My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 19: Nineteenth cute


Su Lin squatted beside the small train, the small train stopped at the entrance of the cave, and Lu Yuanyuan squatted in the car, his head buried in his knees, his shoulders moved.

like a poor little animal.

Su Lin still didn't know what she was afraid of, but seeing her like this, squatting here and huddled in a ball, she felt... not very comfortable.

He couldn't help reaching out to touch the top of her hair, rubbing it, "Don't cry..."

The subordinates reacted a little.

She buried her head and rubbed her face, then stood up with her hands on her knees, and suddenly made an "ah" sound.

Squatted back again.

"I..." She raised her head in confusion and muttered in a low voice, "... my legs are numb."

Her eyes were red from crying, especially striking on her fair skin. Her dark pupils were still glowing with water, and the waves were glittering, so she looked in his direction with little focus.

"… "

Su Lin suddenly felt a little itchy throat.

He didn't start, he said, "Then sit down and we'll go out."

He stood up on his legs, waited beside her for five minutes, and the two walked out in silence.

On the way, I passed the wooden sign of [Haunted House]. A long wooden stick was firmly fixed to the ground. The Q-version skull on the sign was not scary at all, but it grinned and laughed ironically.

Luyuanyuan seems to have been poked into a sore spot.

She stepped forward quickly, raised her leg without thinking, and kicked the stick stuck in the ground.

Su Lin who followed behind: "..."

He looked at her back, the ponytail was slightly golden in the sun, the white hooded jacket, the hat was slanted to one side because of the action just now.

I don't know why, but just looking at the back like this, I could see that she was dying of anger.

He lowered his eyes and smiled, then took two steps to catch up with her, "Relieved?"

"No." She answered quickly.

From this angle, her profile face is bulging, with streaks of tears after drying up, which looks extra funny.

"… "

He wanted to laugh again.

Thinking about it carefully, from the first day he met Lu Yuanyuan, as long as he was with her, he seemed to have a lot of emotional ups and downs.

For example, always holding back laughter.

Some of her unconscious actions, scratching her hair when she was embarrassed, or just going to kick the sign of the haunted house when she was so angry, he wanted to laugh inexplicably.

The unstoppable kind.

Seeing her, even my heart felt warm.

After leaving the haunted house, Su Lin took the deer garden to a bench under the shade of a tree to rest.

Seeing that her mood had stabilized, he asked the doubts that had been in his heart since just now, "So... what happened just now?"

Lu Yuanyuan turned his head to look at him, and the redness and swelling of his eyes disappeared a lot, "Ah, it's all because of that story..."

She talked about the beginning of the story, and soon reached the climax, "... Then, the storyteller in my earphones said that the female ghost suddenly slapped Xia Ming, and then!"

Her eyes widened, "You just patted me!"

Su Lin: "..."

No matter how much he guessed, he couldn't guess it was because of this.

No wonder, after taking pictures of the people in front of her, it is estimated that she instinctively wanted to ask the people in front for help, one by one.

…and then there was the Zhongxie scene.

He looked at Lu Yuanyuan as if he had told him about it again, and his dark eyes began to show fear.

He couldn't help raising his left hand again, and touched her head for the second time today, "It's okay, it's all fake, it's a coincidence—"

"Senior." The little girl suddenly called him softly, with a trembling ending.

He stopped talking and looked at her.

She raised her hand and took his hand off her head.

Then, her big watery eyes burst into tears again, hugging his arm like a life-saving straw, the corners of her lips turned down, her eyes closed and she wept bitterly: "Woo woo woo this amusement park! Haunted house! It’s too pitiful, woohoo…”

Su Lin: "..."

She is crying.

She was crying while holding his arm.

He didn't know for a while whether he should be happy or sad now.

Oh shit.

He scolded Qin Fang in his heart again.

After Lu Yuanyuan finished speaking to him, he was frightened again by the replay in his mind just now, and he finally calmed down after howling for a while.

After seeing her movements clearly, she instantly let go of him, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, senior... I didn't mean it."

To the end, the sound became weaker and weaker.

She just instinctively wanted to grab something, so she hugged his hand almost unconsciously.


She glanced at the two red marks she pinched on his arm, and felt a little hot on the side of her face.

She quietly raised her eyes and glanced at Su Lin.

His eyes still fell on her, because it was in the shade of the tree, and the sunlight fell on his three-dimensional face through the leaves, with mottled light and shadow, his eyes looked brighter than usual, I don't know because There is light, or something else.

He said, "It's fine."

The sound is as usual, clear and pleasant.

Lu Yuanyuan was stunned for a while, and then he reacted suddenly when he heard his words. She turned her head immediately, thinking about his expression just now.

Like... not angry

Just staring at her strangely...

It's not his usual light and idle look, there is a kind of... indescribable feeling.

Maybe she was wrong.

She no longer struggles with things she can't figure out, no matter what, she was so rude just now, it's good that he doesn't get angry.

Lu Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief, took out the wet wipes from his schoolbag, and wiped his face, then turned to ask the people around him, "That... Senior, I'm all right, we're going to something else. place?"

"All right?"

After a second, he asked again, "All right?"

"… Um."

She cried for so long, and there was nothing left of the panic she was frightened. Besides, it wasn't really a ghost.


I don't know why, but after meeting his eyes just now, my mood became inexplicably high.

Lu Yuanyuan smiled, "It's still a long time before we gather, let's not sit here, let's play something else for a while."

Su Lin frowned, thinking about what she looked like just now, and just about to say the words of refusal—

"We bought the full ticket, we must play all day and play enough!"

The little girl stood up and clenched her fists.

Su Lin: "..."


After walking for a distance, he didn't think about what to play. She likes to play with bumper cars, so she probably isn't interested in things like the Ferris wheel and the carousel.

"Anything you want to play?" he asked.

After crying a lot, Lu Yuanyuan's mood eased a lot, and her eyes lit up again when she looked at him, "I want to play a merry-go-round, senpai! Can you?"

"… sure."


[Rotate your Trojan horse]

"Welcome to the little Trojan horse!

We are different from the traditional carousel~

Two people must be together to check the ticket~

What about the rest...

Can't say, can't say..."

Su Lin: "..."

He really fucked this amusement park.

Lu Yuanyuan also read the introduction card, and his voice was very excited, "Let's go, senior, there are just two of us."

After speaking, he took the lead in trotting to line up.

"… "

Su Lin didn't want to go at all.

But she was so frightened just now that she finally diverted her attention, he...


never mind.

He ruffled his hair irritably and followed.

There were not too many people in line. After five minutes, the two were ready to enter the venue under the guidance of the staff.

Su Lin Yuguang glanced at the words [Rotating pit, your Trojan horse] again, this time, he added a sentence, [Are you afraid].


He suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

In other amusement parks, there will be two horses side by side, but here, the structure of the entire carousel platform looks normal, but it is a little different. He looked closely, and in each row was a horse and a… boat

The boat is in the shape of an ordinary boat, and the seat is not small, more than enough for one person.

Su Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

A boat... is better than a horse with wings.

Otherwise, he may feel chills when he thinks of the scene where he was riding a horse in the future.

"Senior, take the boat, I'll ride this pony." After checking the tickets and getting on the stage, Luyuanyuan quickly found a horse with wings and called him back.

He nodded and walked over: "Well."

Because there are hanging pillars above, the horse and the boat are a distance from the ground, so after the two are in their respective positions, the heights are almost parallel.

Lu Yuanyuan looked at him, and suddenly tilted his head and smiled, "Senior, you seem to be sailing a boat like this."

Su Linshun replied: "You look like a horseman."

As soon as the words came out, both of them were stunned.

After regaining his senses, Lu Yuanyuan immediately smiled and lay on the horse's back, "Hahahahaha, what nonsense are we talking about..."

"… "

Su Lin touched the bridge of his nose, thinking about the mentally retarded conversation just now, he couldn't help but bend his lips.

"Okay! All seated, ready to go!" The staff shouted while standing beside the platform, and then Su Lin felt a faint vibration from the hull.

started to move.

The entire roof with all the facilities began to rotate, the boats and horses alternated, undulating together, and the prelude to the piano music sounded, and the tune became clearer and clearer.


He turned his head.

Deer Yuanyuan had excitement written all over her face, and she was the same person who was crying on the bench just now.

Because the music is getting louder, she needs to use the shouting: "Good-fun-!"

"… "

For this kind of thing, he has never been involved, and now it is only because he wants to accompany her that he feels reluctant to accept it.

But he still nodded.

"Can I take a picture of you!" Lu Yuanyuan's eyes lit up and suddenly said, "Senior, you must rarely come to this kind of place. After I take the picture, I will send it to you on WeChat. It's not good for you to commemorate it!"

"..." He didn't speak yet.

Lu Yuanyuan quickly took out his mobile phone and pointed the camera at him, "Get ready!"

Su Lin thought about it.

Actually... If only she could have his picture on her phone... like...

pretty good

In fact, he rarely took pictures. He only remembered that when he was a freshman, he took a group photo of military training. After the photo was developed, several people in the dormitory felt that God was unfair, how could someone with a bad face still be so photogenic.

Hmm... so that's it.

He just turned his head to look at her, but Lu Yuanyuan tilted his head and pointed to his side, "Senior, what is that on your hand?"


Su Lin looked down.

It was a white, fastened, thick hemp rope.

I don't know what to do with it...

"Ah!" she cried, with a sudden realization on her face, "Senior, this seems to be used for pulling boats."

Before he could answer, she excitedly said again: "It happens that you are sitting on the boat, you are holding the rope and I will take a picture of you, okay!"

"… "Fine.

It's just a rope, it won't look bad just because you're holding this.

He didn't really want to take it, so he just held it with his left hand and looked at her camera.

Lu Yuanyuan's familiar voice came: "3... 2..."

"1" has not been exported yet—

The sound of the soothing piano music on the merry-go-round suddenly stopped moving, and then a female voice came out: "Sorry, tourists, we played the wrong music just now due to our mistakes, now please enjoy the real soundtrack. "

Luyuanyuan was stunned for a moment.

After listening, she didn't care, and counted down to Su Lin again: "Look here, senior! 3... 2... "

"1" didn't say it again—

The loud music came with a strong local flavor: "Sister, you are sitting on the bow of the boat, brother is walking on the shore..."

"...Love, love, and sway the ropes..."


Ride a horse and walk on the shore at the deer park.

And Su Lin, who was sitting on the bow holding the fiber rope.

look at each other.

Time seems to stand still.

In the noisy country songs, Su Lin met Lu Yuanyuan with the same confused eyes as him.

Her fingers moved slightly.

He seemed to hear a faint "click".


Su Lin quickly dropped the rope in his hand, gritted his teeth, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and opened WeChat.

Find Qin Fang's dialog box.

Then type: you stinking idiot.