My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 105: Chapter 105


"Then... I'll ask her." Fu Shitian didn't want to think so complicated about Zhang Lulu, a poor victim. She convinced herself that she might be overthinking, but she still subconsciously helped Shi Yi to leave a way out first: "But she has been very busy recently, I'm not sure if it will be convenient for her."

Zhang Lulu knew that this was a difficult matter, so she knew her limits and was not impatient: "It doesn't matter. No matter what, you are willing to help me like this, I don't know how to thank you enough."

"You know, I am now..." She paused, "typing" was displayed for a long time, but what she sent was not the following text, but the hesitant "Anyway, thank you so much, thank you all."

Fu Shitian imagined what kind of helpless and sad words might follow the sentence "I am now", but she couldn't bear it and felt uneasy. She put down her phone, struggled again and again, and went back to the study to truthfully relay Zhang Lulu's request to Shi Yi.

Shi Yi was looking up the registration information for the summer camp for postgraduate study at Haicheng Mingda University. Hearing this, he looked up and asked her, "She immediately guessed that it was me who told you?"

Fu Shitian nodded.

Shi Yi frowned slightly, tapped the desk twice with his index finger unconsciously, and then agreed as if nothing had happened: "Okay, let's make an appointment and go over to talk to her together."

She agreed, and Fu Shitian's eyelashes trembled, and his face became solemn.

Shi Yi took his hand off the mouse, turned his computer chair, and faced her, smiling, "What's wrong? That expression."

Fu Shitian stared at her, bit his lip, and said in a bitter voice: "Shi Yi... To be honest, I have selfish motives."

Shi Yi looked at her, waiting for her next words.

Fu Shitian said: "Actually, I am very conflicted. I just secretly hoped that you would not agree to her. As for me personally, I am willing to help her, and I also feel that I should help her. I even have an obligation to help her. But I feel very uneasy and scared to involve you in this matter..."

"Shi Yi, I... I..." She was obviously very embarrassed, and her fingers on the table were clenched nervously.

Tenderness appeared in Shi Yi's eyes. He reached out for her hand, pulled her into his arms, and sat her on his lap, sitting face to face.

She put her hands on her waist, looked up at her, and smiled faintly: "I didn't realize that you have double standards." She shook her legs and teased her: "You can, but I can't?"

"You have a sense of justice and compassion, but I don't? Huh?"

Fu Shitian put his hands on her shoulders and said helplessly: "That's not what I meant. I..."

Before she could finish her words, Shi Yi tightened his grip on her waist, put his nose against hers, and gave her a peck kiss.

Fu Shitian was caught off guard, and his unfinished explanation was swallowed by Shi Yi between his lips.

Shi Yi only gave her a gentle chirp before letting her go, and chuckled at her dazed look with red ears. "Don't worry, it's okay, I know my limits." She lowered her voice to comfort her.

She didn't say anything specifically, but seeing Shi Yi's determined and calm eyes, Fu Shitian was inexplicably convinced. She put her hands on Shi Yi's shoulders and hugged Shi Yi's neck, and put her forehead against Shi Yi's forehead. After a while, she said, "Okay."

"But, Shi Yi, you are the most important." Justice, compassion, principles... are all important. If she doesn't help Zhang Lulu, she will definitely feel guilty for a very, very long time. However, all of these are no match for Shi Yi.

Shi Yi understood and agreed with her in a gentle voice: "Well, we will do what we can."


The next afternoon, there were no classes in the third and fourth periods, so they met with Zhang Lulu at a milk tea shop outside the school.

Shi Yi had almost no contact with Zhang Lulu. His only impression of her was that she was Fu Shitian's roommate in his freshman year. She was not very nice, a bit of a fence-sitter and gossiper, but she was still sunny. Two years later, when they had their first in-depth contact under such circumstances, Shi Yi keenly noticed that Zhang Lulu seemed to have changed. She looked like she was having a really bad time recently, and her spirit was very bad, but her eyes were firm, and she was much more stable and profound.

She looked at the intimacy between Shi Yi and Fu Shitian, and there was a kind of understanding in her eyes. She did not deliberately hide this meaning, but seemed to be very frank and wanted Shi Yi to know it.

Shi Yi felt very disgusted for a moment.

She is smart, but too smart.

But when he saw her methodically taking out the printed chat records and recorder from her schoolbag and heard her say, "I'm not doing this just for myself, don't worry. I'm not using you to gain benefits for myself. I'm not threatening the school by reporting him and getting compensation from the school. I want him to get the punishment he deserves so that there won't be any more victims like me in the future. Shen Da is a good school. All the students who come here have dreams. Everyone's life should not be tainted by this kind of garbage," Shi Yi was impressed by her courage and forgave her.

After she discussed with Zhang Lulu, the three of them preliminarily agreed that Zhang Lulu would submit a letter of complaint under her real name first, giving the school time to conduct an internal review. If the school could directly give a fair trial, it would be the best result, and Zhang Lulu would not have to expose herself to the public. If the school did nothing, they would submit the evidence to the police and seek external supervision from public opinion. Because there was no evidence of substantial physical harassment, the police estimated that at most they could get a public security management penalty, but if the case was expanded in the media, perhaps more victims could be found, leaving Chen Hong with nowhere to escape.

A series of big V accounts at Shenda were created by students from the first two classes of Shenda after the development of self-media in the past two years, including the Shenda Confession Wall where someone confessed to Fu Shitian. It gradually developed into a large scale and registered as a company, encompassing most of the self-media discourse power in Shencheng. Shi Yi and the founder of this company have known each other since childhood because of family reasons. Not only can he use her platform, but he can also use her connections to make this matter have a bigger platform.

In the whole plan, the only person who was fighting the frontal battle was Zhang Lulu herself, and what Shi Yi and Fu Shitian could provide her was private help. This protected Zhang Lulu's right to compromise and call a halt at any time, and also protected the safety of Shi Yi and Fu Shitian themselves.

Zhang Lulu expressed her understanding and said that she actually planned to do the same. After all, it was embarrassing to involve them in the first place, and there was no reason to let them bear the risk.

She seemed to be speaking sincerely, but considering her original intention of getting Fu Shitian to report it, and the vague threat of using their close relationship that had just been revealed, Shi Yi found it hard to believe her sincerity in saying "I'm sorry."

"Don't be embarrassed." Shi Yi looked at her with his chin in his hand, and curled his lips lightly: "I am willing to participate in this matter. I am not helping you, I just can't stand this kind of people."

"Otherwise, no matter how much you say, I won't do it if I don't want to."

Her tone was calm and meaningful, as if she understood something, and it went straight into Zhang Lulu's eyes. Zhang Lulu felt guilty, and instantly lowered her eyelids in panic, avoiding her gaze, and responded randomly, smiling awkwardly.

Shi Yi stopped there and looked away as if nothing had happened. He turned his head and asked Fu Shitian what he wanted to eat for dinner and whether he wanted to eat out.

Zhang Lulu quickly responded by saying that she would treat them.

Before Shi Yi could answer, Fu Shitian found an excuse and turned it down directly.

After leaving the milk tea shop together and walking separately, Fu Shitian and Shi Yi strolled on the sidewalk. Shi Yi teased her: "Why don't you have dinner with her?"

Fu Shitian shook the hand that was intertwined with Shi Yi's fingers and said sullenly, "I don't want to."

Shi Yi could tell that she was not in a good mood, so he lowered his eyes and was about to ask her something, when he heard her suddenly ask in a low voice: "Shi Yi, is she really plotting against me?"

Zhang Lulu's presence just now, her organized manner when talking to Shi Yi, and the fact that she never asked him to report or even help again, made her realize that Zhang Lulu might have already calculated that Shi Yi would get involved.

Shi Yi held her hand tighter and did not answer immediately.

Fu Shitian understood that her guess was right. She stopped and apologized self-reproachfully: "I'm sorry, Shi Yi, I'm too stupid..." Just like that, you were used as a gun by others and dragged into this.

Before she finished speaking, Shi Yi interrupted her: "It doesn't matter."

"It's true that I wanted to help her. If she came to me directly, I would have helped her too."

She said: "We can't expect every victim to be perfect, nor should we blame a victim for wanting help so badly. So, really, it doesn't matter."

Her face was cool and beautiful, and her eyes were clear and transparent, as if they could reflect all the most beautiful things in the world. Fu Shitian saw the little self in her pupils, and the bright starry sky that was always in her eyes, and suddenly felt that he was so small and dirty.

She murmured: "Shi Yi... you are so nice."

Shi Yi raised his eyebrows and teased her deliberately: "You just found out today?"

Fu Shitian's eyes shone and she smiled in agreement. She quietly held Shi Yi's hand tightly, as if this would give her a greater sense of security.

But the sense of security did not come to her as she had hoped. From then on, she never relaxed again.

The next day after the conversation, Zhang Lulu put a real-name complaint letter into the principal's mailbox. Three days later, the school responded quickly, summoned Zhang Lulu, asked her about the situation, and took away relevant evidence, asking her not to make it public, and the school would definitely investigate it seriously.

But after that day, apart from the text messages Chen Hong sent her, complaining that she had made things too ugly, threatening her that if the matter got out of hand, it would be disastrous for everyone, and tempting her to do something in order for her to settle the matter privately, there was no further follow-up on the school's investigation.

Zhang Lulu waited for a week, but couldn't wait any longer. She went to the office to find the relevant teachers several times. At first, they responded in a very good manner and asked them to wait a little longer. Half a month later, they told her that Chen Hong had been suspended and the matter was closed. Zhang Lulu and Shi Yi both felt that something was wrong. If there was a disciplinary action, why was there no announcement of the disciplinary action? Moreover, if it was just a suspension, would he be able to return to his post after they graduated and the matter was over, and continue to poison the freshmen? But when Zhang Lulu asked again, they started to speak in official language, saying that the announcement was not made for her and the school's reputation. Subsequent disciplinary procedures must also be followed level by level, which takes time.

Zhang Lulu expressed her disagreement with the outcome and demanded that the school give a more fair, objective and effective outcome. The school began to shirk responsibility and sent her to the counselor to do ideological work on her.

The counselor advised her with difficulty: "Lulu, forget it." He pushed a letter of recommendation in front of her.

This move indirectly proves the school's intention to protect Chen Hong.

"Enrollment is imminent, and it would be bad if word got out. The school will also have its own difficulties."

Zhang Lulu was disappointed.

She rejected the recommendation letter for admission to graduate school and told her counselor that if the school could not give her a satisfactory result, she would go her own way.

She lay in the dormitory for the whole day. She was tired physically and mentally. She didn't know why she was stuck in such a quagmire when everyone else was rushing towards their future.

It's not that I didn't hesitate whether to just let it go.

The mother called and cried.

The counselor notified the parents and asked them to persuade her not to act on impulse.

This action completely ignited Zhang Lulu's anger. She didn't know how the school had the nerve to tell the victim's parents about this matter, and took advantage of the parents' fear that their children would be hurt more, intending to get the parents to put pressure on the victimized students.

Zhang Lulu was angry.

Is it because Chen Hong has such an inactive backer that he has dared to act so recklessly over the years?! Have there been victims like her who have been forced to give in over the years, so there are more and more next ones, until it is her turn

Zhang Lulu contacted Shi Yi and asked her to handle the situation in the worst-case scenario.

Shi Yi acted quickly. Before Zhang Lulu's parents wanted to forcibly take her home to relax, he exposed the news of sexual harassment by Shen Da's Chen Hong to the entire Internet and said that he had reported it to the school.

It immediately caused an uproar, attracted the attention of the entire network, and was widely circulated both inside and outside the campus.

That night, the official platform of Shenda University immediately issued a notice, stating that the school attached great importance to the incident and immediately set up an investigation team to investigate. Immediately afterwards, all colleges and classes received a notice, requiring students in all classes not to spread false rumors privately or participate in online discussions before the matter was clarified.

The next day, Zhang Lulu persuaded her parents and went to the police station to report the case accompanied by her parents.

Shi Yi closely followed the trends of public opinion on the Internet and asked his senior's company to pay more attention to it.

Fu Shitian didn't show it on his face. While writing and reviewing manuscripts with Shi Yi, he felt very uneasy and woke from his dreams several times at night.

Although the probability is very small, she is still worried that the school might know who is behind the incident.

If possible, she would rather she be the one to make all the connections. But that was not possible, because all the connections were sold for Shi Yi's sake.

She felt like every day was a year, and she was looking forward to the dust settling down and the school issuing an announcement on the punishment of Chen Hong.

But on the third day, before the disciplinary notice for Chen Hong arrived, the counselor's call to summon Shi Yi came first.