My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 103: Chapter 103


Zhang Lulu intercepted Fu Shitian at the end of get out of class. At that time, Fu Shitian was carrying his schoolbag and talking and laughing with Shi Yi as they were about to walk out of the classroom. Zhang Lulu suddenly called out loudly, "Shitian!"

Fu Shitian stopped reflexively and turned around to look. She saw Zhang Lulu, a classmate carrying a schoolbag, squeezing through the aisle and moving towards her quickly.

"Do you have time? I... I want to talk to you." She didn't look very good and asked while panting.

Fu Shitian was slightly stunned: "Now?"

Zhang Lulu nodded.

Fu Shitian looked at Shi Yi subconsciously.

Shi Yi saw the question in her eyes, and after looking at Zhang Lulu for two seconds, he said calmly, "I'll wait for you in the study room."

Fu Shitian thought it wouldn't take long, so she agreed: "Okay, we'll go find you after we finish talking." As she spoke, she remembered something, put down her schoolbag, unzipped it, took out two wafers and a can of Xiao Wangzai and handed them to Shi Yi: "If you're hungry, eat something first."

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, the corners of his lips rose slightly, and without saying anything more, he reached out to take it, nodded slightly at Zhang Lulu, turned and left.

Fu Shitian watched her back.

Zhang Lulu sighed: "You and Shi Yi have a very good relationship."

This was a declarative sentence, and no emotion could be heard from it. Fu Shitian suppressed his smile and looked at Zhang Lulu's expression nervously.

Zhang Lulu's expression didn't reveal anything: "Very good." Her tone was calm, and it seemed like a sincere compliment.

Fu Shitian was unsure of what she meant, so she just smiled and didn't say anything. She vaguely felt that Zhang Lulu seemed to have changed. She had a calm aura, which was completely different from her former energetic appearance.

Zhang Lulu changed the subject: "Is the air conditioner turned off? It's so stuffy. Let's go to the rooftop upstairs to chat, okay?"

Fu Shitian had no objection.

There is a small multi-functional conference room on the sixth floor. Outside the conference room is an abandoned open-air terrace. Except for classes, few people come here.

The gorgeous sunset dyed half the sky red, and the heat on the ground had not yet dissipated, steaming waves of scorching heat. Zhang Lulu put her hands on the iron railings of the rooftop, looking at the Shenyuan Bridge in the distance where vehicles were constantly flowing, frowning and saying nothing.

Fu Shitian stood beside her, accompanying her in silence.

In fact, they had not contacted each other alone for a long time since they were separated into different dormitories. She could not imagine that Zhang Lulu had anything special to talk to her about alone, but looking at the silent profile of Zhang Lulu, she felt

I have a bad feeling.

As her heartbeat grew louder, Zhang Lulu spoke: "What do you think would happen if I jumped from here?"

Fu Shitian was horrified: "Lulu?!" She quickly reached out and grabbed Zhang Lulu's wrist, as if she was afraid that she would really jump down in the next second, and her strength was so great that Zhang Lulu felt pain.

Zhang Lulu let her hold him, examining her nervous expression, but slowly smiled: "I was kidding. I was just asking casually."

Fu Shitian couldn't laugh. He still held her hand tightly, frowning, and said in a rare deep voice: "This joke is not funny at all."

Zhang Lulu stopped smiling, pursed her lips, and stared at her for several seconds before she said softly, "Is it time to hand in the monthly psychology report form again?"

They used to be roommates. She knew the work tasks of the psychological counselor and the time to submit the monthly psychological report form at the end of each month.

"If I tell you that I'm in a bad mood recently, will you write it down in your monthly report?"

Fu Shitian's throat was dry. She didn't have to write it, but if she still had to say something scary like "jumping off a building", she... didn't know.

She clenched her knuckles and tried to comfort Zhang Lulu: "If you don't want me to write, I won't write." m.

Zhang Lulu said, "If I want you to write, will you write?" Her dark eyes stared at Fu Shitian without blinking, her eyes were obscure and difficult to understand, like a struggle, or a request.

Fu Shitian's breathing became inexplicably heavy and she felt uneasy. She instinctively felt that danger was approaching.

But she couldn't refuse, nor should she refuse. Reporting students with problems and helping them is the most important duty of the psychological counselor. This was not an excuse for her to report Yang Yue, but the psychological counselor and herself, the true original intention.

She nodded heavily.

Zhang Lulu stared at her and suddenly smiled bitterly: "You are really stupid sometimes. But thank you."

She turned her head, looked at the golden sea in the distance, and said, "I was sexually harassed."

"The other person is Chen Hong, my graduation thesis advisor. If nothing unexpected happens, he will also be my graduate advisor."

She said it calmly, but Fu Shitian was shocked. She blinked quickly, her throat seemed to be blocked by something, and she couldn't make a sound. She didn't know what to say or how to react so as not to be abrupt, so she could only hold her wrist tightly to comfort her.

Zhang Lulu didn't seem to care about Fu Shitian's expression or reaction. She didn't break away from Fu Shitian's hand, nor did she look back at her. She just kept talking.


"I've told you before that my parents are both teachers, one is a junior high school teacher and the other is a high school teacher. They have been teaching and educating people all their lives and are respected by people. They have many students all over the world. So I have had a dream since I was a child, that is, to be a teacher like them. They also agreed and planned for me very early on, first to go to a good university, then to be admitted to graduate school, to study for a doctorate, and to stay in school. I have only thought of taking this path in my life. But you know, after the diversion, my grades are not outstanding, and I always rank last in every exam. I am definitely not going to be admitted to graduate school. I am afraid that I will not be able to get into a school better than Shenyang University, and I don't want to go to a school worse than Shenyang University. I just happened to see that Chen Hong's research group was recruiting, so I signed up. I thought that if I contacted the tutor in advance and joined the group in advance, maybe I could maximize my advantages. Unexpectedly, Chen Hong hinted to me not long after that it was not as difficult as I thought. He had a way. It all depended on whether I could perform well."

Chen Hong's so-called "being able to behave" meant accepting his sexual harassment and even having sex with him. Zhang Lulu couldn't do it and couldn't stand it.

She wanted to change her tutor, but Chen Hong would not allow it. If he did not allow it, no other tutor would be willing to accept her. She was forced to continue to follow him.

Chen Hong then became more aggressive, harassing her on WeChat from time to time, touching her when they were alone, and using threats and inducements to lure her.

That time when she bumped into Fu Shitian in the office corridor, Chen Hong was crazy. He suddenly hugged her in the office and wanted to kiss her. Zhang Lulu was scared to death and felt disgusted. She pushed him away and ran out of the door.

That night, Chen Hong came to see her again as if nothing had happened. Zhang Lulu asked him if he was not afraid of her screaming, calling the police, or reporting her.

Chen Hong said, "I just like you, want to love you, and be close to you. It won't make you suffer, so why bother? If it gets out, it won't look good on me, and it won't look good on you either, right?"

He relied on the fact that girls care about their reputation and future, so he was fearless. Zhang Lulu was sure that she was not the only victim, she was just a microcosm of many senior schoolmates who endured the humiliation in silence.

"But now, I can't stand it anymore. Si Tian, do you know? Now when I see the sweat hair on men's hands, I can't help but feel nauseous. My boyfriend hugged me from behind, I couldn't see his face, and he lowered his head to get close to me, and I would tremble unconsciously. When I thought about having to stay under him until next semester, or even do research with such a person for three years, I felt that the road ahead was dark. I was too scared. I started to feel anxious and started to suffer from insomnia.

, I couldn’t sleep all night, and my hair was falling out, but I couldn’t tell anyone.”

"Yesterday Chen Hong touched me again. I cried all the way back home for a long time. I cried to my parents and told them that I didn't want to study anymore."

"My mother couldn't persuade me and started crying too. She didn't know why I was crying, but she actually said, 'It doesn't matter, just don't study, and if you're really unhappy just go home. Mom and Dad will always support you.'"

"I hung up the phone and started packing, but as I packed, I became more and more sad and angry. Why? Why am I the one who has to leave? Why am I the one who is ruined? He is still fine. Why? I didn't do anything wrong. I am the victim."

Her accusations were tinged with tears, grinding against Fu Shitian's eardrums like pebbles. Fu Shitian felt so uncomfortable that his chest was stuffy, and he didn't know how to comfort her to make her feel better.

She could only clumsily stroke the back of her neck and comfort her from the bottom of her heart: "It's not your fault, it's not your fault..." This world is sometimes so strange. Those who do bad things are justified, but the victims have to worry about being frightened and even have to worry about being hurt twice by the cold words and rumors of others afterwards.

"So I figured it out. It's not my fault. If I don't have a good life, he won't have an easy life either." She said gritting her teeth, the veins on her arm bulging as she clutched the railing of the rooftop.

Just as Fu Shitian was about to answer, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

She took it out and the caller ID showed it was Shi Yi.

Zhang Lulu also saw it: "It should be to urge you to go back." She glanced at the sky: "Yes, it's getting dark, let's go down."

Fu Shitian picked up the phone, and Shi Yi asked, "Are you okay?"

Shi Yi must be worried about her. Fu Shitian said softly, "Well, let's go downstairs now."

Shi Yi felt relieved: "Okay."

"Let's go." Seeing Fu Shitian hang up the phone, Zhang Lulu turned around and walked towards the stairs.

Fu Shitian followed her, grabbed her schoolbag strap, and continued what he had just said: "Lulu, don't be impulsive and don't do stupid things."

Zhang Lulu gritted her teeth, her cheeks and masseter muscles bulged, and said, "I'm not impulsive. I want him to get the punishment he deserves."

"what are you up to?"

Zhang Lulu said: "I will write to the principal's mailbox and report him under my real name."

Fu Shitian opened her eyes wide, shocked by her courage. She stammered, unable to form the right words. Encourage her? She wanted to, but she also had many worries and concerns. It was easy to imagine how difficult it would be for an ant to shake a tree. She was afraid that Zhang Lulu would be hurt more in the process.

She asked her solemnly: "Do you want to?"

Zhang Lulu nodded: "I've been thinking about it for too long." After a pause, she fixed her eyes on Fu Shitian and asked: "What about you?"

"Will you help me report it?",,Website,... :