My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 64: Sixty-four cute


Lu Yuanyuan's waist was tightly wrapped by his arms, and his chin was resting on his shoulder. These series of movements were sudden, and all she could think about were what he just said.

To be precise, those words.

One billion, marry me, wife.

His tone was serious, but with a smile, it scratched people's hearts, and it was impossible to tell whether he was serious or joking.

But a billion must be a joke.

What about the remaining two words...

As soon as those two words floated through my mind, I felt a warm feeling on my face, and my chest seemed to be filled with a bulging balloon, which was still growing.

Lu Yuanyuan really didn't know what to say, and after being silent for a long time, it was Su Lin who spoke first.

He moved his arm to release her, sat up straight and looked at her, "Mute?"

Luyuanyuan just wanted to say no.

Su Lin suddenly reached out and pinched her nose, smiling maliciously: "Scared by my billion?"

Deer Park: "… "

The balloon on his chest was smashed.

She couldn't help but complain: "Senior, do you think you're acting in a TV series?"

One billion is too exaggerated... It's fake when you hear it, how could you be scared.

"Oh," he didn't care, "in short, this is the case, and I won't mention it in the future."

"… "

Su Lin loosened the hand holding her nose, and rubbed her face instead, "My baby, you don't need to think about anything other than eating, sleeping, and falling in love with me."

"...that's a pig."

Seeing the little girl's frowning and speechless expression, Su Lin couldn't help teasing her again: "Yes, my baby is a pig."

"...Then you are in love with a pig?"

"… "

In order to call her a pig, he wanted to fall in love with a pig, and it seemed that she was at a disadvantage, so he said, "Well, yes, who made her a pig, I had to accommodate her."

Luyuanyuan was stunned for a while.

She blinked and realized their conversation just now, she was the pig anyway.

Su Lin began to tremble with laughter, and at the same time, he was patted on the back—by a certain little pig.

He smiled and calmed down. He felt that after being in love for a long time, he didn't know whether his IQ had dropped or not, but his laughter had dropped a dozen times.

He cleared his throat, coughed twice, and quickly took out his phone to change the subject, "Let me show you a post."

"Don't look!" The little girl was angry: "Pigs can't read words!"

She deliberately made her original voice blunt, not only did not have the desired effect, but it was a little more funny.

"… "

Su Lin looked at her angry profile, tried hard to hold back her smile, and put her arms around her shoulders, "It's about us, don't you look?"


Luyuanyuan frowned.

If you say it when you are in school, why do you say it during the holidays

After being awkward for a while, in the end, curiosity prevailed, and she pretended not to be very interested and asked, "...What is it?"

"See for yourself." He handed over the phone.

[Hot] [Essence] [Subject] #Spring Festival is here, let's open a building to bless our school's hottest CP (I know Su Shuai will see it! To be honest, I just want to be refined!!! Su Shuai looks at me !!!)#


1L[Landlord]: Well, although the intention is very obvious, but I have been playing for so long. The forum has never been highlighted. I said that it is a new year, and people are very eager!

By the way, look at our sweet couple, if the single dog has any wishes, don't hurry up and rub it!

I'll come first.

I wish Su Shuai and the deer lovely, forever and a hundred years together, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten, the sky is barren, the mountains are boundless, the sky and the earth are endless.

Make a wish, a single dog wants to get rid of the single this year qwq


2L [Taking off the list and rushing to the duck]: Ah, ah, you are too treacherous, landlord, you said so many words! ! !

Then I... I wish Senior Su and Lu Yuanyuan a better love than Jin Jian. (good soil

The same single dog qwq... Make a wish to get rid of the single, CP bless qwq


3L [Purple Rice Porridge]: Isn't this getting worse as it goes down? Thank goodness my third! !

I wish Su Lu CP love and love to grow old together forever. (Really...but I'm illiterate

I'm not a single dog, maybe I have a wish, I am happy, I hope it will be good with the male ticket qwq


40L [I really can't think of it]: I rely on you to be absolutely perfect, is it really not the same? ? ? Then I have no idiom to wish a poem.

I wish Su Shuai Luyuan no color and phoenix flying wings, and a good heart (I know good soil...but what can I do

Then...Single dog begging for divorce qwq...


41L [What kind of earthy blessing is this? ]: My name says how I feel.

But what you said before is really too much for me to rely on... I can only be soiled. .

Study upstairs, send Su Shuai a poem, the spring night is short and the day is high, and the king will not go to court early. (emmmm… w

After the blue, the single dog rubs the joy and asks to get rid of the single~


What is this all about? !

Just when I saw this floor, Lu Yuanyuan stayed on the interface for a long time, and Su Lin leaned over, his voice full of smiles, "Do you understand this sentence?"

Lu Yuanyuan's face suddenly burned, "I don't understand." After speaking, he turned his fingers down, and soon the poem disappeared.

But it has been like imprinted in the mind, can not be dispersed.

"I don't know what I'm telling you," his arm was still on her shoulder, his lips deliberately hovering in her ear, "I just wish us, every day we sleep until—"

"Oh, shut up!" Lu Yuanyuan finally couldn't sit still, and the hand that was not holding the phone slammed over his mouth, with pink on his ears and cheeks, "I understand it!"

Su Lin shut up obediently, but his eyes were always curved. He quietly watched the 100-story high-rise building with her. He took back his phone and asked her, "How is it? It feels good to be blessed by so many people?"

"… "Cool

Lu Yuanyuan choked on his adjective and decided to ignore it, "I'm so happy."

"Well, I'm also happy," Su Lin saw that it was almost time, took her hand and led her to stand up, "This post was posted the night before the New Year's Eve, I wanted to show it to you that day, but..."

In the end, she called him and cried so pitifully.

"... I forgot it in the end, I just remembered it."

"Yeah, it's alright," Lu Yuanyuan smiled when he walked to the unit door, his big eyes were black and bright, "Then I'll go back first, senior, see you tomorrow!"


Lu Yuanyuan felt that his voice meant he knew, so he was about to turn around and open the door.

As soon as the key was inserted into the hole, it was pulled back by a force.

Unprepared, she fell into Su Lin's arms and looked up at him in confusion, "... how—"

Before he finished speaking, he was pressed to his lips very quickly.

After the kiss, he licked his lips, a layer of water light was a bit moving under the night.

Lu Yuanyuan was dizzy when he saw his lips open and close, and said a few words: "Good night kiss."

When Lu Yuanyuan returned home, he was inevitably mocked by his grandfather sitting on the sofa.

But grandpa's temper is like this, she knows it.

My grandmother usually went to a square dance with her old sisters, and when she came back, she told her granddaughter that she had to tell her grandfather behind her back when she was approached by an old man.

If grandpa heard about it, he would be jealous for a week, and he would even have to go with the square dance. In grandma's words, he would not give her any sister time.

At about ten o'clock, Lu Yuanyuan was ready to go to bed after taking a bath. She just went to bed, but she didn't expect her grandmother to come into the room to find her.

So she sat up straight and smiled at the old man: "Grandma, what's the matter?"

"Yuanyuan," Grandma also wore pajamas, closed the door of the room, and walked slowly to sit beside her bed, "I just wanted to ask you, how is your dad... how?"

"...Ah," Lu Yuanyuan didn't expect it to be about Luzhi, she was stunned for a few seconds, and quickly adjusted her expression, "I think... It's better than before, and he usually asks me... "

Luyuanyuan probably talked about the places where the deer got better, but didn't talk about what happened on the road that time.

After listening to this, my grandma was obviously a lot more happy, "Don't look at your grandfather and don't ask a question, in fact, he was thinking about it, he just didn't say it, he waited for a phone call for a long time during the New Year, I said if you want to call one, he immediately slammed it. A stinky face."

"Then go to sleep, I'll go talk to your grandfather." Grandma said, and got up with a smile.

"Mmmm," Lu Yuanyuan waved his hand, "Good night grandma."


The door slammed shut with a soft click.

The surroundings were very quiet, the corners of her mouth were a little flat, and she didn't know what she was thinking while sitting on the bed.

The phone vibrated suddenly, startled.

Luyuanyuan slides open to unlock, it is Su Lin's WeChat.

Su Lin: [The alarm tells me it's time for you to go to bed.]

The time on the top of the phone is exactly ten o'clock.

No wonder he was so punctual at this point every day.

Set an alarm...

Lu Yuanyuan laughed again and replied to him: [Yes~ Good night, senior~(≧v≦)/~]

Snacks came back in seconds, but this time, it hasn't come back after a long time, I don't know why.

Lu Yuanyuan took the mobile phone, turned off the light by the bed and lay down, the mobile phone vibrated again.

She snuggled under the covers and opened his new message.

Su Lin: [Good night (っз(*v* ) )

"… "

Lu Yuanyuan held his breath and widened his eyes.

He... It's been so long just now, did he go to check this expression

She stared at the expression for a long time, and finally locked her phone, still couldn't help smiling with her eyes closed under the quilt.

The next period of time in Luyuanyuan was very regular.

Go to Shu Tian's house to make up lessons in the morning - go home for lunch at noon - go out on a date with her boyfriend in the afternoon.

Because during the Chinese New Year, movie theaters are never short of movies, and sometimes they are lucky, and they even watch the reserved ones.

It's just the time when the show was reserved... She didn't remember what the movie was about at all, so she suggested watching it again the next day...

It may be too unpopular, and it is reserved.

Again... ugh.

Then Luyuanyuan gave up on that movie.

Things without fate cannot be forced.

Today is the first day of a new movie.

It's the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the last day off, and the venue is full. The only time to buy a seat that is not so remote is at noon.

Luyuanyuan picked up Su Lin's call next to the subway station and learned about it.

This movie poster and publicity are so well done, she has wanted to watch it for a long time.

If tomorrow, we have to wait a day... Forget it!

She quickly made a decision, "Senior, let's go see it, it doesn't matter if you don't take a nap all day!"

"Then I'll pick you up and wait," he said over there, hanging up before she could refuse.

There are very few cars on the road today, and he may not be blocked when he comes from school. He saw people in less than 20 minutes.

"Senior, I actually know them all. We always go somewhere." After getting into the car, she told him with a serious face: "You don't have to pick me up every time."

"No," he stroked her hair. "Dating should have a sense of ritual. I have to let you develop this habit."

"..." What is that with what...

Lu Yuanyuan ignored his crooked reasoning, "But you have to take the bus twice, and you have to drop me off when you come back, so it's very tiring."

"Oh—" His voice dragged on for a long time, with a hint of mockery, "Do you feel bad for me?"

"… "

Lu Yuanyuan looked at him with wide eyes, and his hair was touched again.

After a few seconds of pause, Su Lin's expression didn't change, he hooked a very light smile, took her hand and said, "Then you will treat me as idle."

Deer Park: "… "

Three hours later, Luyuanyuan realized that he had made a mistake.

The biological clock is really scary. She can concentrate fully when watching a movie. As soon as she comes out and sees the light outside, she starts to crawl into her brain and yawn wildly.

The frequency is so high that Su Lin can't stand it anymore.

At first, he was still in the mood to count her, but after watching her go down the escalator, he kept wiping her tears and felt tired for her, so he didn't want to count.

The words "Send you home" rolled around in his throat.

He swallowed it back.

"...There is a hotel nearby." He glanced at the big signboard of the hotel opposite the mall, suppressed his excitement, and said calmly, "Are you going to sleep?"

Lu Yuanyuan was so sleepy that he only heard the word "sleep meeting" and nodded immediately, "Okay, okay!"

"Did you bring your ID?"

"Huh?" She raised her head, the mist still lingering in her eyes, "Why do you need an ID card?"

"Because it's a hotel, the hourly room may also require an ID card."

"Then I'll look for - ah, bring it."

Su Lin suddenly felt as if there was a cluster of small fireworks in his heart, and it exploded with a "boom-boom".

He tried not to be so obvious, and took her out of the mall: "Then let's go."

After going out of the mall, crossed the road and walked to the hotel lobby. This point is the peak of check-in. They queued up for a meeting, and Lu Yuanyuan was almost hanging on half of him.

Her posture is like using his hand as a pillow, and the person is small, and the whole is a koala.

When they were lined up, the front desk saw such a rare handsome guy. While maintaining professional ethics, he couldn't help but peek at the two of them.

While waiting for the room key card, she looked at the two people with strange postures for a few minutes, and she finally couldn't help but ask, "This is your... sister?"

The handsome guy was about to answer.

The "sister" hanging on his body said, "Who is the younger sister..."

"Sister at the front desk," the little girl couldn't open her eyes, still trying to defend herself, "I'm not his sister, I'm a girlfriend!"

After speaking, he buried his face in the handsome man's chest again.

The lady at the front desk was immediately embarrassed, and handed over the processed room card with a blushing face.

The handsome guy laughed all of a sudden, one arm was completely attached to him, and he took the room card with one hand, "Well, girlfriend."

He had been expressionless the whole time just now, but now the doting joy on his face almost overflowed the corners of his mouth.

Su Lin dragged the koala into the room half-dragging and half-holding. Fortunately, there was an elevator, so it didn't take much effort.

After entering the door and inserting the card, he picked her up and put her on the bed.

Lu Yuanyuan felt that his heart was floating high, and the moment his head touched the pillow, even his soul wanted to float away.

She fought against the drowsiness desperately, opened her eyes and looked at the stooped man, grabbing his clothes, "You are sleeping too, senior, we... ah..." She couldn't help yawning halfway, and her consciousness became more and more confused, "We... We'll go out to play in the afternoon…”

"… "

Just want to play it.

Su Lin smiled silently for a while, then straightened up and looked at her, took out his phone and took a few photos from an angle.

Then she took off her coat and shoes, went to bed herself, and just lay down, she leaned over as if conscious, put her arms around him consciously, and muttered something he didn't understand.

Originally, he wasn't sleepy at all, just hugging her very soft body and smelling the familiar fragrance of milk, he actually felt sleepy.

When I closed my eyes, I suddenly remembered that I was in City B before, because she wouldn't let him into the room at night, only when I went to bed at noon.

So during that time, he took a lunch break with her, and after waking up, he was tired and crooked for a while before going out to play with her.

I still miss it thinking about it.

Su Lin felt that this was a special day to commemorate.

He didn't expect that he would one day wake up in this way.

Awakened by a kiss.

Before he even opened his eyes, his consciousness woke up first, and he felt something hot on his lips,

Very moist and soft.

After all, he had kissed countless times, and his memory soon recovered.

When he opened his eyes, his little girlfriend looked at him with a pair of bright deer eyes without blinking, her eyes were clear and clear, as if she had not just woken up.

Her eyes were a little pink, and they were so close that he could see her eyelashes clearly.

The little girlfriend said, "Senior, open your mouth, I..." She paused and blushed a bit: "...I can't do it."

When she spoke, for some unknown reason, the sweet smell of sugar overlapped with the smell on her body.

Su Lin was stunned for a moment.

When he woke up, his mind was empty. He didn't ask her what she wanted to do, just opened his mouth slightly.

Lu Yuanyuan kissed him directly, but he didn't react, and then he felt—

A small, warm tongue pushed something.

Su Lin's taste buds also recovered.

Hard, sweet, orange-flavored…


The little girlfriend saw his daze, and smiled successfully, "Hehe, I learned from the movie."

Immediately afterwards, long eyelashes swept across his face, and her breath smelled of sugar, all sprayed on his skin.

The whole body was very comfortable, she was in his arms, and the two were pressed together almost without gaps.

He almost drowned in the warmth.

The little girl's expression became a little embarrassed, she blinked her eyes, her voice was soft and thin, and the ending sound also contained a small invitation to merit.

"Senior," she asked nervously, "... Is it sweet?"