My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 111: Chapter 111


On the first night after moving into the small rental house, neither of them slept well.

The wooden bed was too hard. Even with a soft cotton mattress, Shi Yi still felt his back and elbows were being poked. But that was not the point.

The point is, they never came here late at night when they rented the house.

Late at night, the Student Street lost the hustle and bustle of the day and became silent. All noises that were different from it suddenly seemed out of place and extremely harsh.

Shi Yi had never known that the soundproofing of a room could be so bad—it seemed like someone was still watching TV next door, there seemed to be people walking in the corridor, and the cursing of a drunk passing by downstairs seemed to be right outside their window.

In the darkness, every approaching footsteps and the metallic clinking sound of the key inserted into the hole could make Shi Yi nervous and his heart beat faster.

It's like opening their door.

She couldn't help but ask Fu Shitian: "Is our door locked?"

Fu Shitian replied softly: "It's locked. I checked it before turning off the light."

Shi Yi's eyelashes trembled and she said, "Okay."

"Otherwise I'll check it again." Fu Shitian said as he was about to sit up.

Shi Yi refused, pressed her body down, looked at her in the dim light of the night lamp, smiled and said, "No need." She put her hand over her eyes, as if to coax her, "Then go to sleep, you have early classes tomorrow."

Fu Shitian pulled her hand down, held it in his palm, and wanted to say something. Looking at her nonchalant face, he could only say softly, "Okay."

Shi Yi leaned in and kissed her cheek, then closed his eyes, as if he was concentrating on falling asleep.

Fu Shitian looked at her for two seconds, then closed his eyes and listened quietly to her breathing.

Shi Yi hadn't fallen asleep. Fu Shitian was too familiar with her deep sleep. On many nights when she was awakened by nightmares, she would slowly find peace and security by listening attentively to her breathing, and then fall asleep again. When Shi Yi was asleep, her breathing was very light and even, and it was almost inaudible if you didn't listen carefully.

But that night, whenever there was a noise outside the door, her breathing would suddenly become heavier and slower.

Fu Shitian's heart was tightened little by little by the sound of her breathing.

"Shi Yi..." She finally spoke impatiently.

Shi Yi's breathing disappeared in an instant.

She closed her eyes, remained motionless, held her breath for two seconds, and then began to breathe slowly and seemingly normally.

Shi Yi didn't want her to know that she was still awake. Fu Shitian understood, and her vision was blurred by the mist. She closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and adjusted her mood, and continued to ask naturally: "Are you asleep?"

The sound that answered her was Shi Yi's even breathing.

Fu Shitian pretended that he hadn't noticed anything. He tiptoed to sit up, went to the bathroom, then lay down, hugged Shi Yi's hand, and closed his eyes again.

After a long, long time, the moon outside the window had fallen to a position where it could no longer be seen. Shi Yi carefully pulled his hand out of Fu Shitian's, got out of bed quietly, turned on the flashlight function on his mobile phone, and checked the door lock again.

The door was indeed closed and locked.

Those door opening sounds were definitely not their doors.

She turned off the flashlight, took a deep breath, and sat back on the bed.

Under the light of the night lamp, Fu Shitian frowned slightly and slept adorably. Shi Yi's eyes softened, he reached out and gently stroked her eyebrows, then leaned against her arm and lay down on his side.

This time, she relaxed her nerves, and finally fell asleep due to the fatigue.

Fu Shitian opened his eyes and stared at her, staying awake all night.

After class on the second afternoon, Shi Yi's graduation thesis group was going to hold its first small meeting in the teaching building of the School of Finance, and Shi Yi could go there with his classmates. Fu Shitian found an excuse and went back on his own.

After reporting to the landlord, she followed the navigation to a hardware market a few blocks away and bought two sets of anti-theft chains and a large iron rod. After returning to the rental house, she put the large iron rod next to the bed where she could easily get it, and then went downstairs to borrow a punch from the landlord. She followed the instructions and installed the two sets of anti-theft chains behind the door.

When Shi Yi came back, Fu Shitian was about to go out with a hole puncher.

"What is this? What are you going to do?" Shi Yi stared at the machine in her hand.

Fu Shitian shook the puncher and said with a smile, "I borrowed this machine for punching holes in the wall from the landlady. I installed an anti-theft chain on our door. Take a look. I'll take it down and return it to her first. I'll come back and talk to you."

What anti-hotlink? Before Shi Yi could react, Fu Shitian came downstairs with a hole puncher in his hand.

When she came back, Shi Yi was still standing by the door, touching the screws of the anti-theft chain in a daze.

As soon as she looked up and saw Fu Shitian, she showed an obvious smile, with undisguised admiration in her eyes: "How come you know everything?" A few days ago, Fu Shitian had changed the light bulb and the water pipe of the laundry basin.

Fu Shitian's heart was moved by her gaze. He stepped into the house and said embarrassedly, "I saw my family members use it, so I know a little bit. I just tried it, but I didn't expect it to work."

Shi Yi hugged her, resting his chin on the back of her head, his heart as soft as water: "That's enough."

Her baby.

She thought they could get a good night's sleep tonight.

But things did not go as planned. That night, Shi Yi broke out in a rash all over his body.

The rash appeared little by little, at first only on the arm, Shi Yi thought it was a mosquito bite, but after a while, her body began to itch more and more, so she had to stop what she was doing and go to the bathroom to take a shower. When she took off her clothes, she found that the rash had spread all over her body.

She didn't take a shower, but put on her clothes and went out of the room.

Fu Shitian was writing her thesis proposal on a small table on the bed. When asked curiously what happened, she said vaguely, "I forgot to bring something in." As she spoke, she walked to the desk where they kept the medicines and pulled out the drawer.

I searched the drawer but couldn't find any allergy medicine.

Fu Shitian had already noticed her strangeness, and walked behind her worriedly and asked again: "What's wrong?"

Shi Yi had no choice but to tell her: "I think I'm allergic." She pulled down her collar a little, revealing patches of red rashes.

Pieces and clumps, red and ferocious. Fu Shitian stood up suddenly, his face pale: "How could this happen?!"

She jumped off the bed, lifted up Shi Yi's clothes, and saw that her stomach and back were covered with rashes. Her voice trembled, "Let's go to the hospital."

She turned to get her wallet.

Shi Yi held her wrist and calmly comforted her: "No, it's okay, just take some allergy medicine, it could be rubella."

Fu Shitian couldn't be relieved, so he pulled her hand and was about to walk out: "No, let's go check it out. The hospital is not closed yet, so we should be able to draw blood for a test."

Shi Yi didn't want to waste money.

She lied to her, "It's past eight o'clock, the blood collection office must be closed. Go downstairs and buy me a box of allergy medicine, the symptoms will go away after taking it. If it's rash, it would be bad to go out in the wind."

Fu Shitian was skeptical, but seeing Shi Yi was stubborn, he had to compromise: "Okay, I'll go down and buy it. Wait for me, I'll be back soon."

Shi Yi endured the itch and reminded her, "Don't be anxious, pay attention to the road." Fortunately, it was not too late and there were still many people on the street, so she was not too worried.

Fu Shitian didn't listen. He slammed the door in his slippers and ran downstairs.

Along the way, all kinds of negative emotions once again filled Fu Shitian's chest. Fu Shitian clenched his fists and tried to put it all behind him.

She convinced herself it was an accident.

She bought the medicine as quickly as possible and watched Shi Yi take it. Then, she was restless all night and couldn't sleep as she watched over Shi Yi.

Fortunately, by the second half of the night, the rash had faded away little by little, leaving only patches of red marks, which should disappear in a few days.

Shi Yi hugged her and said, "Look, everything is fine. Go to sleep."

She still couldn't completely let go of her worry, but she still responded with a hoarse "hmm" to coax Shi Yi into relaxing and getting a short sleep before dawn.

On the second and third days, Shi Yi took the medicine and the rash completely subsided, even the red marks were disappearing.

On the fourth day, Shi Yi stopped taking the medicine.

That afternoon, the nightmarish rash came back again.

Fu Shitian refused to let Shi Yi take medicine to get by this time. The two went to the hospital to have blood tests to check for allergies.

The next day, the report came out, showing that Shi Yi was allergic to dust mites.

Shi Yi comforted her that it might be because when she went to have a meeting with her tutor these days, she passed by the construction site of the Finance Department and there was too much dust.

But Fu Shitian already had the answer in his mind. The problem that had not been discovered for so many years appeared after one day of living in the small rental house. It was self-evident where the allergen was.

She tried very hard to clear her mind of useless self-blame and guilt. She discussed with Shi Yi: "Let's move to a new apartment in the community."

Shi Yi reminded her: "We paid three months' rent and one month's deposit."

Fu Shitian said, "It doesn't matter. We can sublet the place, and at most we won't get our deposit back."

Shi Yi refused: "Let's clean the house again, lift up the bed, and replace the curtains with new ones."

If you change to a residential apartment, you will not only have to pay one month's deposit, but also the subsequent expensive rent. How can it really not matter if you pay more than half the price for one month

The part-time job that Fu Shitian had done before as a translator was not doing well and had closed down. The part-time jobs she found later were all tutoring. Even though Shi Yi took a part-time job as a long-term contributor for a senior's self-media despite opposition, Fu Shitian still did not relax at all. During the summer vacation, she had to go out for part-time work six out of seven nights a week. Changing houses again would push Fu Shitian to a certain extent.

Shi Yi couldn't do it.

Fu Shitian wanted to struggle, but Shi Yi was very persistent, with a stern face, not giving in at all. Fu Shitian had no choice but to agree.

She replaced the old curtains and cleaned the rental house from inside to outside, leaving out no corner she could touch. She had to clean a palm-sized area twice a day to feel at ease.

Fortunately, when Fu Shitian stopped taking the medicine, Shi Yi's rash recurred. Slowly, just when Fu Shitian was about to lose hope, Shi Yi got better and stopped taking the medicine, and the rash disappeared completely.

Fu Shitian felt relieved that his life was finally back on track.

Compared to the past, life is obviously still not easy, but being happy doesn't seem so difficult either.

During the summer vacation, she interned at a large foreign company during the day, and after dinner at night, she went from house to house to tutor students. The rush was exhausting, but every evening, when she was sweating and hungry as she walked through the fragrant alleys along the street, she opened the door and saw Shi Yi standing in front of the stove, and she asked, "You're back?" As the smell of food wafted in, all her fatigue would disappear in an instant.

Shi Yi’s cooking skills were still not very good. The only dishes he could make were the occasional undercooked rice, the occasional porridge as thick as dry rice, the occasional tomato scrambled eggs with egg shells, and the clams that were always covered with sand…

But Fu Shitian thinks that these are the most delicious dishes in the world.

She only agreed to let Shi Yi cook the evening meal. She would get up early in the morning to cook breakfast and lunch, eat breakfast, and cook one dish and one soup for Shi Yi at a set time. If Shi Yi cooked well in the evening, Fu Shitian would have a meal when he got home. If he was slow, Fu Shitian would come home and she would take over the cooking. The kitchen built on the small balcony was almost the place where they had the most happiness, except for the bed.

Fu Shitian became more and more certain that cooking was something that could make people happy.

In mid-July, Typhoon No. 18 hit and made landfall next to Shanghai at night.

At around 10 o'clock that evening, the wind and rain were raging outside the window, and the whole world seemed to be shaking in this storm. The power suddenly went out in the rental house, and there was no light in the entire area outside the window.

The house had poor sound insulation, and Fu Shitian and Shi Yi could hear the wailing and cursing coming from outside.

It's summer, and not only am I forced to close the windows, but there's no air conditioning or electric fans. It's so hot that I'm going to die.

Fu Shitian and Shi Yi were also hot, but listening to their pathetic and funny cursing, they inexplicably wanted to laugh.

Shi Yi found the starry sky projector in the dark, and Fu Shitian got out of bed and found two pieces of cardboard and stacked them together to use as a fan.

Listen to the roaring wind and rain outside the window, and enjoy the vast stars inside the house.

Apart from being too hot to sleep, there was nothing wrong with it.

The two chatted for a long time, and Fu Shitian suggested: "How about we play a story chain game?"

"How to play?" Shi Yi asked casually.

"I'll say one sentence, and you'll follow up with another, and see what kind of story we can piece together in the end."


Fu Shitian stared at the twinkling stars on the roof and said, "Once upon a time, there was a little rabbit."

Shi Yi replied: "It's too hot. I can't sleep."

Fu Shitian couldn't help but started laughing: "So she went out and took a walk under the stars."

Shi Yi said calmly: "As she was walking, she decided to take off her hair."

Fu Shitian exclaimed, "Ah?"

Shi Yi glanced at her, curled his lips slightly, and continued calmly: "So she became a little bald man."

Fu Shitian had a very low sense of laughter, and suddenly he laughed like a fool, and while laughing he complained: "Is this a bad joke?"

Shi Yi looked at her beautiful smiling eyes and said, "It can reduce the temperature."

Fu Shitian laughed again and muttered, "No, this is not romantic. I want to hear a fairy tale."

Shi Yi looked at her bright eyes, rosy lips, and dimples, and his heart was itching.

She was silent for a moment and said, "Then I'll change it. As the little rabbit walked, its fur fell off and it became two little rabbits."

Fu Shitian was puzzled: "Why did they become two little rabbits after the fur was shed?"

Shi Yi didn't say anything, but just put his hand into her nightgown and touched her little rabbit.

"..." Fu Shitian trembled all over, blushed, and stammered: "Shi Yi... you... you hooligan..."

Shi Yi raised his eyebrows in curiosity, did not argue, lifted up her clothes, and kissed her with a smile.

Fu Shitian curled up his toes and bit his lips, unable to utter anything except humming.

The soundproofing here is not good, but Shi Yi seems to be more interested and likes to tease her more wantonly, watching her want to make a sound but cannot, and her eyes full of tears and her eyelashes wet with tears.

A long time later, when the wind and rain subsided, they were like two fish caught from the sea, soaking wet, basking in the starlight on the beach.

Fu Shitian rested his head on her forearm, tilted his head to face her, and asked her in a shy voice: "Aren't you going to tell me a fairy tale?"

Shi Yi wiped the water marks on her eyelashes and said confidently: "We are talking about fairy tales."

"Two little rabbits met two other little rabbits. They liked each other very much, so they jumped into the cool galaxy together and turned into two happy fish."

"Then what?"

"And then they swam through the stars and lived happily ever after."

Fu Shitian smiled sweetly. "Is this the end?"

Shi Yi said: "No. A happy story has no ending."

"As long as they are together, happiness will be endless.",,Website,... :