My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 1: The first cute


It was midsummer, the scorching sun was high, and the camphor trees on both sides of the road in University C were dense and green, lined up neatly, with the rustling of leaves and cicadas chirping incessantly.

The occasional wind blows like a heat wave on people, and the whole city is like a big steamer.

Lu Yuanyuan wears a sunscreen umbrella with vinyl, which can block part of the sun, but can't keep out the high temperature that is constantly spreading to all parts of her body.

She held an umbrella with one hand, took out her mobile phone from the pocket of her skirt with the other hand, opened WeChat, and saw that there were eight unread messages in the dormitory group.

She accurately extracted valid information from a bunch of memes.

- The sharing session will be held in classroom B101 of the teaching building of the Department of Economics and Management.

The pace of Luyuanyuan slowed down and was a little troubled.

She holds an umbrella in one hand, making it inconvenient to type. So he clicked [Hold to speak], then lowered his head slightly, leaned under the phone, and made a small sound.

"I just came back from home. Where is the teaching building of the Department of Economics and Management?"

Then let go and send.

Because the sharing session has not yet started, several people in the group responded in seconds.

She looked at the messages they sent, and started looking for Area B according to the signs in the school. It took fifteen minutes for her to walk to the classroom.

After entering B101, the air-conditioning blowing her face made her agitated, and Lu Yuanyuan saw the people in the dormitory as soon as she opened her eyes.

She walked over, sat in the vacated seat, and greeted them with a smile.

The reason why you can quickly identify your roommate from a bunch of people is also due to these conspicuous hairstyles.

Big brown waves, black cool head, and colorful braids.

In contrast, the Luyuan Garden, which is just black and straight, is particularly clear and watery.

The big wave hugged Lu Yuanyuan's shoulder affectionately, "Forgot that our Yuanyuan is a lunatic, and I can't even remember where the teaching building of this department is. What about the Department of Economics and Management?"

"That is, if one day we skip class collectively, we will see what you will do."

The other two also laughed and teased her.

This is an amphitheater with large space and complete equipment, and the air-conditioning is more than that of ordinary classrooms.

Lu Yuanyuan looked around a little, and poked the big waves beside him, "Qian Qian, how did you get here... They all seem to be girls?"

In such a huge classroom, she tilted her head, all of whom were girls.

And it can be seen that many of them are outstanding-looking and well-dressed.

"Tsk tsk, you don't know that," Lin Qian moved to her side, "Today's sharing session is not really important, it's mainly senior sisters and seniors sharing their experiences with us, but there is a thief. The famous senior also came."

She paused and put on a gossip tone, "It is said that he looks good-looking, handsome and has a style, the key is to study well!"

"… "

Lin Qian used four "thieves", and then slipped in a sharp turn: "Alas, it's a pity that I've only seen a blurry photo."

First-year freshmen have to enroll in advance and have two weeks of military training. Now is the first week of the official start of classes.

After half a month of military training, Luyuanyuan and the three girls in the dormitory are familiar with each other. Lin Qian has a more carefree personality and doesn't take anything to heart. Her reaction made Lu Yuanyuan a little curious.

"That senior... is that good?"

"Tsk!" Lin Qian widened her eyes and gave her popular science, "This is not a good question. I heard that before the final exam of his freshman year, he helped his classmates with the questions and reviewed them according to what he said. , and finally got a B or above! Isn't this a god!"

"… "

Luyuanyuan said with respect: "Wow..."

"Actually, the main reason why seniors are so famous is because of their looks." Lin Qian sighed, "After all, our school's score line is so high, and the Department of Economics and Management has a much higher score than our department's estimates. After such a handsome guy, he was rumored to be a celebrity. chant."

Luyuanyuan nodded.

C University is really difficult to test, and her high school grades have always been top-notch, but they are not too outstanding here.

Taking the Economics and Management Department exam is even more difficult.

Thinking of this, she already had a faint admiration for this unknown senior.

After waiting for a while, it was time for the scheduled lecture, but the professors in front of them had not started.

Lin Qian couldn't sit still, "He is also the main speaker of this sharing session, but I don't know why he hasn't come... I'm so anxious!"

Lu Yuanyuan looked at her impatience, touched her arm amusingly, and said softly, "Don't worry, I'll see you in a while."

Lin Qian stared at Deer Park and looked at it.

I couldn't help it, I reached out and rubbed her hair and whispered, "The cute girl is really a baby..."

"… "

Lu Yuanyuan didn't seem to hear clearly, and looked at her for unknown reasons.


It's that look.

Lu Yuanyuan's eyes are the best, with clear black and white, with a thoroughness that can be seen to the end, and when he sees people, he seems to have a smart light.

Her face is very small, her pointed chin is very delicate, and her skin has not been darkened much after military training, but it is still white and tender.

The whole person looked like a moving porcelain doll.

When Lin Qian saw her for the first time, she was bending over to make the bed. When she saw Lin Qian coming in, she introduced herself a little shyly, and said she could help her make the bed.

At that time, Lin Qian looked at the petite little girl in front of her, her eyes were big and beautiful, and her voice was sweet.

As a girl, she couldn't help but shudder.

The speaker in the classroom made the sound of the professor trying the microphone, and Lin Qian withdrew her hand that touched Lu Yuanyuan's hair.

The huge classroom was quiet. Compared with the noisy market before, there was finally a little atmosphere before the lecture.

Lu Yuanyuan also sat up straight, staring at the few people standing at the front.

Professor Liu from the Department of Economics and Management is middle-aged, but his body is well maintained. He wears rimless glasses, and he looks like a refined professor at that stop.

He seemed to be on the phone just now.

"Tell my classmates, one of the five speakers scheduled for today—" Speaking of which, Professor Liu helped the frame of the mirror before continuing: "—I can't get out of my body because of an emergency, and I can't be there. I hope Everyone can concentrate on listening to the content shared by the other four, please applaud from the following... "

Although Professor Liu has seamlessly connected his speech, the crowd of people in the audience still made a lot of sighs.

There was a seat on the right side of Luyuanyuan, and several girls sat next to each other, and their complaints clearly reached her ears.

"My God, I woke up early to see Su Lin, but he didn't come?"

"What time is it? You wake up early?"

"Oh, it's easy for me from the music department to listen to the lecture of the economics and management department..."

"Well, I really haven't seen him in person, what's the emergency..."

Su Lin... is the senior Lin Qian said

Lu Yuanyuan listened to the girls around him while paying attention to the movement on the stage.

The few people complained for a while, and then began to gossip in a low voice: "I had a classmate who took the same elective course as Su Lin when he was a freshman, and said that he overslept in the final exam and didn't go."

"I can't rely on it, hahahaha!"

"Then doesn't he have to make up the exam? Die of laughter..."

"… "

Slept over the final exam...

The deeds of the senior who didn't show up are really legendary.

Lu Yuanyuan couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of his lips.

Afterwards, he straightened his mind and listened intently to the speeches of the people on the stage.

It was only after three o'clock in the afternoon class, and Lu Yuanyuan didn't go back to the dormitory with a few people in the dormitory, and wanted to go to the library to have a look.

She took out the school map that she carried with her, and after confirming the location again and again, she set off.

C University has been established for many years. After several renovations, it not only retains the original primitive style, but also has lush plants everywhere, and many avenues on the campus are wide and wide. From time to time students and teachers pass by, and the talk and laughter matches everything here.

Lu Yuanyuan's mood suddenly improved.

She is a person who is easy to satisfy. She likes this kind of campus life, whether it is classmates, teachers, or roommates.

After passing the shed where the students parked their bicycles, she turned a corner, and she was alone on the road.

After walking for a few more minutes, there were faint rhythmic footsteps.

She lifted the umbrella slightly up and saw the road ahead.

Turned around a man with a very tall eye.

is a boy.

He... is running.

The action is beautiful, the speed is fast, and it quickly reaches her from the end of the road.

The boy was wearing a white t-shirt, and when he passed through the deer park, it seemed that there was a strong wind in a small area.

There was a faint, indescribable smell in the air.

She only caught a glimpse of the side face, and all she could confirm was that her complexion was very white.

Because he ran too fast, his facial features didn't look real.

The boy ran away for a while, but Lu Yuanyuan couldn't hold back and looked back.

His back is still visible.

She looked back for a few seconds, then looked down at herself.

"… "

How can people grow so tall

How can the legs be so long


Lu Yuanyuan's mood was depressed for a while, and he sighed that the tall people were probably favored by God, so he continued to head towards the library with his short legs.

Without taking two steps, he stopped again.

There was something underfoot, hard.

She took back the steps she took and looked down.

- is a key.

After picking it up, she looked around.

After walking this road for a few minutes, she hadn't met anyone other than the tall boy who ran past just now.

Lu Yuanyuan frowned slightly in distress.

The phone in her pocket suddenly rang and she took it out.

It's Lin Qian.

She called to ask Lu Yuanyuan to buy an ice cream before returning to the dormitory.

After Lu Yuanyuan responded, he looked at the key in his hand and asked the person on the other end: "Qian Qian, do you know... Is there a place like lost and found in the school?"

"… "

"Ah, is it the opposite direction of the library?"

"… "

Lu Yuanyuan followed the instructions on the other end of the phone and chatted with Lin Qian at will, "How do you know so clearly? Have you been there..."

"… "

When the keys were delivered, it took another half an hour to get to the library.

After successfully borrowing the book he wanted, Lu Yuanyuan returned to the dormitory contentedly after thinking that he helped others pick up things on the road today.

Room 401, Building 3, Male Dormitory Building.

A loud slam on the door startled the three people in the dormitory.

Qin Fang was playing games and was so frightened that he almost couldn't hold his phone.

After stabilizing, he complained loudly in the direction of the door: "What's the matter? Who provoked you to come back and get angry with us?"

The other two also echoed: "That's right, Brother Lin, we didn't do anything, just be good."

"… "

Several people did not have a response.

After a while, the sound of water splashing came from the separate bathroom.

Although it was strange in his heart, Qin Fang quickly turned his attention to the game in his hand.

Ten minutes later, when the game was over, Qin Fang looked at the words "Good luck, let's eat chicken tonight" on the screen, and he was in a good mood.

When he turned his head, he saw Su Lin with wet hair.

Qin Fang remembered the purpose of this young master going out today, and asked him, "Hey, how is your make-up exam?"

He slept in the final exam of the elective courses in the second half of the semester at Su Lin University, and the make-up exam for C University was arranged at the beginning of the semester.

Exactly today.

"… "

Hearing this, Su Lin paused with the white towel in his hand and turned to look at him.

Having been in the same dormitory for a year, Qin Fang can understand the hearts of the girls who are chasing and blocking him.

Just this face, this noble temperament of "I am rich and charming" exudes all over the body, and it is the focus wherever it is placed.

At this moment, Young Master Su stared at him blankly with a handsome face.

The dark eyes, the sharp line of sight are as real.

Qin Fang swallowed: "..."

Being stared at the chill behind his back, he cautiously said, "So this is... the test is... bad?"

This sentence seems to hit Su Lin's point.

Qin Fang heard him scolding "Fuck" in a low voice, and threw the towel on the table beside the bed. The voice that came later was filled with depression, "I lost my bike key, I missed the exam."

"Ah?" Qin Fang didn't react.

Su Lin paused for a while, then continued, "I didn't find it when I looked back. I guess it fell on the road and was picked up by someone."

The make-up exam area is arranged in the teaching building farthest from the male dormitory building. Except for exams, there are usually no classes arranged there. That distance, if you don't ride a bicycle, it might take thirty minutes.

If you are 10 minutes late for the exam, you will not be allowed to enter the hall.

When I walked there with my legs, the daylily was cold.

He simply didn't go.

"… "

The air in the dormitory seemed to be stagnant.

Later, Qin Fang couldn't hold it first and started to laugh: "Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha, you are a real cowhide, lying on the slot hahahaha god fucking the key to the fucking key."

Qin Fang's upper bunk probe: "Brother Lin also has today, hahaha, God will not let you live!"

Su Lin's upper bunk stuck his head out: "It's alright, I'll choose another course this semester, and my brothers will supervise you."

Su Lin: "..."

Su Lin looked at the three people who were twitching with laughter, and raised the corners of his lips coldly, "Fuck laughing, don't come and beg me for Lao Liu's homework in the future."

Although it hangs, it is not without remedy.

As long as one elective course of C University is taken in one academic year, it is enough for credits, so if you missed the make-up exam for this course, you can take one more course in other semesters and make up for the credits.


This means that he has to take electives in the second and last semesters of his sophomore year.

Su Lin sat in front of the table with a sullen face and dragged it over the computer. While waiting for the boot, slender fingers tapped on the desktop.

After loading, he logged into the campus network and glanced at the elective courses that still had vacancies.

[fundamental accounting]

[Introduction to Sociology]


"… "

None of them want to learn.

The good classes have been robbed long ago, and the classes that have not been filled until now, thinking about how boring it is.

Under the final measure, he clicked [Rebuild]-[French]-[OK].

After the system prompts success, he directly shuts down the phone.

Su Lin ruffled his hair irritably.

The more you think, the more angry you are.

Oh shit.

Who the hell took the key? free

The author has something to say: Later.

Every day I look forward to the French Su Lin: This key is good. Thief is fucking good.


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