My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 38: Thirty-eight is cute


When I first came up, Lu Yuanyuan felt that the space in this cabin was quite spacious, and it was the kind that could hold at least four people.

Now she's in the corner.

Su Lin was beside her.

All the weight of the two people is gathered in this corner, and it is estimated that the entire pod is inclined at an angle from the outside.

Seeing his face so close, she began to feel squeezed.

The cabin was too small, and she felt hot all over because of the crowding, and it seemed that she was the only one who was uncomfortable—the person who confessed to her just now had a very calm expression.

What she didn't know was that Su Lin was too nervous.

Shen Guming saw his reply before [Well, she likes it], and then came back and said, then you are nervous, the girl likes you, you just need to be blind.

Then he got on.

In fact, when Su Lin sat down, he was quite sure.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, especially when he was drunk, when he thought about what he said at the time, he—

I started to get nervous again.

Especially when she stared at her two big eyes and didn't speak, Su Lin's thoughts changed in leaps and bounds - I can't fucking guess it wrong - damn, if she refuses, should we continue playing or go back - I'm not willing to go back —But it would be too embarrassing to play.

As a result, he suddenly felt a deep regret.

Although the mental activities are extremely rich, in fact, these thoughts are all fleeting, and he controls his expression without changing, and he has not withdrawn his hand.

I haven't regretted it for five seconds.

The little girl in front of her suddenly moved.

Lu Yuanyuan tilted his head slightly, and the pinched face was slightly deformed, looking a little funny.

His hand was on her face, and he could feel the tender skin warming up for a while.

And then—the color also began to tint red.

She blinked again, her eyes looked away, her eyelashes curled up, and her voice was as small as a mosquito humming, "You let go..."

"..." He took his hand off.

Just like the last time I squeezed her and finally released it, I was a little reluctant to let go of the soft touch on her face.

Su Lin kept his eyes on her.

He saw that after she escaped from his clutches, she turned her head directly, facing him sideways and facing the screen.


Against the - screen

Only then did he notice that Lu Yuanyuan's right hand had been holding the pen.

The cartoon-shaped, exaggeratedly large pen contrasted sharply with her small hand. She grabbed the pen and clicked on [A] on the screen.


This is the sound after answering the question.

"… "

The air in the cabin seemed to be still.

Su Lin stared at the checkmark next to the [A willing], her heart beating faster and faster, looking at her profile, her ears were red, she didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long while, he found his voice: "You—" Before he could finish speaking, she was one step ahead.

She suddenly "um".

The tail is thin, but clear.

"… "

Su Lin's throat suddenly itchy, he turned his head to clear his throat, and turned back.

Against the background of the powder blue wallpaper, the little girl in a white baseball jacket turned her face to him, holding the pen in her hand.

Looking at her increasingly red ears, he couldn't help but reached out and touched them.


He couldn't help but call her name, "Yuanyuan."

"… "

The little girl shrank her neck, her eyes still didn't look at him, her eyelashes twitched, "Um..."

She just chose [Yes].

would like to be his girlfriend.

Just now, for the first time, she responded to what he called "Yuanyuan".

Su Lin felt that he had a lot of emotions mixed in his heart, and it was difficult to sum it up in one or a few words.

She was sitting upright and motionless now, perfectly demonstrating what it meant to be "sitting like a bell", and his eyes fell on the only place on her body that was moving.

Lu Yuanyuan had small hands, thin and white fingers, and was unconsciously rubbing the pen in his hand.

The hand I wanted to reach out just raised—

"Cough cough." There was a coughing sound from the loudspeaker somewhere inside the hangar.

The sound appeared so suddenly, Lu Yuanyuan was startled, raised his head suddenly, and looked at him like a conditioned reflex.

Su Lin was also stunned for a moment, and put his hand back to its original position.

Then, there was a female voice, with a soft smile: "This handsome little brother and a very good-looking young lady, although our staff members are very happy and happy to see the two of you together, but you have to think about it. Considering the tourists lining up below, the time is up, we'll go straight to you, let's get off the Ferris wheel and then have fun, don't you think?"

Deer Park: "… "

Su Lin: "..."

The handsome little brother got off the Ferris wheel with the beautiful little sister.

The two walked along the way out, and no one spoke first along the way.

Su Lin glanced at the time, and they spent almost 40 minutes on the Ferris wheel. At this point, they can have lunch or play one more game before eating.

Lu Yuanyuan has been looking down at the ground, as if focusing on the road under his feet.

After leaving the Ferris wheel's courtyard, Su Lin hesitated and said, "Are you... hungry?"

"Huh?" Lu Yuanyuan also stood still and shook his head: "I'm not hungry."

"Then let's play something."

"Play—" Luyuanyuan thought about it before coming, and blurted out: "Let's play bumper cars again."

Su Lin nodded: "Okay, let's go."

The bumper cars were close to the gate of the amusement park, and he still remembered the approximate way, without even having to read the signs.

Su Lin was actually a little dazed.

His mind was full of the unfinished action on the Ferris wheel just now.

The picture of her hand holding the pen gradually became clearer, and he felt that her hand must have the same touch as her face, soft and tender.

He glanced at Lu Yuanyuan, but she still lowered her head, her long hair covering her face and her expression was unclear, and her arms swayed slightly naturally.

He hesitated for a few seconds.

Su Lin directly took her hand that was hanging by her side.

He felt her freeze, then looked up at him quickly, then lowered his head again.

But the hand is already relaxed.

It was exactly the same as he thought.

Warm and tender skin, small and soft as if it had no bones.

Take a few more steps.

She broke free of his hand suddenly and without warning.

Su Lin was taken aback for a moment, then stopped to look at her.

Lu Yuanyuan seemed to notice his gaze and looked at him, his face quickly paled.

"Senior." After Lu Yuanyuan called out, he stretched out his hand again, spread out his five fingers, passed through his five fingers, and then hooked tightly.

"..." When Su Lin was still a little unresponsive, her voice came again.

"It seems to be more comfortable to hold like this," Lu Yuanyuan raised his head, his eyes were bright, and his cheeks were pink, "Do you think... okay?"

"… "

Her voice was soft and waxy. He looked at the clasped hands of the two of them, couldn't help but curled his lips and held her small hand, the more he laughed, the more he couldn't stop laughing.

In fact, before I actually touched her, I always felt... it didn't seem real.

It's like a baby you've always wanted the most all of a sudden, but you don't know what to do with and save it.

Now, know.

Su Lin raised her free hand and rubbed the top of her hairy hair, her voice a little hoarse, "Okay."

The half hour of bumper cars was even more exciting than the last time.

Su Lin originally thought that Lu Yuanyuan would definitely be very shy and unable to let go after agreeing to this kind of thing.

He thinks too much.

Su Lin was wearing a seatbelt, feeling the impact that was stronger than once. Hearing the screams of the person she hit, he put his hands on the narrow car door and supported his head to look at her.

As soon as the girl touched the steering wheel with her hand, it was as if a switch had been activated, with a big smile. Every time she hit other cars, she looked very happy.

He seemed to be infected, his face almost frozen with laughter.

He couldn't help but took out his mobile phone while shaking, and sent a message to Shen Guming: [Hahahahaha.]

Shen Guming quickly replied: [It looks like it was successful?]

Su Lin: [Yeah.]

z Shen Guming: [Yes, come back for a treat.]

Su Lin sent an ok emoji.

Shen Guming asked again: [I said, just like you did before, and now you are done, are you happy to be a fool?]

Su Lin rubbed his face.

Glancing at the little girl who was concentrating on touching porcelain.

Then he smiled and hit: [Yes, happy to be a big idiot.]

When the bumper car arrived, it was just about dinner time.

There is a food court specially for tourists in the amusement park. After eating in the food court, Su Lin wanted to ask where Luyuanyuan wanted to go.

As a result, when she turned her head, she happened to see her covering her mouth with her hands, squinting and yawning.

Then he didn't speak, and counted the time in his heart.

After ten seconds, she called again.

"… "

Su Lin smiled and asked her, "Sleepy?"

"Ah?" Lu Yuanyuan looked at him, because he yawned twice in a row, his big black and white eyes were full of tears, and they looked brilliant in the noon sun.

Su Lin was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Do you want to sleep?"

"No, no—" Before she could finish speaking, she lowered her head, covered her mouth, and hit again.

"… "

Luyuanyuan was also a little puzzled as to what was going on.

She doesn't usually take a nap every day. I don't know why, but I was suddenly so sleepy at this point today.

She wanted to say something else, but her left hand was suddenly pulled up, and she was led forward.

"It seems that we can rest in front." Su Lin raised his chin in one direction as he walked.

Lu Yuanyuan looked in the direction he said.

Not far from the opposite side of the food court, there is a grass and trees that look like a park. The area is very large. The trees are connected by a net like a hammock.

Looks like a place to picnic and rest.

There was a hawker selling picnic utensils next to her. Su Lin took her to buy a picnic cloth, off-white, and then took her to a place with fewer people inside and spread it on the ground.

Lu Yuanyuan forgot to look at the size just now, squatted on the grass and watched his movements, "Senior, how big did you buy?"

At this time, the cloth has not been fully rolled out, she is a little worried: "Will it not be long enough..."

"..." The hand who was about to unfold the cloth was stunned.

Then Lu Yuanyuan saw him come around specially and squat down beside her, his tone was soothing and loving: "Don't worry, this is two meters, it must be enough to lie down."

Deer Park: "… "

She stood up suddenly, originally looking at him from top to bottom, but Su Lin also stood up with her, and she suddenly...

Gotta look up.

The mood has completely changed

... Well, in fact, he didn't say anything, and besides, she was... less than two meters.

Lu Yuanyuan let out an "oh", and didn't squat down any more, just stood by and watched Su Lin quickly lay the pavement.

Instead, he yawned several times.

The square off-white cloth is not against the grass at all, and the place where they are located is under the tree, surrounded by the fragrance of plants, and there are no insects in this season.

Lu Yuanyuan was already sitting on the edge of the cloth, and before he was about to lie down, he suddenly remembered that someone seemed to stay up late.

"...Senior," Lu Yuanyuan asked him half-kneeling on the cloth, "Do you want to sleep together?"

As soon as the words came out, both of them were stunned.

Su Lin sat on the other end of the cloth, his movements froze for a moment, and then he burst out laughing, laughing and replying: "Okay."

His long arms made it easy to hook her, and just after he finished speaking, he pulled Lu Yuanyuan's hand and led her to move a distance to him.

Before Lu Yuanyuan could react, his enlarged face was already in front of him.

The corners of his lips were high, his pupils were dark, the bridge of his nose was straight, and the tip of his nose was almost touching hers.

He said, "How are you going to sleep together?"

"..." Lu Yuanyuan choked for a while, his eyes widened, he didn't blink, his lips parted, but he couldn't say a word.

Only the heartbeat started to rhythm again.

After staring at each other for more than ten seconds, Su Lin cleared her throat and let go of her hand, "Just kidding, go to sleep."

"… "

Lu Yuanyuan looked at the cloth under his knees, thought about it, and started to take off his coat.

She pulled the zipper to the end, and when she was about to take it off, her arm was suddenly pulled.

"What are you... taking this off for?" Su Lin's expression looked puzzled.

Lu Yuanyuan was also puzzled: "I don't have a pillow. If I don't have something on my pillow, my pillow will be stiff."

"… "

Su Lin was silent for a while, raised his hand and lowered the brim of his hat, and suddenly said, "You sit down now."

"… what?"

"Sit on the cloth with your back to me."

"… "

After Lu Yuanyuan sat down, he looked back at him: "Then what? What are you going to do—ah!"

Just halfway through the movement of her turning back, an arm stretched out from her shoulder. It was not strong, but the movement was fast, and she only felt a whirlwind—

In the next second, he was lying on his back - on what

Lu Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes.

At the angle where she was lying, there was a familiar face directly above.

"Ah..." She suddenly knew what she was lying on.

"Senior, you don't sleep—" she was halfway through.

Su Lin suddenly stretched out his hand to cover her lips, and covered her eyes with the other hand.

Her eyes were instantly pitch black.

Hearing becomes especially acute when vision is lost.

She heard his low, nasal voice coming from above, mixed with a little wind and the rustling of fallen leaves that was unique to this season.

Incredible to hear.

He said, "Go to sleep."

Su Lin was very sleepy in the morning.

But as a person, if there is such news that can shock him, his spirit will be immediately excited.

Like now.

He doubted whether he could sleep at night, let alone let him sleep now.

ten minutes later.

The little girl on his lap's breathing became rhythmic and long, and she rolled over unconsciously and lay on her side.

His face was facing his direction.

Su Lin held up the phone, found the angle, and took a photo.

Then I tried another angle - seems to look good too.

Right on - looks good.

Upside down - and damn good looking.

After taking more than ten photos, he flipped through the photo album, and there was no one to delete. The photos taken with the camera on his mobile phone were all so beautiful.

He opened WeChat, and just wanted to post to his Moments, and clicked Cancel.

Face is not enough.

For the next ten minutes, his eyes kept falling on Lu Yuanyuan's face, and he was in a trance, until she finally turned over.

Su Lin immediately took a picture of the back of her head, letting her thighs and the green around her come into the mirror. With the afternoon sun, it actually looked a little bit beautiful.

He didn't press down to take a picture.

The other hand, not holding the phone, reached her hair.

After carefully posing with hair, Su Lin was finally satisfied and posted on the Moments.

When I refreshed it again, there were already seven or eight more comments, all of them exclamation marks and full of bullshit.

He smiled, ignored it, and locked the phone directly.

He reached for another strand of Lu Yuanyuan's hair.

Her hair was black and soft, and it was smooth and smooth in her hands, and she couldn't help but take more while she was playing.

Luyuanyuan suddenly moved.

Su Lin's hand holding her hair froze in midair.

Then, the little girl turned over again - her face was facing him again, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised, as if she was very comfortable.

He probed, and gently moved the roots of her hair.

The little girl hummed very softly, with a contented face like a coquettish kitten.

Su Lin smiled again.

He stroked the kitten with his hands, and suddenly thought of the previous chat.

Shen Guming is right, he is really stupid when it comes to love.

The key is.

While feeling stupid.

Bubbling with happiness on one side.

When Lu Yuanyuan first woke up, he felt very comfortable all over.

She closed her eyes and thought.

It seems to be sleeping on the grass, how is it so comfortable - oh, there are seniors' thighs as pillows - ah, there are people who smooth their hair, no wonder.

When I opened my eyes, I felt a little reluctant.

She paused for a while, her eyes slowly focused, and she saw the person in front of her clearly.

He took off his hat at some point, and behind him were rows of big trees. He was wearing black clothes that made his skin very white. He was looking at his phone, leaving her with a three-quarter face with a three-dimensional silhouette.

He seemed to notice.

His gaze shifted from the screen of the mobile phone to her face, and after looking at each other, his expression was stunned for a few seconds.

Then he rolled his eyes and withdrew his hand on her head, "Awake?"

Lu Yuanyuan nodded, but his body remained motionless.

Su Lin reached out and touched her hair, like the kind of strength she felt in her sleep.

She watched Su Lin get closer and closer, and his expression told her that he was holding back his big move and planned to kill her with one blow.

"Good afternoon." He said word by word, "Girlfriend."

Deer Park: "… "

She felt that she was about to become a big red face.

So I was about to get up in a rush, but I didn't expect the upper body to just sit upright—

She was lifted up by a force and moved.

She sat where she had just lay down.

Lu Yuanyuan stared blankly at his face, he put one arm around her waist and rested the other on the grass behind him.

He frowned pretentiously: "My legs are numb for you."

Then his expression changed again.

When Su Lin said that he liked her in the morning, this was not his expression.

He is now smiling so condescendingly, with thin eyelids and lips, his eyes half-closed, with an indescribable idleness.

"So—" His voice was low and hoarse, blowing in her ear with breath: "Is there any compensation?"

The author has something to say: Su Lin: I told you that after falling in love, no one can stop me from flirting with Yuanyuan, and I want to flirt with her. :)

#Is it a qualified garden blow today? Yes#