My Groom Ran Away

Chapter 60


Until Ruan Zhiyin set off to participate in CF's new product launch event, she couldn't wait for Cheng Yuelin to return to China.

Speaking of which, this is the first time the two have been separated for so long since they got married.

He had been away for half a month. Even though he had a call every day, Ruan Zhiyin still felt a little confused when he woke up looking at the vacant seat on the bed.

It is also strange that when she was working in the past, she would never have such a strong feeling of missing someone.

Cheng Yuelin still has a week to come back, although Ruan Zhiyin wants to see him as soon as possible, it can't affect the business trip that has been scheduled.

In the VIP lounge of the airport.

Kang Yu went to the dining area to eat, and Ruan Zhiyin sat alone on the sofa by the window, browsing the files sent by Zhang Chun on the laptop screen.

As I swiped down on the touchpad, my elbow moved slightly, and the pen beside me accidentally rolled onto the soft carpet beside my feet.

Ruan Zhiyin was about to bend over to pick it up when a familiar face appeared, picked up the pen first, and handed it to her.

"Thank you." The voice was not cold or cold.

Qin Jue travels to the United States much more frequently than she does, and Ruan Zhiyin is not surprised to meet him here.

Since she had already lost her emotions towards Qin Jue, there was no need for her to avoid him like an enemy.

Qin Jue glanced at the screen on the table and said with a smile, "As long as it is work, you are always so focused."

His voice was familiar.

Ruan Zhiyin's eyelashes moved slightly, then she closed the notebook and looked up at him, only to realize that the other person was feeling unfamiliar fatigue and lack of energy.

I don't know if it's because Qin Zhize caused him a lot of trouble.

Qin Jue didn't care about her indifference, lowered her eyes, and sat down on the sofa next to her: "Zhiyin, I used to think I knew you very well, we are the same people."

"We are different."

Ruan Zhiyin frowned.

Regardless of her parents, Qin Jue lived in a complete family and received the best education since childhood. In the eyes of teachers and elders, he doesn't even have any shortcomings.

Ruan Zhiyin envied such a life, and used him as a role model, but then she was no longer persistent, because they were different.

"Yeah, it's really different." Qin Jue's eyes were a little dark, and the bitter smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes.

She can be so decisive and withdraw without leaving any room, which is much stronger than him.

After the last meeting, Qin Jue always wondered if she had ever loved him. Just like in high school everyone thought she liked him and he still wasn't sure.

But even if he wasn't sure, even now, he still didn't want to lose her like this, even though it seemed to have become a delusion.

He paused, his voice hoarse: "Zhiyin, can we still be friends?"

Qin Jue didn't expect him to save her easily, but even if she no longer avoided him deliberately, she would always be so cold and never see any hope, which was really disappointing.

"Inappropriate." Ruan Zhiyin retracted her gaze and shook her head, "Or, I don't want my husband to have any misunderstanding."

When she first returned to Ruan's house, she suffered a lot of gossip, so she worked hard to learn to become a person like Qin Jue, to integrate herself into that unfamiliar circle and gain the so-called recognition.

At that time, Qin Jue treated her well, and Ruan Zhiyin was grateful, but she still couldn't trust him completely, and she couldn't be calm.

No matter how many misunderstandings were mixed with Qin Jue, Ruan Zhiyin knew that he hadn't really betrayed and derailed. It's just that he has a lot of things that he can't give up and needs her to cater to, and he can't solve the contradiction.

Ruan Zhiyin wanted to have a home. Qin Jue had known her for many years, and she had worked hard for it, but when she returned to China to face everything, she realized how tiring it was to be with Qin Jue.

After I really got out, I just felt very relaxed.

Cheng Yuelin made her understand that she can be a little more arbitrary, and she doesn't need to cater to anyone to get so-called approval.

"You don't have to always stress this point to me." Qin Jue made a hoarse voice and clenched her fist.

Whenever she mentioned other men, he was at a loss, and their current intimacy flashed in his mind, his heart was like being slashed by a knife, dripping with pain.

Ruan Zhiyin frowned: "Qin Jue, I always feel that you have your own principles so that you won't destroy other people's husband and wife relationships."

Qin Jue smiled: "Zhiyin, you know very well why you got married. A few months ago, you were even worse than strangers without feelings. Do you really think you love him?"

"No matter what the marriage is for, the outcome is more important than the process."

Ruan Zhiyin was not interested in explaining anything to Qin Jue anymore.

"But Zhiyin, I can't let it go. I love you no less than him." Qin Jue's voice contained a suppressed self-mockery, "Or can you teach me how to let go of all this?"

He looked at her carefully, but could only see those calm eyes.

When she spoke again, Ruan Zhiyin said in a cold voice, "Qin Jue, that's not my obligation. We don't owe each other, so we can get together and leave, don't let yourself be so embarrassed."

After flying for more than ten hours, we finally arrived in New York.

It's daytime when you board, and it's daytime when you land.

Although she was a little tired due to the jet lag, after arriving at the hotel, Ruan Zhiyin asked Zhang Chun about the situation first.

"Director Zhang said that the initial negotiation with CF went well. From a technical point of view, Mr. Robert is very interested in Nanyin's enzyme digestion technology. It's just that... Nakamura Biotech gave a lower price."

Kang Yu hesitated to finish speaking before looking at Ruan Zhiyin's expression.

Nakamura Bio has recently lost orders from several second-tier brands, and naturally, it doesn't want to lose its cooperation with CF now. The other party has cooperated with CF for many years, and it is obviously more advantageous to give a lower price now.

Zhang Chun and CF have already had more than half of the negotiation. If Nan Yin chooses to reduce the price, he will indeed have a better chance, but he will also be drawn into the price war with Nakamura Bio.

"We won't lower the price." Ruan Zhiyin pondered for a while, and then said, "Go and tell Zhang Chun that you don't have to be burdened. It's good to be able to get the CF order this time, but even if you can't get it this year, you can wait for next year. "

Speaking of pressure, Nakamura Bio, which has just invested in the medical business on a large scale, must be greater than them.

"What about CF's new product launch event tomorrow?"

"Since I've been invited, I still have to go and see. We didn't do anything privately, so it doesn't mean that others didn't." Ruan Zhiyin smiled, "If you find out what the other party has done, it's not too late to find a way to get in touch."

Get a good night's sleep to adjust for jet lag.

The next day, Ruan Zhiyin and Kang Yu were invited to participate in the new product launch event held by CF in SIMO Hotel.

The representative sent by Nakamura Bio to discuss with CF this time is Ishida, the vice president of R&D. This Mr. Ishida has an unusual identity and is the son-in-law of the chairman of Nakamura Bio.

Ruan Zhiyin knew that Zhang Chun had an unpleasant relationship with Ishida when he was working in Nakamura Biotechnology. Since the other party was able to push Zhang Chun out of his post by relying on nepotism, it was obvious that he was very active.

On the CF side, it was Mr. Robert and the newly airborne design director who decided the partner. Now that Mr. Robert is somewhat interested in Nan Yin, this Mr. Ishida cannot guarantee that he will not contact another.

Sure enough, after the press conference, Ruan Zhiyin and Kang Yu came out of the show and saw that Mr. Ishida dragged a young man into the hotel box.

It's just that the man's back is still somewhat familiar, and Ruan Zhiyin can't think of where he's seen it before.

Because she was going to participate in the event, Ruan Zhiyin stepped on high heels all day. After returning to the hotel, she changed her clothes and went into the bathroom to take a hot bath to relieve her fatigue.

After coming out, I just took off the mask on my face when I received a call.

"Dear, I've made an appointment for you. Tomorrow night, at the restaurant we used to go to." In the microphone, there was a Chinese female voice with some accents.

Ruan Zhiyin smiled after hearing this: "Camille, thank you, come back—"

"Stop, you're always so polite, how much food have I eaten from you in the past few years, do I need to thank you for doing a little favor?"

Camille is half an overseas Chinese. His father is Japanese and his mother is Chinese, but he grew up in the United States.

She was Ruan Zhiyin's roommate when she was studying abroad, and she was also the best classmate. After arriving in the United States and leaving the oppressive environment, Ruan Zhiyin made many friends.

Hearing what the other party said, Ruan Zhiyin reluctantly replied, "Okay, then if you need my help in the future, remember to tell me."

"Don't worry, I won't be polite." After the other party finished speaking, he asked, "By the way, are you and Brian married on this trip back to China?"

Ruan Zhiyin paused: "I am indeed married, but not him."

"Wow, ok, I understand." The girl dragged her joking tone, "However, I wish you a happy marriage."

Camille grew up in the United States and is very diligent in changing boyfriends. It seems that she is not surprised that Ruan Zhiyin married someone so quickly.

Ruan Zhiyin knew that her blessing was sincere, and replied with a smile, "Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, she dried her hair and opened WeChat, only to realize that Cheng Yuelin hadn't contacted her all day.

In the WeChat dialog box, the message that the two sent yesterday was still stuck.

[Before boarding the plane, I ran into Qin Jue in the waiting room. ]

[Well, got it, let me know when you return home. ]

Not much else to say.

The more indifferent the man's attitude, the more Ruan Zhiyin felt that something was wrong.

But the two of them were always busy with work when they were on a business trip. They were afraid of disturbing him, and they were separated by the jet lag. Although they missed him a little and complained inwardly about his behavior of not sending messages, Ruan Zhiyin still didn't play the phone and said good night. He lay on the bed.

The next day, Zhang Chun came forward to discuss with CF basically over, but CF did not give a direct answer.

After the meeting with Zhang Chun and the work sent from China, Ruan Zhiyin went to a restaurant not far from the hotel in the evening.

By the time she got to the reserved table, the person Camille had arranged for her had already arrived.

The other party raised his eyes and opened his mouth unexpectedly: "So, you are Alva?"

Ruan Zhiyin looked at the somewhat familiar face in front of her eyes, which was completely different from the other party's dress, and did not speak for a while.

She did not expect that the Chinese design director of CF was actually the boy whom she met while traveling in Fiji.

"Sister, have you forgotten me? It's really sad." Shen You's expression seemed a little disappointed.

"I just, I didn't expect you to be the design director of CF." Ruan Zhiyin sat down opposite him and nodded with a smile, "Director Shen, it's a pleasure to meet."

"Oh? It seems that I look too young?" Shen You raised his eyebrows.

He is wearing a serious suit at the moment, but he still can't hide the youthful feeling on his face, and he is indeed younger than his actual age.

Ruan Zhiyin nodded, agreeing with what he said.

Shen You smiled: "You are so familiar with Camille, you should know about me, do you want to stop thinking about me?"

CF is backed by the Coter Group, and Shen You's father is a director of the Coter Group. Ruan Zhiyin also understands that this airborne design director will probably be promoted soon.

Although Mr. Robert is the vice president of CF and has shares, Shen You's words are also weighty when it comes to choosing a partner.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Shen You said again: "You know very well that CF has been working with Nakamura Bio for five years, and this alone gives you an advantage over Nan Yin."

It looked as if she was really trying to induce her to change her mind.

Ruan Zhiyin shook her head and met his gaze: "Didn't Camille tell you that I'm really married?"

Linheng has always had a very solid cooperation with the Coter Group. If she wants to go through the back door, she should ask Cheng Yuelin for help. It's just that Ruan Zhiyin likes the sense of accomplishment gained from taking exams in her student days or talking about business. If Cheng Yuelin helped her, it would be meaningless.

"Okay, it's just a joke." Shen You sighed and shrugged, "I just regret that a girl as fateful as me got married."

"Director Shen, since you already know my intentions, I'll open the skylight and say something bright." Ruan Zhiyin sipped the water that the waiter just handed over, "I saw yesterday that Mr. Ishida and you met privately."

Shen You glanced at her and admitted generously: "Oh, he promised me a little rebate, it sounds really tempting."

"Mr. Ishida is very generous."

Ruan Zhiyin praised, but said nothing else.

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Shen You smiled: "I thought you would give me a higher reward."

"Unfortunately, I can't do it."

The integrated production line of Nakamura Bio is more mature and lower in cost than Nanyin. It is not what Ruan Zhiyin wants to do to fight a price war or make a profit.

What's more, Shen You probably didn't need it either.

"You're really interesting." Shen You pursed his lower lip and finally became more serious, "Don't worry, although Nakamura Bio has more advantages in general, CF will still consider it fairly as a partner for the next year."

Ruan Zhiyin got the point, nodded and replied with a smile: "That's enough."

Nan Yin is a new company after all. As long as the competition is fair, even if she can't get CF's order in the end, she can't be particularly regretful.

After coming out of the restaurant, Ruan Zhiyin politely refused Shen You's request to send her back, and went back to the hotel by car.

As soon as she got out of the elevator, she saw Kang Yu standing in front of her door in the corridor, with a worried expression on her face.

"Mr. Ruan, Tian Jing just called me."

It is the early morning in China. If it is not a particularly important matter, Tian Jing will not contact her and Kang Yu at this time.

Ruan Zhiyin frowned slightly, led Kang Yu into the room, and asked, "What happened to the company?"

Kang Yu hesitated, did not speak, but handed her the phone.

Ten minutes ago, Tian Jing sent her a long screenshot. As for the content of the screenshot, it is a post from a certain group.

LZ who posted it seems to often break the news on the forum. Judging from the screenshots, the popularity of the post is very high.

Nan Yin has been very windy recently, and she did a lot of marketing some time ago, and even invited Shen Yinghou to speak up.

The female boss surnamed R was unfortunately 'lost' when she was a child, and was brought back to a wealthy family when she was almost an adult. Unfortunately, the death of her parents could not do a paternity test, so she could only do an inaccurate kinship test.

Although this type of identification is not accurate, the wealthy old man is too obsessed with looking for his granddaughter. He has to say that this is his granddaughter. The son-in-law who has taken care of the old man for half his life has no choice but to accept this niece with the idea of making the old man happy.

It's a pity that the son-in-law's kindness has dug a big hole for himself. Not long ago, the old man passed away, R got most of the inheritance, and the son-in-law who took care of the old man for half his life received nothing, and was designed by R to be put in prison, and his granddaughter L also received only a small inheritance.

If R is the granddaughter of the old man, it doesn't matter, but Starling heard that R has recently come out with relatives who came to recognize the relatives, saying that she is not the granddaughter of the old man at all.

But what if it wasn't, after the inheritance was divided, R couldn't spit it out again. Poor L had previously ruined R's reputation and was forced to retire and seized his family's property. His father was also imprisoned because of R's design. I have to say, what R does is really good.

[God, what contemporary femme fatale is this? 】

[Uh, no, I just placed an order for Nan Yin's new face cream and foundation liquid for my goddess, and now I'm afraid of being cursed and rotten. 】

[L was in the entertainment industry before? Has anyone cracked the code? 】

[Speaking from the top of the pot cover, I seem to have decoded it, but I feel that the other person cannot be said. 】

"This post has been deleted by the public relations department at the first time, but it was moved by some marketing accounts. Tian Jing tried his best to suppress the popularity, but now all the company's e-commerce platforms are still starting to show malicious chargebacks, and there are also media from the partners. ask."

In addition to cooperative orders, Nanyin also recently launched a product line for the C-end of the stock solution, and Shen Rong also helped to promote it. The sales in the early stage have been good.

Ruan Zhiyin returned the phone to Kang Yu with a calm expression: "You go to book the earliest flight ticket now, and leave the rest to Zhang Chun. Let's go back to China first."

"Okay." Kang Yu nodded, paused for a while, and asked again, "Mr. Ruan, are you alright?"

Ruan Zhiyin smiled at her: "It's okay, you have been busy all day, go back first."

Hearing this, Kang Yu nodded, turned and left the room.

The room fell silent.

The smile on Ruan Zhiyin's mouth also faded.

Not many people know what happened to her when she was a child. Even if there is some gossip in the circle, in view of Cheng Yuelin's face, he should not dare to trouble her like this.

Qin Xiang said before that Lin Jingfei and Lin Wei had met, and he thought about it.

Suddenly, the bell rang, and she took out the phone from her bag. It was Ji Yijun who called.

"Yinyin, when are you going back to China?"

As if it was just a normal greeting.

"If nothing else happens, I'll go back tomorrow." Ruan Zhiyin finished speaking, as if she understood something, she closed her eyes and sighed, "Uncle, is there something wrong?"

The other end of the phone was silent for five seconds, and then she heard the other side sigh softly.

"Lin Wei brought someone to see me." Ji Yijun paused, "the other party said that he is your uncle."