My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 20


In the living room, Ruan Zhiyin moistened a cotton swab with iodine, lifted Cheng Yuelin's left hand, couldn't help but glanced at it, and then held his breath to help him deal with the wound on his forearm.

His fingers were thin and slender, with well-defined knuckles, round and clean nails, and faint cyan lines were faintly visible under the white skin.

Ruan Zhiyin held his hand lightly and carefully spread the iodine away. There was a warm warmth where the skin met, her hands were always cold, but he was the opposite.

But after the opponent retracted his arm for the seventh time, Ruan Zhiyin finally couldn't help frowning—

"Cheng Yuelin, if you move again, let's go to the hospital."

She kindly helped him with medicine, but this man was not very cooperative. Ruan Zhiyin also became a little temperamental after many times.

"Don't go." Cheng Yuelin snorted softly and refused, paused, and frowned again, "Try harder, don't be like scratching."

Hearing Ruan Zhiyin's ears, he felt that his words were a little disgusting.

"I was careful, not afraid of your pain."

As she said that, the strength in her hands increased.

It wasn't her who hurt anyway.

After about half an hour of tossing, Ruan Zhiyin finally finished applying the iodine and ointment, and wrapped a layer of gauze on him.

After finishing the process, the man slowly put down his loosely rolled cuffs, leaned on the sofa idly, and reached out to pick up the mobile phone on the coffee table.

Ruan Zhiyin glanced at him, thought about it, and felt that she still owed him a word of thanks. So he lightly pursed his lips and said, "Thank you for coming today, sorry for your troubles."

"You're quite polite." Cheng Yuelin just lifted his eyelids at will.

However, Ruan Zhiyin felt that although he troubled him today, the other party seemed to be in a good mood.

Is his character really uncertain

"So before..." Ruan Zhiyin looked at his expression, thought for a while, and finally asked, "Why are you angry?"

What she said was the silent atmosphere between the two of them these days.

Although today's turmoil made her and Cheng Yuelin break the ice directly, Ruan Zhiyin still didn't understand why he was suddenly angry.

Since he said that he should get along well and resolve disputes, he must understand his thoughts, right

Cheng Yuelin's eyes were deep, and he looked at her leisurely. He chuckled softly, and said lightly, "Because of some unimportant things."

It really doesn't matter, and there's no need to fight.

He was the only one who was angry.

Ruan Zhiyin couldn't help frowning when she saw him avoiding him.

Cheng Yuelin raised his eyebrows lazily and interrupted her thoughts: "I'm hungry, don't you want to thank me, go and serve me a bowl of noodles?"

It is this kind of repayment, which is a matter of course.

Ruan Zhiyin choked slightly and glanced at him, but she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

When he mentioned that, he was hungry too.

Cheng Yuelin then took out the unlock screen of his mobile phone and clicked on the news that Qian Fan had just returned.

Qian Fan: Brother Lin, your progress is too fast! In such a short time, sister-in-law actually threatened to live and die with you

Cheng Yuelin raised his eyebrows, and carefully recalled in his mind what she said before that she would do her best to save him.

As for Ruan Zhiyin's words to Qin Jue, "Within my ability, I would do the same with other people", but he had already forgotten about it.

The WeChat account was just registered by Cheng Yuelin during the day, and only Qian Fan was a friend in the address book.

He straightened his phone to adjust the angle, secretly took a picture of Ruan Zhiyin busy in the kitchen, sent it to Qian Fan, and then typed back: No, I'm afraid I'm hungry.

After a pause, he thought of something, quietly rolled up his cuffs, and patted the gauze on his arm.

Continue typing: a little injury, wrapped for half an hour.

Qian Fan: [Just a little bit of envy.jpg]

Qian Fan: I didn't expect Brother Lin, you can be such a good daughter-in-law as a bridegroom. When love comes, you can't stop it, is your sister-in-law in love with you

Cheng Yuelin: Do you understand

Cheng Yuelin: Just barely.

Cheng Yuelin: She is thin-skinned, just understand.

Qian Fan: I understand, I can't make my sister-in-law shy.

On the other end of the phone, Qian Fan just finished answering the message, but suddenly realized something—

That's not right, what's wrong with worrying

After a long while, Qian Fan slapped his forehead and suddenly realized—

No, no, no, no, my sister-in-law is actually playing with a crush? !

Ten minutes later, Ruan Zhiyin came out of the kitchen with two bowls of noodles, and saw that Xi Tao was fumbling with her mobile phone, with a loose smile on the corner of her mouth.

After a glimpse of her, the man put down the phone, then stood up, took the face in her hand calmly, and walked towards the restaurant leisurely.

Ruan Zhiyin took a seat opposite him.

At the table, neither of them spoke.

After bowing her head and taking two mouthfuls of noodles, in order to express her goodwill in wanting to get along with him, Ruan Zhiyin randomly found a topic and broke the silence—

"What were you laughing at just now?"

Cheng Yuelin raised his head slightly and said lightly, "Qian Fan posted a few pictures, which are quite interesting."

"You mean... an emoji?"

"Really, do you have one too?" Cheng Yuelin raised his eyebrows and glanced at her, put down his chopsticks and pointed out a QR code, then handed over his phone, "Then send me a few too."

Attitude is light.

Ruan Zhiyin didn't think much, picked up her mobile phone, scanned his WeChat, and sent an application to add a friend.

The WeChat account seems to have just been registered, and even the avatar is still the default system of gray.

She carefully selected a few interesting expression packs in stock, and asked, "By the way, why did you bring your marriage certificate today?"

Ruan Zhiyin didn't mean anything else, she was just curious.

Although Cheng Yuelin's behavior of taking out the certificate was a bit ironic when she thought about it, she didn't think it was a big deal.

Since Qin Jue always thought that she and Cheng Yuelin were fake marriages, it would be nice to let him take this opportunity to give up.

Just thinking about it like this, Ruan Zhiyin couldn't help but worry that she would get divorced a year later. Isn't this lie about to be exposed immediately

Cheng Yuelin heard the words, his eyes moved slightly, but his tone was casual: "Oh, Qian Fan, he has no knowledge, he said that he has never seen the real marriage certificate, let me show him."

Don't you have a real marriage certificate

Ruan Zhiyin was immersed in the worry that the divorce would be dismantled in the future, and nodded eagerly: "Then put it away after reading it, if it is lost during the divorce, it will be troublesome."

Cheng Yuelin gritted his teeth: "..."

"Ruan Zhiyin, you've only been married for half a month, and you're thinking about getting a divorce?"

When Ruan Zhiyin raised her head, she realized that Cheng Yuelin was smiling a little weirdly, with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

She paused, then explained subconsciously, "No, I'm just afraid that you've lost your marriage certificate. And you're showing them off with great fanfare today. I might be a little embarrassed when we get divorced."

Originally, he didn't care about what happened after the divorce, but now he has shown his evidence. If he divorced soon, wouldn't it be a joke for Jiang Anzheng and Lin Jingfei

"Oh?" Cheng Yuelin raised his eyes lightly, put down the chopsticks in his hand, and looked at her with his arms around him, "What do you mean now, don't want to divorce too soon?"

Ruan Zhiyin glanced at her eyebrows, always feeling that there was something wrong with what he said, but there seemed to be nothing wrong.

At least at this moment, she really doesn't want to get divorced so soon.

Cheng Yuelin groaned slightly, and said lightly: "Ruan 嘤嘤, in fact, as long as the two of us get along well, it's not impossible for me to—"

"Consider an extension."

"What! Postponement?"

In the beauty club, Ruan Zhiyin was lying on the beauty bed with her eyes closed, doing SPA with her friends.

After Ruan Zhiyin said that the divorce was postponed, Ye Yanchu was surprised, and the mask on her face almost collapsed.

Ruan Zhiyin: "That's what he said."

The reason Cheng Yuelin put forward is very simple, the continuation of this marriage is good for both of them.

For him, the image of a married man helps him stabilize the stock price. For Ruan Zhiyin, not getting a divorce can help her avoid a lot of trouble.

As long as she and Cheng Yuelin don't divorce for a day, Lin Chenggong will have some scruples. And she helped the other party, and he also promised to further promote the cooperation with Nguyen and help her when she needed it.

Up to now, the marriage relationship between the two is quite happy. As long as there is no objection between the two parties, they can consider signing an extension agreement after the expiration.

Gu Linlang said silently, "You two don't date each other, so Mrs. Cheng's position will be occupied. Although Cheng Yuelin is a bit arrogant, this time I am impressed."

She said that Ruan Zhiyin was implicated by Qin Jue and Lin Jingfei and was kidnapped half a month ago.

Although it was a false alarm, Cheng Yuelin was a bit responsible for being able to rush over that day. This right husband is better than Qin Jue's ex-fiancé.

"That's right, but Yinyin got a certificate and lived together after getting married. Now there's no divorce, so I'm left alone."

In the past, on weekends, Ye Yanchu often went to Ruan Zhiyin's apartment to stay. Now Ruan Zhiyin has moved to Cheng Yuelin's place, and she feels empty on weekends.

"Then you can fall in love." Gu Linlang couldn't help teasing her, and then suddenly said, "By the way, Director Liang's heroine has been replaced by Shen Rong."

Ye Yanchu changed the topic instantly: "Lin Jingfei's temperament is not tossing?"

"Tossing?" Gu Linlang chuckled lightly, "Qin Jue is still lying in the hospital, how can she care about her."

When Fang Weirui came home, he told her that Qin Jue was really badly injured this time, and she didn't cooperate with the doctor's treatment very well, so she has not been discharged from the hospital until now.

Gu Linlang knew what her husband meant. He wanted to persuade Ruan Zhiyin to visit the hospital, but Gu Linlang didn't want to persuade him at all.

Ye Yan first supported the mask and moved her chin slightly: "The last live broadcast was such a big deal, and now Lin Jingfei's image has plummeted."

After the kidnapping case, Feng Qian and his accomplices all went to prison, and it was also found out that Feng Qian's son had taken contradictory drugs because he could not survive the treatment.

In fact, the doctor had already told Feng Qian about this possibility, but the father lost his mind and could not accept his son abandoning him, so he had to find a perpetrator paranoid.

Qin Jue became the unlucky one.

Because of this kidnapping, Lin Jingfei was labeled as a mistress. Although her fans were still beautifying her with bullshit love, Qin Jue's statement later denied her relationship with Lin Jingfei.

Ye Yanchu felt that this was the sudden change of sex by a scumbag, who actually slapped her face and abused a slut.

Thinking of this, she turned her head slightly: "Yinyin, what is the stimulus for Qin Jue's statement?"

"I don't know." Ruan Zhiyin was too lazy to think about Qin Jue's attitude towards Lin Jingfei.

Gu Linlang snorted softly: "What bothers men the most is to come to their senses, belated affection is cheaper than grass."

After speaking, she took the bag from the shelf at hand and took out two chapter invitation tickets: "You can give me time for this show next week."

Ruan Zhiyin reached out to take it, and as expected, it was the new summer fashion show of Gu Linlang's design brand BING.

The time is set for next weekend, and she has time too.

Ruan Zhiyin nodded in response: "Don't worry."

Gu Linlang stretched out her hand to compare her heart.

After a while, as if she suddenly remembered something, she closed her eyes and patted her, reminding: "Yinyin, do you know Cheng Yuelin's stepmother? She will also go next week."

Ruan Zhiyin was stunned.

She had heard of the events of the Cheng family back then.

Hengyu Real Estate had just taken over the project developed in Luowan at that time, but the construction had not yet started, and the billions of dollars funded by the government had disappeared. Cheng’s father was immediately accused of corruption.

Cheng Yuelin's stepmother, Zhao Bing, divorced quickly after Cheng's father was imprisoned, swept away the remaining money in the Cheng family and married someone else.

Cheng Yuelin took a year off from school in order to take care of his grandfather who had a stroke. The once high-spirited young master was reduced to the point where he needed to work part-time to save the tuition.

If Zhao Bing hadn't remarried at that time, she wouldn't have become her nominal 'mother-in-law' now.

Ruan Zhiyin pondered quietly, not knowing, what is Cheng Yuelin's attitude towards Zhao Bing now