My Girlfriend is the Cutest in the World

Chapter 75: Seventy-fifth cute


As soon as the school started in September, it entered the stage of guarantee and exemption from promotion.

During that time, Luyuanyuan had to check the re-examination eligibility list and registration guide released by the school almost every day. After screening all conflicting times, the last three volunteers were confirmed.

She performed outstandingly at the summer camp she attended in August, and the offers she had already received included the school she wanted the most, but this was not the final offer, she was just called an outstanding summer camp member, and she passed the second hurdle. You need to confirm your choice before October, and then register for the re-examination.

At the end of September, as an excellent camper, I completed the three handshakes—that is, passing the re-examination, accepting admission, and shaking hands for the third time.

She crossed schools and majors and succeeded in research.

A goal that felt out of reach a year ago has been accomplished.

Before that, she may have done no less effort than when she was in the final sprint of her senior year.

The difficulty of inter-professionalism lies in why other tutors want a person who is not from a major to study for graduate school, and how to make tutors recognize your ability and feel that you are comparable to the three-year undergraduate level of other people’s majors.

Therefore, although I have been doing my best all the time, I have to admit that trying to turn is one side.

Another part of the reason was that she needed one thing to divert her attention desperately in the days away from him.

When the junior Su Lin just left, she was at a loss for a while.

That kind of daze doesn't always exist, it is, if there is always something to do, it will be very light, and if she suddenly takes a day off, she will think about it the next day, and won't even remember what she did that day.

It may be to eat, drink, sleep, and then stay in a daze for a long time.

Until she realized that something was wrong, she started to fill herself up every day and didn't dare to stop at all.

That time just passed.

It doesn't seem like this time.

Because of the 13-hour time difference and her studies, she couldn't find a time period when the two of them were free every day, so she basically made videos with him every weekend night.

Sometimes there is nothing to say, so don't speak.

When I can't see anyone, I'm happy to hear the other person's breathing, and listen to the sound of him flipping through a book and drinking water.

Lin Qian failed to go to the school she wanted to go to, but she was admitted to her second choice, which was also a very high-ranked university in City B.

Wang Yihan did not change his major and continued to study mathematics, which was less difficult than the two of them, and he passed it smoothly.

October arrived in a happy atmosphere in the entire dormitory.

After the matter of Baoyan was confirmed, the dormitory that had been suppressed for a long time went completely crazy for about a week.

On the craziest night, Lin Qian and Wang Yihan went out with a schoolbag on their backs, and when they came back, they didn't know how many cans of beer they had and began to lay out on the ground.

Since Lu Yuanyuan got drunk for the first time, she actually felt that alcohol was really addictive, so she was so light that her whole body seemed to fly when she was drunk, and the hangover headache couldn't stop her from wanting to drink. Mood.

Of the four people in the dormitory, apart from Lu Yuanyuan and Lin Qian, the other two took their nicknames later. Although Wang Yihan has dyed his colored hair back now, Caicai has been called smooth for several years and hasn't changed.

And Ku Ge's name is too literary, and they all felt that calling her a nickname was particularly inappropriate, so they simply called her brother directly.

She's so cool anyway.

Lu Yuanyuan was drunk a few times before, and it was a very thorough one. He didn't remember anything except fluttering, and his mind was very clean. But this time a few people sat on the foam board in the dormitory and drank slowly, and she found that she was still sane while floating.

It's just that the way of thinking and articulation is not clear.

"Yuan'er," Wang Yihan asked, "you are going to graduate school in city B, does it have something to do with your senior?" She blinked ambiguously, "Huh~?"

As soon as Lu Yuanyuan heard the words "her senior", he suddenly became energized, and finally opened his mouth: "Hiccup—"

"..." Wang Yihan's smile froze, "I've taken it, and the fairy's wine burp is so loud."

As soon as these words came out, Lin Qian and Brother Ku both laughed.

After Lin Qian finished laughing, she leaned against the edge of the bed behind her, "Ah, what kind of nonsense are you asking, let me guess," she held out a finger to the sky, "they should have the script of getting married after graduation. Son!"

"Yeah," Lu Yuanyuan was stimulated again by the word "marriage", she nodded with a wink, "Yes, how did you know, Qian Qian!"

Lin Qian: "..." She took off her arm and took a sip of wine, "That's what my mother said."

Turning around and lying on Wang Yihan's body, he faked crying, "Who knows, who knows! Woohoo!"

Opposite Luyuanyuan are the two of them with long hair.

Sitting next to him is a cool guy with an unfathomable amount of alcohol.

She followed Lin Qian's example and leaned to the side, the girl's shoulders were a little tight, but her head was a little dizzy and she had to find a support.

Lu Yuanyuan pointed at the two people on the opposite side, and said whatever came to her mind, "You two have such long hair," she felt satisfied and nodded her chin, "Come and be my bridesmaids!"

Then, she turned her head to look at the people around her.

The skin is cold and white, the chin is pointed and the face is very thin.

When he was drunk, his eyes were blurry, and he gave this person a soft light.

Lu Yuanyuan frowned and thought.

After thinking about it for more than three years, I still can't understand, how can there be a girl so handsome? ?

"Brother..." It's fine if she doesn't understand, she leaned up close to the girl's turned eyes, and felt like she was smiling like a pervert, "Brother, you are so handsome, would you be my best man?"

elder brother:"… "

After talking about the best man and bridesmaids, Lu Yuanyuan lost his memory.

I don't know why, maybe it's because Lin Qian accidentally mentioned marriage.

She was drunk that night and had a dream.

In the dream, she watched the scene of the two at the airport when Su Lin left from the perspective of a third person.

All dialogue repeats, all actions repeat.

She was even consciously aware that it was a dream.

While dreaming, there were all kinds of complaints in my heart—she cried so ugly that day, her nose was so red, and her snot was stringy. Like a child, let her blow her nose and help her wipe it.

In fact, she didn't do much in the taxi to the airport. She still remembered the precautions for going abroad that she checked the night before and what to do if she was not accustomed to the soil and water. She talked all the way in the car.

Promised not to cry, she also felt that she would definitely be able to do it.

But exactly how she cried, she couldn't say why.

As soon as she stepped into the airport, there seemed to be a smell, there was a medium in the air, and it clearly penetrated into the perception, clearly and closely aware that the person she was holding was about to fly to the other side of the ocean.

Maybe it was the sequelae of the half-year separation before, or it was just sadness, or both, the reason was nothing more than not wanting him to go.

— Airports witness more heartfelt hugs and kisses than wedding halls.

This is a sentence that Lu Yuanyuan has seen before. I forgot where it was, but it suddenly popped into my mind at the moment of waking up from the dream.

Looked at the phone, it was 4:30 in the morning.

It was still dark, there was only a faint dim light in the room, and the outlines of objects could barely be seen clearly.

The aroma of the wine has not dissipated, and the three roommates do not have the habit of snoring if they do not drink, only the sound of breathing at a constant speed.

The corners of his eyes suddenly turned cold.

She reached out to wipe it, only to realize that she was crying, without warning.

Lu Yuanyuan just stared at the top of the bed with her eyes open, very awake, her temples hurt a little, and the tears kept from the corners of her eyes to her temples and disappeared again. She suddenly remembered the last scene in the dream just now.

He was dressed very simply, with only a few English letters on his clothes, and just after he checked in his large suitcase, there was only a black schoolbag left on him.

She was dressed the same as he took her out to play countless times.

But not this time, this time he had to go by himself.

He finally reached out and touched her face, she still remembered the touch, the fingertips were cold, and it was indescribably comfortable.

In the dream, she was actually experiencing it from a different perspective, but she was still a little surprised.

—His expression looks so gentle from the side.

After he finished saying that with that expression.

She saw herself and heard herself replying to him.


OK, I'm waiting for you to marry me.

You remember to come.

October passed in the blink of an eye. November 1st was Su Lin's birthday. They said they had an appointment for a video. Luyuanyuan had nothing to do all day. When it was night on his side, she went to the computer. society.

As soon as she entered the door, she saw an acquaintance, and she smiled, "President is so early today."

The old president graduated two years ago, and he gave the president to Xu Yi at that time.

Although he was a senior, Xu Yi didn't quit his position - after all, this club is really cold, and there is nothing to do.

The boy also raised his eyebrows, "You came by coincidence."


"The book we ordered has arrived," he said.

Some time ago, they studied and ordered several books from abroad, about software design.

The main reason is that if you buy enough money together, the bookstore will cover the shipping costs, not to mention the international, and the book is so heavy, it is definitely the best to save it.

Luyuanyuan has been waiting for half a month, and finally arrived.

"Then..." Before she could finish speaking, Xu Yi continued: "The bookstore is not a problem, and places like schools are not distributed. It must be a private residence, so I filled in my home before." He stood up from the back of the computer Put on a coat, "Now my dad has brought it by car, I'm going to pick it up, are you with me?"

"Okay," Lu Yuanyuan agreed, "I can still get a few copies for you."

The two walked out side by side, Xu Yi glanced at her with a smile but not a smile, "I dare not let you do heavy work with your small body."

Chatting for a while, I arrived at the school gate unknowingly. Lu Yuanyuan consciously stood by the school gate, "President, I'll be waiting for you here."


She stood by the door, took out her mobile phone and glanced at WeChat habitually.

When I saw four o'clock in the afternoon above, I smiled.

It was about three o'clock in the morning with him.

Even if you get up early, you won't see him until at least four hours later—on the phone screen.

The weather in November is starting to get cooler. It only rained yesterday, and the air is extraordinarily cold and humid today.

Lu Yuanyuan put the phone back in his pocket and looked up at the direction Xu Yi had just walked over.

There is enough space in front of the school gate for vehicles to park temporarily.

At this time, there is only the black car in front of Xu Yi. The body is very long. There are two people in and out of the car. They look like a couple. The middle-aged man is a little fat. .

Those are Xu Yi's parents.

Lu Yuanyuan smiled slightly, but he didn't expect that he was not an only child, but had such young brothers and sisters.

After a few more minutes, her eyes swept over again, and the whole face of the woman who had lowered her head just now was exposed.

The blood in Lu Yuanyuan's body almost solidified.

that face.

A face she will never forget in her dreams.

Like sleepwalking, when she came to her senses again, she was already standing in front of the black car - the family - the woman.

The woman is well maintained. Instead of drooping, her big, round eyes look much younger. Her figure is wrapped in a slim-fitting jacket, with bumps, delicate makeup, and eye-catching red lips.

While shaking the child in his arms, he raised his head and smiled at Xu Yi, or the middle-aged man.

The moment she looked over and saw her, the smile on the corner of the woman's mouth was completely condensed on her face, and her eyes were full of emotions, shock, panic, and a flash of water.

Lu Yuanyuan felt that his heart was beating so badly that he couldn't hear the sounds around him. All the noises were buzzing in his ears, and his mind was in chaos. Countless pictures and clips flashed through, and countless words were stuck in his throat. .

In the end, she just loosened her clenched teeth, her drooping fingernails embedded in the soft flesh of her palm, and she spit out two words: "... Mom."

Growing up, I don't even know how difficult it is to speak.

Saying these two words seemed to hurt my throat.

Mingming... So many years ago, it was called every day.

The woman trembled all over.

There seemed to be someone talking around, and Lu Yuanyuan seemed to have turned on the automatic shielding, so he couldn't hear or understand at all.

She just stared at the person in front of her.

For so many years, every time she cried alone at night, she used her old computer to call this person's number over and over again.

There are never surprises, empty numbers.

Luyuanyuan knows what kind of person he is.

In this family relationship, she may never be able to get tough on her father or mother.

When this person left the house, she didn't even ask, Mom, why don't you want me anymore.

During the days of the divorce, the neighbors looked at her. When they said that the child was really pitiful, she heard it all in her ears.

Everyone knows the answer, so what more is there to ask

After so many years, so many things I wanted to say, so many resentments, after seeing this person, I couldn't even say it.

"Yuanyuan..." The woman's final voice was trembling, as if she was suppressing something, but she didn't say any more.

Is there nothing to say

Lu Yuanyuan suddenly laughed - she could still laugh in admiration of herself, "You at least ask me how I've been through all these years, ah?"

An anxious look appeared on the woman's face, "Yuanyuan, don't—"

"Mom," Lu Yuanyuan interrupted her, "please stop talking, I'll ask you a few questions."

"..." The tears that accumulated in the woman's eyes finally flowed out.

Those eyes...

From childhood to adulthood, people who have seen her say that our garden really looks like mother, and your father is so handsome, and he will definitely look better than mother in the future.

She will refute it, raising her head and saying to them, you are wrong, I will not be better-looking than my mother, my mother is the first, I am second, and my father is third.


There is nothing more terrifying than the difference between a person and a person.

Lu Yuanyuan quickly adjusted her emotions, her eyes were so dry that she asked word by word, "Have you regretted it for so many years?"

She waited ten seconds.

The woman didn't speak, just kept crying.

Lu Yuanyuan noticed that the man next to her wanted to take the child away from her arms, as if he had left something like "waiting for you in the car".

"..." Lu Yuanyuan lowered his eyes and looked at the child who was wrapped in the quilt and eating his fingers. His big black eyes also inherited the genes of a woman, and the sore throat resurfaced, "Is this yours, child?"

"… "

She didn't speak.

This is the default.

that's true…

This is not an obvious thing, what is she asking.

"Then I'm fine, I'll ask you two more things." She heard her own voice, soft and still the same, without vibrato, calm like stagnant water.

"… "

"The first one is, after today, never see each other again, I'll be fine - whether you care or not."

The woman's mood was a little broken, and she raised her head suddenly, "I care, how could I not be—"

"The second thing." Lu Yuanyuan felt the pain of his head jumping, and interrupted again.

She took a deep breath and used the most sincere tone in her life, "I ask you to—" She looked at the child, "be good to this child."

"… "

"I didn't mean to curse your family," Lu Yuanyuan looked at the child's unworldly smile, closed his eyes, and said softly, "...I just hope you don't abandon him, always treat him well, and don't let him... be like me. "

After the last four words fell.

long silence.

Lu Yuanyuan stood there for a while, and said nothing. The moment he turned around, he seemed to hear a familiar and unfamiliar voice whimpering.

Walking all the way to the downstairs of the girls' dormitory, Luyuanyuan saw the familiar tree and a wooden bench among a pile of fallen leaves.

It was one of Su Lin's favorite date spots in the past. After he left, she seldom went there.

After seeing it, her legs moved over spontaneously, and she sat on the bench that she had sat on countless times.

She was completely empty.

The picture of her mother holding the child and smiling happily kept reappearing in front of her eyes.

Lu Yuanyuan wondered a little in a trance, did she ever lie in that arm before.

Was she ever so concerned by her mother

She had a lot of words to hold back, she didn't want to tell her grandparents, let alone Lu Zhi, she was clamoring to find Su Lin, but... But today is his birthday.

How can you say such a depressing thing.

And he hasn't woken up yet.

Luyuanyuan calmed down for a while.

She felt that she could digest this matter by herself - after all, so many years of self-healing experience were not in vain.

While there is still time, it must be hidden before the video at night.

Lu Yuanyuan stretched his legs forward, leaning against the back of the seat and slumped down—this is what she observed Su Lin likes to do very much.

She frowned.

It's so uncomfortable... I don't care if my back hurts, my butt seems to be unsteady, and my legs are uncomfortable.

Is this the difference in leg length

She persisted for a while, but she still felt unbearably uncomfortable, and she straightened up resignedly.

At the same time, by coincidence, the phone in his pocket shook.

—Could it be… he woke up

Lu Yuanyuan immediately took out his phone and swiped the screen to enter WeChat.

… Ah, the dormitory group.

Wang Yihan took advantage of the weekend to return to City B. The news just now was a video she sent, recording a place similar to a scenic spot, surrounded by many, many people.

Wang Yihan @ everyone, and sent another voice: "This is the Holy Land of Wishing, darlings! My sister told me that it is thief, I have finished making my wish, you all quickly send your voice and I will let you go! Quick!"

Soon, Lin Qian's voice jumped out, "Me! Lin Qian! Beautiful Qian Qian! Want to get off the list! Get off the list!!!"

Luyuanyuan kept his head down.

It was so quiet around, there should be no one around, and she didn't even want to look up to confirm it, she just turned on the maximum volume of these two voices and put them all out.

Only Lin Qian replied, probably considering that Cool Brothers probably wouldn't care about this kind of activity, Wang Yihan ordered Luyuan Garden alone.

Wang Yihan: [@Lu OO Yuaner what wish do you want, come and come!]

what wish...

Lu Yuanyuan was so distracted by Wang Yihan just now that she ran away a lot. She really started to concentrate on what she wanted to make.


Internships are also scheduled.

Grandparents have always been healthy.

Dad... During the winter vacation last year, she found that Luzhi didn't know when to start working again. After repeated confirmation for half a month, she finally decided. Although his habit of being silent for many years was difficult to change, he still had nothing to say to her, but— He is really getting better.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, before today, except for the temporary separation from Su Lin, life was like treating her generously.

And today...

Lu Yuanyuan pointed [hold down to speak].

It's already like this anyway, it can't get any worse.

Anyway, it won't come true, so let her have a mouthful.

Just let her... be a little bit greedy.

What she wanted most, most wanted—

"I think..." She paused after saying two words.

I don't know why, I didn't shed tears just now, but now my nose is sore.

Lu Yuanyuan took a breath and said again: "I want to make a wish... I can see my senior now."

After speaking, let go to send a voice.

Tears streamed down.

Really, I miss him so much.

If he is here, she doesn't need to sit here by herself, she can hug him, the kind that is very tight, and then bury herself in his clothes and smell his breath.

I really want to hear him call her baby.

I want to hear him say something, baby, it's alright.

She wanted him to touch his hair, pinch his face, hold hands, kiss, and do whatever he wanted, as long as it wasn't that unreachable look that he could only see in the video but couldn't touch.

Luyuanyuan stopped reading the news in the group.

Put the phone back, just sit here, head down and cover your mouth, tears flowing silently and wantonly.

For the first time in two months, she completely indulged herself to think about this person.

Just now, she couldn't shed a single tear, but now she was crying more and more fiercely. She cried so much that she was surprised, but she was still in shock and tears on her face.

A sound passed by.

It was the squeak of shoes on the leaves, which sounded right next to her—and the only one with leaves next to this chair, must be very close to her.

It should be just passing by... Lu Yuanyuan continued to cry and decided to ignore it.

Unexpectedly, the next second—

With the intervention of an external force, the hand that was tightly covering her face was pushed away by something, and then... a hand began to wipe the water stains on her face.

The temperature of that hand was far lower than her hot cheeks from crying just now. It was cool, slippery, and extremely comfortable to touch.

Also... extraordinarily familiar.

These two movements were too sudden, Lu Yuanyuan didn't have time to react, and the whole person stopped.

She was stunned for ten seconds.

He opened his eyes in disbelief and raised his head.

A person squatted in front of her.

He was wearing a medium-length coat, and because the squatting posture swept to the ground, he didn't care at all - squatting was different from others, and his posture was casual and casual.

He seemed very relaxed, his hands were moving without losing his balance, he didn't say anything, just focused on wiping her face.

Eyes and hands skipped every inch of her face, every place, the movements were very slow and light, as if they were dealing with some priceless work of art.

When he finally finished wiping, one hand rested on the bent knee, and the other was still hovering beside her face without taking it away.

"I heard it," he said, his first sentence neat and tidy, "I helped you fulfill the wish you just made."

… yes.

She just made a wish without any hope, and just like that, he appeared with heat and light.

Lu Yuanyuan didn't even dare to blink.

For fear of breaking the dream-like scene.

Compared with what he saw in the video, he seems to have lost weight again, and his fair complexion is still not tanned, but his outline is clearer and more three-dimensional.

Crow-feather-like eyelashes hung down at the end of his eyes, and his pupils were so black that a dim light flashed across them.

"So..." Su Lin spoke for the second time, first spit out three words like a sigh.

Then he suddenly got up and sat on the stool, wrapping his arms around her back, and the aura that belonged to him enveloped Lu Yuanyuan overwhelmingly.

Su Lin rubbed her hair from behind, lightly restrained lips, and kissed the corner of her eyes.

"...Who made our baby cry," as if coaxing her, his voice was soft and hoarse, "Come, tell the senior."