My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 28


Ruan Zhiyin didn't understand why Cheng Yuelin suddenly praised her. After thinking about it, Xu tried to 'comfort' because she was in a bad mood.

Just being comforted by him is really rare.

Seeing his sloppy and smiling eyes, Ruan Zhiyin laughed, nodded, and replied, "In your favor, I hope my eyesight will be better in the future."

After a while, she thought of the scene just now, frowned and said, "It seems that every time I meet Qin Jue, you come very quickly."

The man glanced at her lightly, and his tone was calm, "Really?"

Afterwards, he pointedly said: "You have to look more closely, so as not to go astray."

Ruan Zhiyin choked slightly, feeling that he was implying that he was entangled by Qin Jue again today, and it was better for him to 'lead by example' in this situation.

She couldn't help pulling the corners of her mouth: "don't worry, as long as you don't get divorced, I won't let you lose face."

Qin Jue would appear, she didn't expect it.

But after today, he must have given up.

The car stopped steadily at the door of the villa.

The two opened the door and got out of the car.

Cheng Yuelin's footsteps were slow and slow, walking ahead.

After slowly pressing the fingerprint lock of the villa, he paused slightly and rubbed his eyebrows.

"Ruan 嘤嘤."


"Help me."

The sound is a little dull.

Ruan Zhiyin raised her eyes to look at him by the soft light above the eaves.

The man's half drooping eyelids were stained with a faint rouge color due to alcoholism, his drunk eyes were slightly drunk, half of the light was covered by his tall body, and the shadow on the ground was drawn very long.

I don't know if it's because of drunkenness and dizziness, Cheng Yuelin's expression is chaotic now, and Ruan Zhiyin's taste is a little bit obedient that doesn't match his usual.

Feeling that his eyes were slack, and his quiet appearance was quite pleasing to the eye, Ruan Zhiyin smiled and reached out to support Cheng Yuelin's arm, resting it on her shoulder.

The faint smell of alcohol lingered on the tip of her nose, and she saw the man's broken hair scattered in front of her forehead, covering the shadow on the handsome outline.

It took a lot of effort to finally help the person upstairs.

But at the door of the bedroom, the other party did not reach out to unlock the door.

"Cheng Yuelin?"

Ruan Zhiyin turned her head, and found that he was closing his eyes lightly, breathing soothingly, and actually... half asleep.

Fortunately, the authority of the fingerprint lock of the villa is universal, Ruan Zhiyin shook her head and opened the door.

A minute later, he finally threw the somewhat heavy man onto the wide and soft bed.

Just as he was about to get up and leave, his eyes suddenly stopped on Cheng Yuelin's quiet face.

The man lay there quietly, and when he didn't speak, he looked a little more cute.

But even when he was sleeping, there were shallow ravines between his straight eyebrows, as if he had not completely relaxed.

Recalling what Lin Lang said, Ruan Zhiyin stretched out her fair and slender knuckles, gently smoothing his slightly condensed eyebrows.

The dean always said that this way you can have a good dream.

After the Yan family's banquet, Cheng Yuelin went on a business trip abroad and could only return on the weekend. The ribbon-cutting ceremony of the Beicheng project was finally scheduled for the end of the month.

However, Ruan Zhiyin has not been idle these days. She is busy submitting the design and planning of the project to the government planning department for review, and Xiang Bin has made several trips to the Environmental Protection Bureau to approve the environmental protection opinion letter.

The government's process review is slow, and sometimes shirks. But Cheng Yuelin helped her greet the people from the planning bureau before her business trip. The other party saw his face and the approval was very fast.

Of course, the process to go is still not less.

In the blink of an eye on Friday, Ruan Zhiyin and Kang Yu spent most of the day at the Planning Bureau, and finally got the approved plan.

As soon as I got in the car, I received a message from Gu Linlang in the WeChat group.

Gu Linlang: Hurry, hurry, look at Weibo, my mother sees how Lin Jingfei is jumping this time.

Ruan Zhiyin raised her eyebrows slightly, then quit WeChat and clicked on Weibo.

On the hot search, Lin Jingfei's name directly occupied the top two.

【Cousin Lin Jingfei】【Lin Jingfei.BING】

After clicking in, one of the Weibo's forwarding has exceeded 100,000.

@EntertainmentRevelation: My brother recently received a private message from a netizen who broke the news that a female artist with a white and rich beauty, her cousin not only faked her academic qualifications, but also tried to organize cheating in the ICI exam, but was rejected by the female artist. My father dredges up the relationship. The following are the detention records of Lin, the statement of the case, and the photo of Lin and the female artist sent by the netizen. Whether it's true or not, it's up to you to decide for yourself.

Although the group photo of Lin and the female artist was marked as mosaic by the blogger, there are only a few female stars who are set up by the entertainment circle to be rich and beautiful.

Netizens quickly identified the female artist as Lin Jingfei based on the red mole on the hand in the photo.

The comments under Weibo are also one-sided.

[Last time Qin Shi made a statement to slap the face, fans couldn't praise the straight man, so they cleaned up the matter of the mistress and began to praise Lin Jingfei and Bai Fumei. How long has it been since then? 】

[Bai Fumei, who condoned her cousin's organization of cheating, vomited. How difficult is it for ordinary people to take the ICI test? 】

[Is it illegal to organize cheating in a large exam like ICI? This kind of person must be severely punished and cannot be let go so lightly. 】

[There is a cousin of the legal system, and there is a father who helps the legal system to deal with the aftermath. It can be seen that the Lin Jingfei family is not a good thing. 】

[Tsk, this time Lin Jingfei's personality has completely collapsed, right? Bai Fumei was not invited to be able to forcefully attend the fashion show? It really opened my eyes. 】

The fashion show that Lin Jingfei forced to attend in the comments was the one that BING held at the Convention and Exhibition Center.

Netizens naturally have zero tolerance for the bad deeds of cheating in the organization, and Weibo was quickly forwarded.

Although it was Lin Zhe who was accused of cheating by the organization, the anger of netizens could no longer be concealed. After finishing Lin Zhe, he began to follow Lin Jingfei's past itinerary.

BING's official blog also suddenly issued a statement at this time, saying that Ms. Lin Jingfei had never been invited to attend the new product launch conference, and implied that Lin Jingfei got the ticket to the fashion show through improper means.

Many fans who follow the itinerary know that Lin Jingfei has never attended BING's press conference in the past, and this is the only time that BING has promptly dismissed it.

While netizens ridiculed Lin Jingfei, they began to leave messages on official blogs of brands that Lin Jingfei has cooperated with.

Brands that responded quickly enough to public relations have issued statements one after another, stating that they will terminate the contract with Lin Jingfei and reserve the right to hold Lin Jingfei responsible for breach of contract.

Lin Jingfei's negative news in the past will be quickly deleted, but this time it is still high on the hot search.

After a few hours of fermentation, her image completely fell to the bottom, and she was also involved in a lawsuit for breach of contract.

As for Lin Zhe, with such a big incident, it is estimated that he will inevitably be imprisoned in the future.

Ye Yanchu: Hahahaha, it really cheers my heart! I want to see if Qin Jue will help Lin Jingfei deal with the aftermath this time!

Gu Linlang: I don't know who Lin Jingfei provokes. That marketing account obviously has a backend, otherwise Jiang Anzheng would have removed the hot search long ago, and now Qin Jue wants to deal with the aftermath, but it's not enough.

Ye Yanchu: All the endorsements have been cancelled, and many fans have lost their fans. How can Lin Jingfei stay in the entertainment industry

Gu Linlang: After all, she has been arrogant for so long, and there are still many people waiting to see if anyone can help her. If the hot search is still there tomorrow, she will probably not be able to hold back those things in the crew. She deserves it too. In the past, she relied on having a backstage presence, but now there are people waiting to get down.

Ruan Zhiyin didn't rush to reply to the news of the two, but made a phone call to go back to the old house first, and asked Uncle Liu not to mention Lin Jingfei's matter to her grandfather.

Although the old man strongly opposed Lin Jingfei's entry into the entertainment industry at the beginning, and never read these news, but after all, Lin Jingfei is granddaughter of grandfather, and presumably he does not want to hear Lin Jingfei's embarrassment.

Lin Jingfei didn't have a good relationship with her, and she still had some concerns about the old man who loved her. At least the last time she returned to the old house, she dismissed Ruan Zhiyin's words about the wedding.

Ruan Zhiyin only hoped that the other party would not bring these bad things to Grandpa.

In the VIP box of the Jinhuang Club, Jiang Anzheng walked in with Lin Jingfei.

On the inner sofa, Qin Jue was drinking in a dull manner.

As long as he thought of Ruan Zhiyin's back in front of him and Cheng Yuelin's departure several times, he couldn't stop the majestic jealousy in his heart.

In addition to jealousy, there is actually fear.

Even if she tried to convince herself, Ruan Zhiyin would not open her heart to others easily. But ever since he discovered Cheng Yuelin's purpose, Qin Jue was still afraid that Ruan Zhiyin would one day be moved by him.

They get along day and night, and Cheng Yuelin also likes her.

Qin Jue didn't dare to think about it, for fear that she had already been sentenced to death before she had given everything to get her forgiveness.

There was a random pile of empty wine bottles on the table, Fang Weirui sat beside Qin Jue with a frown, and had been persuading him for a long time.

He knew that Qin Jue had been waiting for Ruan Zhiyin to visit the hospital when he was hospitalized before, and later he stopped resisting treatment because he had a misunderstanding with Ruan Zhiyin that he had not resolved.

But he was finally discharged from the hospital. After seeing Ruan Zhiyin, his obsession with resolving the misunderstanding was forced to shatter, and his condition became worse, and he started drinking again.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Anzheng secretly glanced at Lin Jingfei again, hesitating for a long time before he sighed and said, "Ajue, you should help Jingfei."

Over there, Qin Jue turned a deaf ear, his expression unmoved.

Jiang Anzheng frowned. He knew that Qin Jue said last time that he would not ask Lin Jingfei about her work again.

But Lin Jingfei's troubles this time are unusual, and she will have to deal with the brand's liability for breach of contract in the future. This will not only affect Lin Jingfei, but also Qin's entertainment.

"Jingfei was also dragged down by Lin Zhe. You watched her grow up from a young age, did you really ignore her so cruelly?"

Qin Jue fired Lin Zhe for Ruan Zhiyin, but Jiang Anzheng did not object. After all, Lin Zhe offended Ruan Zhiyin.

He also didn't want to see his friend's drunken life, and hoped that Ruan Zhiyin would forgive Qin Jue, and even tried to apologize to Ruan Zhiyin, but the other party didn't want to see him.

For both public and private, Jiang Anzheng had to resolve Lin Jingfei's matter. But no matter what he said, Qin Jue didn't seem to hear it.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Fang Weirui next to him. After all, Gu Linlang made a statement at this juncture, and also promoted a series of subsequent brand terminations.

Fang Weirui's eyes were cold: "Don't look at me, you stole two invitation tickets last time, and Linlang had a fight with me. I called Ah Jue over on the day of the banquet, but she threatened that she would dare to do it again. Just divorce me."

A long time ago, he felt that Jiang Anzheng was too partial to Lin Jingfei. Qin Jue and Ruan Zhiyin broke up, and it has to be said that Jiang Anzheng also has the credit.

When it comes to love affairs, outsiders should not interfere, Jiang Anzheng has already crossed the line for Lin Jingfei.

It's clear that they grew up together, and I don't know how they became like this.

"Brother Jue."

Lin Jingfei bit her lower lip, raised her eyebrows and walked to Qin Jue's side, calling not Ah Jue, but Brother Jue who she used to call when she was young.

Qin Jue is a good older brother, he always tried his best to take care of her when she was young, and helped her avoid all kinds of troubles, that's why Lin Jingfei always relied on him so much.

Hearing Lin Jingfei's name, Qin Jue finally pursed her lips and put down the wine bottle, and raised her eyes lightly: "Jingfei, I always feel that you are still the innocent little girl when you were young. From childhood to adulthood, I have even treated you better than Xiangxiang. , but you... let me down."

"It's my fault, I shouldn't be used to you being so willful, making you feel that no matter what you do, someone will help you figure it out."

He felt that taking care of Lin Jingfei was a responsibility that he needed to take. To a certain extent, he also laid the foreshadowing of breaking up with Ruan Zhiyin in this responsibility.

It doesn't make sense to blame others, he should blame himself, he should have made a decision long ago.

But after thinking about everything for a while, Qin Jue was really disappointed with Lin Jingfei.

Lin Jingfei heard the indifference in his tone, her eyes were slightly red, and she gradually burst into tears: "Brother Jue, I know you are good to me, but my cousin and father have a bad relationship, and I don't want you to leave me."

She knew Ruan Zhiyin's opposition to her father, and she accepted Ruan Zhiyin's opposition to her, but she couldn't accept that Qin Jue, who had loved her since childhood, also opposed her one day.

"I was wrong, please forgive me once, okay?"

"Forgive you?" Qin Jue suddenly laughed, his dark eyes filled with confusion, "However, even I myself can't get her forgiveness."

"Brother Jue..."

Qin Jue interrupted coldly: "Needless to say, if you really think you are wrong, you should ask her, not me. Who do you think is responsible for Lin Zhe?"

He can no longer help Lin Jingfei in this matter, it will only... push Ruan Zhiyin further.