My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 48: Forty-eighth cute


As if sensing that her back against the window sill might be uncomfortable.

Su Lin put a hand on the middle of her waist, just stuck on the edge of the window sill.

His other hand has been on her face, and it has moved slowly from cheek to neck at this time, she is sensitive there, because the temperature of the scarf has been wrapped around recently, it is very warm, and the temperature of his fingertips is much lower.

As soon as she reached in and touched a little, it was cold and itchy, and she shivered slightly.

Then she heard a sullen laughter from his nasal cavity, the breath sprayed on her face, the nasal sound was like a small hook, low and sexy.

Luyuanyuan froze for a moment.

Suddenly I felt that I was wearing too much, otherwise the whole body would start to get hot.

After closing her eyes, her mind began to dizzy, and she thought about love and kissing.

Lu Yuanyuan actually had a good friend who fell in love when she was in middle school, and when necessary, she helped her good friend and her boyfriend look out for the wind. Every time she consciously walks far away, because she is afraid that they will feel ashamed, and she is afraid of hearing any words or voices.

But after all, she is a teenage girl. Although she is embarrassed to ask, she still quietly thinks, what can you do in a relationship, and what fun is it? Why are all parents and teachers opposed to prohibiting puppy love, they still Do it without hesitation.

Of course, this kind of question is impossible to ask out of the mouth, and it has been shelved in the heart.

When she was in middle school and high school, she saw people around her hide from teachers and parents in love. After graduation, she watched a lot of movies related to youth love. It is impossible for her to blush and heartbeat, and she often fantasizes about it. In reality, asking her to hold hands and hug a boy or even—

Luyuanyuan refused in his heart.

So even though she envied the kind of love in novels and movies, she never put it on herself, and she immediately denied it.

I didn't expect this to happen to me now.

It seems to be fast, and it seems to go with the flow.

Strictly speaking, no one would think that falling in love in college is a puppy love, so her heart was not so awkward from the very beginning. It was only about a month, and she was already used to a lot of things.

Everything is related to Su Lin.

In fact, if you want her to say what's good about falling in love, she may still not be able to say it.

But she felt that she should be able to say a lot about Su Lin.

She was lying on the bed in the dormitory by herself, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. She also thought about these things, and made up her mind about what her first kiss would be like, but in the end she was too embarrassed and forcibly interrupted.

But she knew that she was not with him because she wanted to fall in love or to get rid of the single, the important thing was not love.

It is this person that she accepts and likes.

So when he brought it up for the first time..., she didn't have the mentality to resist.

It's just... I feel a little embarrassed.

Lu Yuanyuan came back to her senses, his lips were still rubbing against each other, she thought it was amazing, why did he not react abnormally at all—

And she was almost choked to death.

Lu Yuanyuan pulled his arm out of his arms and pushed his shoulder.

He was still wearing his jersey before he had time to change it. The skin on his shoulders and arms was exposed to the air. The sweat had evaporated long ago, and the temperature was much lower than her hands.

Su Lin didn't move, just let go of her, the two were still very close, his voice was even more hoarse than before: "What?"

"I..." Lu Yuanyuan only had time to spit out one word.

Immediately afterwards, she leaned back slightly, tilted her head and began to pant.

The frequency of panting after holding her breath went from fast to slow. She calmed down a little and turned her head again. Su Lin had stepped back half a step and was looking at her in surprise.

He asked, "Holding your breath?"

Luyuanyuan was a little embarrassed, "Um..."

"Then," his expression seemed incomprehensible: "Why don't you breathe?"

"Because..." She was stunned for a moment, "I... can't open my mouth, how can I breathe?"

"Where's the nose?"

Deer Park: "… "

Ah, yes.

But when her lips were blocked by him, she just forgot...

Su Lin had already started to laugh.

At first, he just pursed his lips and was restrained, but then he let go of her, don't see his face clearly at first, you can only see him shaking with laughter.

Lu Yuanyuan blushed all of a sudden when he laughed, she felt that kissing and forgetting to breathe was too...

So he pushed him again, "Don't laugh."

He still didn't stop.

The more she looked, the more angry she became, and she increased her voice in anger: "I will never kiss you again!"

lol lol, what's so funny!

This casual threat actually worked.

Su Lin instantly stopped shaking, came over again, pushed her against the windowsill, leaned slightly and looked at her.

The smile on his lips hadn't completely disappeared, his eyes were pitch-black reflecting the sunlight outside the window, his facial features were deep and three-dimensional with gold rims, and he looked like the heroine who gave her crazy Amway in Lin Qian's girl comics.

The actor said, "Don't."

The actor said again: "Baby I was wrong."

Not only does she look good, but her voice also conforms to every girl's fantasy.

Lu Yuanyuan felt that his little heart had been severely hit.

She remembered that when he was in the amusement park, he admitted his mistake without hesitation. His seriousness made her instantly angry, and she almost forgot what she was angry with.

She lowered her eyes, feeling hotter all over her body, and changed the subject in a low voice: "...Understood, that, you don't need to change clothes."

"Change." He straightened up, let go of her, and pointed to a door beside him: "This is the dressing room, I'll take a shower, soon."

Lu Yuanyuan nodded and raised his face: "Then I'll find a stool to wait for you."

"Well." He paused, then smiled again: "So good."

Then he stretched out his index finger and poked her face: "I washed my hands in advance before I touched it."

Luyuanyuan was stunned.

I don't understand why he suddenly mentioned this, "Huh?"

"Actually, I really want to hug you right now," he added.

"..." Thinking about it carefully, although he had been holding her arm just now, the two of them didn't seem to have hugged each other before. She was a little puzzled: "Then you will hug her."

"Don't worry, I'm sweating." He pinched her face, "Wait until I'm done taking a shower."

After saying that, he turned around and entered the locker room.

Luyuanyuan froze in place.


Did she say she wanted to hug him...

Why did the anxious person become her...

Lu Yuanyuan found a bench at the other end of the corridor and sat waiting for him.

Because of her sudden disappearance, WeChat was bombed by Wang Yihan and Lin Qian in turn. The two of them thought she was lost, and their tone was very anxious. She didn't have time to type, so she sent a voice message in the dormitory group to explain that she was looking for Su Lin and forgot to say .

The two returned in seconds.

Lin Qian: [/Goodbye/Goodbye/Goodbye/Goodbye/Goodbye/Goodbye]

Wang Yihan: [The water poured out of the garden that grew up. /goodbye]

She smiled and chatted with them a few more times, played a little game on her phone to pass the time, and within a few minutes she heard the door of the locker room slam.

Lu Yuanyuan thought that it was Su Lin who had finished, and just wanted to stand up and walk over to find him, but saw that there were a group of people instead of one, all of them were tall, with their backs on their backs, and they couldn't see their faces clearly.

She thought about it for a while, but didn't move.

Because it was a group of people, the sound of laughter spread all over the corridor instantly. She wanted to lower her head and pretend to play with her phone, but she couldn't help but want to look up to see where Su Lin was. After a glance, she was noticed.

She heard a familiar voice belonging to Senior Qin, "Yo, Brother Lin, your little girlfriend is waiting for you!"

His voice was clear, and the moment he finished speaking, there was an echo in the corridor.

It was quiet for a second, and then there was a momentary roar from the others.

Lu Yuanyuan felt that it might be the reason why she had the courage to act so intimately with him in front of so many people just now, but now she has no feeling of blush and heartbeat in the face of the huge noise.

The place where she was sitting was facing the entrance of the stairs, and the entrance of the elevator was in the middle of the corridor. She observed that all the troops stopped at the entrance of the elevator, except for one person walking towards her.

He ignored the louder roars behind him and approached unhurriedly until the whole person appeared in her field of vision.

Su Lin changed back to the clothes he used to wear, a set of black sportswear with white bars on the sleeves and trousers, the same color as the shoes and schoolbag.

Lu Yuanyuan felt that this black suit made him feel very comfortable. If he didn't laugh, it would be cool.

But he — had a good laugh.

The group of people had been sent away by the elevator, and Su Lin reached out to her with a clear voice, "Let's go."

Lu Yuanyuan raised his hand and put it on it, got up from the stool, and before he could stand firm, he pulled it hard and brought it into his arms. His breath rushed towards her, a faint fragrance that was cool and pleasant.

Then his voice followed, as if he sighed: "I finally got it."

"… "

... as if I haven't seen each other for a long time.

Lu Yuanyuan's face was a little hot, but he didn't answer. He buried his face in his slippery clothes and put his arms around his waist.

After doing this, she heard him laughing again.

It might have been a minute after standing like this. If it wasn't for a sudden voice, she didn't know how long he planned to hold him.

"Cough," was a female voice, with a little hesitation, "... Su Lin?"

"… "

Lu Yuanyuan felt him wrap her arm around her for a while, then released it, then slid down and pulled her hand, turning to face the stairs - where the voice came from just now.

Somewhat curious, she also stood beside him to see.

It's a... very beautiful girl.

Her hair was permed and her facial features were exquisite. Lu Yuanyuan couldn't tell whether she was wearing makeup or not, but she was really amazed.

The girl smiled at Su Lin, "Long time no see."

Lu Yuanyuan turned his head to see Su Lin's expression.

It seemed a little surprised, but he quickly returned to normal, "Well, why are you in S?"

"Yes, but not at first," the girl brushed her hair, "I transferred it from my sophomore year."

"Well, it's good." Su Lin nodded and said in a light voice, "I have something else to do, let's go first."

Lu Yuanyuan felt that she saw a crack in the girl's face.

… A normal person, after finishing the sophomore year, he transferred without saying the reason, just waiting for you to ask.

But Su Lin directly ignored it.

Said to leave.

Although it felt a little strange, she still didn't make a sound the whole time, and followed his strength to move forward.

After such a brief meeting, Lu Yuanyuan guessed that they might be old classmates or something. After all, the tone seemed to be quite familiar.

He said that the injury on his back was not serious, and in the end it was treated in the medical office of University S. Su Lin did not mention the girl, nor did she ask any more questions.

Until the evening, C University held a celebration banquet for the basketball team, and everyone who went with the car could participate. After entering the door of the hotel, Luyuanyuan saw the girl who suddenly appeared in the afternoon.

She also seemed to have just arrived, standing near the counter without changing her clothes. She had a long trench coat and jeans, and long legs. Visually, she was about the same height as Wang Yihan.

"Yeah, what a coincidence." She came over as if surprised, ignored Lu Yuanyuan again, and smiled at Su Lin, "Are you here to eat too?"

Luyuanyuan suddenly felt uncomfortable.

From the very first appearance of this girl, she felt strange, and the content of the dialogue was not mentioned for the time being.

Forget it once, twice! Even if she is Su Lin's old classmate, and her old classmate is holding a big living person in her hand, can she ignore it twice like this!

And also laugh so... hook people.

Just thinking about all this mess, Su Lin suddenly tightened the hands of the two of them, "Well, it's a coincidence."

There was no emotion in his voice, and he continued: "Our coach has reserved a table, let's go eat first."

Lu Yuanyuan followed him and just took a step towards the box.

The person behind him said, "I watched the game in the afternoon. People in your school call you Su Shuai, right? You're really handsome."

"..." Su Lin stopped and didn't turn around.

"As the name is, handsome from high school to college, Su Shuai." The voice of high heels gradually approached, and the girls circled in front of them. This time, they stared straight at Lu Yuanyuan: "This is my girlfriend, don't you want to introduce me? ?"

Lu Yuanyuan looked at the girl's slightly raised eyes, thinking that she was talking to Su Lin, waiting for Su Lin's introduction, but staring at her again, so should she talk—

Before she could come to a conclusion, there was a laugh beside her.

"Ah," Lu Yuanyuan looked at Su Lin's profile, he also lowered his head and glanced at her, and then looked at the girl in front of him: "It's not appropriate."

The smile on the girl's face was a little less.

He added: "My girlfriend is not easy to introduce, and I don't know you well enough, so let's forget it."

Lu Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, looking at the completely flat corners of the lips of the girl in front of him, he heard a "borrowed" in his ear, and was dragged to the box.

The moment he pushed the door and entered the box, the noise outside was separated, everyone was already seated, and when they saw the great hero, they instantly gave warm cheers.

After sitting down amid the roaring noise, Lu Yuanyuan endured and endured, but still couldn't help grabbing his clothes and asked, "Senior, who is that girl just now... who is it?"

Su Lin paused, looked at the little girl's big twinkling eyes, and said the truth: "Classmate from high school."

"Oh." She nodded, "I know."

In fact, in the afternoon, he thought she would ask, but he didn't.

He thought she didn't care too much, and now it doesn't seem to be.

But... just ask a question

Isn't there a series of questions under normal circumstances

He looked at Lu Yuanyuan, who had started chatting with Lin Qian again, his expression was normal, and he was slightly relieved.

An hour later, Su Lin realized that his heart was too early.

There was a guy in the team who was a junior who was one year lower than him. He was in the same major. During training, Su Lin felt that he played well, and he was very polite, so he had a good impression. Because the seats were next to each other, he was asked several questions about the professional class and the professor of the professional class. He answered all the questions in detail, so it took some time.

When the other party thanked him after asking, and when he turned around, he found that Luyuanyuan did not know when to start, there was an empty beer bottle on the table, and the goblet was also full of wine, and it was going to the mouth. send it.

He was startled for a moment.

Usually take her out to dinner, she once mentioned that she has never drunk, he thinks that girls can't drink, which is good.

So now...

He remembered that Lin Qian was sitting next to her, and he didn't look at it—

Lin Qian was shaking her hands to fill up her glass, and put her arms around his little girlfriend's neck, "Yuanyuan, is the beer delicious, is it as good as I said, burp, as good as soda?"

His little girlfriend nodded obediently, took another sip on the quilt, and said in a sweet and soft voice, "It's delicious."

Su Lin: "..." My brain hurts.

Fortunately, he drank a drink at the beginning of the night, and didn't touch it again during the whole process. At the end of the game, he was very conscious.

The one who went back to school followed the bus directly, but because it was Saturday, he half-supported and half-held Luyuanyuan, greeted them, and took her a taxi back to her grandparents' house.

In the taxi, the two sat in the back seat.

The girlfriend who said "I know" calmly just now is almost hanging on top of him now, she is pulling his hair, and she smells of alcohol when she speaks: "What's that girl's name! Why did she say Those words!"

"..." Looking at the driver with teasing eyes in the rearview mirror, Su Lin also felt a little uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and tried to hug her and pat her on the back to comfort him, but found it to be useless.

In the end, he really had no choice, so he leaned into her ear and said, "Be good, or I'll kiss you and you won't be able to breathe."

The person who wanted to sit on his lap fell silent in an instant.

She accepted his manipulations honestly, and after being held in her arms, she let out a small complaint: "If you have to breathe, if you don't breathe, you will die..."

Su Lin hugged her, smiling and agreeing: "Yes, baby, so be nice."

This behavior continued until I got out of the car.

When he got out of the car, he wanted to hug her, but the little girl clapped his hands away, "I can go by myself."

She can indeed walk by herself.

Strangely, she looked completely unconscious, but she had no problem walking. He took her hand to show her the direction, and went downstairs to her house.

After standing at the door of the unit, she suddenly took his hand and said, "Don't go home yet."

"… "

Su Lin followed her strength, walked a few steps, and found that she had brought him - the bench where he came to look for her when he was drunk last time, and said a lot of nonsense.

She pushed him and asked him to sit down. After he was seated, Su Lin didn't react when she suddenly rushed up.

She had one leg on the ground, the other half-kneeled on the chair—and she could stand so steady when she was drunk.

The little girl was sticking close to him, and she smelled a lot of alcohol, and it smelled good even with the aroma.

"Senior, tell me..." Her voice was coquettish: "What's her name..."

Su Lin: "..."

So I wonder why I don't ask when I'm sober.

He felt that if she didn't say it again, she might not be able to overcome this hurdle, "Her name is Li Yin."

"...Oh" she suddenly smashed her face on his shoulder, then cried out as if in pain, then turned to rub her face again, and said, "Her name is very nice."

"… "

"Better than Deer Park."

He was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Of course Luyuanyuan is nice."

"...Humph." After a long while, the little girl suddenly let out a "Humph", thin and coquettish, like a cat's paw scratching him.

Su Lin froze.

He suppressed some turbulent emotions in his body, and tried to push her away with her arms, but he was wrapped even tighter: "Why are you pushing me!"

Her breath was hot on the side of her neck, "Don't you like me..."

"...?" He didn't understand why the topic suddenly changed direction.

She straightened up suddenly.

Under the street light, she was facing the light, and her face was very clear, probably because she drank too much and her eyes were a little red.

The little girl grabbed his hair and said, "You used to hug me all the time, but now you start to push me. Have you met your ex-girlfriend and don't want me because she looks better than me..."

The sound is completely different from the ferocious action soft.

… … … Ex-girlfriend

When did he say it

Su Lin tried to make her think more normal, "Baby, no one told you that she is my ex-girlfriend, don't think about it."

"I didn't think blindly," she said with a serious face, "someone told me."


Fuck it.

He didn't even know he had an ex-girlfriend, who the hell told her

Su Lin suppressed his anger: "Who told you?"

The little girl pouted: "Lu Yuanyuan told me."

Su Lin: "???"

Su Lin: "..."

... Can this be understood in disguise as her own brains

He felt distressed and wanted to laugh. He just said a few words to Li Yin. How could she make up so many things by herself.

"Lu Yuanyuan," he straightened her body and looked straight at her, "I don't have an ex-girlfriend, only you."

"… "

As if she understood for a few seconds, she raised her hand and rubbed her eyes. When she put it down, she suddenly smiled, her neat teeth were exposed, and she smiled brightly: "Okay then!"

Afterwards, he asked him with a bit of confusion: "Then why did Lu Yuanyuan tell me that she is your ex-girlfriend?"

Su Lin: "..." Then how do I know.

Before he could speak, the person in front of him spoke again: "She's necrotic, why are you lying to me!"

"..." Su Lin choked for a moment, sighed and patted her on the back: "She's not bad, have you forgotten, you are Luyuanyuan..."

After saying that, he wanted to laugh again.

Why... so cute when drunk.

Cute enough to want to record her.

I just don't know if she will remember what she did when she was drunk after sobering up.

After the ex-girlfriend incident, the little girlfriend suddenly became in a very good mood.

The specific performance is that he kept moving his hair and ears with a smile, pinching his face, rubbing against him, sticking to his body all the time, especially sticking.

Su Lin closed her eyes while she pulled away slightly, and exhaled.

He thinks she's so good, but on the other hand, he thinks... This is too fucking a test of concentration.

The back of his neck was suddenly hooked, and the little girlfriend rushed up again and patted his head.

Su Lin looked up at her.

"Hey..." She suddenly became mysterious, the thief turned around to look around, and said to him in an angry voice, "I'll tell you a secret!"


"Didn't you just praise the name of Luyuanyuan?"

"..." He was stunned for a moment.

Did she remember Li Yin again

Su Lin thought for a while, afraid that she would bring up the previous topic again, and said it directly: "Luyuanyuan is the best, no one's name is as good as Luyuanyuan."

"Oh, that's not right!" She forgot to use an angry voice to tell someone a secret, and hurriedly covered his mouth: "You're wrong!"


The hand covering his mouth was quickly released, and she put her index finger to her lips and said "shh": "I'm going to tell a secret."

… Fine.

He nodded.

Su Lin just leaned on the back of the seat, and the little girl sitting on her lap was as hot as a small stove.

She tilted her head and leaned over, withdrew the hand hooked on the back of his neck, even the hand on her lips, and put both hands on his face together, her voice was sweet and soft: "Su Lin sounds better than Luyuanyuan. "

"… "

As if seeing his astonishment, the little girl smiled and hugged him again.

"You don't know," the redness in her eyes had subsided, and when she spoke again, her big eyes were black and white and glowed with a layer of water, like a star.

"Su Lin is the best name in the world."

The author has something to say: Brother Lin: My girlfriend... Fuck, the world's first cutest.