My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 6: The sixth cutest


Although the taste is not very good, the warm soy milk is still a lot more comfortable to drink into the stomach.

Lu Yuanyuan has been quiet, and he didn't speak any more. He drank the soy milk whole while swiping his phone. When he got up to throw out the garbage, Yan Chuan stepped on the dot and entered the classroom through the front door.

Su Lin casually put the empty cup on the side of the table, leaned back on the back of the chair, boredly watched Yan Chuan open the list and began to read his name.


"… "

He was a little stunned when he suddenly heard the familiar voice.

"Senior." Lu Yuanyuan called out again.

Su Lin turned his head.

Watching Lu Yuanyuan push a small stack of paper onto his bare desk, the paper was secured in the upper left corner with a stapler.

The cover page reads: Deuxième cours [Second Lesson]

This is-

Before he could ask the exit, Yan Chuan called Lu Yuanyuan's name.

After she answered, Wei Wei moved closer to him.

Her already small voice was suppressed even more by her, "Mr. Yan sent an email saying that those who don't have ppt in this class will have homework on weekends."

"… "

After Su Lin looked at her and finished speaking, some pinks appeared on her fair cheeks, "That... I don't know if you forgot to hit it, so I hit it twice."

The expression was a little shy and a little embarrassed.

When Lu Yuanyuan went to print yesterday, she thought that she and Su Lin had decided to be at the same table, and in the last class, Su Lin only brought a mobile phone to class.

She felt inexplicably that he wouldn't read Teacher Yan's emails this time, and there was a high chance that he wouldn't type ppt.

She also knew such a person in this class, so she simply played twice.

She observed his expression, he was looking at the paper she handed over on the table, his eyelashes covered his eyes, shaking slightly.

After a while, Su Lin lifted his eyelids and looked straight at her.

His eyes are hooked inward and outward, and the ends of the eyes have a small arc, and the light blue under the eyes still does not harm the beauty of this face.

"One person for a week." His thin lips opened and closed, and a sentence suddenly popped out.

What a week for one person

Lu Yuanyuan wondered: "... huh?"

"I speak French ppt," Su Lin looked at her. "We'll take turns printing, and I'll type next week."

"… "

He said this with a light expression, and his tone of voice was the same as usual, as if he was talking about a topic like "today's soy milk is delicious".

Luyuanyuan understands. That way, they can save a few trips to the library.

She nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble the senior."

Next, Yan Chuan really came down to check one by one. He wrote down all the names of those who didn't bring ppt in the notebook, and then started today's course.

During the small recess in the middle, Lu Yuanyuan wanted to go out to the toilet, and just stood up, but Su Lin also stood up at the same time.

He was much taller than her, she looked up and he looked down.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Lu Yuanyuan took the lead to recover: "Senior, I... go out for a while."

She pointed to the corridor.

Because the seats of the two were in the row against the wall, she sat in it, and if she wanted to take a seat, Su Lin had to stand up to make room for her.

He nodded and turned to let her out.

When Lu Yuanyuan passed by him, he smelled a good smell.

For a moment, she felt that the smell was a little familiar.

But until she finished using the toilet, she didn't remember where she smelled it. She couldn't remember and didn't think hard, she flicked the water droplets on her hands and entered the classroom through the back door.

Just as he was about to return to his seat, his footsteps stopped.

Next to Su Lin's seat, there were a few girls around.

Lu Yuanyuan tried his best to reduce his sense of existence and moved over at a turtle speed.

As the distance got closer and closer, she heard a delicate girl ask, "...Then senior, can you add a WeChat?"

"..." Luyuanyuan stood still and didn't move.

Then came Su Linlue's impatient voice, "I don't need WeChat."

"… "Um

Luyuanyuan's eyes widened.

She clearly saw that he opened the WeChat interface when he was in class...

The girls froze in place, obviously not expecting him to say that.

But they still didn't give up, and continued to question, "Does the senior usually use q... q?"

Senior: "No, no need."

"... Then, is the phone number ok?"

Senior: "I don't have a calling card on my phone."

Deer Park: "… "

This is embarrassing.

"Everyone went back to their seats and sat down, we continued the lecture."

Just when both sides fell silent and Lu Yuanyuan was stuck at the back door in a dilemma, Yan Chuan's voice came.

The girls' faces parted with some resentment.

Lu Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief and quickly returned to his seat.

After the whole class was over, Yan Chuan assigned the homework to be completed by the people who didn't print the ppt, and left the class on time for them.

Luyuanyuan packed up her schoolbag and wanted to pick up the garbage bag for breakfast and throw it away—

A hand stretched out beside him.

The fingers are slender, with well-defined joints and clean palm lines.

She looked at the owner of the hand, who was carrying a bag with soy milk.

He looked at her with a light expression, "I'll throw it away for you."

Luyuanyuan blinked.

"...Ah," after she understood, she immediately handed the bag to him, "Okay, thank you, senior!"

After she finished speaking, she was a little lost.

Listening to Lin Qian's remarks, I feel that Senior Su is a person who is difficult to contact and lives in a legend.

She did see it during the small class break just now.


Lu Yuanyuan's mind automatically replayed the back image of him throwing garbage at the front door of the classroom just now.

Is it hard to get in touch

As if... not quite.

Su Lin woke up too early today and slept too late last night. After returning to the dormitory to take a shower, he lay down and played with his mobile phone. The chatter in the dormitory entered his ears without a word.

The eldest is going to visit his old classmates in a nearby city this weekend. The eldest is in this city and is planning to go home. In the afternoon, a few people were packing their luggage and chatting in the dormitory.

Qin Fang can't go back to City B and has no place to stay. On weekends, he wants to stay in the dormitory honestly and eat more chicken with Su Linpao on the exciting battlefield.

"Hey, you go home on the weekend, and you have to skip a day of class on Monday. Don't you need to do the scholarship interview in your department?"

The boss is in the news department of the student union. This week's scholarship has been issued, and everyone in the basic department has to be responsible for one or two interview tasks.

Thinking of the task assigned by his minister, he immediately fainted: "Uh... I couldn't submit the video on Monday, and my minister killed me... I'll ask them if they have time to interview me."

Qin Fang was playing games, and when he heard this, he was distracted and replied, "No time! Don't ask!"

Boss: "… "

The boss didn't give up: "Fang Er, the person I'm in charge of is a cute girl."

Qin Fang was unmoved.

Boss: "It's really cute, I added her WeChat, and if you've seen the photos, it doesn't look good and I cut off my head."

Qin Fang hesitated for a while, then walked over to the boss while typing on the phone, "Show me two, and I'll help you if they look good."


After finishing speaking, the boss took out his mobile phone, played with it for a while, and handed it to Qin Fang: "Look."

Qin Fang spared three seconds to glance quickly.

This sweep shocked him, "Fuck!"

The boss was also taken aback by his suddenly raised voice, "What are you doing!"

Qin Fang's movements were too large just now, and a misstep turned into a box.

He closed the game and leaned over to take a closer look.

"Isn't this the little girl who plays the harmonica!"

The boss was stunned: "...What the hell are you talking about? What little harmonica girl?"

"At once-"

Qin Fang was about to tell him about the interview at the music club that day, when he heard Master Su, who had been silent, suddenly say, "Who?"

"… "

No one answered, he sat up and asked again: "Who did you just say?"

The boss saw that Su Lin's hair was still messy, but his eyes were clear and clear.

Although it seemed strange, he said it again.

After listening, Su Lin lifted the quilt and got out of bed, rubbed his hair, walked to the boss and Qin Fang, and glanced at it.

Boss's phone screen...

It's his little classmate in French class.

Just now, he was about to fall asleep. Suddenly I heard Qin Fang say something about the harmonica.

The word instantly woke him up.

I didn't expect... it really is.

He was a little annoyed in his heart, he pushed his hair harder, and his voice became dull.

"I'll help you."

The eldest, the second child, Qin Fang: "..."

"Brother, are you awake?"

"Are you fucked up by a ghost?"

"Fuck you!" Only the boss didn't show any doubts. He didn't care why Su Lin was, as long as Su Lin was willing to go, he could do anything!

The boss took him directly: "Come on, I'll give you the contact information of your sister, I'll tell her later, you can add her."

"no need."

"… what?"

"Just give it to me directly."

"Okay then..." The boss unlocked his phone, "I'll send it to you via WeChat."

After Su Lin received it, he did not add it immediately.

He pursed his lips and suddenly talked about other topics: "You know, there's a game that's more fun than eating chicken recently?"


The boss's enthusiasm for eating chicken is no less than Qin Fang's. Hearing this, his eyes immediately light up: "What is it? Hurry up and say it!"

"Give me your phone, and I'll download it for you," Su Lin said with a very considerate expression: "Isn't your luggage still packed?"

The boss felt that today's Su Lin was like an angel.

He happily unlocked the phone and handed it to Su Lin, "Brother Lin is awesome."

The second child also joined in the fun and put the phone on Su Clinical: "Brother Lin is awesome."

Qin Fang also learned from them: "Brother Lin is awesome! What game is it? Hurry up and give your brother a few!"

Although Su Lin's mouth is poisonous and mean, but the game is still very convincing.

The most important thing is that they haven't heard of any major company releasing new games recently, so they are very curious about what he is talking about.

Su Lin looked at the three mobile phones and was silent for a moment.

He didn't say a word, took the boss's mobile phone, transferred to the WeChat interface, and searched for the WeChat ID.

It's a guy nicknamed "Deer OO".

This means... Deer, Yuan Yuan

He looked at it and couldn't help but twitch his lips.

Then click Delete Contact without hesitation.

Delete contact


After finishing it, he felt a lot more comfortable.

Su Lin got up and returned the three mobile phones to them one by one.

"... so soon?"

"Eh?" Qin Fang looked at his main interface over and over again, "I don't have any new games. Brother Lin, what did you download?"

"… "

How the hell does he know what game

He just wanted the eldest's cell phone, but the two Erques also joined in the fun.

The boss just finished packing his luggage and checked his mobile phone, but there was not much software.

He looked dumbfounded: "What about the agreed game? Isn't it more fun than eating chicken?"

The more Qin Fang thought about it, the more he felt that there was a problem: "Brother Lin, don't be fooling around. Where can a new game be more fun than eating chicken? Why have you never heard of it?"

"Really." Su Lin said.

Several people were so anxious: "So what is it, you should hurry up and say it!!"

Su Lin narrowed his eyes and spit out two words slowly.

- "Eat shit."

The author has something to say: Master Su: Do you still want to leave my garden on WeChat

Master Su: Dreaming.

#How can my sand sculpture roommate be so sand sculpture#

#What makes the final review not to go to the library, I now start to print the ppt of the elective course#

#Oh, it's that damn love#