My Heart Beats For You

Chapter 128: Chapter 128


For the entire next week, Shi Yi never ordered takeout from Nanyuan Restaurant again.

Slowly, starting with assistant Qiao Man, everyone in the company noticed that Shi Yi was in a bad mood and had a very low mood recently. Although Shi Yi always kept her public and private life separate and was easy-going, and was not the kind of leader who would take out her anger on her subordinates at will, due to her aura, her cold and smiling face was enough to make people feel stressed.

Everyone tried to be as careful as possible, avoiding mistakes as much as possible, for fear of making Mr. Shi unhappy. Except for one person—Jin Mingruo, the young Mr. Jin, who was not affected at all.

She has recently fallen in love with Sichuan cuisine, but can't find a dining partner that suits her, so every day when she sees Shi Yi she starts to persuade her, as if she would have wasted her life if she didn't try Sichuan cuisine once this summer.

Shi Yi couldn't stand her nagging, and after eating Sichuan hotpot with her once, he never talked to her again. Eating hotpot in the dog days of summer, especially super spicy hotpot, she didn't know what was wrong with Jin Mingruo.

Jin Mingruo's stomach probably didn't know. After being served with throat-scalding chili peppers for a week, it finally protested.

At around two o'clock in the middle of the night, Jin Mingruo was awakened by the pain. He vomited and had diarrhea. After taking gastrointestinal medicine, the pain did not get better until around five o'clock. As soon as he lay down, he fell asleep with his head touching the pillow.

She slept until about four in the afternoon, when she was woken up by a call from Shi Yi.

"Didn't you say you were going to a meeting this afternoon? Where are you?"

Jin Mingruo felt dizzy and his stomach was still aching: "What time is it? I'll go over now."

The voice was weak and powerless.

Shi Yi frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

Jin Mingruo didn't even have the strength to stand up. He turned over and pressed his stomach to feel better. He wanted to cry but couldn't: "Shi Yi, the chili pepper killed me."

Shi Yi: “…”

After asking about Jin Mingruo's condition, Shi Yi suspected that she had acute gastroenteritis.

Jin Mingruo has been alone in Haicheng for the past few years. She has friends all over the city, and her boyfriend changes every now and then. The only person she is really close to is Shi Yi. Shi Yi is angry and amused. She scolds her, "You deserve it", but still says goodbye to Qiao Man, takes her bag and leaves the company, and takes her to the hospital for emergency treatment.

During the consultation, the doctor learned that Jin Mingruo had a history of chronic gastritis and suggested that she undergo a gastroscopy. Although she is young, it is still necessary to have regular checkups every one or two years.

Jin Mingruo had once undergone a gastroscopy when he was young and ignorant, and felt uncomfortable for several days. Now, when he heard that he was going to have a gastroscopy, he immediately shook his head like the wave.

But Shi Yi felt that the doctor was right. Besides, Jin Mingruo's work and rest and eating habits were really terrible. When she went to Jin Mingruo's house to pay New Year's greetings during the Spring Festival, Jin Mingruo's grandfather also specifically told her to help him remind Jin Mingruo more in Haicheng, saying that Jin Mingruo's stomach was not very good, he was greedy, and he couldn't control himself. He had been sick before when he was abroad, which made him very worried.

Before, due to the sense of propriety between friends, Jin Mingruo ate and drank excessively. She had advised her twice, but Jin Mingruo didn't listen, so she just let her do what she wanted. Now seeing how upset she was, Shi Yi felt a little regretful.

"Let's do it." Shi Yi said.

Jin Mingruo's whole body was filled with resistance: "No need. It's okay, I just ate too much spicy food recently and was stimulated for a moment."

Shi Yi was unmoved: "Then I will report the truth when I receive a call from your grandfather again."

Jin Mingruo took a breath of cold air: "..."

If her grandfather knew about this, her free and easy days in Haicheng would be over. "Okay, okay, just do it. What's the big deal?" Jin Mingruo was flexible.

Shi Yi did not give her a chance to regret and immediately signaled to the doctor: "Then write a gastroscopy order. Can you make an appointment today?"

Jin Mingruo: “…”

Doctor: "I don't know. I'll know after I make an appointment."

Shi Yi asked Jin Mingruo to go with the nurse to get the medicine and the IV drip, and he went to the examination hall to make an appointment for her.

It was too late, and there were no appointments available for today and tomorrow. After asking Jin Mingruo for her opinion, Shi Yi made an appointment for her on the morning of the third day.

Three days later in the morning, Shi Yi personally escorted Jin Mingruo to the hospital for a gastroscopy.

The journey took 20 minutes, and the bus was scheduled from 9:00 to 9:30, so Shi Yi and Jin Mingruo set out at 8:15, leaving plenty of time. Unexpectedly, halfway through the journey, there was an accident on the viaduct, causing a traffic jam.

I could neither go forward nor backward. The viaduct, which was supposed to take five minutes to reach, took me twenty minutes to get down at a snail's pace. By the time I arrived at the hospital, it was already 9:10.

Without bothering to find a parking space, Shi Yi parked the car at the entrance of the outpatient department and asked Jin Mingruo to go to the examination hall to reconfirm the appointment. Five minutes later, she found a parking space, parked the car, and walked to the examination hall calmly.

The endoscopy waiting area is on the first floor of the hall, and the gastroscopy area is on the far right. Shi Yi walked a few steps over there and habitually checked the LED display on the wall.

The name of the patient visiting gastroscopy 1 on the display screen is not Jin Mingruo. Jin Mingruo is the patient waiting below him, and below that is the patient visiting gastroscopy 2 clinic.

Shi Yi glanced over and was about to look for Jin Mingruo, but the moment he was about to look away, he suddenly raised his head and looked carefully at the name of the patient in Gastroscopy 2 again.


Shi Yi’s breathing stopped.

Jin Mingruo saw her at the entrance of the corridor and called her: "Shi Yi, here..."

Shi Yi turned back to look at her with difficulty and walked over absent-mindedly.

Is it her

What's up with her

Although he had decided to let her go and let himself go, his mind was still out of control. Shi Yi's mind was filled with the three small scars on Fu Shitian's waist and abdomen and her thinner body after she took off her clothes.

God knows why she still checked it these days.

The information on the screen all indicated that gallbladder removal would have a certain impact on the stomach. Fu Shitian's digestion was not very good to begin with... Shi Yi's brows unconsciously sank.

Jin Mingruo had already drunk the anesthetic, holding up the empty bottle and complaining: "It tastes so bad."

Shi Yi answered her casually: "Yeah."

Jin Mingruo didn't notice and took her to the examination room while saying, "By the way, guess who I just met?"

Shi Yi curled his knuckles slightly and asked in a tense voice, "Who?"

Jin Mingruo said: "Boss Fu, your old classmate. She is also here to do a gastroscopy. She is in the clinic in front. She has been in for a few minutes and should be out soon..."

As she spoke, her eyes fell on a young woman sitting upright on a bench outside the clinic. The woman was wearing blue jeans and a slim-fitting off-shoulder short-sleeved shirt. She had a fair complexion and was not very pretty, but she had a good figure, with flat shoulders, a thin waist and long legs. People passing by would not help but secretly praise her appearance.

"That's Boss Fu's sister. Have you seen her?" Jin Mingruo moved closer to Shi Yi and lowered his voice.

Shi Yi shook her head. She only knew that Fu Shitian had a younger sister, one year younger than her, whose nickname was Xiaoyu

Jin Mingruo turned his eyes away, walked as if naturally, and said in a whisper that only the two of them could hear: "I think she seems to have some difficulty walking."

Shi Yi was stunned for a moment, and unconsciously shifted his gaze slightly to look at the woman again.

Unexpectedly, at some point, the young woman also noticed them and was crossing the short aisle, looking at Shi Yi calmly.

Shi Yi accidentally caught her gaze and was stunned for a moment. Before he could think about it, the door of the clinic opposite the woman opened, and a slim and graceful woman with long curly hair walked out, holding her chest and holding the door.

The woman who was sitting quickly stood up and walked over, wanting to help Fu Shitian.

Fu Shitian forced a smile, shook his hand, not wanting her to help him, and took two more steps outside.

She looked very uncomfortable, she walked unsteadily, her shoulders slightly hunched, and there was no trace of blood on her lips that were trying to raise.

Jin Mingruo ran over enthusiastically, came to Fu Shitian and helped her.

Fu Shitian seemed to have noticed something and turned his face away. His watery eyes, which were unable to hide his discomfort, suddenly met Shi Yi's eyes.

Shi Yi nailed himself to the spot.

But the heart is connected to the blood, and it caused a sharp wave of pain throughout the body.

The author has something to say: It’s a bit short, I just reached a breakpoint in my writing, and I don’t want my little cuties to wait for another day, so I’ll just keep it short and post it.

Let me tell you something that Shi Yi may never tell Fu Shitian in this lifetime.

Shi Yi was living in a rented house and had allergies. She couldn't find the allergen and never really recovered. But she didn't want Fu Shitian to worry and be sad, so after the second relapse after stopping the medication, she secretly took the medicine. After that day, she put the allergy medicine in a small iron box of mint candies and put it in her schoolbag. She took the medicine once a day in the library and relied on it to suppress the allergy. ,,网址,... :