a big one... Go where you go!"

Hearing this, the old zombie was not in a hurry, he still walked slowly, and replied: "It's a shame that there is still a human among you, does this old man love the young understand?! If you die sooner or later, you die. What's the hurry for a little girl?!"

Well, this is the first time Ling Mo has seen such a long-winded zombie. It was a little hard to accept, but the other party was still a king. I really don't know how he reached this level.

It stands to reason that this old zombie is slow, and Ling Mo and the others can take this opportunity to slip away, but Ling Mo's side is also three overlord-level zombies, and the old zombies may not get any cheap if they fight together.

However, killing him would definitely bring benefits, and Ye Lian and the others were going to break through the king-level next step, and they might gain some insight after fighting.

So the group was not in a hurry, and rushed out with the idea of ​​​​slipping away if it was really impossible...

Shana was the first to rush out. When she was beating the old zombie just now, Shana had already suffered a bit of a loss from the old zombie, so this shot was a bit harsher than before. It still hurts from being blown by a strong wind, it can be seen that its strength is great...

Although the old zombie was protected by the strange grease on his body, he was not injured before, but he did not dare to take it hard at this time.

However, Li Yalin, who followed closely behind, did not give him this chance. The old zombie just turned his head, and her snake kiss slid over the old guy's neck...

Ling Mo and Nana also couldn't bear to fall behind. Xiao Hei was ready to pounce on him, ready to control the old guy, and Nana's sickle followed...

Although the attacks of the four had a sequence, they almost fell on the old king-level zombie at the same time. Because he was protected by that layer of mysterious grease, he had to stand in place for two seconds, and his neck was also scratched. Next thick layer of grease.

How could the four of Ling Mo miss this opportunity. Seeing that the protection under the old zombie's neck was much less, they used their own methods, each made a few cuts, and finally Ye Lian in the distance gave him a shot.

After some rounds, the clothes on the old zombie that had few pieces of cloth immediately turned into dust, revealing his skinny body.

However, has this king-level zombie been solved like this?

Of course the answer is no...

After being briefly controlled for two seconds, the old zombie immediately roared, but he didn't see any tricks, but he reached out and caught the sickle that Shana cut...

You know, this sickle swings in the hands of the overlord-level zombie like Shana, and the speed is terrifying, but this old guy just grabbed it as soon as he stretched out his hand, what is the concept?

This is the power of a king...

After being turned twice by a group of juniors, and there was a human inside, the old guy's already dark face became even darker.

"I'm going to kill you!"

With a roar, the old zombie swung his right hand and threw the sickle in his hand. Shana didn't have time to let go, and flew backwards, but Shana responded quickly, holding the sickle in one hand. The man had already turned a few times in the air, relieved a lot of force, and finally landed firmly on the ground, leaving a long trace on the ground...

After one shot, the second target of the old zombie was not Li Yalin, who had been walking beside him, but Ling Mo beside him.

He could feel that the guy in front of him just made his body uncontrollable for two seconds...

Thinking of this, a thin hand stretched out towards Ling Mo...

Don't look at the distance between the two, but the zombie didn't know what method it used, and it appeared in front of Ling Mo at once.

Ling Mo didn't dare to take it hard. The melee combat ability of this king-level zombie is far from that of others...


With a gunshot, Ye Lian blocked the old zombie in time, gave him another shot on his increasingly weak neck.

Ling Mo took this opportunity to let Xiao Hei give the old guy a warm hug. Although the effect was not as good as before, it still slowed down the old monster a bit.

Following that, Ling Mo quickly retreated elsewhere by relying on the spiritual net...

The old zombie didn't succeed. He was in anger when a spark suddenly ignited on his body. Then, he was surrounded by a sea of ​​fire...

Ling Mo looked at everything in front of him, not surprised, but turned his eyes to the distance...

There, there stood a man and a woman, who were Lan Xin and the others who had been thrown down by Ling Mo not long ago...

How are they here?

Extra series: Water Park (7)

However, Lan Xin and the others were standing farther away at this time. Even if Ling Mo had doubts, he had to put it down first.

It's just, I don't know what means they used to make this king-level old zombie so embarrassed?

This old zombie is also considered unlucky. Although the layer of oil on his body provides him with protection, it is ultimately no match for the power of fire.

However, this situation only lasted for a few seconds, and after a while, the fire on the old zombie was cleaned up by him.

The old zombie that had been attacked by fire was like a moving piece of old bacon at this time, exuding a strange smell of meat, smelling Ling Mo's guilt...

The old zombie, who was still angry just now, was very quiet at this time.

It's just that the silence is really scary...

The old zombie just glanced at the two culprits. Before the latter had time to turn around and run away, the next second was blocked by the old zombie.

This speed can be called teleportation...

Ling Mo knew that the old zombie was really angry...

Not much to say, they rushed over with Li Yalin, after all, these two people saved themselves...

Previously, Shana was sent flying, and the position was just not far from the two of them, so it was the most timely to appear at this time.

With a swipe of the knife, the old zombie's bitter attack was stopped, but this situation could not last for a few seconds.

So Shana shouted while fighting the old zombie, "You two, run away!"

In fact, without Shana's reminder, the two of them are also going to run, but the two of them have lived until now, how have they seen people who were burned like that and still jumping around?

I also understand now that what they have provoked is a terrifying zombie...

As soon as they were afraid, their calves would not obey their orders. Although Lan Xin was a power user, her mind was not as firm as that of the strong man.

The brawny man reacted quicker. He was yelled at by Shana. He just ran two steps, but when he saw Lan Xin was still standing there, he gritted his teeth and turned around. Before he put his hand on her shoulder, he suddenly flew away. Go out, slammed hard against the wall, no more life...

This strong man said goodbye to this world forever without leaving a single word.

All this happened so fast, Ling Mo only had time to stretch out his tentacles and throw the frightened Lan Xin into the distance before joining the battlefield.

The old zombie, who had been completely irritated, also exerted his full strength at this time, not only with a speed beyond ordinary people's imagination, but also with a chilling terrorist attack.

Shana and Li Yalin could only barely keep up with the speed of the old zombies. As for Ling Mo and Nana, they had no chance to intervene, so they could only linger on the outside, being a soy sauce party, carrying out mental attacks from time to time.

I don't know if the fire just now removed a lot of the mysterious grease from the old guy's body. Although it was a little difficult for a few people to parry at this time, they could at least cause damage to the old zombie.

On the way to making soy sauce, Ling Mo stretched out his tentacles and shot the old guy's head from time to time. Although the effect was minimal, in the battle of life and death, a single pause can determine life and death.

Therefore, more and more wounds appeared on the old guy.

When the battle was in full swing, a beautiful figure also joined in.

At this point, Ye Lian's long-range assistance would be meaningless, so after obtaining Ling Mo's affirmation, he joined the battlefield.

The three overlord-level zombies gathered together, and around this old king-level zombie, he had to take a few steps back, which was far from his stoic, masterful appearance before.

Ling Mo knew that the opportunity had come...

Besides, when Ling Mo was fighting hard, the strange bird, who was about to be bald, finally couldn't bear the piercing pain. After making a few harsh screams, he tilted his head and passed out.

The street was quiet for a few seconds, and then, there was a sound of "Xixi Suo Suo" from all directions.

Yu Shiran imitated Ling Mo's appearance, frowned, and jumped up to take a look.

I saw that those strange fish were fish ladders to each other just now, wrapping towards Yu Shiran and the others at an alarming speed. Xiaobai had been bitten by these things before, but it was only due to the terrain. At this time, this place was hit by it. After leaving a large open space, he rushed out first, and his two big claws swiped at these things. Suddenly, countless strange fish died tragically and poisoned...

But this thing, just after a large film was shot, hundreds of thousands rushed up.

Yu Shiran was standing at a high place, and was immediately surrounded by these strange fish.

Although this thing has sharp teeth, it may be useful to ordinary people, but in front of Shiran and Xiaobai, it does not do much.

However, they continued one after another, and their attacks regardless of death were still a bit of a headache.

Yu Shiran didn't want to be entangled with these strange fish, so he jumped on Xiaobai's back and urged, "Let's go, Xiaobai! Find the sausage humans"

Xiaobai was also a little annoyed by these things, not for Shi Ran's reminder, he had already run a dozen meters away.

And the strange bird that fainted was drowned under the body of his companion, and there was no more figure...

When Yu Shiran ran to Ling Mo's side, the old zombie already had a lot of color on it.

After being beaten down by the crowd, the old zombies were as fast as lightning, and some couldn't resist.

Coupled with the previous fire, although the old zombie can't see any damage on the surface, after a long time, his actions are a little slow.

I want to come to the reason that the layer of mysterious grease was burned.

Seeing this situation, Ling Mo and others also intensified their attacks, trying to solve this difficult zombie as soon as possible.

But after all, they are king-level zombies. Although the speed of the old monster is a little slower, Ling Mo and others still can't get close easily, and only Li Yalin can rely on her soft body to get close and give a knife from time to time.

For this reason, the old zombie was extremely unhappy, and turned to Li Yalin instead.

Although Li Yalin knew it, she still smiled evilly and approached the old monster at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. Shana and Ye Lian kept entangling the old zombie to divert his attention.

While guarding against Li Yalin, the old zombie had to fight with Shana and the others, and he had to beware of Ling Mo and Nana's mental attack. He was really busy, but these were not fuel-efficient lamps. When attacked, he lost his advantage more and more.

Seeing that the old zombie was about to lose Maicheng, Yu Shiran's shout came from a distance.

"Sausage Humans!"

Seeing this, Yu Shiran snorted coldly, "The strange fish has come out!"

Just now everyone was busy dealing with the old zombies, and when I heard this sentence, I remembered that there was a rustling sound before, and it turned out that these things came out.

The old zombie just didn't know what to do. Seeing these strange fish, he was not worried but happy, and exclaimed happily: "I almost forgot these little things..."

Obviously, these things were raised by him, just like the strange bird before.

Extra series: Water Park (8)

Although this strange fish is not a strong opponent to Ling Mo and his party.

But tens of thousands of strange fish swarmed up, and it was still a little scary.

What's more, these strange fish were instructed by the old monster, and they didn't care about their own safety, they just rushed up, hoping to exchange their own flesh and blood for Ling Mo and others to be injured.

There seems to be no end to the number of these strange fish, and I don't know how those pools can hold so many strange fish.

With the addition of the strange fish, the battlefield became a little chaotic.

However, there was still Yu Shiran's reminder, so Ling Mo had already deployed his mental net before the strange fish arrived, blocking most of the strange fish's attacks.

From struggling from the bottom to the present, the old zombies cannot be underestimated as king-level zombies.

Although he was a little embarrassed by Ling Mo and others before, he didn't intend to kill a carbine at this time. After all, his greatest security was completely burnt out. If he attacked rashly, he might attract three more overlords. The siege of the zombies.

After some thought, the old zombie decided to slip away first, and after he was well-trained, he would come to settle accounts with these overachieving little guys.

The scene was really chaotic. Even though they knew that the old zombie was going to escape, Ling Mo and the others couldn't make time to pursue them. Only Li Yalin, relying on her physical advantage, chased after them.

As soon as the old zombie saw Li Yalin, he was a little apprehensive, not because he was afraid, but because of how intractable the beautiful woman in front of him was.

Li Yalin stopped the old zombie, and Ling Mo didn't want to entangle with these strange fish too much.

Xiaobai had been bitten before, and he still harbored a little grudge, so he voluntarily took on most of the pressure, and jumped around in the school of strange fish by himself, so happy.

Yu Shiran didn't want to let Xiaobai face these strange fish alone, even if he was a little tired of this thing, he still stayed, which was to help Ling Mo and the others relieve their worries.

On the battlefield, things change rapidly.

The old zombie had just walked a few steps before he was stopped by Li Yalin. Before he could get rid of it, Ling Mo and the others chased after him again.

But the matter has come to this point, the old zombies can only fight hard.

After all, the old monster is also a king. Although the three overlord-level zombies have brought him some pressure, when the mountains and rivers are exhausted, it exudes an aura that makes people dare not step forward.

Shana disagreed. She was thrown out before. Although she was not injured, it made her very uncomfortable.

At this time, the shot was also a lot of sloppy, and the huge sickle in her hand was like a kitchen knife with no weight. It was so fast that she didn't even make a sound.

Ling Mo stood on the periphery, only to feel that his face was hurt by blowing, but he didn't dare to approach rashly.

On the other hand, Li Yalin kept changing shape under Shana's scythe, and the snake kiss in her hand slipped across the old guy's skin from time to time. With Shana and Li Yalin attacking, Ye Lian took out Thor, and the kaleidoscope opened in an instant.

At such a close distance, Ye Lian can make the old zombie look like every time he shoots, but unfortunately, his skin is too thick, such a strong attack, did not blow his head, just gave him bacon-like meat. A few bullets remained.

Ling Mo wasn't idle either. Trying to stretch out his tentacles and pull the old zombie, plus Xiao Hei, Ye Lian and Ling Mo made a lot of stumbling blocks for the old zombie.

After several rounds by several people, the old zombie gradually couldn't hold on anymore. The thin grease hanging on his body was finally polished off by Shana. Li Yalin seized the opportunity and appeared in a flash. In front of him, his hand raised the knife and fell, and a human head with only a few ounces of flesh flew out...

It's a pity that this old zombie was a king-level zombie, and he was beaten to death by a group of people before he exerted any amazing power.

As the saying goes, two fists are invincible to four hands, and that is probably the case.

The main lord died, and the remaining group of strange fish lost their previous momentum. Before Ling Mo and the others could turn around, they escaped, leaving behind dead corpses all over the place.

Shana moved the fastest, and she had already taken out the gel from the old zombie's brain and wrapped it tightly.

Although Ling Mo was curious, he still didn't ask.

Lan Xin, who was thrown out earlier, was fine, but she was a little stupid.

Ling Mo tried to shout a few times, and found that her spirit was extremely unstable. It was the death of the big man that brought her great stimulation.

After some consolation, and Ling Mo used some means, Lan Xin was still a little dazed, but her eyes were much clearer.

How did these two people come here? To be honest, Ling Mo is still very curious.

Especially how the fire came out...

However, Lan Xin had just died of her last partner, so even though Ling Mo was curious, she had to leave it alone.

Although this place is an amusement park, the zombies inside have been cleaned up by the old zombie, so Ling Mo and others also sat down and rested for a while.

After half an hour, Lan Xin, who had been flirting with each other, came to her senses and asked, "Where's Zhang Hu?"

Ling Mo didn't speak, and pointed to the pile of corpses of strange fish in the distance. When Lan Xin saw this, she knew that Zhang Hu's body had been eaten clean during the chaos just now, so she couldn't hold back and cried again.

After a while, she raised her head and said, "I am the only one left in our group..."

When Lan Xin said this, although her eyes looked elsewhere, the meaning in her words was that she had no nostalgia for this world.

As the only human here, Ling Mo felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this.

After being silent for a while, Ling Mo said: "Zhang Hu saved you with all his might, so he can be regarded as handing over his life to you. Since he survived, just live well..."

Lan Xin didn't answer. After sitting for a while, she actually stood up: "Well, you're right, my life is not mine..."

After all, Lan Xin left without looking back.

Ling Mo is a little surprised, this woman seems to be a lot stronger after this accident...

"She... she left?"

Ye Lian was still a little curious about this former opponent. Seeing Lan Xin just left, she couldn't help but ask questions.

Ling Mo patted Ye Lian's head and said in a serious tone, "Well, let's go..."

The sky is getting darker...

Ling Mo looked at the gloomy sky, thoughtful.

Extra series: Please don't beep casually - progress bar

(For the time being, it's a kind of commemorative episode)

Tonight, the moon is bright and the stars are shining.

There was even a little unknown floral scent in the air.

If you ignore the inexplicable disappearance of Xiaobai, this is actually a very good night.

"Have you contacted Shi Ran and Heisi?"