My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 29: Twenty-nine is cute


After Sunday, the whole school seemed to be in full swing.

Qin Fang's wish to audit the French class did not come true.

He and Su Lin were very busy with the welcome party. Although their own program was completed last week, the music club has more programs and more equipment requirements than other clubs. Many things have to be confirmed over and over again. Row.

I can't count how many clubs have been opened. As the president and vice president, I have to guide the members who are performing the show.

He was exhausted.

Therefore, when Su Lin left the dormitory on Friday morning, although he was awake and remembered that he wanted to sit in, his body did not allow him to get up.

He thought again, the French class was there anyway, and he couldn't run, and it was the same for a week late, so he continued to sleep with peace of mind.

Wait until the afternoon to get busy again.

It was already the day before the party started, and all the programs were arranged in the music classroom in advance to correct the details.

Su Lin sat in the club activity room, next to Qin Fang who was yawning, with the program table in front of him, and began to listen to the last program, the chorus of the two girls.

It's an English song, with a quiet and quiet style, and the timbre is also good, one is dumb, the other is sweet, and they have a different feeling together.

Su Lin kept his head down, his fingers unconsciously rhythm with the music.

He was quite satisfied, the whole song was very comfortable to listen to, and there was nothing wrong with it.

When the song was about to end, he looked up at the two of them, nodded, and was about to put away the schedule on the table and leave—

The girl on the left suddenly went out of tune.

The final treble did not go up, the sound quality was a bit torn.

Su Lin suddenly stopped the movement in his hand and frowned.

He didn't interrupt them, he sat without moving, and continued to listen, but the girl on the right gave a perfect ending.

Su Lin stared at the schedule.

"Li Yu." After he finished reading, he looked up and asked, "Who is it?"

The girl on the right raised her hand.

That's another one.

"Liu Yi." He looked at the girl on the left, "You can stay for a while, Li Yu can leave if he wants."

Li Yu whispered something to Liu Yi, pushed open the door and left.

As soon as the door was closed, before Su Lin spoke, Liu Yi took two steps forward.

At first glance, the girl was well-dressed, with a white dress, just thigh-length, her long hair curled at the tail, a very light brown color, delicate makeup on her face, and not a single piece of jewelry on her neck and ears.

Seeing the white skirt, Su Lin suddenly thought of Luyuanyuan.

She also has a lot of white dresses.

There are different kinds of white, beige and pure white.

But she never wears such a short dress. Her dresses are basically the length near the knees, and each time she shows a section of her calf, which is white and thin.


That kind of length just looks good.

Thinking so in his heart, his face didn't change at all, he glanced at the girl who was standing still, "Come closer."

She seemed to be stunned for a moment before moving slowly to his desk.

"At the end just now, the mistake was a bit big." He raised his head, his eyes fixed on the girl's blushing face, "I didn't seem to have made this mistake when I listened to it two days ago."

"... I'm sorry," the girl's face turned even redder, she didn't look at him, her fingers were tugging at her skirt, "I... I won't do this on stage, boss, don't worry."

Su Lin knew their level, and although he didn't know why such mistakes occurred, he still believed in the strength of those who were elected to power.

He replied lightly: "Well, don't be nervous then, you can go."

After speaking, he got up and was about to leave with the materials on the table. When he looked up, he found Liu Yi still standing at the table and didn't move.

He raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "You want to stay for rehearsal? I'll give the key—"

"No, no!" She was still blushing, looking at him with dodgy eyes, "President, I would like to ask... I have seen the orientation parties of the past few years. After the performance, the president will arrange for members to go to send flowers. What."

"… "

Her voice became weaker: "Well, Li Yu and I will send it to you, okay?"

Haven't waited for him to speak.

Qin Fang, who was on the side, seemed to be awake, and stood up and interjected: "Ehhh! I also remember that Senior Zhao arranged this part at that time, mainly to highlight the differences of the presidents, and to have a brighter face. "

Su Lin wanted to say that he didn't want to have light, but Qin Fang had already said to the girl, "Then you two, the flowers can be bought with public funds, remember to tell the finance."

"Okay!" The girl looked very happy: "Thank you, president and vice president."

"Remember to buy something good-looking," Qin Fang was still instructing: "Our president is so handsome, and the flowers have to be arranged!"

Su Lin: "..."

After the girl left, Qin Fang leaned over to him and smiled hilariously, "Eh? Is that girl interested in you?"

Su Lin didn't want to look at him, "You owe it again."

"Cut." Qin Fang pouted and muttered while locking the door: "It's so fucking stingy, it's still hidden when it comes to love."

It was really annoying for Su Lin to be nagged by him these past two days.

He raised his hand and pressed his temple, "It's not that I didn't tell you."

Qin Fang: "Huh?"

Su Lin glanced at him: "I didn't talk about it."

"..." My fucking brother watching the post bar!

"You go back to the dormitory first." Su Lin suddenly said, stepping up and ready to turn.

"Huh?... What are you doing?"

"Go to the student union."

Su Lin was on his way to the news department of the Student Union. After thinking about it for a few days, his contact with Luyuanyuan was almost pitiful.

Since last Sunday, I don't know if he has gone too far or what, Luyuanyuan seems to have changed a bit.

Begins to avoid him.

In fact, he wasn't sure if she was avoiding him. After all, they couldn't see each other all day, but in the two French classes this week, her performance was obviously not like before.

He didn't speak, and she didn't talk about it anymore, and the two of them even spent the small class break in silence.

The music club is also very busy. She goes back to the dormitory every night after ten o'clock. She has a regular schedule and cannot find her on WeChat.

It's been like this for a week, and I'm almost fucking choked to death.

So, he had to think of a trick.

When he reached the door where the news department was hung, Su Lin decisively pushed it open and went in.

On Saturday, the annual welcome party of C University came to everyone's expectations.

Luyuanyuan felt a little miserable.

Lin Qian has programs, Wang Yihan also has programs, and even the student union department where Brother Ku is working has its own tasks.

She thought about it, and the few people she had known since she went to college, except her, all had something to do with the party more or less.

Because she was fine all day, she arrived at the venue an hour early and unhurriedly. There were already a lot of people, so she randomly chose a seat to the side and sat down.

Unexpectedly, she was soon knocked on WeChat by Brother Ku. Brother Ku was from the Ministry of Information. She said that she was going to be sent to do other things, but there was an interview asking her to help.

Luyuanyuan happily agreed.

[Lu OO]: Do you want to be formal? What questions do you want to ask, ah ah ah, you teach me I can't ~ I'm afraid I will record it for you bad~

The other party quickly replied: It's okay, just record it on the phone. Are you in the auditorium now

[Lu OO]: I am here.

Cool brother replied: There is a sign in front of the news department's interview area, you come to me, I will show you the question.

Lu Yuanyuan stood up, looked ahead for a while, and found the special area in Brother Ku's mouth with good eyesight.

She went down the steps carefully, and when she got there, she saw a familiar person at a glance.

Cool brother's hair is still short, his clothes are still cool, not to mention his looks, he is cool from head to toe, and he only focuses on talking, without a word of nonsense.

After listening to the question, Lu Yuanyuan felt that it was too simple, and her mood was instantly relieved. She had a little expectation: "Are all the club presidents who can be visited?"


About to face the president of the big club, Lu Yuanyuan was even more excited: "Then you are responsible for who I want to interview on your behalf?"

"President of the music club, Su Lin."

"… "

"Huh? What's with this expression?"

"No... I know..."

Cool brother explained and left.

At six o'clock in the evening, the party is about to start.

Everyone in the news department has their own subjects to interview and record videos, so they are all concentrated in one place, an area very close to the stage, and the viewing angle is unexpectedly good.

The layout of the stage has been completed, Lu Yuanyuan looked back, the audience area was almost full, and life was noisy and noisy.

He looked again at the small note with the interview questions in his hand.

Lu Yuanyuan couldn't tell what he was feeling.

She felt that in front of Su Lin, she was becoming more and more prone to disorders, such as her heartbeat speeding up and her face turning red, and he was getting more and more...

Just thinking about it, his mind automatically released the way he leaned over to speak in her ear on Sunday.

The heartbeat started to speed up again.

There was a burst of enthusiastic cheers from the auditorium. Lu Yuanyuan was terrified. When he looked up, he realized that the stage curtain was slowly being opened. The male and female hosts who came out were tall and short, handsome and beautiful. Started their seamless host speech.

Lu Yuanyuan shook his head, put his mind away, and tried to concentrate on watching the performance on the stage.

Looking at it, I really saw it.

I have to say that there is really a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in the club of C University. Every program is carefully prepared, not to mention that every one is refreshing, at least none of them will be boring to watch.

The performance of the hip-hop club just now made her heart beat faster for no reason.

After the dancers stepped off the stage, the host stepped onto the stage to announce.

She only caught two words—

It's Su Su Su Lin!

Lu Yuanyuan swallowed involuntarily.

She didn't understand what Su Lin was going to do, because the cheers from the audience were really, too loud.

She felt her hands shaking a little.

Lu Yuanyuan's mobile phone tightly clutched his phone, staring at the stage without blinking, and finally—

The moment he walked out, the white grand piano rose slowly from the bottom onto the stage at the same time, and the scream was so loud that it was about to overturn the roof.

He is very formal today.

The upper and lower body is a black suit with a white shirt inside. The tailoring of the suit perfectly fits his figure. The shoulders are narrow, waist and legs are long, which makes it look very... good-looking.

She didn't know what words to use to describe that kind of beauty.

Su Lin nodded to the audience, walked to the piano bench and sat down, put his hands on the keys, and the words "Luv Letter" were displayed on the big screen behind him.

Lu Yuanyuan frowned and thought for a while.

What is the word for Luv...

Before she could think about it, a melodious prelude came.

It's a very gentle melody, but it's amazing that it can easily calm people down.

The show before Su Lin's piano solo was hip-hop. It was a very good dance, and it was a hip-hop dance.

It is said that everyone should be very agitated.

But it is very strange, there is no noisy sound, the amplification microphones are placed above and to the left and right of the grand piano, and the sound effect is just right.

Deer Park is very close to the stage.

He was facing the audience from the side, but from her angle, he could just see most of his face, the bridge of the nose was straight, the thin lips were pursed into a straight line, and he was looking down at the keyboard, his eyelashes were pitch black.

The stage lights hit him, making the silhouette more three-dimensional.

Because of the angle, she couldn't see the specific appearance of his hand, she could only see a section of his wrist, and the white fingers were flying over the black and white keys, playing to a climax, almost to an afterimage.

He used the accompaniment, and the violin and piano in the accompaniment were the best tunes she had ever heard in her life.

Even if you hear it on TV.

He seemed to play for a long time.

It seemed to be over in the blink of an eye.

After the piano piece was over, the scene was quiet for a few seconds, and the cheers and whistles that followed were even louder than when he came on.

Luyuanyuan kept staring at the stage.

She saw a girl, wearing a white dress, trotting up from the other end of the stage, holding an exaggerated bouquet of flowers in her arms.

She handed it to Su Lin, who thanked her.

When he got up to greet him, he didn't know if he glanced down inadvertently.

Luyuanyuan could clearly hear his own heartbeat.


"Hello, senior, first of all, please... introduce yourself."

"Which club are you from?"

"Excuse me... Is there any reason or special significance for choosing this show?"

Lu Yuanyuan finished reading the question mechanically, watching his lips open and close, buzzing in his ears, but he didn't really care what he was saying.

she was thinking.

His voice is nice.

Just now, he used this voice to say thank you to the girl who delivered the flowers. She heard it from the loudspeaker, and the whole school heard it.

Although the girl who sent the flowers couldn't see her face clearly.

But the girl was so tall, wearing high heels and long legs, when she gave him flowers, their height seemed to match.

Later, the boys in the news department behind her were also discussing it. They said that the girl was "playing with her legs".

She didn't.

Even wearing high heels, there are no such long legs, and.

She doesn't wear high heels either...

Lu Yuanyuan felt that she might be stunned. She didn't know why these thoughts suddenly started popping up in her mind.

She had memorized the interview questions early tomorrow, but at this time she didn't want to ask any of them.

She wanted to ask something else.

want to ask...

So I asked.

Lu Yuanyuan's mobile phone was held up, Su Lin couldn't see her expression clearly, and was still immersed in her last question.

"... This song is not really a famous song, and the performer was not famous when it was first released, it's nothing..." He organized the language while maintaining the expression on his face, trying to make the video stored in her phone foolproof and perfect No shortage of.

"...I chose it for two reasons, the first because it sounded good, and the second because of its name—"


"..." He was talking about the key point when he was suddenly interrupted by the little girl who had been quiet.

He was stunned for a moment, then looked down at her: "what's the matter?"

The place where the two were located was different from the outside. It was a compartment specially prepared by the Ministry of Information with a good sound insulation effect.

The place is very small and can only hold a few people, but there is more than enough for two people to interview.

In the small room, the incandescent lamp on the roof shone down, making Lu Yuanyuan's skin whiter than usual, and the two pink lips were slightly open, probably because they had just spoken, there was a layer of water on it, and the color of the lips was extraordinarily bright. nice.

Su Lin unconsciously rolled his Adam's apple.

There was an inexplicable heat on his body.

He looked at the little girl's small lips opening and closing, staring straight at him with his black and white eyes, his eyes were different from usual...somewhat different.

"Senior." She called out again, and then said, "Who is the girl who gave you flowers?"

Just as he was about to answer in a conditioned reflex, "Yes—", he felt something was wrong.


… This is not an interview question, is it? ?

"Senior," she said with a hesitant expression, pursed her lips a few times, and then continued, "What do you think..."


Lu Yuanyuan looked away, her fair cheeks turned a little colourful, and her voice was very low: "Do you think her legs are... long?"

Su Lin: "..."

Su Lin suddenly realized.

After understanding it, looking at her tensed and serious face, she couldn't help but want to laugh.

He lowered his head, turned his back to her, and couldn't stop laughing, until the little girl behind him patted him on the back in anger.

"... What are you laughing at, senior!"

Even if she shouted, her soft voice was not deterrent, but it made him want to laugh even more.

After dozens of seconds, Su Lin felt that he was almost there, and he would be really annoyed if he continued to laugh.

He struggled to control his expression and turned to face her.

Her weakness, he knew.

Su Lin smiled.

Lu Yuanyuan opened his eyes.

His brows twitched slightly, the corner of his lips was slightly higher, and his pupils were bright.

He's smiling again...

That kind of laughter with bad intentions, not a ruffian, but it makes people think that he is about to do something bad.

He took a step forward.

Luyuanyuan instinctively took a step back.

She raised her head, looked at the people who were getting closer, and took another step back. She didn't expect the room to be too small, so she went straight to the end—

Her back was firmly against the wall.

She watched helplessly as he took another step forward.

After Su Lin stepped down from the stage, he undid the buttons of his suit. With his arms open, the white shirt inside was not wrinkled at all. The two buttons on it were unbuttoned, and the collarbone was faintly visible.

He raised one hand to the wall behind her, at the height of her face.

Out of the corner of the eye, he could see the hand he was playing the piano just now.

The fingers are slender and fair-skinned.

For a moment, she was surrounded by the scent of his body.

Faint, very clean, like a wood plant, but she couldn't find a suitable plant to describe it.

All I know is that it smells good.

Her eyes suddenly darkened, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw his other hand lifted up and grabbed a strand of her hair.

He obviously didn't touch her directly anywhere.

However, she felt like there was a heater baking in the room, and her whole body was getting hotter and hotter, and she was like an ingredient being stewed in a pot.

He bowed his head, and the smell that was originally very light suddenly became rich.

Lu Yuanyuan felt that his mind had completely stopped moving.

Because of the small space, he was so close, what he said sounded like 360-degree surround sound.

He said: "How do I know that the woman's legs are not long."

He added, "I only know—"

After a pause, his slightly hoarse voice was filled with laughter, ending in a stern tone.

- "I just like short legs."

- "Well, the short legs are the cutest."

Luyuanyuan suffocated: "..."

His breath was on the side of his ears, and he said that he liked short legs.

The short legs feel that they are getting familiar.

Short legs already! Won't! breathe! ! ! !