My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 14: Fourteenth cute


Su Lin drank the milk tea before going upstairs, the sweetness in his mouth was strong and never dissipated.

Back in the dormitory, Qin Fang and the boss looked like they were sitting on Qin Fang's bed and playing games. The second child was not there, but there was the sound of water in the bathroom. It was estimated that they were taking a shower.

Since he hung up the phone just now, his phone has been vibrating. After he muted it, WeChat kept popping up prompts.

[Ms. Su invites you to voice chat]

"… "

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and hung up.

Then type: how

[Ms. Su]: Smash it! Aren't you happy just now? How do you say you hang up, you kid? ! Mom hasn't told you how Mom caught up with your dad! don't you want to hear it

"… "

She chased his dad, chased others with him, and her gender had changed, so she had absolutely nothing to learn from.

After deliberating for a while, he returned a string of ellipses.

[Su Lin]:…

Reply there quickly.

[Ms. Su]: You don't want to hear it? Still don't believe my secrets? Mom, let me tell you, the most unbearable thing for girls is to show weakness.

[Ms. Su]: What about the people of Alin? ?

[Ms. Su]: Quickly ask me how to show weakness? ? ?

"… "

Su Lin exhaled.

Typing: Um, what

Ms. Su took a little longer to type this time.

Then, a large paragraph of words popped out from the bottom of his screen.

[Ms. Su]: For example, you usually give other girls the impression that you are a very fierce man, very manly and very safe, and then you suddenly become ill, very ill, and you show that you are different from usual in front of her. On the one hand, she will involuntarily give birth to a kind of

A sort of

Su Lin was just going to sweep it away, but she didn't expect that what she said seemed to be like that, so she looked in, and suddenly got stuck in a key place.

[Su Lin]: What kind of

[Ms. Su]: Wait a minute, I can't remember the word, I was asking your father.

"… "

So he waited a few minutes.

[Ms. Su]: Your father said that it is called pity...

[Ms. Su]: Why do I feel that something is wrong...

What's wrong.

Seeing that word gave him goosebumps.

[Ms. Su]: Your dad also said that once in college, I had a stomach ache or something. When I was ill, I went to bring him breakfast. At that time, he was so moved that he thought your mother and I were very lovable.


He felt that if things went on like this, the conversation would soon go astray.

[Su Lin]:…

[Su Lin]: Got it, Mom, I'm sleeping.

[Ms. Su]:! ! ! Remember to send a picture of the girl after you catch it! ! !

[Su Lin]: Hmm.


Su Lin linked these four words to his own paralyzed father.

Shaking all over.

However, although the word is a bit disgusting.

But what Ms. Su said seems to be mostly reasonable.

The wind had been blowing downstairs for too long just now, and my head seemed a little uncomfortable. He rejected Qin Fang's game invitation and went to bed early to close his eyes.

The words Luyuanyuan sent him tonight appeared in his mind.

In fact, a little curious, how did she see it.

To say that I am in a bad mood is a little bit.

After she went to the music club and told him she didn't want to go through the back door, or when she seriously praised others for being nice.

He had never had this kind of experience before, and he didn't know where this slightly suppressed irritability came from.


All the negative emotions were dispelled by her cup of milk tea.

Suddenly, it seemed that she hadn't replied yet.

Su Lin turned over to pick up the phone and called up the Luyuanyuan dialog box.

[Su Lin]: Thank you.

[Su Lin]: The milk tea is very sweet.

The next morning, Su Lin woke up with a splitting headache.

It was so painful that he wondered if he drank a few bottles of wine last night, and then lost his memory.

He frowned and took off his blindfold, picked up his phone, checked the time, and habitually checked WeChat messages.

[Ms. Su]: By the way, one more word.

[Ms. Su]: Mom tells you that this is not to hope that someone will get sick, but you have to know that when you are sick, people are the weakest, the most vulnerable, and the most easily moved, so you must seize the opportunity.

[Ms. Su]: As the saying goes, take advantage of the vacancy to enter! ! /witty

"… "

Su Lin was speechless for a while.

He felt the intense pain in his head, as if a hammer was pounding in his head. Sore eyes and sore throat.

Must be the flu.

But after all, last night, he ran downstairs before his hair was dried, and then went back to the dormitory after calling and drinking milk tea until his hair was dried by the evening wind. He deserved a cold.

Staring at the wood-colored bed board on the upper bunk for a while.

Su Lin suddenly wanted to ask his mother, she taught him to take advantage of it.

But this "virtual" is his words... how to enter.

After decisively skipping the morning class, Su Lin fell asleep again and didn't get up until noon.

After lunch, on the way to the foreign language department, the hammer in my head stopped a little, but it still couldn't be ignored.

Even he himself admired himself a little.

In the French classroom, Lu Yuanyuan arrived earlier than him again. She sat inside, wearing an off-white coat, with a thin and small back.

He walked over and sat down.

Lu Yuanyuan turned around and said hello as usual, "Senior, early-ah."

After seeing him, her voice stopped and she wondered, "Why are you wearing a mask?"

"..." Before he could speak, he listened to her continue: "Aren't you... sick?"

She asked, "…is it because of… last night?"

The clothes she wore today were about the same as usual. The tones looked very soft, her hair was draped, and her face was white and clean.

He just frowned slightly, and there was a bit of guilt in his big black and white eyes.

"… "

Su Lin wanted to nod.

But when he saw the emotion in the little girl's eyes, he suddenly felt a little unbearable.

"No." He paused and made a nonsense reason: "Last night... the air conditioner in the dormitory was too low."

Her expression was suspicious, "Is that so..."

"… "

After saying these words, the two suddenly fell silent at the same time.

Fortunately, it was time for class, and soon Yan Chuan entered the classroom.

"Looking at the ppt, today we are talking about..."

Today, I am learning about workplace terms, and there are many small dialogues, so that students can understand what to say in what kind of situation.

"In this way, two people in a group, for five minutes, ask each other questions according to the sentence I just said, such as the occupation of the family..."

The sentence pattern Yan Chuan said just now is the profession of inquiring.

Lu Yuanyuan held a pen in one hand and moved his eyes from the ppt to the person next to him.

Su Lin was wearing a mask, probably because he was uncomfortable, and his eyes were not very bright. He was half-closed, giving him a very sleepy feeling.

But in all fairness, even if a good-looking person only shows a small half of his face, it can be seen at a glance.

The good-looking person suddenly looked at her and said, "Are you going to talk?"

"… Um."

"What occupation does your family have?"


Luyuanyuan was startled.

In fact, her family may be grandparents.

"...My grandfather is a Chinese medicine practitioner," she casually flipped through the documents, "but he didn't seem to talk about this profession..."

"What kind of Chinese medicine?" he asked suddenly.

Lu Yuanyuan didn't come back to his senses for a while, "... huh?"

Su Lin explained: "If you work in a hospital, it can be regarded as a doctor's profession."

"No," she shook her head, "My grandfather used to do it himself, but now he is at home when he is older, and he will only see a doctor if he is introduced by an acquaintance."

Hearing this, Su Lin didn't think too much.

Suddenly, a few words are captured accurately.

Chinese medicine, at home, acquaintances.

And he is sick now.

If you are need to be cured.

His mood fluctuated slightly, and his temples began to throb. He raised a hand near his forehead and looked at her: "You remember, you said before that we have a good relationship."

The little girl nodded blankly: "... um."

"So... we are acquaintances."

"… "

"Then can I go to your grandfather to see a doctor?"

"… "

Find her grandpa, see a doctor

Lu Yuanyuan's eyes widened, and she didn't know how to reply to him for a while. After all, she had never brought her classmates home.

She tentatively said: "Senior, are you...are you particularly uncomfortable? If it is a cold, in fact, taking western medicine will get better faster..."

"It's not just a cold." Su Lin looked at her directly, "My head hurts."

He used "special".

This sentence, coupled with the visible bloodshot in his exposed eyes, and the faint cyan color at the lower eyelid, is particularly convincing.

Lu Yuanyuan bit his lip, and some began to shake.

He continued, "If it's inconvenient—"

Hearing his words, she blurted out: "It's convenient, I'll talk to my grandfather after class, and then, senior, tell me the time you don't have class."

"… it is good."

During the conversation, the five minutes given by Yan Chuan had come. When he was rectifying his discipline, Su Lin also turned his head and looked at the podium in front of him.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his lips were drawn into the mask.

Taking advantage of it... It turned out to be true.

Because the schedules from Monday to Friday were too different, the two finally settled on Saturday. Luyuanyuan still lived at the school on Friday night, in order to bring the "patient" home the next day.

After taking the subway for half an hour, after arriving at the community, Luyuanyuan introduced him as he walked, "Most of the people living in this community are older, because it's not noisy and the environment is good, it's very suitable for old age... "

"Hmm." He nodded.

Su Lin had never been to this area of S City before, and it was not included in the city. As she said, the area of the community was very large, and there was no hustle and bustle of traffic in the city. It was quiet and comfortable.

Not long after, at the door of the unit, he watched Lu Yuanyuan open the door, and then followed her into the elevator.

When I got out of the elevator, I felt nervous.



Are you meeting your parents

Before he could think about it, the door opened.

It seemed that there was only her grandfather at home. After saying hello, they entered the door, changed their shoes, Lu Yuanyuan entered a room, and he was called to the sofa.

Lu Yuanyuan's grandfather has pure white hair and looks very kind. After taking the pulse for a few minutes, the old Chinese medicine doctor Lu began to ask him questions.

"I heard Yuanyuan say, your name is Su Lin? Right?"


"Does your throat hurt?"

"..." nodded.

"Do you have a headache?"

"..." nodded again.

"How did you catch a cold?"

Su Lin briefly talked about the process.

Then I saw a clear look on the face of the old man in front of me, "You are calling the invasion of the human body by an external evil, which leads to the blockage of qi, blood and veins, causing headache and sore throat."

"..." I don't understand, I just nodded anyway.

"How long has it been in pain?"

"Four days."

The old Chinese medicine deer pondered for half a minute, then stood up on his knees, "Come with me."

Su Lin followed him around a corner and came to a cubicle.

Inside were three instruments that he could not name, and a slightly inclined table that seemed to be used for people to lie on.

The old Chinese doctor Lu took out a blanket from the cabinet on one side, spread it on the table, then patted it and turned to look at him, "You lie down."

Su Lin didn't know what this was going to do, but he did as he was told.

"You can play with your phone, wait for me."

Thinking that just now, he was called "Grandpa" just like Lu Yuanyuan, so he nodded: "Well, thank you Grandpa."

The other party smiled, turned and left the room.

Su Lin has grown up so old and has been sick several times, but this is the first time to see a Chinese medicine. He was so curious and didn't play with his phone, so he just lay down and looked at the room.

until the sound of footsteps.

The old Chinese doctor Lu came in and said, "I want to pierce Dazhui and Fengchi points for your classmates. You don't understand the rest..."

… Um

Su Lin tilted his head in the direction of the door, and saw Lu Yuanyuan and the old doctor entering the door together. The old Chinese doctor didn't know what to hold in his hand, but the light from the window made him look a little brighter.

When he got closer, Su Lin could see clearly.

... ? ! ! ! !

He opened his eyes instantly.

His palms were sweating, and his heart began to beat violently.

The old Chinese medicine doctor Lu held a row of silver needles, disinfected with alcohol cotton, and smiled at him: "In your case, drinking medicine is too slow, and the acupuncture points on the back of the head are the most effective."

"Turn over, grandpa will give you acupuncture." The old doctor said.

Su Lin: "..."

The author has something to say: Brother Lin: No, don't be afraid, don't panic. Yuanyuan is watching me, I want to be calm, calm.

Brother Lin: Do I fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck my head, I can't calm down ah ah ah ah! ! ! !

#take advantage of the emptiness: while the body is weak, invade Yuanyuan's home :)#

#Su mother strategy skills full score#

(Although she ended up being smashed and stabbed... )

Today is: Su, panicked, young master