My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 30: Liberation, or abandonment?


For safety, Ling Mo kept Ye Lian inside to take care of Shana, so that even if Shana mutated completely, he could immediately control her through Ye Lian. On the contrary, if you stay inside, you must be in a state of nervousness all the time, which is too tiring. As a zombie, Ye Lian is much more sensitive to the same kind. Once Shana wakes up, she will immediately notice, instead of staring at him like Ling Mo.

As soon as he walked out of the room, Liu Yuhao asked anxiously, "Brother Ling, how is Shana?"

"It's not clear yet." Shana's situation was so strange that Ling Mo couldn't figure it out, so he could only say vaguely.

Seeing Liu Yuhao's uneasy expression, Ling Mo suddenly moved in his heart and asked, "What would you do if Shana mutated?"

"Ah?" Liu Yuhao was stunned for a moment. But all the way, what he thought in his mind was actually this question. If Shana mutated, would she kill her to help her get free, or would she abandon her like Lu Xin? But until Ling Mo raised this question, Liu Yuhao discovered painfully that he still didn't know what to do!

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's talk about it when she wakes up." Seeing Liu Yuhao's complicated expression, Ling Mo couldn't help but sigh, and patted him on the shoulder. But when passing by, Ling Mo added lightly: "If it were me, even if the girl I like turned into a zombie, I wouldn't give up on her."

Liu Yuhao was shocked all of a sudden! Even if you become a zombie, don't give up...

Although it was just a fluttering sentence, Liu Yuhao stood there for a while. In his mind, in addition to killing Shana, the only thought left was to abandon her, but he never thought of continuing to work hard for her... Indeed, in his understanding, becoming a zombie would not save him, otherwise the disaster would not be saved. From the very beginning of the outbreak, it will go out of control and even destroy the entire human society.

But it's one thing to have no hope. He doesn't have the slightest thought to work hard for her. This is the most terrifying thing for Liu Yuhao.

For a while, Liu Yuhao couldn't help raising his hand and slapped himself twice. But the pain was on his face, and his heavy heart was not relieved by it...

At this time, Ling Mo had already walked to the balcony and looked outside through the window. From a distance, many zombies can be seen roaming the campus of No. 3 Middle School, probably lured by those fresh corpses. There are also some zombies in the community, but the number is very small. Although there are not many zombies in the field of vision, Ling Mo can be sure that as long as there is a little movement here, at least hundreds of zombies will emerge.

In this apartment alone, I don't know how many zombies there are, and maybe there are mutant zombies. This is truly living in a zombie den.

Touching the gel in his arms, Ling Mo had to resist the urge to immediately improve. Now that Shana's situation is unknown, he and Ye Lian must always be vigilant and preserve their strength. If they passed out at this time, who knows what would have happened during that time

However, Shana's thirst for gel was too strong, which made Ling Mo very puzzled. She is obviously still rational, and she has not completely turned into a zombie. At most, she is in the process of mutation, but why is she interested in gel? You must know that Ling Mo, who is a normal person, almost fainted after only smelling it a little, let alone eating this kind of thing into his stomach.

Even a mutant zombie like Ye Lian who has undergone re-evolution would not swallow two pieces of gel in a row, and even swallowing one piece would take a long time to digest before generating new cravings. Of course, with the increase in strength, Ye Lian's demand for gel is gradually shortening, but compared with Shana's speed of swallowing two pieces in less than half an hour, there is still a huge gap.

What unknown changes are taking place in Shana? From Ye Lian's perspective, even if he was in the living room, he could observe Shana's state at the moment, but just like when he left, Shana seemed to be completely asleep, and there was no movement at all.

This situation made Ling Mo really frustrated, he felt that time passed too slowly.

Seeing that Ling Mo and Liu Yuhao had their own thoughts, but they were both silent, Wang Cheng on the side was sitting on pins and needles. He was also uneasy, but not for Shana, but for his uncertain future.

At this time, he couldn't wait to slap himself a few times, although things did develop according to his guess, and he was the only one left in the end, but that hateful Lu Xin made his biggest supporter gone!

To please Ling Mo? From Ling Mo's undisguised attitude, it is not difficult to see that it is basically impossible to beg for food in his hands.

Wang Cheng, who was in a complicated mood, was completely out of options at this time. He knew that with his own ability, he could only take one step at a time... But at this time, it was best not to anger Ling Mo.

Wang Cheng, who made up his mind secretly, consciously began to clean up the house. Although there were no zombies or corpses in the house, there was a lot of blood. Although it was impossible to clean it up, it would be better to make the environment as good as possible. can do.

Wang Cheng's hard work was not in vain. When the sun started to go down, Ling Mo threw him a packet of biscuits and a bottle of water.

This is more than a regular snack! After Wang Cheng took it, he immediately showed a hint of surprise, but then he took a deep look at Ling Mo. No wonder Ling Mo didn't care about the food Liu Yuhao gave at all, it turned out that he had reserves himself. Looking at the size and bulging degree of the backpack, the food inside is enough for at least a week...

Sure enough, in the apocalypse, strength comes first. Where can ordinary people find so much food, and it's not the kind left by people...

Liu Yuhao originally wanted to say that he had no appetite, but Ling Mo glanced at him disdainfully and said, "Tonight we must take turns to watch the night, you don't eat or sleep, in case something happens while you are on duty. How to do?"

"Uh..." Liu Yuhao was speechless for a while, and after a while of silence, he grabbed the food from Ling Mo's hand, "I'm sorry, I'll eat it."

When he eats, he chews very finely and at a very slow pace, which is exactly the same as Wang Cheng's actions. In fact, Ling Mo ate like this when he was not proficient in corpse puppet skills.

Eat slowly to get the most satiety with small amounts of food.

"By the way, isn't Sister Ye Lian eating?" Although Liu Yuhao was depressed, he did not forget his role as an all-around nanny. After taking a few bites, he turned his head and asked Ling Mo.

What Ye Lian wants to eat, apart from the gel, it is estimated that there are also the flesh and blood of you guys... Ling Mo twitched the corner of his mouth, stood up and walked to the bedroom: "I'll give her something to eat, by the way, take a look at Shana's. Happening."